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  • 北京-朝阳区 | 5年以上 | 本科



    • 人性化管理
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 节日礼物
    • 管理规范
    • 七险二金
    • 补助补贴
    • 免费餐饮
    • 生日礼物
    商业地产 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:03
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: Key Accountabilities: 1、在符合服务标准,利润率的前提下,确保所有会议及宴会餐饮区域的正常运营; Ensure the normal operation of all conference and banquet catering areas while meeting service standards and profit margins; 2、确保所有的小部分具有完善的管理团队,对收入利润和服务标准承担责任; Ensure that all small groups have a well-established management team and take responsibility for revenue, profits, and service standards; 3、明确的核算运营预算以达到收入、花费、人力、营运设备及固定资产。市场策划的关键和推动收入的举措将对核算运营预算起到辅助作用; Clearly calculate the operating budget to achieve revenue, expenses, manpower, operating equipment, and fixed assets. The key to market planning and measures to drive revenue will play an auxiliary role in accounting for operating budgets; 4、在适当的时候提供准确的和切合实际的预测及更新的预期变化; Provide accurate and realistic predictions and updated expected changes at the appropriate time; 5、监督成本并提出可衡量的控制成本的建议; Supervise costs and provide measurable recommendations for cost control; 6、 确保严格遵守部门的营运预算范围; Ensure strict adherence to the department's operating budget scope; 7、密切留意员工的能力,如果有必要作出及时的调整; Pay close attention to employees' abilities and make timely adjustments if necessary; 8、确保坚持运营标准以达到营运水准; Ensure adherence to operational standards to achieve operational standards; 9、处理客人投诉和关于各种在食品,饮料及服务方面的需求。已确定的程序和草案需要详细的解释说明并一贯的执行; Handle customer complaints and various needs related to food, beverages, and services. The established procedures and drafts require detailed explanations and consistent implementation; 10、负责维护和修订部门的各项政策和程序,以避免含糊不清; Responsible for maintaining and revising departmental policies and procedures to avoid ambiguity; 11、和客人建立良好的客户关系; Establish good customer relationships with customers; 12、确保完成所有关于餐饮的专业报表并及时转交给相关的部门; Ensure the completion of all professional reports related to catering and timely transfer them to relevant departments; 13、充分理解并坚持执行关于防火,卫生和安全方面的方针; Fully understand and adhere to the policies regarding fire prevention, hygiene, and safety; 14、确保员工每时每刻位客人提供礼貌的专业的服务; Ensure that employees provide polite and professional service to customers at all times; 15、为员工提供培训,确保他们有足够的技能来很好地完成工作; Provide training for employees to ensure they have sufficient skills to perform their work well; 16、坚持安全制度、紧急情况处理规定和程序; Adhere to safety regulations, emergency handling rules and procedures; 17、完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。 Complete any other reasonable responsibilities and assigned duties. 任职要求: General requirements: 1、五星级国际联号酒店/奢华酒店同岗位5年以上工作经验; More than 5 years of work experience in the same position as a five-star international hotel/luxury hotel; 2、具备丰富的大型、高级别宴会、会议、展览、场馆经验; Having rich experience in large-scale, high-level banquets, conferences, exhibitions, and venues; 3、良好的英语口语能力,本科以上学历尤佳; Good English speaking skills, preferably with a bachelor's degree or above; 4、大型团队管理经验,筹开经验优先。 Experience in managing large teams, with priority given to experience in fundraising.
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