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  • 珠海 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 00:14
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    岗位职责 · 负责当班公共区域员工的工作安排。 · 保证餐厅出口、多功能厅、大堂和洗手间等重点区域的卫生清洁。 · 在VIP接待时,按照保证相应区域的清洁卫生,并安排充足的人手。 · 要及时汇报地毯和家具的损坏,以便急修及降低损失。 · 检查确保机器状态完好、整洁干净,正常工作及妥善存放。 · 培训监督员工正确使用化学药剂。 岗位要求 · 具有良好的清洁机器及清洁剂使用方面的技能。 · 具有良好的关于公共区域基本运作方面的专业知识。 · 良好的管理及沟通能力。 · 具有在国际连锁酒店的相关经验优先考虑。
  • 珠海 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 00:13
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    岗位职责: ·在遵循希尔顿集团及酒店政策程序的前提下对洗衣房日常运营及机器设施设备进行管理。 ·负责全体洗衣房员工的管理培训,人员调配工作,监督所在部门的生产经营。 ·确保酒店洗衣间的全部布草都按所能达到的最高标准进行清洗或干洗, 保持清洁无瑕并送还给客人或员工。 ·负责检查洗涤的方法和过程。 ·和有关人员沟通,解决设备维修、保养和替换的问题。 ·根据客房入住率和餐饮布巾需求量,安排好布巾、制服的洗涤工作,保证提供足够的布巾。 ·按照工作程序,培训员工,和员工开会,讨论工作问题、工作计划、沟通信息,并安排工作。 ·负责管理和调查所有有关客衣损坏的投诉问题,提出相关处理方案。 ·了解市场上洗涤剂的最新发展,选择高效、高质的洗涤剂,用于提高洗涤的质量。 ·负责酒店化学药品管理防止事故。 ·建立产品标准记录和培训技能记录。 ·保证所有报告和服务都按时完成。 ·负责洗衣房预算及成本控制。 岗位要求 ·至少2年相关公司的工作经验。 ·具备服装面料方面的知识 ·有洗衣房详细操作的基本知识
  • 珠海 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 00:12
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    岗位职责 · 当班时负责所有分配楼层和客房区域的高标准清洁工作。 · 与前台接待密切合作确保任何时间内房态的正确。 · 监督管辖区域客房服务员的工作效率。 · 通过汇总客人的意见,不断寻找机会提升对客服务。 · 坚持酒店安全制度、紧急情况处理规定和程序 岗位要求 · 至少2年的客房楼层工作经验。 · 能熟练操作各种办公软件。 · 具有良好的客房部办公室日常运作方面的知识。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 00:05
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    岗位职责 倾听和回应由客人,团队成员和供应商询问的问题,试图找到解决办法。 找到能够准确解决问题的方法。 了解怎样处理紧急情况。 吸取以往的经验教训来增强对事务的预见性能力。 和平使者。预期并回复客人的需求。在确保友好环境的前提下合理的处理各项分歧。 遵守程序。准时的,良好的形象,精确的完成任务。 可信赖的。监督自己的工作并勇于承担责任,说到做到。 确保各项规章制度良好的遵守并执行。为将会导致破坏服务质量或安全问题的行为提出忠告。 寻求他人的忠告。清楚自己的角色是在创建一个集体形象。 团队的领导人。 灵活的适应团队的制约因素。 尊重他人以及其文化特点。 鼓励建立共识。 听取并尊重他人的建议来适应已确定的工作方法。 踊跃提出并实施创造性的解决办法,以保持领先地位。 了解 OH&S 的各项规定,并熟悉其与日常经营中的关系。 通过与员工交流使其了解 OH&S规定的责任及义务。 确保所有安全及卫生程序的执行。 理解和懂得如何预计客人的需要。 站在客人的立场上考虑问题。 就如何改进对客服务采取相应的措施。 以积极的态度处理客人的投诉及建议,并把必要的信息反馈给餐饮部经理。 在服务时间内以积极的态度,高效、准确的定位及满足客人要求及需要。 能够发现导致客人满意或不满意的缘由,并及时与管理层沟通确保进一步的跟踪服务。 确保在对客服务指南,标准服务手册中的所有标准都能够在整个部门持续的贯彻。 熟悉部门服务标准。 可以清楚的向其他员工解释服务标准 能够按照服务标准评估其他员工的工作表现。 通过反复检查,督导服务标准的实施工作。 针对工作中的不足制定计划,以避免影响对客服务质量。 针对于工作中的不足采取必要的行动。 计划,确定优先次序,组织及控制每日餐厅的运营。 有效的与前台及团队领队协调,尽可能的增加餐厅生意,与领队保持直接联系。 分配, 指派,组织授权餐厅日常的经营工作。 了解酒店其他部门的经营活动及其与自己部门的影响。 预先准备并确保各种经营设施设备的充足。 有效管理部门运作,为保证服务及餐厅的正常运营采取必要的措施。 与客房部及工程部通力合作,保证部门设施的完好及清洁。 确保岗位所需知识的更新。 协助餐饮部经理及行政总厨根据餐饮发展趋势,适当需求及销售情况进行餐厅菜单的修改。 参加餐饮部例会。 协助餐饮部经理,准备促销活动宣传册。 共同鉴定和沟通与潜在的销售线索。 建立一个每个人都进行促销的工作环境。 为自己和团队设定高一层次的目标来增加销售额。 在餐厅运营表现及财务目标的基础上,对餐厅的工作表现进行评估,制定未来发展计划。 完成餐饮部经理要求的财务报表及各种日常财务报表。 能够作出收入及成本预算。 遵守酒店的各项财务制度。 坚决执行各种成本制度。 为团队成员解释分析财务计划中的异常情况。 制定部门休假计划。 理解酒店的目标,清楚部门在完成目标过程中所扮演的角色。 与团队沟通关于酒店的主要发展策略。 随时更新团队成员与酒店其他部门的交流,了解酒店其他部门的活动,包括特殊活动,餐厅促销等等。 了解部门正常运转所需要的人员及人员素质。 负责面试并进行高效的招聘工作。 保证应聘人员在入职前得到一切相关信息。 确定标准培训及评估的实施。 根据部门目标及反馈,经常性的对员工及团队的表现加以评估。 为了满足商业需要,制定并实施部门培训计划。 回顾并评估所有培训活动。 合理的指派工作以此来发展自己和团队。 坚持酒店安全制度、紧急情况处理规定和程序。 确保员工充分的理解并遵守员工手册内容。 如有必要,该部门有权更改或补充该职位描述。 完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。
  • 珠海 | 经验不限 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    工作要求: 确保食品安全遵守卫生政策和公司政策,同时保持高度的相关满意度,负责所有食品安全卫生的有效运作。 Responsible for the efficient operation of all food and beverage sanitation by ensuring that the Food and Beverage Department’s sanitation policies and company policies are followed while maintaining a high degree of associate satisfaction.
  • 珠海 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    工作要求: 与部门经理紧密地合作,提供积极有效地协助,以达到令前厅部的日常运转顺利正确地进行的目的。确保在任何时刻前厅部各个岗位都配以充足的人力。监督并培训员工为客人提供一致性的服务。 Work closely with the managers to ensure daily operations in Front Office are run smoothly. Ensures all areas in Front Office are covered by sufficient manpower at all times. Overseeing and training all GSAs at the counters to ensure consistency of services rendered to all guests.
  • 珠海 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
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    • 带薪年假
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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    通过一切努力向客人提供优良的服务,使顾客满意。 To do whatever it takes to provide exceptional service for our customers and to strive for excellence to achieve customer satisfaction. 为顾客服务的三个步骤: To adhere to the three steps of service to all our guests: 1.真诚而亲切的问候,尽可能的使用顾客的名字。 A warm and sincere greeting. Use the guest name, if and when possible 2.预测并满足顾客的需要。 Anticipation and compliance with guest needs. 3.礼貌的与宾客道别,并尽可能的使用顾客的名字。 Fond farewell. Give them a warm good-bye and use their name, if and when possible. 协助部门经理去负责餐厅所有服务,为了满足客人直接参与服务工作,保证部门达到标准和使利润最大化。 Assist Manager responsible for the service of all catering food and beverage. Direct all catering service efforts toward guest satisfaction, the achievement/maintenance of division stands, and profit maximization.
  • 珠海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
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    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    工作职责: 管理西餐厅的运作,并且用各种方法使收入最大化、成本最小化,特别要关注顾客满意度、员工福利和边际利润。 岗位要求: 至少一年的相似工作经验,具有一定的组织能力。 具有优秀的领导能力。 具有优秀的餐厅运营技巧。 拥有较强的交际和沟通能力。 具有极强的职业道德。 性格外向容易相处,良好的沟通技巧。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
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    • 带薪年假
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    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1. Directly answers all incoming meeting and event inquiries/opportunities. 直接回复客人关于团队报价的问询。 2. Builds rapport and effectively qualifies each business opportunity. 与客户建立良好的关系,有效地评估每个询价需求。 3. Determines availability of space and rate using revenue management tools such as hotel sales strategy, forecast book, sales system CI/TY. Seeks additional approval from Revenue management / Director of Sales and Marketing as needed. 使用有效的营运收益软件,给予相应的客房及场地报价。 4. Exhausts all avenues to sell hotel through alternative dates and/or rates. If no alternative is determined, EBC Manager cross sells to another Marriott hotel(s). 在可选日期与价格范围内,尽力销售酒店产品。如果可选日期的客房与场地都已预订,宴会预定中心经理需向客人推荐其他万豪品牌酒店。 5. Presents the benefits of the hotel to the customer. 向客户介绍酒店可提供的各项奖励计划及优惠政策。 6. Inputs and maintains contact, account and opportunity information in sales system. 在预定软件中输入相应的客户资料,如客户信息、公司名称等,并予以及时更新。 7. Develops accurate contract/offer and sends to customer.  Gains commitment of customer through signed contract/offer. 根据客人需求,准备相应的协议,经双方协商后,与客人签订相关协议。 8. Once signed contract/offer is received, completes accurate, detailed turnover documentation for Event Management. 会议或宴会协议签订后,准备好齐备的交接手续,并转交于宴会统筹部。 9. Maintains relationship with customer through thank-you letter and follow up calls to increase repeat business opportunities. 通过邮件或电话联系与客人保持良好的关系,以便在今后获得更多的合作机会。 10. Strives to meet measurable targets and goals, as assigned for individual and team. 努力完成个人和团队的指标及任务。 11. Site inspection. 安排客人参观酒店客房及相关设施。 12. Implements training programs to improve sales effectiveness and staff development. 参与各项培训计划,以便于提高销售技巧与员工发展。 13. Ensure that sales staff properly follows pricing and selling strategies. 确保所有的销售人员遵循销售定价及策略。 14. Tracks and measures the performance of sales on a monthly or period basis. 每月评估销售成绩。
  • 珠海 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
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    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.Assist AYS & Reservation Manager in supervising the department 协助为您服务中心及预订中心经理管理部门工作 2.Answer guest’s inquires over the phone and follow up personally to resolve Guest request 接听客人的电话并亲自采取行动去完成客人的要求 3.Responsible for placing of guests’ wake-up calls accurately and timely 负责准确及时的为客人提供叫醒服务 4.Have a thorough knowledge of emergency procedures; i.e. fire, alarm, evacuation, bomb, threat etc. 充分了解紧急事件处理程序,例如火警, 警报,疏散,轰炸,恐吓等等 5.Be proactive in all Guests services and problems 主动地为客人提供服务和解决问题 6.Maintain Opera System, ensure all the bookings, rates and market codes are up to date,Implement and maintain training systems to ensure that associates have the necessary framework and skills to perform their job efficiently and effectively. 维护Opera系统,确认预定,价格和市场编码是最新。完成和维护培训系统以确保所有雇员了解掌握必要的技巧和框架来有效的完成工作 7.Works closely through cooperation with In-Room Dining to ensure service delivery to all guests are consistent and prompt 熟知酒店所有的餐饮区域以及菜单 8.Ensures complaints and requests are handled with the aim of exceeding guests expectations. 确保客人的投诉或者需求可以得到超出期望的解决 9.Record and process all reservations made by phone or fax. 记录并处理所有电话或传真预订 10.Record and process group reservations. 记录并处理所有团队预订 11.Ensure that all reservations are made within the guidelines of daily status. 确保所有的预订根据当天的情况被做进系统 12.Ensure guest comments are recorded in guest history and acted on when appropriate. 确保客人的意见和喜好记录进客史并给予适当的安排。 13.Maintain an up to date knowledge of the benefits of Marriott Bonvey. 了解最新的万豪旅享家优惠 14.Check every reservation made by RSVN dept or MARSHA, make sure every items’ accuracy. 按时检查并校对所有预定(包括部门员工所做的或通过MARSHA自动下载的预定),确保预定中各项的准确性 15.Demonstrate professional attitude and behavior at all times.  在任何时候表现专业态度和行为。 16.Carry out other tasks as directed by your managers. 完成上级交待的其他工作。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



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    • 节日礼物
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    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1. Ability to maintain hotel’s standards, policies and procedures with assigned staff. 帮助员工维护酒店标准,政策和程序。 2. Ability to prioritize and organize work assignments; delegate work. 能分清轻重缓急,有条不紊安排日常工作,以身作则。 3.Ability to motivate assigned staff and maintain a cohesive team. 激励员工维护团队合作。 4. Ability to ascertain staff training needs and provide such training. 能够确定员工的培训需求并提供培训。 5. Ability to be a clear thinker in pressure situations and exercise good judgment. 遇事沉着冷静,思维清晰,保持良好的判断力。 6.Ability to focus attention on details. 关注细节。 7.Ability to endure abundant physical movements in carrying our job duties. 能承受强体力劳动。 8.Ability to ensure security of guest room access and hotel property. 确保酒店和客人的安全。 9.Work closely with the reception to ensure correct room status at all times. 与前台密切沟通确保房间状态的准确。 10.Coordinate breaks for assigned staff. 调整及协调员工的休息状态。 11.Inspect supply levels, cleanliness and organization of floor pantry.  Assign designated personnel to rectify any deficiencies. 检查各层的物品的储备,清洁程度及安排整理楼层的工作间。将任务落实给个人。 12.Check Room Attendant's carts for proper supplies, neatness, cleanliness and mechanical problems.  Instruct designated personnel to correct deficiencies. 检查客房服务员手推车的准备情况,保持手推车的干净整洁及解决机械相关问题,指导相关人员纠错。 13.Inspect rooms cleaned by assigned Room Attendants, using designated checklist.  Ensure rooms are cleaned to the hotel specifications.  Follow up on corrections; directly contact Room Attendant and relay any deficiencies to be corrected. 使用检查清单检查客房服务员房间整洁度,确保房间整洁程度符合酒店规格及标准,跟进清洁问题,直接联系客房服务员及时改正问题。 14.Check vacant rooms, verify status and update status of discrepant rooms throughout the shift. 检查空房,在交班后及时更新房间差异。 15.Check DND rooms in accordance with hotel procedures and verify status. Ensure guest privacy is requested when DND status displayed. 根据酒店程序检查“请勿打扰”房间且核实房态. 确保“请勿打扰”状态时客人的隐私得到尊重。 16."Mark" dirty sheets of randomly selected assigned rooms and follow up to ensure Room Attendants have changed bed sheets.  Counsel Room Attendants on any discrepancies. 及时发现未更换的床上棉织品确保客房服务员更换床单。如发现问题要给予客房服务员警告或过失处理。 17.Monitor contractual workers and outsource labour performance and behaviour. Ensure that outside contractors performed their tasks in accordance to standards set-force by the hotel. 关注酒店外包公司的员工作表现和行为,确保他们是根据酒店的制度和标准来操作。 18.Complete work orders for maintenance repairs and submit to Office Clerk.  Contact Engineering directly for urgent repairs. 完成酒店维护维修单提交工作至办公室文员。在需紧急维修任务中直接同工程部取得联系。 19.Accommodate guest requests for housekeeping items or additional supplies expediently and courteously.  Follow up on delivery and return of all such items. 得当的处理客人对酒店客房物品服务的要求,跟进运送及归还。 20.Complete all paperwork and closing duties before leaving.  Review status of assignments and any follow-up action with DOS Housekeeping Manager and/or on-coming supervisor. 在下班前完成所有文书工作.与服务总监、客房部经理或即将上岗的主管交接需要跟进的工作。 21.PM - Check PM reports for accuracy and completeness.  Complete night counts in accordance with departmental standards. 检查中班报告的准确及完整,按照部门标准计算房间数。 22. Follow up the hotel’s standard strictly, ensure the rooms are clean and equipment’s are in good condition. 严格按照酒店的标准,保证房间清洁,设备设施良好。 23.Inspect all check-out rooms and room condition immediately, ensure the front office can lent. 及时检查所有退客房,更改房态,以保证前台及时出租。 24.Inspect all VIP rooms. 检查所有VIP房间。 25.Check and ensure attendants follow the instructions to work. 检查保证员工按照程序进行客房操作。 26.Ensure Lost & Found be picked up to the Housekeeping Office immediately and never to delivery it the next day. 保证拾获的客人遗留物品必须在当日交到客房部办公室,禁止任何遗留物品放在楼层隔夜 上交。 27.Coordinate Engineering Department with the room maintain. 和工程部协调,安排房间的维修及大保养。 28.   Note down the unusual thing on the log-book. Unfinished job delivered to the shift. 将每日特殊事情记录在办公室Log Book上,未完成的事项交接给下一个班次。 29.Completed jobs assigned by leaders with accuracy and efficiency. 完成上级领导指派的其它工作。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.College degree or above. 大专毕业学历或同等以上文化程度。 2.Have more than 2 years working experience in room management or X years working experience in the same star hotel. 2年以上客房管理工作经验或X年以上同星级酒店客房管理工作经验。 3.Familiar with the professional knowledge of the department, skilled in using computers. 熟悉本部门专业知识,熟练使用电脑。 4.Having received professional training; And outstanding ability. 受过专业培训;并且能力出众者。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    OPERATIONS操作: 1. Open and close shift in accordance with the manager checklist. 按照经理的安排表来开始和结束一天的营运。 2. Initiate aggressive guest interaction through seeking and soliciting feedback from guests. 与客人进行积极的互动,来寻找和征求反馈。 3. Train, maintain and enforce all Marriott service standards in the outlet. 在餐厅中,培训、维持和执行所有万豪的服务标准。 4. Enforce the Marriott standardized drink recipe and presentation guidelines to ensure consistent quality beverage to our guests in accordance with the Marriott Bar Guide. 执行万豪规范的饮料配方,并进行展示,以确保给客人提供的饮料具有一贯的品质。 5. Properly execute revenue and check control procedures on shift. 在班次上正确执行收入和帐单控制程序。 6. Handle daily associate relations (i.e. scheduling, time adjustments). 处理日常员工的协作关系(例如,时间调整) 7. Maintain a safe & sanitary work environment for all associate & guests. 为所有的员工和客人,建立一个安全及卫生的工作环境。 8. Gather and implement all proper tools for running shifts (i.e. schedules, floor plans, reservations, and checks). 为餐厅营运提供尽可能的帮助(例如,工作时间表,楼层安排,预定) 9. Find solutions for problems such as call outs, last minute bookings, or any other daily problems that may arise. 找到解决如电话服务,最后一分钟的预定,或其他每天可能发生的问题的方法。 10. Conduct taste panels and menu classes on a daily basis for restaurant. 主持餐厅每天的试菜和菜单培训课程。 11. Be on the floor during the shift and assist servers or hostess to ensure guests are satisfied. 确保在餐厅营运时,在各自的岗位上,协助服务员或领位员,使客人满意。 12. Ensure that only a quality product is served. 确保服务的食品和饮料有质量保证。 13. Ensure all side work is done on a daily basis. 确保每天基本的工作都完成。 14. Maintain proper associate uniform standards. 保持员工制服的标准 15. Manage an effective repair and maintenance program through the use of work orders, inspections, etc. 管理一个有效的工程维护及保养程序,通过使用工作指令和检查。 16. Understand & teach empowerment principles to ensure guest satisfaction. 理解和教导授权原则,以确保客人的满意度。 17. Exercise station rotation to ensure stations are distributed fairly. 运用岗位的轮换制,来确保工作安排的合理性。 18. Be aware of all Marriott Guest Incentive programs and the correct accounting procedures pertaining to them. 意识到所有万豪客户奖励计划和正确的会计程序与他们有关。 19. Above all, to lead by example through a “hands on” approach to motivate our associates to excel. 综上所述,领班要以身作责来激励我们的员工取得成功。 HUMAN RESOURCES人力资源: 1. Implement an effective training program for new and current associates using use records, menus, and appropriate reference manuals. 通过使用记录,菜单以及适当的参考手册对新加入的员工实施有效率的培训课程。 2. Encourage problem solving by associates through proper training and empowerment. 通过所有可能的培训和授权来激励员工解决问题的热情。 3. Establish effective communication with associates to gain their trust and respect 和员工建立有效的沟通,以争取他们的信任和尊重。 4. Maintain fair and consistent counselling and/or disciplinary procedures in accordance with Marriott’s Guarantee of Fair Treatment Policy. 根据万豪公平对待的政策,建立公平和一致的辅导及纪律处罚程序。 ADMINISTRATIVE 行政: 1. Communicate directly and/or through the use of the logbook to next shift supervisor or manager. 直接或通过日志本与下一班次的主管或经理进行沟通。 2. Identify and recommend incentive programs, new ideas, and methods of operation. 确定并推荐奖励项目,新的主意和方法进行运作。 3. Promote positive inter-department relations. 积极推动部门与部门之间的关系。 4. Perform any reasonable request made of management which is not life threatening or against the law. 作出的任何管理上的要求不能危及生命或触犯法律
  • 珠海 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1.Management will ensure all fitness equipment preventive maintenance program is conducted on a regular scheduled basis, to maintain safety standards in accordance to the manufacturer’s operating manual. 管理人员应确保所有的健身器械定期进行预防性维护保养,根据营运说明书来确保安全标准。 2.All gym equipment will be checked daily by qualified employee for any visible damage or wear and tear. Any equipment found not working will either be repaired immediately, or removed from operation. Scheduled preventive maintenance will take place on an on-going basis. 有资格的员工每天检查所有的健身器械的磨损和损耗,发现任何损坏器械应立即维修或移走。定期维护保养应长期进行。 3.Strictly adhere to service processes and brand standards, and convey the essence of the brand to our guests to improve guest experience and brand perception 严格遵守服务流程和品牌标准,向我们的客人传递品牌精髓的信息以提高客人体验感和品牌感知度 4.Be familiar with all special promotions, such as seasonal package programs, frequent flyer programs and Marriott information programs. 熟知所有特别促销活动,如:季节性套餐计划、常客优惠计划以及万豪集团会员等信息计划。 5.Fitness equipment will reflect the latest technology and maintenance, for the use and enjoyment of guests. Appropriate music and volume, lighting levels, adequate ventilation, and appropriate temperature are important to provide relaxation and comfort. 健身器材将体现最新的技术和维护,供客人使用和享受。适当的音乐和音量、照明水平、充足的通风和适当的温度对于提供放松和舒适很重要。 6.Ensure a high level of guest recovery form guest complaints 高效率处理客人投诉 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.Good communication  良好的沟通技能 2.College degree or above 大专及以上学历 3.2 years Recreation management experience in a similar size hotel. 应具备在相当规模酒店2年康乐部管理工作的经验 4.The Red Cross first aid license 红十字急救证 5.Life-saving certificate 救生证
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES 【岗位职责】 1.检查服务员的仪表仪容,监督送餐部服务员的工作。 Inspect the appearance of the waiters and supervise the work of the waiters in the Room Service Department. 2.安排服务员给宾客送赠品(如果篮、花篮、巧克力等)。 Arrange the waiter to deliver gifts to the guests (such as baskets, flowers, chocolates, etc.). 3.安排服务员收回房间通道及其他区域用过的餐车及餐具,并送往洗碗间。 Arrange the waiter to take back the used dining car and tableware in the room passageway and other areas and send them to the dishwasher. 4.送餐前,检查送餐车、托盘及赠品,确保一切准备就绪,一旦需要,即可送出。 Check the food cart, trays and giveaways before delivery to make sure everything is ready for delivery if needed. 5.控制营业所需的餐具,定期参加盘点。 Control the tableware needed by the business, participate in the regular count. JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.Be familiar with the knowledge of food and beverage, working specification and quality standard of room service. 熟悉菜肴酒水知识,送餐服务的工作规范及质量标准。 2.Be familiar with the etiquette and etiquette of reception service. 熟知接待服务中的礼节礼仪。 3.Have strong language expression ability, and sales ability. 有较强的语言表达能力,及推销能力。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1. Ensure that all guest’s baggage are received and delivered upon arrival and departure even for baggage storage pertaining to the procedure laid down in the Marriottl Hotels Manual 依照万豪酒店及度假村前厅部工作手册中规定的工作程序,确保所有客人进行交接班说明工作,确定了解酒店活动和运营要求和抵店和离店时均有服务人员为其提送行李,甚至为其储存。 2.Be thoroughly aware of arrivals and departures of each day with emphasis on VIP’s, Priority Club Members, groups and crew movements. 详细了解每天客人 进行交接班说明工作,确定了解酒店活动和运营要求抵店和离店的情况,重点留意贵宾、优悦会会员和团组的活动。 3. To work closely with Guest Relations Officer to ensure baggage for VIP’s, Priority Club Members are delivered promptly 与宾客关系主任密切合作,以确保贵宾和优悦会会员的行李得到迅速派送。 4.To assist the Doorman and supervise on traffic control along the driveway during peak hours  在高峰期对门僮进行协助,并监督对车道的交通控制。 5.Conducts daily briefing and to ensure that all uniform service staff are kept up to date, properly instructed and that all staff are properly dressed, neat and clean before start of duty.  Similarly, staff appearance should remain clean, smart and tidy at all times. 进行每日例会,以确保所有着装服务人员了解最新情况并得到正确指导,并保证工作开始前所有员工的穿着均符合规定、干净整齐。同样,员工的外表也应随时给人以干净、精明和整洁的印象。 6. Be responsible for training Bellman, Parking Valets and Doorman, in their respective jobs (by identifying training needs) 负责(通过发现培训需要)对应接服务员、停车场服务员和门僮就其各自岗位职责进行培训。 7.Ensure that all staff are fully informed and knowledgeable on hotel facilities and its surrounding areas  确保所有员工了解并熟知酒店设施及周边区域的情况。 8.Ensure that the surrounding areas at the lobby level and main entrance are clean  确保大厅和正门周边区域的清洁。 9. Supervise the Parking Valets in handling guests’ vehicles properly  监督停车场服务员对客人车辆合适处理。 10. Prepare newspaper orders and co-ordinates with news vendor for early delivery.  Supervises Bellman for newspaper delivery  负责报纸预订工作,并与报纸供应商协调早晨送报事宜。监督应接服务员送报情况。 11.Ensuring that all equipment (trolley, etc....) are in proper condition and recorded properly 确保所有设备(手推车等)保养良好并得到准确记录。 12.Must be fully conversant with emergency evacuation and fire procedures and ensuring all uniformed staff are aware of these procedures 熟知紧急情况疏散和防火工作程序,并确保所有穿著酒店工服装的员工了解这些程序。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.College degree or above, with working experience in the same position for more than 2 years. 大专以上学历,同岗位工作经验2年以上。 2.Good health  and appearance,Good image and temperament. 身体健康,品貌端正,形象气质佳。 3.Excellent organizational and management skills. 优秀的组织管理能力。 4.Excellent communication skills and skills.。 优秀的沟通能力和技巧。 5.Good at communication with guests, considerate and decisive, able to handle all kinds of complaints independently. 善于同宾客交往、沟通,处理周到、果断,能独立处理各种投诉。
  • 珠海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1. Assist Banquet Manager to coach and maximise the performance of the team. 协助宴会经理指导并使团队的表现最大化 2. Ensure every guest receives high quality service. 确保每位客人都能得到高质量的服务 3. Maintain smooth banquet operation on a daily basis. 保持宴会的正常运营 4. Support the Banquet Manager from a planning and organising perspective. 从计划和组织的角度支持宴会经理 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1. Has a passion for Food & Beverage 对餐饮服务有极高的热情 2. Enjoys interacting with people 喜欢与人沟通交流 3. Has high proficiency in both written and spoken English 熟练的英文书面与口语表达 4. Has at least 5 years’ experience working in either a luxury restaurant or a 5* hotel environment 5年以上豪华餐厅或五星级酒店工作的经验 5. A friendly, helpful and trustworthy leader 是一个友好,乐于助人和值得信赖的领导者 6. Upholds professional values, ethics and integrity at all times 在任何时候都秉持专业的价值观、道德和诚信
  • 珠海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1.According to the rules and regulations of the hotel, the hotel purser department in supervision and management 根据酒店的规章制度,对酒店管事部的工作进行督导和管理。 2.In the business to work to assist the captain to complete their work supervision foreman and employee's performance, guide the staff's working methods and human resources reasonable allocation. 在营业合乎工作中协助领班完成他们的工作督导领班和员工的工作表现,指导员工的工作方法和人力资源的合理调配。 3.The area of daily patrol inspection, to ensure that the area clean and tidy, To garbage room, receiving station, the kitchen as well as other key areas designated timing check every day. Find out problems, solve, to ensure that the area clean and normal operation. 对各区域进行每日的巡视检查,确保各区域清洁,整洁;对垃圾房,收货站,厨房等重点区域每天定点定时检查。发现问题,及时解决,确保上述区域的清洁和正常运转。 4.With the hotel food and beverage and different departments within the effective communication, coordination and deal with the relevant departments, and the relationship between the various conditions and issue the report to the chief steward. 能与酒店内和餐饮部内各部门有效的沟通,协调处理好与各有关部门的关系,并将各种情况和问题报告给总管事。 5.Due to the captain of the health and the work report for review and follow-up, corrective and improvement unqualified place, to ensure that the health standard for the implementation of full and accurate. 对领班上交的卫生和工作报告进行复查和跟进,纠正和整改不合格的地方,确保酒店的卫生标准得到完整正确的落实。 6.Familiar with the purser department equipment and operation specifications and (such as dishwasher polishing machine vacuum cleaner, water cannons), and other equipment technical requirements and instructions for use 熟悉管事部的设备及操作规范和(如洗碗机抛光机吸尘器,高压水枪)等设备技术要求和使用要求。 7.Ensure that hotel food and beverage equipment normal operation, correctly specified purser department's boss and staff in the right way to use and maintenance of the equipment, and the subordinate business and technical training and cleaner the correct way of using and saving method. Implement and supervise the purser of old and new staff training, according to the training plan and requirements, monthly to the chief steward and personnel write monthly report 确保酒店餐饮部的设备正常运转,正确指定管事部的领班和员工以正确方式使用和维护设备,并对下属进行业务和技术培训以及清洁剂的正确使用方法和节约方法。实施并监督管事新老员工的培训,按照培训计划和要求,每月向总管事和人事部编写月度报告。 8.According to the purser department work cleaner and other consumables daily use quantity for the working point distribution items, and control, monthly according to cleaner and consumption of goods, quantitative analysis, write articles consumption report, and apply for next month's items added plans. 根据管事部工作中清洁剂和其他消耗品的每日使用数量为各工作点分配物品,并进行控制,每月根据清洁剂和消耗物品的情况,进行定量分析,编写物品消耗报告,并申请下月的物品补充计划。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.Sound organizational skills 健全的工作技能 2.Ability to lead, motivate and develop a team of individuals 能过有效的管理团队 3.Able to handle demanding workload 能够在困难的条件下工作 4.Sound knowledge of working practices of the kitchen 厨房工具的安全操作。
  • 珠海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
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    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1.Mixologist is required to conduct his/her duties in a courteous, safe and efficient manner, in accordance with W Chengdu policies and procedures, ensuring that a high level of service is maintained. 调酒师需要在遵守酒店规章制度的前提下确保有礼貌的,安全的,高效的工作以提供高水准的服务。 2.The Mixologist actively participates as a team player to ensure unit cohesion. 调酒师需要在团队中表现活跃,积极参与以提高团队凝聚力。 3.Mixologist ensures maximum guest satisfaction and ensures that established standards and procedures and adhered to at all time. Mixologist is responsible for all operation equipment in his/her assigned bar.  调酒师需要最大化的确保客人满意度,保证所有确定的标准都执行。调酒师负责所有酒吧的营运物品。 4.Support other service area when needed. 在需要的时候帮助其他服务团队。 5.To provide excellent beverage and food service, in a friendly, competent and professional manner, throughout the restaurant/bar. Ensure guest satisfaction by maximizing guest’s W experience. Promote a fun work environment by being a team player. The associate will also have an opportunity to multi- skill in other B&F venues . 为客人提供顶级的殷勤好客饮食服务,最大限度的令客人满意。以友好、娴熟的专业水准为客人提供出色的W饮食服务,确保客人满意。营造健康的工作环境并融入其中。 6.Take food and beverage orders; retrieve and serve alcoholic /non-alcoholic beverages and food orders to guest tables; service in assigned station according to restaurants specifications, courteously and efficiently. Collect payments. Assist in the maintenance of the restaurant area and equipment. 负责食物酒水的点单;为客人服务酒精/非酒精饮料和食物,据餐厅的特殊情况直接服务客人,检查账单,协助餐厅区域的维修和设备保养
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 The Reception Supervisor oversees the front desk operations and is responsible for training Guest Service Agents in their role. They deliver friendly and efficient service to guests and minimize any inconvenience to the guest throughout the shift. 前台主管的工作职责为负责前台的日常工作,确保前台接待员为宾客提供满意周到的服务。前台主管提供友好、高效的服务从而减少客人的不便。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.Fluently English speaking 英文流利; 2.Well Operate the Opera System 熟练操作Opera前台系统; 3.Minimum 2 years experience in star-hotel reception. 具有国际品牌酒店相关工作经验2年以上者优先考虑。
  • 珠海 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1.Direct staff and serve guest needs by providing exceptional knowledge of food and beverage menu items as well as information regarding preparation methods while ensuring guest satisfaction. 具备专业的餐饮酒水知识和正确的操作程序,指导员工,服务顾客,确保顾客的满意。 2.The ability to offer guests an enjoyable, expertly served beverage/dining experience conforming to Marriott standards of excellence for quality, professionalism and friendliness. 根据万豪酒店的服务标准,向顾客提供高品质,专业,友好的服务使客人有一个快乐的就餐经历。 3.The ability to anticipate and service of guest’s requirements before requests are necessary. 在客人提出需要之前,预知顾客的要求,同时满足其要求。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.One to two years previous experience in a line, supervisory or senior server position in F&B. 不少于两年服务员或高级服务员经验。   2.Problem solving, reasoning, motivating, organizational and training abilities. 具有解决问题,推理,号召,组织和培训能力。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1. Thorough knowledge of the proper use, operation and maintenance of all laundry equipment. 有能力对洗衣房内的设备进行正确的操作和维护。 2. Thorough knowledge of laundry and dry cleaning procedures   能根据要求进行水洗和干洗的操作 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.At least 2 years working experience in related company. 至少2年相关公司的工作经验。 2.Knowledge of clothing fabrics. 具备服装面料方面的知识 3.Basic knowledge of detailed operation of laundry room 有洗衣房详细操作的基本知识 4.Good health, can adapt to long working hours. 身体健康,能适应长时间工作 5.Able to work under pressure 能承受工作压力
  • 珠海 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    协助客房部经理确保客房部流畅及高效的运作,确保员工严格遵守运营手册内所列的的政策和程序。 Assists the Housekeeping Manager in the smooth and efficient running of the Housekeeping department, ensuring that all the policies and procedures outlined in the Departmental Operations Manual are strictly adhered to. 定期主持召开部门沟通会并确保例会和会议切实有效且在必要时进行指导。 Conducts regular communications meetings, ensuring that departmental briefings and meetings are effective carried out. 阅读并更新每日值班记录。 Reads and updates the Communications Log Books. 协调并补充维护设备维修报告和记录。 Coordinates and maintains equipment maintenance reports and records. 确保客房部客房服务员遵循品牌承诺并始终提供优异的对客服务。 Ensures Housekeeping Floor Butlers and Attendants deliver the brand promise and provide exceptional guest service at all times. 礼貌而高效地处理所有客人和内部的投诉和询问,确保问题得到圆满解决。 Handles all guest and internal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily.
  • 珠海 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    确保高效的部门运作流程。 Ensures efficient office administration procedures. 确保所有的培训记录得以在人力资源系统中维护、存档并更新。 Ensures that all training records are maintained, filed and updated in the HR System. 确保所有的培训文件能够按照严格的准确性和保密性进行发送。 Ensures Training documents are properly routed with strict accuracy and confidentiality. 协助确保所有的员工设施得以按照相应的标准加以维护,例如培训教室。 Assists in ensuring all employee facilities are maintained within standards, ie. Training Rooms. 协助准备年度培训计划,确保培训目标得以传达酒店的目标并能满足员工的培训需要。 Assists in the preparation of the annual Training Plan, ensuring the objectives fully address the business objectives of the Hotel and the training needs of the employees. 协助部门培训师开展培训课程。 Assists departmental trainer to conduct training in the respective department as required. 协助定期检查员工的仪容仪表以确保所有的员工能严格遵守酒店的政策及规章制度。 Assists by regularly checking grooming to ensure all the employees are adhering hotel policy and regulations. 协助并参与人力资源部的所有活动。 Assists and participate in all Human Resources activities.
  • 珠海 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    严格控制库存,和固定设施的使用。并且确保所有的厨房都设施完善。 Strictly adheres to the par stocks for all operating equipment, supplies, inventoried items, and to ensure that the outlet is adequately equipped. 保养和清理每个厨房及厨房内的设施。 Maintains the cleanliness of the Outlet kitchens and equipment.  确保正确操作清洗餐盘、杯子、碟子、银器等的自动洗碗机。 Ensures proper handling of the automatic dishwashing machine that cleans and washes plates, cups, saucers, silverware, glasses and other dishes.  确保根据所设标准洗净餐具、瓷器、玻璃器皿及银器。 Ensures tableware, chinaware, glassware, and silverware are washed and cleaned as per the established procedures. 协助进行每月对运营设备及营业用品的盘点。 Assists in conducting monthly inventory checks on all operating equipment and supplies. 给员工安排培训提高他们的专业知识和技能。  Conducts training to improve associates’ knowledge and skills. 保证管事部的员工始终会以主动灵活的工作方式与其他部门的员工共事。 Ensures that Stewarding associates work in a supportive and flexible manner with other departments.
  • 珠海 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    负责提供水疗中心的各项服务,以专业的态度为客人及会员提供安全、洁净的服务。并对他们抱以无微不至的关心。 Responsible for performing all Spa services, in a safe, clean and professional manner to guests and members. Provide uncompromised attention to guests and member service. 与客人、会员亲切沟通并灵活应答他们的提问。 The ability to courteously interact and answer all facility related questions with members and guests. 以优异的服务吸引会员和酒店客人享受更多不同的服务项目。 Serve as catalyst to promote spa services to members and hotel guests. 未进行按摩服务时,协助提供水疗中心内其他的服务。 Assist in any and all ways in the spa when not scheduled to perform aesthetic services.  保持并更新个人服务知识,了解皮肤护理产品知识和程序的改变。 Constantly maintain an up to date knowledge of the personal services performed and any revisions in the skin care products or procedures used. 协助发展并坚持提高水疗中心服务水平的市场策略。 Assist in the development and implementation of marketing strategies which will enhance the quality of services at the spa.
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