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  • 杭州 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 16:22
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    岗位职责 1、全面负责门店的运营管理工作,根据公司要求开展门店的销售、创收、费用控制和基础运维工作。 2、根据门店经营目标,完成门店的销售业绩。 3、分析研究市场的发展趋势,根据门店实际情况制定经营运算和质量标准,并做好成本控制。 4、按照门店费用标准,控制门店运营成本。 5、根据运营的工作规定和服务标准,开展门店的日常管理和基础服务。 6、及时掌握门店的运营状态,联系安排房间维修和保养维护。 7、负责门店内下属人员工作管理。 8、建立、维护良好的公共关系(客户关系、邻里关系、社会关系),及时处理突发事件。 9、每日及时完成门店运营数据的核实工作。 10、定期进行运营状况分析,搜集整理周边市场产品价格销售策略建议。 11、处理客户投诉,不断改善门店的管理工作。 12、积极完成上级指派的其他工作。 岗位要求 1、大专及以上学历,酒店管理、旅游管理、市场管理专业优先考虑。 2、从事酒店工作5年以上,具有酒店前厅,餐饮,客房等岗位管理经验,有酒店筹建、开业经验优先。 3、熟悉酒店各营业部门的服务及管理流程,善于成本控制。 4、熟悉OTA运营。 5、熟悉经营和管理系统,能熟练操作办公软件。 6、具有良好的协调沟通、管理和团队建设能力,事业心强。 公司将根据门店需要安排工作地点,需要愿意接受外派! 工作地点:杭州、金华、东阳、丽水、义乌、台州、永康、绍兴、衢州、诸暨、湖州、宁波、上海、上饶、鹰潭、南昌、景德镇、宁德、常熟、慈溪、贵州、黔东南、温州、四川等
  • 杭州 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 16:22
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    岗位职责 1、查看交班记录,了解上一班的移交事项,并负责处理。 2、熟悉预订资料,了解客情,尤其要记住即将来电的贵宾、常客的姓名,了解酒店的所有活动。 3、熟悉酒店有关客房销售的各项政策,向来店宾客推销客房,努力争取最好的经济效益。 4、熟练前台各项专业业务和技能,搞好对客服务。 5、熟练掌握店内信息,提供准确的问讯服务。 6、负责为下榻酒店的宾客办理入住登记手续。 7、负责客房钥匙的管理和发放工作并严格遵守验证制度。 8、制作有关报表,为其它部门提供准确的接待信息。 岗位要求 1、大专及以上文化程度。女生身高165、男生170,35岁以下。 2、形象佳,谈吐淡雅,性格开朗、头脑灵活、工作踏实,具有较强的服务意识、推销意识和责任感。 3、通晓酒店各项对客政策、设施设备及服务种类以及总台工作程度和规范。
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 初中 | 提供食宿



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    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 16:22
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    岗位职责 1、负责酒店长租及日租客房打扫,按照客房清扫流程和质量标准,做好日常清洁及计划清洁工作,为宾客提供整洁、舒适、方便、安全的居住环境。 2、管理好楼层定额物品,严格控制客用品消耗,做好废品回收。 3、负责对结帐房间的查房工作。 4、负责楼层公共区域卫生的清洁工作和部分房间的清洁工作。 5、负责杯具的清洁与消毒工作。 6、负责脏布草的收集、更换与新布草的折叠、摆放工作。 7、完成易耗品的每期盘点工作。 岗位要求 1、普通话流利、身体健康、相貌端正、能吃苦耐劳。 2、服从工作安排、无不良嗜好。 3、有客房工作经验优先。
  • 人事经理

    杭州 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:13
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    岗位职责 1、负责酒店人力资源部的全面管理工作,制定和实施人力资源规划。 2、负责建立和健全人事、劳资、考核、聘任、晋升、奖惩等各项规章制度。 3、负责酒店高层管理人事的招聘和储备人才库的建设。 4、执行酒店关于人事调配、工资奖励、劳保福利、安全生产的方针、政策和规定。 5、组织编制工资、人事、考勤、考核等报表。 6、制定和完善酒店组织架构、薪酬体系、绩效管理体系。 岗位要求 1、本科以上学历,有相同岗位工作经验X年以上。 2、在酒店招聘、合同管理、薪酬制度、员工培训、绩效考核、事故预防、政府关系等方面具有丰富经验。 3、熟知国家、地区劳动法律法规及相关政策。 4、具备英语听说读写能力。 5、管理类专业,接受过系统的人力资源管理理论培训。
  • 餐厅主管

    杭州 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES工作职责 · AIn the absence of a Manager, conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known  · 在经理缺席时主持交接班说明会,确保员工了解酒店的活动和运营的要求。  · Endeavour to resolve all complaints during shift and logs all complaints in log book for further follow up · 在自己当班期间尽可能解决所有的投诉,并在工作日志中记录所有投诉以便进一步跟进的工作。 · Oversee the Implementation of standards as detailed in the departmental standards and procedures manual · 监督部门工作程序手册中列出的各项规范的贯彻执行。 · Enforce shift hand over procedures · 执行交接班程序。 · Enforce correct bill paying procedures  · 遵守正确的结账程序。 · Conduct effective shift briefings ensuring all staff are aware of VIPs, special occasions, daily specials; emphasis on up-selling certain products; etc · 有效的进行交接班说明会,确保所有员工了解重要客人,特殊活动,每日特价,重点是推销某些产品等。 · Supervise cash handling and banking procedures · 监督现金的处理和存放程序。  · Prepare daily banking and cash flow reports · 编制每日存款和流动资金报告。 · Establish and instruct staff in cash security procedures · 制定并指导员工执行现金安全制度。  · Deal with irregular payments · 处理异常的付款情况。  · Supervise the maintenance of service equipment · 监督服务设备的维护保养。 · Monitor standards of guest facilities and services · 监督客用设施和服务的标准。  · Control stock and monitor security procedures · 控制存货和监督保安成序。  · Assist with menu and wine list creation · 协助菜单和酒水单的设计工作。  · Supervise outlet service including Tea Lounge · 监督餐厅及茶楼的服务。 · Works with Superior on manpower planning and management needs · 和上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 · Works with Superior in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget · 和上级领导一起编制和管理部门预算。 · Share recommendations and guest comments to Chef and Food and Beverage Manager to reflect current customer profile · 与厨师和餐饮经理交流意见和客人的建议从而反应当前客人的情况。 · Manage special amenities and special events · 特殊设施和活动的管理工作。 · Anticipate market changes and review operations when necessary · 有效的预测市场的变化,并在必要时审评运营工作 · Up-sell property facilities · 推销酒店的设施。 · Actively pursue cost saving measures · 积极的实行节约成本的措施。 · Recycle wherever possible · 尽可能再利用能源。 · Manage wage and beverage cost  · 管理工资和饮料成本。 · Forecasting  · 进行预测工作。 · Stock control · 有效的控制存货。 · Analyze statistics and change your operations to reflect customer preferences · 分析统计数据,按照客人的喜好改变运营方法。 · Mix your own shift hours to ensure you know what is happening in your department at all times (ie nights, days, week-ends and during the week, break, lunch and evening shifts) · 混合自己的轮班时间确保随时了解部门内发生的事情(如夜班,白班,周末和周一至周五班,间休,午餐时间和晚班)。 · Make conversation to guests during their order and find out their likes and dislikes as well as building rapport · 在客人点餐时与客人交谈,发现客人的喜好,同时建立友善的关系。 · Other reasonable Ad hoc tasks assigned by supervisor  · 其他由上级分配的合理任务 Required Skills – 技能要求  · Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. 完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。 · Alcohol awareness certification and/or food service permit or valid health/food handler card as required by local government agency. 持有当地政府规定的含酒精饮品知识课程证书或食品服务许可证或有效的健康或食品上岗证。 · Problem solving and training abilities. 具有解决问题和培训的能力   Qualifications – 学历 · Diploma in Hotel Management, Food & Beverage, or related field. 酒店管理,餐饮或相关专业的大专学历。   Experience – 经历 · 2 years related experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience.  Supervisory experience preferred. 2年相关工作经历,或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。具主管经验优先考虑。
  • 厨师领班

    杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    Duties and Responsibilities工作职责 · In absence of Manager, conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known 在经理缺席时进行交接班说明,确保了解酒店的活动和运营要求。 · Prepares, cooks, serves and stores the following dishes: 进行以下菜肴的制作、烹饪、上餐和存储工作: o Appetizers, Savories, Salads and Sandwiches 开胃菜、小菜、沙拉和三明治 § Applies organization skills for mise en place 在开餐准备工作中发挥组织能力 o Sauces 调味汁 § Produces hot and cold sauces for menu items ensuring consistency 制作菜单上的冷、热调味汁并保证风格一致 o Eggs, Vegetables, Fruit, Rice and Farinaceous Dishes 蛋、蔬菜、水果、米饭和谷粉制品 o Poultry and Game dishes  禽类和野味 o Meat dishe荤菜 § meat marinade腌肉 § carve meats分割肉 o Fish and shell fish水产品 § sauces for fish and shell fish水产品用酱 § garnishing  techniques and methods of service for fis对鱼进行装饰的技巧和方法 o Pastry, cakes and yeast goods  面点、蛋糕和发酵食品 § petits fours  法式小点心 § desserts 甜点 o Hot and cold deserts 冷、热甜点 § Decorate, portion and present 装饰、切片和装盘 o Plates and Terrines 肝酱和肉酱 § Prepares pastries for pate en croute 准备法式糕点 o Chinese Regional Dishes 中国地方菜 § Sichuan dishes 川菜  § Beijing and North China dishes 北京菜和华北菜 § Shanghai and East China dishes    上海菜和华东菜 o Thai Regional Dishes 泰国菜 o Indian Regional Dishes 印度地方菜 o Malay and Nonya Regional Dishes 马来和娘惹菜 o Indonesian Dishes 印尼菜 o Japanese Dishes 日本菜  o Vietnamese Dishes 越南菜 § Prepares regional rice dishes 制作地方口味的米饭 § Prepares regional noodle dishes  制作地方口味的面条 o Asian Desserts 亚洲甜点 § Produces a range of liquid and solid deserts  制作各种液体和固定甜点 § Produces and presents a range of steamed sweet rice based desserts 作各种蒸甜米饭和甜点并装盘 § Produces baked desserts 制作烤制甜点 o Dim Sum 点心 § Produces sweet and savoury dim sum 制作甜咸点心 § Produces deep fried dim sum 制作油炸点心 § Produces baked dumpling 制作烤制的饺子  § Produces a range of baked desserts 制作各种烘烤甜点 o Buffet Food 自助餐 § Prepares and presents food for buffets 制作和摆放自助餐 § Prepares and presents desserts for buffets 制作和摆放自助餐甜品 § Stores buffet items 储存自助餐食品 · Communicates politely and display courtesy to guests and internal customers 与客人和内部客户礼貌、友好的交流 。 · Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks, Kitchen Attendants and Stewards 指导厨房帮手,包括厨师、厨房服务员和管事的工作。 · Communicates to his/her superior any difficulties, guest or internal customer comment and other relevant information 与上级交流疑难问题,客人或内部客户的意见以及其它相关信息 。 · Establishes and maintains effective employee working relationships 与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系 。 · Attends and participates in daily briefings and other meetings as scheduled 按计划参加并参与每日例会及其它会议。 · Attends and participates in training sessions as scheduled 按计划参加培训活动 。 · Prepares in advance food, beverage, material and equipment needed for the service 事先准备服务所需的食品、饮料、材料和设备。 · Cleans and re-sets his/her working area 清洁并整理工作区域。 · Implements the hotel and department regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: 实施酒店和部门的规定、政策和工作程序,包括但不限于:   o House Rules and Regulation 酒店的规则和规定 o Health and Safety 健康和安全 o Grooming 仪表仪容 o Quality 质量 o Hygiene and Cleanliness 卫生和清洁 QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS任职要求 Required Skills – 技能要求  · Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. 完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。 · Food service permit or valid health/food handler card as required by local government agency. 食品服务许可或当地政府规定的有效的卫生或食品上岗证。 · Problem solving and training abilities. 解决问题和培训的能力。   Qualifications – 学历 · Diploma or Vocational Certificate in Culinary Skills or related field. 餐饮技能或相关职业证书。   Experience – 经验  · 2 years experience as a cook or an equivalent combination of education and experience.  2年厨师工作经历或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。
  • 厨师主管

    杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    Duties and Responsibilities工作职责 · In absence of Manager, conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known 在经理缺席时进行交接班说明,确保了解酒店的活动和运营要求。 · Prepares, cooks, serves and stores the following dishes: 进行以下菜肴的制作、烹饪、上餐和存储工作: o Appetizers, Savories, Salads and Sandwiches 开胃菜、小菜、沙拉和三明治 § Applies organization skills for mise en place 在开餐准备工作中发挥组织能力 o Sauces 调味汁 § Produces hot and cold sauces for menu items ensuring consistency 制作菜单上的冷、热调味汁并保证风格一致 o Eggs, Vegetables, Fruit, Rice and Farinaceous Dishes 蛋、蔬菜、水果、米饭和谷粉制品 o Poultry and Game dishes  禽类和野味 o Meat dishe荤菜 § meat marinade腌肉 § carve meats分割肉 o Fish and shell fish水产品 § sauces for fish and shell fish水产品用酱 § garnishing  techniques and methods of service for fis对鱼进行装饰的技巧和方法 o Pastry, cakes and yeast goods  面点、蛋糕和发酵食品 § petits fours  法式小点心 § desserts 甜点 o Hot and cold deserts 冷、热甜点 § Decorate, portion and present 装饰、切片和装盘 o Plates and Terrines 肝酱和肉酱 § Prepares pastries for pate en croute 准备法式糕点 o Chinese Regional Dishes 中国地方菜 § Sichuan dishes 川菜  § Beijing and North China dishes 北京菜和华北菜 § Shanghai and East China dishes    上海菜和华东菜 o Thai Regional Dishes 泰国菜 o Indian Regional Dishes 印度地方菜 o Malay and Nonya Regional Dishes 马来和娘惹菜 o Indonesian Dishes 印尼菜 o Japanese Dishes 日本菜  o Vietnamese Dishes 越南菜 § Prepares regional rice dishes 制作地方口味的米饭 § Prepares regional noodle dishes  制作地方口味的面条 o Asian Desserts 亚洲甜点 § Produces a range of liquid and solid deserts  制作各种液体和固定甜点 § Produces and presents a range of steamed sweet rice based desserts 作各种蒸甜米饭和甜点并装盘 § Produces baked desserts 制作烤制甜点 o Dim Sum 点心 § Produces sweet and savoury dim sum 制作甜咸点心 § Produces deep fried dim sum 制作油炸点心 § Produces baked dumpling 制作烤制的饺子  § Produces a range of baked desserts 制作各种烘烤甜点 o Buffet Food 自助餐 § Prepares and presents food for buffets 制作和摆放自助餐 § Prepares and presents desserts for buffets 制作和摆放自助餐甜品 § Stores buffet items 储存自助餐食品 · Communicates politely and display courtesy to guests and internal customers 与客人和内部客户礼貌、友好的交流 。 · Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks, Kitchen Attendants and Stewards 指导厨房帮手,包括厨师、厨房服务员和管事的工作。 · Communicates to his/her superior any difficulties, guest or internal customer comment and other relevant information 与上级交流疑难问题,客人或内部客户的意见以及其它相关信息 。 · Establishes and maintains effective employee working relationships 与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系 。 · Attends and participates in daily briefings and other meetings as scheduled 按计划参加并参与每日例会及其它会议。 · Attends and participates in training sessions as scheduled 按计划参加培训活动 。 · Prepares in advance food, beverage, material and equipment needed for the service 事先准备服务所需的食品、饮料、材料和设备。 · Cleans and re-sets his/her working area 清洁并整理工作区域。 · Implements the hotel and department regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: 实施酒店和部门的规定、政策和工作程序,包括但不限于:   o House Rules and Regulation 酒店的规则和规定 o Health and Safety 健康和安全 o Grooming 仪表仪容 o Quality 质量 o Hygiene and Cleanliness 卫生和清洁 · Works with Supervisor in manpower planning and management needs 和上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 · Works with Supervisor in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget 和上级领导一起编制和管理部门预算。 QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS任职要求 Required Skills – 技能要求  · Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. 完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。 · Food service permit or valid health/food handler card as required by local government agency. 食品服务许可或当地政府规定的有效的卫生或食品上岗证。 · Problem solving and training abilities. 解决问题和培训的能力。   Qualifications – 学历 · Diploma or Vocational Certificate in Culinary Skills or related field. 餐饮技能或相关专业的大专或职业证书。   Experience – 经验  · 2 years experience as a cook or an equivalent combination of education and experience.  2年厨师工作经历或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。
  • 保安主管

    杭州 | 1年以上 | 高中 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    · Responsible for the safety and security of guests, employees and establishment needs · 负责酒店宾客、员工及设施的安全保卫工作 · Report to Manager all hotel property deficiencies and safety or security hazards · 向经理汇报酒店所有的财产损坏和安全危险问题 · Initiate action to improve a hazardous situation immediately · 采取行动以便迅速处理危急情况 · Implement procedures for security and emergency incidents · 执行安全和紧急事件处理程序 · In the event of fire, be thoroughly familiar with and guided by the hotel’s emergency plan · 发生火灾时,应熟知并按照酒店应急事件处理要求进行工作 · Be familiar with location of fire alarms and fire fighting equipment · 熟悉消防报警及灭火器材的位置 · Maintain the security system · 维护酒店安全系统 · Monitor staff clocking on and off duty · 监督员工上下班考勤 · Allocate staff locker keys as necessary · 必要时分发员工储物柜钥匙 · Conduct random checks of key registers in telephone room, banqueting, engineering, stewarding and housekeeping to ensure the hotel’s key control policy is adhered to and report on discrepancies · 抽查话务室、宴会厅、工程部、餐具储物间、客房部的钥匙登记记录,确保酒店的钥匙控制制度得以遵守并报告违背制度要求的情况 · Maintain a 24 hour surveillance of those areas that are frequented by guests and all work areas · 24小时监督客人经常光临及所有工作区域的安全状况 · Maintain a vigil on the closed circuit TV system and inform security officer on patrol duties of any unusual happenings · 监督闭路监视系统并通知巡逻保安人员异常情况 · Ensure checks are conducted on fire panel, fire hose real outlets and fire barriers and all other safety equipment and ensure that all are in good working order and report to the Safety Manager any item of equipment which is faulty · 定期检查火灾盘,消防水带的出水口和防火间隔等消防灭火器材及其他安全设备,确保其处于良好的工作状态,并向保安部经理汇报失效设备 · Ensure hotel alarm system is in good working order · 确保酒店报警系统的正常工作 · Maintain a good working knowledge of the following: · 保持良好的业务知识,包括: · The hotel switchboard and paying system · 酒店电话总机及支付系统 · The control points and the working of the hotel’s gas and air conditioning system · 酒店各控制点,燃气、空调系统的正常工作 · The hotel’s fire indicator board, fire wardens telephones and public address system · 酒店火警提示牌、火警警报电话及消防扩音系统 · Maintain a daily log of incidents · 保留事故记录日志 · Conduct regular locker checks in line with Human Resources · 按照酒店制度要求定期检查员工储物柜 · Check all packages and passes of employees entering and leaving the building · 检查出入酒店员工的随身携带物品 · Carry out monthly fire inspections · 每月进行消防检查 · Maintain a good knowledge of the liquor act and criminal code · 掌握有关酗酒及犯罪管理条理 · Prevent gambling on hotel premises  · 禁止在酒店内赌博行为 · Prevent Sabotage of hotel premises  · 禁止毁坏酒店设施的行为 · Ensure all outlets, fridges, cupboards etc are fully secured when not in use or unattended · 确保所有未被使用的电源插座、冰箱、厨柜等的安全 · Ensure no undesirables loiter in or around the hotel premises · 确保不受欢迎的人员不在酒店内或酒店周围出现 · Ensure there is no obstruction to the loading dock and that unauthorized vehicles are removed · 确保裝卸区无障碍,未经批准的车辆不得入内 · Coordinate functions with other security staff or Police and other government Securities and promote good will with them  · 与其他保安人员或警方或政府其它安保部门协调工作,并与其建立良好关系 · Implement the hotel policies and procedures and advise Superiors and Human Resources of action taken · 执行酒店的各项规章制度,并向上级领导和财务及业务支持经理提出改进建议 · Be correct, secure and courteous in handling any disciplinary or criminal case  · 正确、安全、礼貌地处理各类违规及犯罪案件 · Be alert for any unusual packages, guests or vehicles and advise superior of same  · 对于异常的行李、客人或车辆保持高度警惕,并向上级领导汇报相关情况 · Be thoroughly familiar of the property layout, design, entry and exit points · 熟悉酒店布局、设计及出入口的情况 · Make way by escorting VIPs and dignitaries when directed and direct traffic away from Lobby and other busy thorough fares  · 按照指示对酒店重要客人及重要官员提供护卫,保证大堂及其他繁杂区域的正常秩序 · Ensure that the safety control office is never left unattended · 确保安全控制办公室无缺岗情况 · Provide escort duty for money transfers to the General Cashier’s office or bank as required  · 按照要求对酒店与银行之间的现金转移提供护卫 · Establish proper working relationship with outsourcing security company, ensure the outsourcing security staff meet the Hotel Indigo standard. · 与外包保安公司建立正确的关系,确保外包保安人员符合英迪格酒店的标准。   Required Skills – 技能要求 · Certification in safety and training and/or licensed as a Security Officer or Law Enforcement Officer may be required.  Certified CPR, First Aid instructor and training in law enforcement techniques desired.   · 拥有安全和培训及保安人员和执法人员的证书。认证的CPR,救生培训员及接受过必要的执法技巧培训。 · Working knowledge of local laws, investigation methods, OSHA requirements and fire codes and life safety codes. 具有本地法律,调查手段,OSHA要求和消防规范及生命安全规范的工作知识。 Qualifications – 学历 · High School or vocational training · 高中文化或职业培训   Experience – 经历 · 1 year of security and safety experience and/or military/law enforcement experience, or an equivalent combination of education and experience · 具有一年保安经验和军队或执法经验,或与此相当的教育与工作经验结合的背景
  • 值班工程师

    杭州 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    Duties and Responsibilities工作职责 · Maintain the hotel in your qualified trade to the desired standard · 利用自己专业技能对酒店进行维护并达到期望的标准。 · Shift inspection and rectification  · 当班检查和修整工作。 · Complete work orders as requested by the Chief Engineer to meet customer requirements · 按照总工程师的工作指令完成工作,从而满足客人的要求。Initiate/identify project work required throughout the hotel · 计划和确定酒店内需要完成的工作项目。Implement and action the preventative maintenance program · 实施和执行预防性维修保养计划。 · Demonstrate flexibility in changing the work schedule in light of guest priorities · 表现出工作的灵活机动性,按照客人的轻重缓急变更时间。 · General building minor maintenance repairs · 对大厦进行小型的维修保养。 · Ensure pool chemical level is in accordance with legislative requirements, is vacuumed and surrounding area maintained to standards established · 确保游泳池化学品等级符合法律要求,确保游泳池进行真空清洁,且泳池周围区域按定的标准进行维护。 · Ensure plant rooms are checked and cleaned and are in operating order · 确保检查机房和进行清洁工作,确保设备在正常状态下工作。 · Carry pager and respond to requests from departments regarding minor maintenance issues throughout the day · 全天佩带呼机,对部门要求执行的小型维修项目予以回应。 · Conduct lighting checks to ensure all globes are in working order · 检查电灯,确保所有灯泡正常工作。 · Investigate reported faults for laundry and kitchen equipment · 调查有关洗衣和厨房设备的故障报告。 · Carry out any minor repairs to guest rooms or public areas · 执行客房和公共区域的小型维修。 · Liaise directly with departments regarding the completion of work orders and prioritize in order of guest satisfaction 直接与部门交流有关工作单的执行和优先顺序问题,以便使顾客满意。 Required Skills – 技能要求 · Good communication and writing skills · 良好的沟通和写作技能 · Problem solving, reasoning, motivating, organizational and training abilities · 具有解决问题,推理,号召,组织和培训能力   Qualifications – 学历 · Vocational Certificate in Engineering or equivalent · 工程职业证书或相当的证书   Experience – 经历 · 1 year of relevant experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience.   · 1年相关工作经验,或具有与此相当的教育与工作经验结合的背景
  • 杭州 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    (前台接待员/总机接线员) Duties and Responsibilities工作职责 · Process all incoming and outgoing calls accurately and courteously · 正确并礼貌地处理所有打进和打出酒店的电话。 · Records and controls accurately wake up calls · 准确记录并管理叫早服务。 · Pages guests in co-operation with concerned departments · 与相关部门合作,对客人进行呼叫。 · Records all entries on traffic sheets · 将所有条目记录到电话单上。 · Assists guests with international calls and directory queries · 协助客人处理国际长途和号码查询。 · Calls guests by name whenever possible · 尽量称呼客人的姓名 。 · Pages staff member when requested · 如有需要,对工作人员进行呼叫。 · Abides by principles of guest privacy · 遵守保护客人隐私的原则 · Handles guests needs or requests and reports complaints to the Telephone Supervisor · 满足客人的需要或请求,并向总机主管汇报投诉情况。 · Report on logbook daily · 每日记下工作日志。 · Bill call costs · 提供电话费单据。 · Aware of local telephone listings and frequently dialed numbers · 熟悉当地电话表以及常拨号码。 · Strictly abides by standards policies and procedures governing cases of emergency such as fire, bomb scare and other critical situations · 严格遵守处理紧急事件,如火灾、炸弹威胁和其它危机的标准政策和工作程序。 · Advises defects on switchboard equipment to Supervisor · 向主管汇报总机设备出现的问题。 · Maintains a clean work environment · 保持工作环境的清洁。 · Attends to all guest queries and requests promptly · 及时处理客人的所有问询和要求。 · Maintains detailed knowledge of the Hotel’s fire, life and safety system · 熟知酒店的消防、救生和安全系统。 · Maintains detailed knowledge on the Emergency Response Team and workings of the telephone room in this regard · 熟知紧急事件处理小组的相关情况以及电话室在此方面的工作方式。 · Maintain Hotel Information · 保管酒店相关信息。 · Responsible for entering accurate room status into computer daily and investigate discrepancies  · 负责每天将客房情况准确的输入电脑并调查各种异常情况。 · Do reservation job when Reservation Department is duty off. · 在预订部不当班期间承接预订工作。 Required Skills – 技能要求 · Communication skills are utilized a significant amount of time when interacting with others; demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company · 拥有在与他人交往时大多数时间所使用的沟通技能;完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力 · Able to read and write English · 能够读写英语   Qualifications – 学历 · Outgoing personality and desire to learn · 性格外向,乐于学习   Experience – 经历 · 1 year experience in a related discipline or an equivalent combination of education and experience.   · 拥有1年与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。  
  • 行李员

    杭州 | 经验不限 | 高中



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    · At all times well groomed, have a pleasant disposition, greet guests with the most hospitable attitude upon arrival at the hotel, and willing to offer assistance at all times · 随时保持外表整洁及良好的站姿,在客人到达时,以最热情的态度迎接客人,并主动地为客人提供帮助。 · Maintain the entrance and main door area clean and tidy, free of obstacles and ensue that traffic through the driveway is controlled · 保持主要入口的干净及整洁,确保进入酒店车道的顺畅。 · Obtain taxis for guests as required and do your best to ensure the guests are not overcharged by taxis by either negotiating with the taxi driver himself, or by cautioning the guest to be on alert · 在需要时,为客人招出租车,为避免乘客被出租车司机多收费,应与出租车司机协调或提醒乘客注意。 · Knowledgeable in assisting guests in requests for transport and other information · 在需要时,为客人提供交通信息或其他信息。 · Assist with heavy packages, coats, suitcase, etc.  being alert to give assistance courteously and quickly, before having to be asked  · 在客人要求前,主动、迅速、有礼貌地帮客人提重的行李、外套、皮箱等。 · Maintain a willingness to please attitude and give undivided attention to any approaching guest · 保持积极、乐观态度,认真关注每位到达酒店的客人。 · Adhere to guest checking in and checking out procedures pertaining to baggage handling · 在处理客人行李时,了解客人登记及结账手续。 · Welcome guests at the main entrance, offering the greeting appropriate to the time of day taking particular note of repeat guests and Priority Club members · 在主要的门口迎接客人,特别关注当天到达的回头客和优悦会员。 · Has presence and alerts Security or Duty Manager whenever a suspicious looking person or troublemaker is present · 在发现可疑人物或捣乱者时,提醒安全部门或值班经理注意。 · Assist arriving and departing guests by opening and closing car and taxi doors · 协助到达和离开的客人开、关车门。 · Maintain a spotless Porte and Drive way smoothly. · 保持良好的站姿及车道的畅通。 · Guide the guest to the Front Desk and wait behind the guest during the check-in.  Keep eyes on the Front Desk Clerk who provides the signal for you to step forward and receive the room and rooming booklet from the Front Desk Clerk.  Without delay, escort the guests accordingly. · 引导客人到前台,在客人登记时,站在客人后面等待客人,注意观察前台接待给出的房间号,拿到房间号后,立刻陪同客人到房间。 · Be familiar with the layout of the hotel and memorize the preferred route for escorting guests · 熟悉酒店布局,陪同客人到达酒店的各个场所。 · Room the guest in accordance with hotel standards · 按照酒店标准,引导客人到房间。 · Be familiar with the lift workings and emergency stairs  · 熟悉电梯的运作及酒店紧急通道。 · Provide information to guests about the hotel facilities and services · 为客人提供有关酒店设施及服务的信息。 · Provide guest services and guidance · 为客人提供服务及引导。 · Learn and utilize names of guests, especially repeat and long staying guests and routinely greet guests as they pass through the lobby, remaining alert to situations where he can be of assistance to guests · 知道客人的名字,特别是回头客、长期的住店客人及定期的住店客人的名字,在客人通过大厅时,主动询问客人是否需要帮助。 · Maintain a well groomed hair style and wear clean, shiny well polished shoes and a neat uniform while on duty · 上班时保持个人穿着整洁,发型整齐,皮鞋锃亮。 · Help other employees in department, replacing them temporarily when necessary · 必要时帮助其他员工工作。 · Keep Trolleys clean all the time and every night shift needs to clean all Trolleys · 随时保持行李推车的清洁,每个夜班都要擦拭所有行李推车  · Keep the baggage room clean and in order before going off duty on each shift · 在值班期间,保持行李房干净及整洁。 · Upon arrival of newspaper, prepare them and deliver them to guest rooms as assigned by the concierge · 准备报纸的发送,按照行李员领班的要求把报纸送到客人房间。 · Use the Duty Log to document matters of importance · 用值班记事薄记录重要事情。 · Arrange transport and coordinate luggage · 安排交通并协助客人提行李。 · Assist guest purchase items. Be aware can only purchase Counter medicine under the Doctor’s description  · 可以帮助客人购买东西。只可在有医生开具药品处方的情况下帮助购买普通药品。 · Provide escort guest outside under requested  · 在客人的要求下可陪同客人外出   · Assist guests with all inquiries, both hotel and non-hotel related  · 回答客人有关酒店及非酒店的质疑。 · Conduct effective shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known  · 有效制作值班简报,确保员工知晓酒店活动及操作要求。 · Maintain detailed knowledge of the activities of the day and alert to any potential problems · 详细了解酒店日常活动,警惕潜在问题。 · Maintain detailed knowledge of key occurrences in your city/location including directions to key points of interests, restaurants, theaters, shopping, cinemas, sporting and recreational facilities, banks, consulates, transport systems and special events · 详细了解酒店附近的各个地方,如:餐厅、剧院、购物中心、电影院、娱乐场所、银行、领事馆、车站及其他特殊场所。 · Maintain adequate supplies of forms, brochures and ensure they are presented in line with hotel standards · 按照酒店标准,确保表格、小册子的供给。 · Consult Log Book for information/request left by outgoing shift · 查看前一个值班在记事薄里留下的信息。 · Manage all incoming guest mail, messages, telexes, facsimiles and special deliveries, in accordance with policy · 按照酒店政策,处理送给客人的邮件、信息、传真、电报及其他特殊物品。 · Manage outgoing guest mail, courier services, postage of parcels and freighting as directed by guests · 处理客人送出的邮件、包裹邮资及货物。 · Maintain order and security of guest keys and other selected keys kept in Front Office, ensuring key issue policy is followed · 按照酒店钥匙政策,确保客人钥匙、前厅保存的其他钥匙的顺序及安全。 · Receive telephone calls and take messages for guests who are out, in accordance with hotel policy · 按照酒店政策,在接到外出客人电话时,留言给客人。 · Record incoming registered mail, telegram, parcel, telex in appropriate file · 存档记录好客人的挂号信、电报、包裹。 · Perform other duties as maybe assigned by superiors · 完成上级布置的其他工作
  • 前台主管

    杭州 | 1年以上 | 大专



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    Duties and Responsibilities工作职责 · Perform all duties as Lobby host, including additional duties as follows: · 完成所有大堂接待员的工作职责,及以下工作职责 · Conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known  · 开交班会,确保员工都清楚酒店活动及操作要求。 · Supervise front office operations during assigned shift including: · 监督指定班次期间前厅的运作,包括: · Maintenance of guest information · 客人信息的维护 · Maintenance of information about local events · 本地活动信息的维护 · Compile occupancy statistics · 编写入住率统计 · Supervise the use of the public address system · 监督公共地址系统的使用 · Supervise group bookings · 监督团队预订 · Assisting with serious complaints · 协助处理重大投诉 · Supervise cashiering activities during shift including: · 监督班次期间的出纳员活动,包括: · Cash handling and banking procedure · 现金处理和银行程序 · Dealing with irregular payments · 处理不定期付款 · Instructing staff in credit policies and facilities · 教导员工信用政策及设施 · Instructing staff in cash security procedures · 教导员工现金安全程序 · Carry out debtor control · 执行债务人控制 · Prepare reports · 准备报告 · Supervise the cashiering system · 监督出纳员系统 · In conjunction with the EDP manager to ensure the hotel system is maintained in accordance with the standard operating procedures. · 与电脑部主管协作,确保酒店系统根据标准正常运行。 · To ensure that all refused business is recorded and reported to Front Office Manager. · 确保对所有被拒绝的业务做出记录,并上报给前厅部经理。 · Be able to handle main Guest complaint · 有能力去处理客人的投诉   Required Skills – 技能要求 · Communication skills are utilized a significant amount of time when interacting with others; demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. · 拥有在与他人交往时大多数时间所使用的沟通技能;完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力 · Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office and Front Office System · 熟练使用微软办公软件和前台系统 · Problem solving and organizational abilities · 具有解决问题和组织能力 Qualifications – 学历 · Diploma or Vocational Certificate in Hotel Administration, Hotel Management or equivalent · 具有酒店行政管理,酒店管理或相关的大专学历或专业证书   Experience – 经历 · 1 years experience in front office / guest services or related discipline including supervisory experience, or an equivalent combination of education and experience.   · 拥有1年前厅或宾客服务工作经验,包括管理经验,或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。
  • 杭州 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    · Develops a public relations programme for the hotel based on its marketing goals. Liaises with Marketing in targeting specific markets and developing the public relations strategies to reach these markets · 依照酒店的市场目标开展公关活动,与市场部门联系,确定具体目标市场并通过公关策略打入这些市场。 · Develops media contacts, plans press conferences and other press activities. Acts as hotel’s liaison with media to promote good publicity and counteract bad publicity. · 与媒体人士联系,策划新闻发布会以及其它新闻活动。代表酒店与媒体联系,以促进良好的公关形象,抵销一切不良影响。 · Develops and organizes promotional activities, coordinates with departments concerned; invites VIPs and media to promotional activities; prepares and issues press releases · 开发和组织促销活动,与相关部门协调,邀请嘉宾和媒体参与促销活动,准备并进行新闻发布。 · Establishes sales leads from the study of magazines, newspapers and form personal contacts; coordinates sales leads with Banqueting and Sales Departments · 通过杂志、报纸和个人关系发现销售机会,与宴会及销售部就销售机会进行协调。 · Disseminates corporate press releases to appropriate local trade and consumer media · 向合适的当地商业和消费者媒体发布公司的新闻。 · Establishes a programme for sending promotional news to trade publications on a regular basis releases covering special events, promotions, etc. · 建立向行业出版物定期发送促销新闻的机制,新闻内容包括特别活动和促销活动等。 · Prepares promotional press releases on personalities among guests and employees of the hotel and on newsworthy events in the hotel · 在酒店的客人和员工中及酒店內开展的活动中公布促销信息。 · Provides information to other departments on activities within and outside the hotel which may be useful when dealing with guests · 向其它部门就酒店内外的活动提供信息,这些信息可能会在与客户交往中发挥作用。 · Accepts clients and media complaints, requests, and inquiries and coordinates handling with departments concerned · 接受客户和媒体的投诉、申请和询问,并协调相关部门进行处理。 · Coordinates all activities with the Sales Manager · 与销售经理就所有活动进行协调。 · Maintains good public relations by extending personalized service to VIPs. e.g. following up on reservations for VIPs, assisting in greeting VIPs and groups upon their arrival, sending welcome letter to VIP guests · 通过向贵宾提供人性化的服务保持良好的公共关系。例如,为贵宾的预订提供后续服务,在贵宾及其随行人员到酒店时协助欢迎活动,向贵宾赠送欢迎信。 · Coordinates guest lists and invitations for VIP receptions, luncheons, dinners, etc. · 就贵宾接待、午餐、晚餐等的名单和请柬等进行协调。 · Maintains clipping files pertaining to the hotel(s) based on daily perusal of the media and provides same to General Manager, other departments, other hotels, corporate public relations, as appropriate · 每日浏览媒体并保留与酒店相关的新闻剪辑,并视情将其呈送至总经理、其它部门、其它酒店和公关部门。 · Maintains mailing list/contact file · 保管邮寄名单和联络档案。 · Maintains hotel photo file · 保管酒店照片档案。 · Liaises with Human Resource Manager on matters affecting corporate image · 与人力资源经理就影响公司形象的相关事宜进行联系。 · Develop hotel gifts and giveaways · 准备酒店礼品和赠品。 · Builds profile within local market place through attendance at various events and local market place · 通过参与当地市场的各种活动在当地市场上树立良好形象。 · Co-ordinates hotel photography when required · 如有需要,协调酒店的摄影活动。 · Monitors awareness of competitor activities and use information when developing strategies · 观察竞争对手的活动并利用此类信息发展战略。 · Plans and coordinates sponsorship activities · 策划和协调赞助活动。 · Works with superior on manpower planning and management needs · 和上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求 · Works with superior in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget · 和上级领导一起进行编制和管理部门预算。
  • 杭州 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    【岗位职责】 1、代表主持酒店夜间的经营管理活动,对酒店负责,并报告工作。 2、负责协调和督促各部门做好夜间的各种工作。协调夜间各部门的工作关系,处理和解决发生的各种问题和突发的各类事件。 3、代表酒店接待和迎送夜间到离店的重要宾客,检查有关部门做好服务工作。 4、负责酒店夜间的质量管理工作。 5、编写“夜间报告”,记录当天工作的重要情况,发现的问题及处理的意见和结果,及时递交上级审阅。 【岗位要求】 1、大专以上学历,有同岗位工作经验1年以上。 2、懂得酒店管理一般理论知识和酒店管理制度和工作规范。 3、熟悉各种应急预案的内容和程序,了解接待礼仪、礼节。 4、熟悉外事纪律,了解旅游法规,懂得治安、消防条例等法律、法规等基本知识。 5、具有较强的组织、指挥、协调和控制等方面的管理能力,能处理宾客投诉和突发事件。 6、会撰写本职范围内的应用文,语言清晰。 7、能用一种外语与宾客流利交流。
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    岗位职责:  1、根据当日宴会预定和散点销售安排,做好炒锅准备工作。  2、检查吊汤、调料、酱料、调味油等准备情况。  3、检查打荷的餐具和拌碟料的准备情况。  4、与头砧协调配合,如宴会情况、新菜试制等。 岗位要求: 1、接到散点菜单和宴会起菜通知,要迅速按菜单、特式和客人要求烹饪菜肴。 2、认真做好餐前准备工作。 3、菜肴出品要求尽善尽美。  4、控制水、电、气使用,节约能源。 5、有酒店行业同岗位3年以上工作经验。
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    西热领班 岗位职责/职位描述 岗位职责: 1、参与为所有特别事件和活动起草的创意想法和菜单的工作,并鼓励所有员工提出自己的想法并尽量加。 2、管理排班表的起草工作,确保覆盖所有工作领域,却不超出酒店的年度人力配置和工资预算。总经理将负责制定指导方针。 3、熟知酒店食品存货的采购,管理采购水平的工作程序,确保采取一切必要手段来控制食品预算成本的各方面,同时确保充足的食品库存并维持标准。 4、积极参与酒店的完全质量管理活动,熟知并理解洲际酒店集团的完全质量管理理念,确保其在厨房工作中的有效性,鼓励所有员工发挥积极性。 5、依照酒店标准,确保个人形象、卫生和行为的最高标准。 6、组织和监督厨房员工的培训,以增进食品制作和厨房管理的技巧。确保所有培训均得到准确记录,并且在必要的时间柜架内按照人力资源部的要求对所有员工进行检查和考核。 7、随时保证厨房卫生达到最高的标准,并遵守安全食品处理条例。 8、确保正确的保养和存储所有设备,正确报告和记录所有破损和故障设备。 9、准确记录事故,确保所有隐患均得到检查,以减少未来事故的发生。 10、各类冷荤的烹调制作,根据卫生标准严格操作安全生产,保证食品的质量。 11、严格遵守每个工作流程,妥善保管各种冷荤原材料,合理用料,降低消耗成本。 12、负责对专用工具、砧板、容器等消毒工作,同时也要保持冰柜、烤箱等清洁卫生。 13、检查每日餐后的原料消耗,及时申购、补充。 14、配合食品检验部抽查菜品及留样品种并进行化验,确保宾客食品的绝对安全。 岗位要求: 1.熟悉西餐制作工艺及技能; 2.熟悉西餐的相关知识及礼仪; 3.有3年以上星级酒店或西餐厅从事西餐热菜制作工作经验优先。
  • 数字营销经理

    杭州 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    岗位职责 1、 根据部门经理制定的销售方针,具体执行对该市场旅行团的销售工作。 2、 掌握报所管辖地区的旅游市场动态,根据市场、旅行社的变化和全年淡旺季及酒店的客房预订状态。 3、 根据酒店的整体销售计划,结合管辖市场的特点,提出具体的促销计划和切实可行的配额方案。 4、 扩大管辖市场的销售网络,熟悉该地区的旅游机构、旅行社、交通、预订销售网络的业务特点和操作方式。 5、 协助部门经理作好旅行团的销售的产品分配管理工作,提高酒店入住率和经济效益。 6、 检查、督导销售主管的工作,带领销售主管完成规定的营业销售计划。 7、 根据市场和旅行社的业务变化,负责对销售主管的培训工作。 8、 每月向销售部经理汇报当月的销售情况并提出下月的工作计划。 岗位要求 1、 大专以上学历。 2、 能准确了解酒店对外销售方针、政策,通过对市场的了解,有计划地开展销售业务工作,在促销中,能灵活运用酒店的政策和价格。 3、 能够根据销售部制定的销售计划,结合所管辖地区的市场情况,提出切实可行的销售方案,并能协助市场营销经理制定适合该地区销售的具体计划。 4、 能根据该地区对外销售业务的实际需要,对国内外旅游市场进行调查,并对当地酒店产品市场供求关系做出分析,提供有关资料及可行性方案。 5、 在促销活动中,能与旅行社,代理商和有关专业人士建立密切的业务关系,有较高的社交能力。熟练掌握一门外语进行销售宣传和业务谈判,书写有关文件,翻译业务资料。
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    Duties and Responsibilities: · Assists in producing the Annual Revenue Plan · Assists in producing, implementing and monitoring action plans to ensure Revenue Plan objectives are achieved · Analyses current and potential markets/trends, coordinates all activities to maintain and increase revenue through added business volume and increased rate · Procures new and repeat business for the hotel by monitoring contact with airlines, travel agencies, commercial houses, private clubs and professional associations within local, domestic UK and international markets. Maintains contact with planners, corporate accounts, incentive buyers, airlines and wholesalers, through personal sales calls, telephone contacts and written communications · Creates and implements special programmes to achieve greater productivity through: · Increasing average rate · Increasing occupancy · Increasing business volume during difficult periods · Increasing local food and beverage banqueting sales · Manages key accounts · Oversees the selling and servicing of group business · Co-ordinates the development of all promotional material · Provides direction on and conducts market research · Monitors competitor activities · Maintains close liaison with Regional/ Corporate Sales teams and those of other ICHG hotels to      ensure the hotel receives proper corporate consideration, direction and support · Plans and executes sales trips to major market areas · Attends major travel functions to promote sales for the hotel · Under the guidance of your superior, directs all sales activities for Sales Managers and Sales Executives to ensure they meet the goals of the Revenue Plan · Produces monthly Sales reports and forecasts · Meets with guests from major producers/organizers of big events staying in the hotel to ensure customer satisfaction · Establishes and continuously updates mailing lists · Organizes and attends major sales/PR related functions within the hotel · Works with superior on manpower planning and management needs · Works with superior in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget Required Skills : · Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. · Problem solving, reasoning, motivating, organizational and training abilities. · Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office · Good writing skills Qualifications : · Bachelor’s degree in Sales, Marketing or related field.  Experience : · 3 years of relevant experience or an equivalent combination of education and work-related experience.
  • 销售经理

    杭州 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    工作职责: · Monitors competitors activities and assists in marketing intelligence · 监督竞争对手的活动并协助监察市场动态。 · Refers sales leads to appropriate personnel within the InterContinental Hotels Group · 在洲际酒店集团的范围内将销售线索提供给适合的人员。 · Sells to new, existing and prospective customers considering goals set forth in the sales strategy, negotiating optimum rate for the benefit of the business · 根据在销售策略中既定目标,向新的、现有的、有可能的客户进行销售,并与其谈判商定最适合的价格以争取最大的利润。 · Services existing business through management of account bases · 通过客户管理,向现有的客户提供服务。 · Sell all facets of the hotel · 销售酒店的所有设施。 · Manage the corporate head office and the preferred hotel history for that company · 管理公司总部档案和了解公司优先使用的酒店记录。 · Develop and maintain a regular pattern of sales calls, meeting with principals of target market · 设立和保持定期的销售拜访模式,与目标市场的主要人物会面。 · Provides direction on, and conducts market research and analysis · 指导和进行市场调研和分析。 · Develops and maintains contact with business generators, meeting and convention planners, visitors/convention bureau, travel agents, tour operators, airlines, corporate accounts, Government Departments and other producers closely allied to Hotel business · 根据酒店的营业需要,与业务联系人、会务策划者、游客和会展局、旅行社、旅游运营商、航空公司、公司客户、政府部门和其它客人发展并保持联系。 · Builds profile within local market place through attendance at various events and local market place · 通过参与当地市场的各种活动在当地市场上树立良好形象。 · Conduct client interviews · 对客户进行拜访。 · Entertain clients · 招待客户。 · Plan and conduct familiarization tours and site inspections · 策划并实施使客人熟悉环境的现场考察活动。 · Travel when required to promote the hotel and develop potential business · 需要时出差对酒店进行推销,发展潜在的业务机会。 · Maintain regular contact with the IHG hotels in your region and the regional reservation office · 与所在区域内的洲际酒店集团成员和区域预订办公室保持定期联系。 · Monitors existing business and inputs into sales strategy meetings to maximize business · 监测现有业务,并在销售策略会上提出建议以扩大业务。 · Grows existing business and establishes and pursues leads which will develop business · 发展现有业务,并建立和寻找发展业务的机会。 · Interfaces with operations on a timely basis · 及时与运营部门进行沟通。 · Initiates and prepares tenders for business · 起动和筹备业务招标工作。 · Assesses sales and marketing data · 评估市场销售数据。 · Assists with the preparation of new products and services · 协助新产品和服务的准备工作。 · Assists in the evaluation of sales and marketing activities · 协助评估市场销售活动。 · Analyses sales mix and likely impact on hotel goals · 分析销售综合计划和可能对酒店目标产生的影响。 · Implement direction from Director of Sales and Marketing and Regional Managers · 按市场销售总监与地区经理们的指示执行相关工作。 · Liaison with advertising agency · 与广告机构保持联系。 · Stock control of collateral · 宣传品的库存控制。 · Collateral input · 设计宣传品内容。 · Execute advertising/creative briefs in a timely manner · 及时进行广告设计的说明工作。 · Works with superior on manpower planning and management needs · 和上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求 · Works with superior in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget · 和上级领导一起进行编制和管理部门预算。 Required Skills : 技能要求: · Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. · 具有代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。 · Problem solving, reasoning, motivating, organizational and training abilities. · 具有解决问题,推理,号召,组织和培训能力 · Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office · 精通微软办公软件 · Good writing skills · 良好的写作技能  Qualifications &Experience : 学历和经历 · Bachelor’s degree or Diploma in Sales & Marketing, Hotel Management, Business Administration, or related field preferred.   · 最好具有市场营销,酒店管理,商业管理或相关领域的学士学位或大专学历。  · 2 years related experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience · 2年相关工作经验,或与此相当的教育与工作经验结合的背景。
  • 客房部主管

    杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    Duties and Responsibilities工作职责 Perform all duties as Housekeeping attendant, but not limited to below responsibility as supervisor: 履行作为客房服务生的全部责任,但不仅限于以下的主管职责: · Supervise the implementation of housekeeping standards and procedures in relation to: · 监督客房部各项标准和工作程序的执行 : · Bedroom service · 臥室服务 · Bathroom service · 卫生间服务 · Valet service · 洗衣服务 · Cleaning service · 清洁服务 · Linen maintenance · 布巾维护 · Recommended changes to these standards and training needs on an ongoing basis · 就这些标准和培训需求提供持续性的改进建议 · Maintain a current and thorough knowledge of all housekeeping systems · 对客房部所有系统有最新和完整的知识 · Open and close the shift and ensure effective shift hand over · 负责管理接班和交班工作,以确保交接班过程的有效进行 · Distribution and collection of keys · 分发和收集钥匙 · Management of all incoming and outgoing calls · 管理所有的呼入和呼出电话 · Solve employee grievances · 解决员工受到的不公正待遇问题 · Perform Room allocations · 分配客房 · Perform Room inspections · 检查客房 · Prioritise arrival rooms · 排列抵店客人客房的优先顺序 · Liaise with Front Office for guest and hotel requirements · 配合前台满足酒店和客人的要求 · Ensure guest valet is processed and delivered in a timely manner · 确保及时为客人提供洗衣服务并送还 · Co-ordinate special projects (eg site rooms, vermin control, window and carpet cleaning, room inventories) · 协调特别项目(如参观客房,除虫,窗户和地毯的清洁,客房供应量) · Manage all special requests made by guests · 处理客人所有的特殊要求 · Ensure consistency within the department · 确保部门内工作的一致性 · Management of lost property for the hotel · 管理酒店的遗失财物 · Ensure you have complete knowledge of room types, layouts and facilities · 确保具有客房类型,设计和设施的全面知识 · Manage storage areas · 管理仓库 · Maintain adequate stock levels · 保存充足的用品存货 · Complete stock takes as required · 按要求完成库存盘点工作 · Maintain stock levels · 维持存货水平 · Conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known · 进行交接班说明,确保了解酒店的工作和运营需求 · Works with Superior and Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs · 与上级领导和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求 · Works with Superior Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget. · 与上级领导和财务总监一起编制和管理部门预算。   Required Skills – 技能要求 · Communication skills are utilized a significant amount of time when interacting with others; demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. · 拥有在与他人交往时大多数时间所使用的沟通技能;完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力 · Able to speak, read and write English · 具有说,读和写英语的能力 · Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office · 熟练使用微软办公软件 · Organizational and training abilities · 具有组织和培训能力   Qualifications – 学历 · High School or Diploma in Hotel Administration, Hotel Management or equivalent · 高中或酒店行政管理,酒店管理或相当的大专学历   Experience – 经历 · 2 years housekeeping experience preferably in a hotel of similar size and complexity and including supervisory experience or training.   · 最好拥有在相似规模酒店2年客房工作经验,包括的管理经验或培训经验
  • 楼层经理

    杭州 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    【岗位职责】 负责管理客衣、客房、餐饮布巾 、制服等的洗涤、熨烫。 负责检查洗涤的方法和过程。 负责检查洗衣流程,如果必要进行修正和改善。 直接向客房部经理报告洗衣房的工作状况和设备状况。 和下属员工交流工作情况和工作表现等。 和有关人员沟通,解决设备维修、保养和替换的问题。 和工程部经理保持联系,改善工作方法和设备。 根据客房入住率和餐饮布巾需求量,安排好布巾、制服的洗涤工作,保证提供足够的布巾。 按照工作程序,培训员工。和员工开会时讨论工作问题、工作计划、沟通信息,并安排工作。 负责保持工作需求和人工需求的平衡。 负责检查洗衣房办公室的工作,如生产报告、工作安排和其它记录。 负责管理和调查所有有关客衣损坏的问题,如果需要赔偿,负责和管理层协商赔偿额。 负责和员工沟通,交流新的工作方法核心的工作流程。 在员工雇佣、员工需求上和人事部紧密结合。 管理和领导客衣取送部门的工作。 准备年收入预算,并每六个月进行调整。 了解市场上洗涤剂的最新发展,选择高效、高质的洗涤剂,用于提高洗涤的质量。 和其它洗衣房经理保持联系,了解好的洗涤方法、程序、洗涤剂,以及洗涤报价。 建立产品标准记录和培训技能记录。 向上级提供洗衣市场的情况,提出好的建议和采购设备的建议。 按照工作量安排人员。 >服从和完成上级交给的其他工作。 【岗位要求】 至少有5年的相关经验,能完成洗衣房所有的工作
  • 餐厅服务员

    杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    Duties and Responsibilities工作职责: · Deliver Food and Beverage service of high standard and in accordance with departmental standards and procedures 按照部门的规范和程序提供高标准的餐饮服务。 · Communicates to his/her superior any difficulties, guest comments and other relevant information   与上级领导交流有关疑难,客人意见和其它相关信息。 · Establishes and maintains effective employee working relationships 与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系。 · Attends and participates in daily briefings and other meetings as scheduled 参加和参与每日的例会和其它计划好的会议。 · Attends and participates in training sessions as scheduled 参加和参与计划好的培训课程。 · Prepares for service by ensuring: 确保部门的以下各项工作就绪为客人提供服务: o Grooming is impeccable and in accordance with ICHG personal presentation standards 遵守洲际酒店集团的个人仪表仪容规范著装无可挑剔 o Outlet equipment is clean 设备干净 o Equipment is sorted and stored 设备分类且存放好 o Glassware is polished 玻璃器皿擦亮  o Flatware is polished 擦亮餐具 o China is clean 清洁瓷器 o Waiter stations are prepared 准备好服务台 o Cutlery is placed for buffet and table service 摆放好自助餐桌上的餐具 o Tables are set 摆设好餐台 o Reservations are read and familiarized 阅读并熟悉预订 o Special occasions are ready 准备好特别活动 o Music is on 放音乐 o Lighting is on 开灯 o Outlet is ready for service and guest comfort 酒吧准备就绪为客人提供舒适的服务。 · Carries out effective service by ensuring: 高效的提供服务: o Guests are greeted and seated 迎宾并安排客人就坐 o Daily specials are explained and upsold 说明并推销每日特价 o Food orders are processed accurately 准确的下餐单 o Trays and tray jacks are effectively used 有效的利用托盘和托盘架 o Food orders are taken quickly 快速的为客人写餐单 o Payment methods are handled accurately 确的处理付款方法 o Working areas are cleaned and re-set quickly 快速的清洁工作区和重新布置 o Bar is clean 清洁的酒吧 o Used ashtrays are regularly cleaned 定时清理用过的烟灰缸 o Guests are conversed with in relation to the food and beverage products 与客人谈论有关的餐饮产品 · Carries out effective beverage service by ensuring: 通过确保以下内容高效的提供饮品服务: o Beverages are upsold and regularly replenished, abiding by responsible alcohol service regulations 遵守酒精饮料服务归定,推销饮料并定时为客人续酒。 o Converse with Guests about wine, advising the types and styles of wine, taking wine orders and serving wine 与客人谈论葡萄酒,建意葡萄酒的品种和风格,写单和为客人送酒 o Promoting and selling cocktails to guests 向客人推销鸡尾酒 o Making and presenting cocktails 调配和装饰鸡尾酒 o Coffee and tea is served hot and in accordance with standard 按规范提供热的咖啡和茶 · Take appropriate action to resolve guest complaints 正确处理客人的投诉。 · Food and beverage stock is stored in relation to hotel procedures 按照酒店的规定存储餐饮存货。 · Performs related duties and special projects as assigned 承担相关的职责和安排的特别项目。 Required Skills – 技能要求  · Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. 完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。 · Alcohol awareness certification and/or food service permit or valid health/food handler card as required by local government agency. 持有当地政府规定的含酒精饮品知识课程证书或食品服务许可证或有效的健康或食品上岗证。 · Able to read and write English 能够读写英语。   Qualifications – 学历 · High School. 高中或以上学历   Experience – 经历 · Food service experience with general knowledge of restaurant operations preferred. 拥有食品服务经验并具有餐厅运营的一般性知识者优先考虑。
  • 餐厅迎宾

    杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    • 员工生日礼物
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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:09
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    Duties and Responsibilities工作职责 · Meet and greet all guests, and potential guests, at the front of the Restaurant by ensuring the following: 在餐厅的前部迎接所有宾客和有可能的宾客,确保完成以下工作: o Ensure the restaurant is ready to receive guests prior to opening and that both wait staff and tables are ready in line with opening standards 确保在开始营业前餐厅准备就绪,侍应生和餐桌服务员都遵守开始营业规范。 o Ensure restaurant operating equipment is clean and in working order 确保餐厅运营设备的清洁并正常工作。 o Maintaining impeccable uniform and personal presentation standards in accordance with hotel policy 按照酒店的规定保持工服和个人仪表的高标准。 o Welcoming guests to the Restaurant, by using the Restaurant name 迎客人光临餐厅,使用餐厅的名称。 o Inquiring if they have a reservation and noting it in the reservation book if they do 询问客人是否有预订,如有预定在预订册上做记录。 o Creating a reservation for them with their dining preferences if they do not and noting it in the reservation book 为客人登记预订并注有用餐喜好,如客人没有预订则在预订册上记录。 o Being attentive to guest requests 周到的满足客人要求。  · Escort guests to their preferred table or reserved table and seat guests according to restaurant standards 陪同客人前往喜欢的餐台或预订的餐台,按餐厅标准安排客人就坐。 · Take telephone bookings and document in the Reservation book according to restaurant standards 接听电话订位并按餐厅的规范在预订冊上记录。 · Train wait staff and bus staff in hostess standards 按领位员的标准培训员工。 · Be attentive to guests and resolve their complaints where possible, reporting all incidents to your Supervisor 周到的为客人服务,并尽可能解决客人的投诉,向上级领到报告所有事件。 · Maintain responsibility of cleanliness of hostess stations 保持迎宾台的清洁。 · Maintain responsibility of cleanliness of all menus and drink menus 保持所有菜单和饮料单的清洁。 · Assist with beverage service 协助饮料服务。 · Assist with food service 协助食品服务。 · Maintain detailed knowledge of menu, including daily specials 对菜单有具体的了解,包括每日特价。 · Ensure tables are cleared quietly and efficiently 确保迅速且高效的清理餐桌。 · Carry food and beverage trays in a safe manner to minimize breakages 安全的举餐盘使破损将到最低。 · Complete dockets accurately and clearly 准确和清楚的填写收据。 · Maintain current information on all general activities of the hotel 了解当前酒店所有的活动。 QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS任职要求 Required Skills – 技能要求  · Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. 完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。 · Alcohol awareness certification and/or food service permit or valid health/food handler card as required by local government agency. 持有当地政府规定的含酒精饮品知识课程证书或食品服务许可证或有效的健康或食品上岗证。 · Able to read and write English 能够读写英语。   Qualifications – 学历 · High School or Vocational Certificate in Hotel Management, Food & Beverage, or related field. 高中或酒店管理,餐饮或相关领域的职业证书。   Experience – 经历 · 1 years related experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience.      1年相关工作经历,或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。
  • 杭州 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



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    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 15:57
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    岗位职责 1.制定本部门预防性维修保养计划有效保障酒店设备、设施安全经济运行完好。 2.掌握当班能源消耗及维修费用,确保酒店最大限度的节能、节支。 3.推行节能运行计划的实施和运行维修费用预算的控制。 4.协助分析工程项目报价单,亲临现场检查施工与工程进度。 5.协助工程部经理做好消防,安全工作。 6.协助建立完整的设备技术档案和维修档案。 岗位要求 1.中专以上文化程度。 2.必须掌握酒店工程设备的基础知识。 3.有服务意识。 4.有强烈的事业心与责任心和配合精神,秉公办事,不谋私利。 5.持工程相关证书。
  • 高级服务员

    杭州 | 经验不限 | 高中 | 提供食宿



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    中式餐饮 | 1-49 人
    发布于 15:36
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    【岗位职责】 1、 熟知当天订餐情况,注意记录宾客的特别活动(如生日庆祝会),应及时向上级汇报。 2、 按照上级安排,认真完成包厢餐前准备工作,确保正常营业状态。 3、 迎接宾客,引导宾客到预订包厢&台位或宾客满意的包厢&台位。 4、 运用礼貌用语,以及专业的餐前、餐中、餐后服务技能,为宾客提供优质的服务。 5、 随时注意听取宾客的意见,注意在接待工作中的各种问题,及时向上级反映。 6、 配合上级工作,服从安排&指挥,团结合作,互帮互助完成工作。 7、 掌握和运用礼貌语言,负责接听电话,宾客电话订餐应问清楚基本信息。 8、 积极进取,参加公司安排的各类培训,不断提升岗位技能。  【岗位要求】 1、相关专业毕业,或具有高星级&高端餐饮经验,经过餐饮服务培训。 2、有熟练的服务技能技巧和一定的应变能力,能妥善处理服务中出现的一般性问题。 3、掌握餐厅服务规程,了解餐厅各种菜肴的基本特点和烹制方法。 4、工作主动、热情、认真,责任心较强,与企业文化同频。 5、身体健康,仪表端庄,形象气质佳。 6、女生身高160CM+,男生身高170CM+。
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