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  • 上海-浦东新区 | 2年以上 | 高中



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 免费工作餐
    • 带薪病假
    • 工会福利
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    岗位职责 负责当值期间领导前台接待做好各种接待工作,提供一致高效的服务。 1. 督促管理当值期间前台接待工作,确保提供优质高效的服务; 2. 采取必要行动,及时有效的处理顾客的不满,并汇报上级;  3. 确保VIP客人的个性化服务; 4. 按照客人的预定或喜好安排房间,并做详细目录管理; 5. 确保宾客档案信息及时录入公安申报系统; 6. 确保前台的日常管理,包括但不局限于工作的监督,房间分配,报告,信用额度核对,电脑数据备份及主帐的核对等; 7. 严格遵守现金收付手续,确保所有收银员的现金帐目准确无误,收支平衡; 8. 收取现金、信用卡、代金券、公司或第三方付费等服务时要严格遵守酒店规定; 9. 确保所有帐单消费的精准性,为客人提供高效快捷的结帐服务; 10. 完成上级交办的其他工作。 任职要求 1. 高中及以上学历; 2. 两至三年高星级酒店相关工作经验者优先; 3. 能快速有效的运用前台操作系统; 4. 擅长于处理宾客关系,能快速有效的应对各种问题。
  • 前台主管

    上海-青浦区 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-25
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    岗位职责 1、负责酒店前台的接待和管理工作,熟知前厅服务设施的功能,处于完好状态。 2、进行有关的市场计划分析制定部门工作计划,完成工作报告。 3、使客房达到最高出租率,获取最佳的客房收入。 4、督导下属部门主管,委派工作任务,明确岗位责任,随时调整工作部署。 5、保持良好的客际关系,能独立有效地处理宾客投诉。 6、协助酒店与更高一级领导处理突发事件。 岗位要求 1、专科以上学历,有同岗位工作经验3年以上。 2、熟悉酒店前厅的经营管理工作,具有较强的工作责任感和敬业精神。 3、督导前台各分部员工服务质量标准、操作流程标准并对前厅部各项工作实施全面监管。 4、有效贯彻、落实并完成部门制订的每月工作计划。 5、全面掌握前台收银方面的财务基础知识,能处理日常服务环节中所涉及到的财务方面的问题。
  • 前台主管

    上海-浦东新区 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 双休
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-23
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    1、直接向前厅部经理汇报并就所有与宾客服务及酒店运作相关的问题进行沟通 2、向所有部门提供功能性支持和指导 3、按需要与酒店其它部门进行合作、协调和沟通 4、对各种状况做出反应,以确保来宾被及时地礼貌接待并得到充分的注意和重视 5、就客人的需求做出反应并解决相关问题 6、在高峰期向前厅部工作人员和其它所有部门提供支持和协助 7、保证贵宾和会员受到特别关照 8、协助迎接客人,安排客人到房间并送重要客人的送行。 9、定期检查本部门的清洁状况 10、监督员工的行为、制服穿着、卫生和外表形象
  • 前厅主管

    上海 | 3年以上 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 领导好
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 人性化管理
    • 岗位晋升
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 04-22
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    岗位职责: 1. 负责为顾客办理入住、退房手续维护好前台电脑系统, 2. 培养新人,督导员工进行正确操作; 3. 负责前台当值员工日常礼仪监督工作; 4. 协助对宾客服务质量进行管理和控制; 5. 与宾客保持沟通,热情周到的对客服务 6. 协助前台经理对前台设施设备进行管理和控制,定期盘点; 7. 处理客人投诉及意外事件,协助各类证照的申请; 8. 配合财务部,及时完成费用的收取及催帐等工作; 9.完成上级领导交办的其他工作。 岗位要求: 1. 40岁以下,中专以上学历; 2. 有3年以上酒店或长租公寓同岗位工作经验; 3. 熟悉电脑操作及酒店预定、报表系统; 4. 良好的沟通能力,较好的团队协作。
  • 客服主管

    上海-静安区 | 3年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 带薪年假
    • 午餐补贴
    • 领导好
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 年底双薪
    • 节日暖心慰问
    服务式公寓 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-22
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    SUMMARY概述:      履行客服主管的工作职能。参与/进行客服岗培训、工作指导,履行工作制度,以确保工作履行达到工作标准执行最优化;提高客户服务水平以达到客户满意度最优化。 DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES 职责: 1.  监督日常工作,确保每一位客服人员工作称职并有效。 2.  协同客房部、工程部做好入住登记以及结账工作并通知客房部。 3.  报告客人的主要建议以及反馈信息。 4.  协调相关部门,处理解决客人提出的各类诉求,跟进回访并登记各事项处理状态及完成结果,必要时为投诉客人安排礼物。 5.  协助客服经理做好对客服人员的培训及工作指导,特别是做好PMS应急培训、消防安全培训、安全作业指引培训等,在职责范围内协助客服人员解决问题。 6.  检查入住前房态,确保做好其他相关准备工作,为客人作入住登记。 7.  确保遵守公寓的规章制度及工作标准/流程,并遵守员工手册中的各项规定。 8.  随时听从及完成上级管理层的提出的其他指示或工作任务。 9.  确保跟进记录本中每一个班次的问题,并在电脑系统中记录解决方法。 10. 确保客服备用金使用合法、每一班次清点数额正确并做好相关记录。。 11. 完成上级或部门交办的其他各项工作。 QUALIFICATION 任职资格: 1.  具备大专或以上学历,酒店管理或相关专业。 2.  具备客服主管工作经验,至少三年以上酒店工作经验,熟悉运作部门的服务标准。 3.  乐于助人,诚实守信,有亲和力,具备良好的沟通技能和客诉处理技巧。 4.  能熟练运用公寓运营管理操作系统。 5.  中、英文沟通技能良好。 6.  能熟练运用Word,Excel等办公软件。 7.  具有良好的服务意识和团队协作精神。
  • 上海-浦东新区 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-29
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    作为高级管家,在酒店既定政策和程序的限制下,为管家团队提供特殊的支持,并为我们的客人提供服务,维护他们的隐私、保密,并确保随时满足已知的喜好。需要有高度的预期。确保客人满意并记录部门员工的工作表现。 为客人提供及时、准确和礼貌的服务,确保楼层在他/她的控制下高效运行,以保持最高标准的管家服务,并在员工士气高涨的氛围中最大化客人的满意度和组织盈利能力。提供全新、专业、贴心的服务,成为中国市场的领导者,为市场树立新的标准。 协助主管助理确保部门标准工作正常进行。并直接为高级VIP服务。
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供吃



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 人性化管理
    • 节日礼物
    • 帅哥多
    其他 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-11
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    工作地点:外滩源 - 负责门店客户到店专业接待,电话咨询和预约记录、接待工作; - 根据时机客流和客户要求,与内部充分沟通、准备,力求为客户提供高质量的到店服务体验; - 满足客户服务目标,提供专业服务指导和优质服务体验,提升客户满意度; -负责门店客户服务信息录入、开单、收银等工作,确保收银及时、准确、资金安全; -负责前台区域环境卫生整洁,保证设备安全运作,确保门店整体环境舒适、整洁。 工作要求: 1、普通话标准,能顺畅沟通,态度亲切和蔼,有感染力; 2、具备计算机通用软件使用能力,了解财务基本常识; 3、沟通协调能力,灵活的学习能力。个性开朗积极,为人有亲和力。善于准确表达。 4、年龄和性别不限,28-40岁者皆可。外形端庄、大方、有自信,谈吐得体,做事认真踏实。 5、过往有从事过服务型行业且服务过高端客户群体者优先考虑。
  • 上海-闵行区 | 3年以上 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 技能培训
    • 节日礼物
    • 希尔顿员工价
    • 英语培训
    • 团队建设
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-06
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    Communicates clearly and effectively written and oral communication to provide clear direction to staff. Observes staff performance and encourages employee and identify and encourage improvement. Interviews, selects, trains, supervises, evaluates, counsels, and administers disciplinary procedures for Executive Lounge staff. Monitor Executive Lounge traffic and work with the executive team to forecast needs and make staffing adjustments. 与员工有效的沟通,提供明确指示,关注员工的表现并给予激励。依相关程序面试,挑选,培训,督导,评估,管理前厅部所有员工。维持行政楼层的秩序,根据需求进行人员调配。 Reviews VIP reservations and ensure proper handling of VIPs and groups, administer amenity orders, and resumes for incoming guests. Updates system by inputting inventory and non-inventory groups. Monitors special reservation requests handling and overseeing rate changes of in-house guests. 关注VIP及有特殊要求的预订,及时更新系统相关信息,确保VIP及团队预订的良好运作。监督住店客人房价变更情况。 Computes daily payroll, schedules, and other reports. Analyzes data and makes decisions based on prior experiences and knowledge of circumstances to prepare daily and weekly forecast of expected arrivals and departures. 估算每日薪酬,进程表及相关报表。根据之前的经验及详细预订情况对数据进行分析,预测每周及每日的预抵和预离。 Manage Executive Lounge staff, resolves guest concerns promptly and efficiently, and implements resolutions by using discretion and judgment. 管理行政楼层员工,运用用敏锐的判断力和决断力解决客户的问题。 Leads and motivates team members by leading by example and employing competent and consistent management practices. 通过训练及一致的管理,领导和激励团队员工. Actively takes part in training the team, facilitating formal training sessions and on the job training to ensure that all team members are of the same standard. Also attends training where and when required。 积极地参加职业培训,让员工保持水平一致。 Acts as a coach and mentor to team members, reinforcing standards and expectations and motivating team members to strive for established targets. 做队员的导师,提高员工水平,促进他们完成所设立的目标。 Maintains discipline amongst team members, ensuring consistency in accordance with the team member handbook, Chinese Labour Law and HR guidelines. Distributes appropriate discipline when and where required. 确保员工手册,中国的劳动法,HR指南的一致性,必要的时候提供培训。 Conducts PDR’s, 1:1 meetings throughout the year, ensuring that the feedback given to team members is fair, unbiased and provides a platform for continued improvement, according to the Hilton standards. 根据希尔顿绩效评估标准,进行1:1的面谈,确保对每个员工的公平,为员工提供继续发展的平台。 Is involved with succession planning and development of high potential team members to ensure that all team members are trained to progress to the next level of their career. 培训部门高潜能员工,促进工作水平的提高及进一步的职业规划。 Contributes to the hotel and team by sharing new ideas and suggestions for improvements, being innovative and creative to provide quality service and customer care to team members and guests. 致力于酒店工作,为酒店发展提供创造性的建议,为顾客和整个团队提供高品质服务。 Responsible for the smooth induction and facilitation of training for new team members, ensuring that they are trained to the minimum level standard and that they can competently complete their job and that they know what is expected of them. 简单易懂的培训新员工,使其尽快达到胜任工作的最低标准,了解公司的期许与要求。 Creating a warm and welcoming arrival for guests, ensuring that they feel expected and immediately “at-home” when they arrive. 为顾客提供热情周到的服务,有宾至如归感。 Checking-in guests in accordance with their reservation details, ensuring that the registration card is completed, reservation information confirmed, HHonors and Frequent Flyer Number enquired about, and method of payment secured. 依照预订为客人办理入住,核对预订信息,希尔顿荣誉客会号及航空公司会员号,确保入住登记表的完整性及付款方式安全有效。 Ensuring that guests are escorted to their room that the hotel facilities and room features are explained, and that luggage is delivered in a prompt manner. 将客人送至客房,介绍客房布局,确保行李及时送达。 Handles complaints promptly and efficiently, taking the necessary action, and informing the Guest Relations Manager for follow up, where appropriate. Follows up with all guests to ensure satisfaction with problem resolution. 采取必要行动,及时有效的处理顾客的不满,适当的时候告知值班经理或宾客关系经理。回访客人,确保客人对解决方法满意。 Maintains awareness of guest’s profile and specific preferences, ensuring that they are acted upon for each reservation. 维护顾客档案和信息,确保预订的有效性和准确性。 Acts as the first point of contact and liaison for VIP guests, ensuring that they are treated personally and recognized as an individual. 作为VIP客人最先联系到的部门,要确保他们的个性化服务。 Allocates rooms in accordance to the guests reservation, preference and remarks, maintaining a systemized and sales focused approach to room inventory management. 按照客人的预定或喜好安排房间,并做详细目录管理。 Prints Welcome letters from the Guest Relation Manager, and for 1st time stay HHonors guests, arranges welcome cards and ensure that they are placed in guest rooms or handed over at the time of arrival. 从宾客关系经理处打印希尔顿荣誉客会会员卡,并确保欢迎卡及时置于会员入住的房间。 Coordinates with Amenity Butlers that all guest supplies and amenities are offered and replenished to the required  VIP level and for special occasions – ie. Birthday’s and Honeymoon’s. 为VIP客人或特殊场合安排活动,例如:过生日和度蜜月的宾客。 Facilitate the operation of the VIP gift amenity menu, by offering it to guests, and ensuring that VIP’s receive their chosen amenity item. 提供VIP宾客礼遇的单页,确保宾客享用到所有礼遇。 Liaises with Sales, Reservations and the Business Development team to handle corporate guests. 协销售,预定和商业发展团队共同为客人提供服务。 Provides extra services for VIP guests including offering refreshments, cold towels and other courtesies upon arrival. 为VIP宾客提供额外的服务,包括点心,饮料,毛巾等。 Promotes HHonors and its associated benefits to guests who are not already enrolled in the program. Ensures that existing HHonors members receive personal and professional service that recognizes them as important guests and that their benefits are received. 引入新的荣誉客会会员,确保会员应得利益,为会员提供优质专业的服务。 Carries out ticket reconfirmation, safari bookings and makes guest reservations when required. 如有需求,帮助客人完成机票确认和旅行预订等。 Ensures a prompt and efficient departure, by settling guests’ accounts as per billing and reservation instructions and ensuring that all guests folios are correct. 确保所有帐单消费的精准性,为客人提供高效快捷的结帐服务。 Inputs information in to Fidelio regarding guests, ensuring accuracy and that all details are completed and that the information can be clearly understood by other team members. 将准确完整的信息录入酒店管理系统,以便大家分享。 Applies Hilton Brand Standards in each and every action, acting as a role model and example of how the standards should be carried out in a practical setting. 遵循希尔顿品牌标准。 Has knowledge of the hotels facilities and services as well as basic knowledge of Hilton International, MEAP & other properties in China. 掌握希尔顿酒店集团的基本概况。 Is up to date with information on facilities, attractions, places of interest, sights and activities in and around hotel. 了解酒店周边地区的最新信息,名胜,风景地等,为顾客提供方便。 Ensures that the overall appearance of the Executive lounge is neat and tidy at all times. 确保行政楼层的整洁。 Ensures communication, coordination and cooperation between the front desk and other operating departments, specifically Housekeeping, F&B and Accounts. 确保和前台及其他部门间的有效沟通交流,特别是客房部,餐饮部等。 Maintains the hotel systems to ensure accuracy of information and data, and that it is easy to use and operated in an organized and systemized way. Also Ensures that the Reception Desk equipment and systems are functioning at all times, and that the area is maintained in a clean, tidy and organized way. 保持酒店数据的精准性,便于操作。维持设施设备的正常运做和工作区域的清洁。 Prepares the Executive Lounge for F&B service, monitoring service and preparation areas to ensure cleanliness and presentation standards. Meets and greets regular and normal guests during the service, ensuring satisfaction. 为行政楼层提供餐饮服务,监督管理使行政楼层随时都处于最佳状态。问候行政楼层的客人和常客确保客户满意度。 Ensures that the day-to-day functions of the Executive floors are completed. Including but not limited to Guest Services Manager’s checklist, trace reports, credit limit checks, online back-up, allocation of rooms, Lost Interface, Pay-Masters, Discount and rate discrepancies, and registration cards. 确保完成行政楼层每日的任务,包括核对清单,报告,房间安排,信用额度核对,折扣及房价差异,入住登记单,系统数据备份等。 Checks Registration cards, meeting and function information, billing instructions, financial records and reservation backup to ensure that all information received is actioned upon. 核对入住登记表,会议及活动信息,预订备份等。 Completes reports where and when requested, ensuring that they are complete and delivered on time to the respected party. 如有要求,提供完整的报告,并及时送至所需部门。 Passes on information effectively, ensuring that all necessary details are communicated to the intended person and that any pending action is completed and guest satisfaction confirmed. Attends daily briefings, shift handovers, meetings and reads the log book on a daily basis. 确保信息的有效传递,尚未完成的事情逐一移交至有关人员,让宾客满意。参加日常例会及其他会议。 Inspects all VIP rooms prior to arrival and greet VIP guests personally. Manage the performance of the Executive Lounge in the hotel. Flexibility to respond to arrange of different work situations. Monitors food hygiene and food service standards. Coordinates with Executive Chef regarding food presentation. Ensures that the Executive Floor is kept stocked and maintained with requisitions and that par levels are maintained and stock tracked, managed and not wasted, maintaining costs where able. Monitors inventory of the Executive Lounge’s stock including DVD and CD’s to ensure that all items provided to guests are returned and are accounted for. 确保行政楼曾有足够的存货,同时避免浪费。 查看所有提供给客人的物品是否完好,包括DVD和CD。 Keeps up to date and aware of competitor activities in order to be proactive and create market advantage. 警惕商业竞争行为,并及时上报。 Adheres to the hotel selling strategy of Demand Based Pricing and maintains rate integrity by offering clear, transparent, and value for money rates to guests. 根据价格要求向客人提供相应物有所值的物品。 Adheres strictly to standard cash handling procedures, ensuring to balance float and drop the required amount. Manages cash, credit card, city ledger, voucher and all other forms of payment correctly. 严格遵守现金收付手续,收取现金,信用卡,转帐,代金券等。 Adheres to the company credit policy at all times when handling cash, credit card transactions, city ledger, providing currency exchange services, LPO and third party payments for rooms, meetings, F&B and any other charges that may be incurred by guests. 收取现金,信用卡,代金券,公司或第三方付费等服务时要严格遵守酒店规定。 Provides and maintains safety deposit boxes, ensuring that guests valuables are safe and secure at all times. 为客人提供保险箱,保证他们的财物安全。 Follows up on outstanding accounts to ensure no loss of revenue and secures method of payment for upcoming reservations. 跟进担保预订及付款方式,确保酒店收入。 Maintains the efficiency of departure by checking all guests folios to ensure accuracy of charges.     确保所有帐单消费的精准性,为客人提供高效快捷的结帐服务。 Manages costs effectively by minimizing and controlling expenses. 控制花费,节约成本。 Managers and approves rebates, refunds and discounts where applicable 在必要的时候给予折扣等优惠。 Upsells rooms to higher room and rate categories, ensuring the maximum revenue generation from each guest.  积极增销(到高一等级房间或更高的价格,争取利益最大化。 Maintains awareness of sales opportunities within the hotel, maximizing revenue in an ethical and responsible manner, ensuring the guests receive value for money and adhering to Hilton Brand Standards. 抓住商机,用合理的方式提高酒店收入,确保客人物有所值。
  • 前台主管

    上海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 午餐补贴
    • 年底双薪
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 02-26
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    • 投递简历
    1、向前厅科长负责,负责前台的日常管理工作,以身作则并保证前台全体员工认真执行酒店各项规章制度。 2、制订、修改、完善前台管理程序和工作程序。各岗位大夜班人员到岗,仪表仪容及工作情况。 3、制订本岗位的培训计划,不断提高员工的业务技能和综合素质,树立为宾客服务的良好职业道德。 4、负责收集员工在工作中的各种案例,负责将客人的各种对饭店服务及设施的意见反馈给科室。 5、负责检查和控制前台的服务质量,对前台员工的业绩进行评估与考核。 6、与销售、预订等岗点密切联系,确保客人的各项要求得到落实。 7、每日确保住店客人的帐单准确无误,负责前台户籍登记传输系统每日录入的检查,保证正确率。 8、做好对客服务用品的领用工作,控制文具日用品的消耗,负责客房备用房卡的保管及发放登记工作 9、执行完成上级交办的其它任务。
  • 前厅主管

    上海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    中式餐饮 | 50-99人
    发布于 2023-08-17
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    • 投递简历
    一、岗位职责 1. 协助前厅经理做好前厅管理工作 (1)做好日常的员工管理(仪容仪表、组织纪律、工作态度、工作协调与配合)、卫生、安全管理等; (2)做好前厅各岗位餐前餐中餐后各项执行标准的监督检查; (3)营业前包房卫生、环境、备品、酒水的检查; (4)对营业中菜品质量的监督,出现的问题及时解决并反馈; (5)根据客人预约安排服务接待,做好服务并整理客户信息、存档; (6)组织前厅工作会议并做好会议记录(周一例会、日常即时会议,主要针对日常工作总结、需解决的问题及解决方案等); (7)前厅设备维护及每月物资盘点。 2. 新进人员培养和跟进工作; 3. 日常服务接待; 4. 店内水电气等安全检查。 二、任职要求 1.热爱餐饮行业,对餐饮服务和管理有一定工作经验和心得; 2.身体健康、人品纯良、工作态度积极。
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