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  • 上海-崇明区 | 8年以上 | 本科



    教育/院校 | 100-499人
    发布于 05-09
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    岗位职责: 1、制定和更新酒店采购P&P,负责新产品供应商开发,保证按照酒店筹开进度上线,并提供最优采购方案; 2、持续开发和储备酒店行业内优质产品资源及供应商资源; 3、配合酒店筹开及运营定采购运营物品标准和增加新品类,并协调推动按标准寻源和供应商管理; 4、筹开期配合酒店总经理完成采购支持工作; 5、领导安排的其他工作。 任职资格: 1 、教育背景本科及以上学历,优秀者可放宽学历,采购相关专业,有财务背景优先; 2、 5-8年以上国际高端全服务连锁酒店品牌采购工作经验,3年以上区域/集团采购团队管理经验 3 、胜任素质要求: *. 具有正直、诚实、诚恳、廉洁的品质、能抵抗商业利益诱惑; *. 具有较强的抗压能力和协调能力,能在预定的时间内完成既定任务; *. 学习能力强,适应能力强,能有效地与各部门沟通、协调与合作以达成既定事项; *. 具有集团化企业系统思维能力,熟悉集团化公司的运作模式和管理关系。
  • 北京-大兴区 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    教育/院校 | 100-499人
    发布于 05-06
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    【岗位职责】 1.负责讲授酒店财务相关课程; 2.能够根据学院的人才培养方案要求能够独立担当授课老师; 3.能够编辑以上课程的课程大纲,组织教案、课件,并符合中瑞的授课要求; 4.具有相关专业的教育背景。 【任职条件】 1.本科(含)以上学历; 2.国际连锁五星酒店10年以上财务部门管理经验,财务总监及以上岗位。
  • 北京 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    教育/院校 | 100-499人
    发布于 05-06
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    竞聘岗位:餐服教师 所属部门:餐饮教研室 招聘人数:1人 (一)岗位职责: 1 、教授课程:顶级西餐/中餐服务;酒水应用服务; 2 、教授课程:餐饮成本控制;菜单工程,风味餐厅选修。 (二)任职标准: 1 、本科以上学历,具有六年以上品牌级酒店高档餐厅服务和管理经验,熟知高档餐饮服务; 2、硕士以上学历,三年以上餐饮管理经验。了解相关餐饮服务与管理经验; 3 、积极主动,有很好的沟通、协调、适应能力; 4、能熟练使用电脑及办公软件; 5 、认同国际化工作标准与流程。  
  • 上海-崇明区 | 8年以上 | 本科



    教育/院校 | 100-499人
    发布于 05-03
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    【岗位职责】 1、负责酒店人力资源部的管理工作。 2、负责制定酒店人力资源政策、制度。 3、建立酒店的招聘管理体系,有效控制员工流动率。 4、制定酒店人力资源规划,并组织实施。 5、组织完成年度培训计划,针对核心员工进行职业规划。 6、建立和谐的劳资关系。 7、建立绩效管理与考核体系。 8、协助业主公司完成相关任务。 9、洲际、凯悦等品牌人力资源背景优先 【岗位要求】 1、本科及以上学历,从事酒店人力资源工作5年以上。 2、熟知国家、地区劳动法律法规及相关政策。 3、拥有良好个性与亲和的工作风格,培训技能娴熟。 4、具备英语基本听说读写能力。 5、熟悉酒店人力资源系统的工作模式,接受过系统的人力资源管理理论培训优先。
  • 运营经理

    海口 | 3年以上 | 本科



    教育/院校 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    Health & Safety 1. To formulate, monitor, implement and review the school’s Health & Safety policy including the introduction of all Risk Assessment procedures. 2. To advise all staff as appropriate. 3. To report to Governors on Health & Safety. 4. In co-operation with the Fire Service, the installation and maintenance of equipment for protection against and escape from fire. Keeping records and initiating regular fire practices. 5. Arranging annual health and safety inspections of all areas of the school 6. Chair the Health and Safety Committee 7. Ensuring an adequate risk assessment for school trips/activities is formulated and implemented 8. Reporting on a regular basis to the Head and Governors on Health & Safety matters 9. Prepare and maintain a contingency and business continuity plan in cooperation with the Head and Chinese Principal 10. Ensuring the School has an appropriate insurance programme covering all key risks in respect of which insurance is required and liaising with the Director of Finance in this regard where necessary Premises The Operations Manager will be responsible for the overall management and maintenance of the buildings, facilities, grounds, fabric, and furnishings of the school, working with the Head, and Chinese Principal. Specific responsibilities include: 1. Through regular contact with the premises staff ensuring the proper maintenance and repair of the school is carried out, and progress is monitored. 2. Advising on all Health & Safety matters, including measures in the event of emergencies. 3. Appraise projects for the development of the school. 4. To be responsible to the Head, and Chinese Principal for the security, maintenance, heating, cleaning, and other general site services within the premises. 5. To be responsible for letting of the school premises to outside organizations and school staff, the development of all school facilities for out of school use. 6. Purchase, repair and maintenance of all furniture, equipment, and fittings. 7. To monitor the work of on-site contractors and arrange for estimates of work. 8. To ensure that the best use is made of premises personnel and to be responsible for their allocation of hours and pay claims. 9. To monitor and oversee the quality of work by contractors, caretakers and cleaning staff, reporting to the Head, Chinese Principal and Head Office’s Operations Department as appropriate. 10. To oversee the maintenance and furnishing of the residential area and the allocation of teaching staff to appropriate properties. To develop and implement a repair and maintenance service plan for the residential areas. 11. To liaise with the Head Office’s Operations Department with regards to group policies and practices. 12. Ensuring the School complies with the Education Bureau, Fire Services Department and Building Department’s Ordinance and Regulations Administration and Procurement 1. Preparation of an annual budget for all areas of his/her responsibility including revenue and capital spending 2. Delivery of activities and objectives within budget 3. Liaising as required with the Director of Finance to ensure financial aspects of control and reporting meet with the School’s requirements and to identify where the School can make economies from bulk or forward buying of materials and commodities 4. Ensuring all purchases and tenders are prepared and awarded in accordance with the School procurement guidelines. 5. Manage and monitor contracts with the external service providers such as Facilities Management, Security, Catering, School Bus, Health Care Centre, and any other service providers ensuring all service providers are appointed in accordance with the School’s Procurement Procedures and Policies 6. Oversee school shop operations where applicable, implementing and maintaining effective systems for controlling the inventories 7. Safeguard fixed assets of the school ensuring all fixed assets are tagged, recorded, and counting in accordance with the Fixed Asset Management Policy 8. In cooperation with the Director of Finance, prepare and implement internal financial and administrative controls and systems 9. To ensure functional, financial, and legal review of all contracts and agreements is carried out before these contracts/agreements are signed by the School Compliance 1. To ensure compliance with all legal, statutory, and administrative requirements and procedures related to health and safety, fire regulations, other licenses, buildings, education 2. Understand and know well the job-related rules and regulations. Keep the School Senior leadership Team updated on new rules and regulations and updates to existing ones, in an accurate and timely manner. 3. Communicate and negotiate with related government departments and/or authorities and get their support when there are any issues or problems. 4. In charge of the renewal and annual check of all school licenses’ 5. Safe keeping of all school licenses. Other AISL Education Group is committed to the safety and protection of children. All employees are expected to comply with our School Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.
  • 采购专员

    海口 | 1年以上 | 本科



    教育/院校 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    岗位职责: 1. 根据采购主管安排或其他用户部门的需求,货比三家找寻优质供应商。 2. 制作采购订单,采购合同。 3. 跟进采购订单确保订单如期保质保量交付。 4. 处理订单不良品,退换货,退款等售后问题。 5. 收集、整理及统计各种采购单据。 6. 认真执行集团采购管理规定,协助采购主管处理日常采购订单。 7. 学校领导安排的其他任务。  8. AISL教育集团致力于儿童的安全与保护。所有员工都应遵守我们的学校儿童保护和保障政策。 任职要求: 1. 英语口语作为工作语言。 2. 具有良好的商务谈判能力,协调沟通能力。 3. 为人踏实,做事认真负责,具有抗压能力。 4. 会使用excel,word等简单的办公软件
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