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    广州 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 提供住



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 提供食宿
    其他 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09-19
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    • 投递简历
    地点:东莞松山湖 岗位职责: 全面理解合同条款、服务范围和顾客期望,努力满足客户需求 Understands the contract terms, conditions, service scope and client’s expectations at a detailed level ,makes great efforts to meet customer needs 有效调配资源,在满足甚至超越合同要求的同时,合理控制成本 Directs management resources to ensure that service levels are met and/or exceed cost effective manner through out the life of the contract 确保各项工作符合合同约定,并获得客户付款 Ensures that work performe is covered by the contract and properly reimbursed from the client 为客户在合同约定之外的服务需求提供建议书并协商报价 Prepares proposals and negotiating profitable compensation for requested work outside the original contract 制定客户业务计划,从而为客户建立积极主动的战略目标,在此基础上执行方案和计划。 Establishes a business plan to capture the strategic initiatives and targets for the client and the activities and actions to deliver on these 权衡和管理关键收益结果的交付情况,确保与设施计划和顾客期望及商业需要向匹配。 Measures, monitors and reports on the delivery of the key benefits and outcomes to the client, in line with the Facility Plan and client’s expectations and business needs 任职要求: Qualification & Requirements 本科或等同学历 Bachelor degree or equivalent 技术、企业管理、酒店管理、工业管理等专业 Major in Technical, Business Management, Hotel Management or Industrial Management discipline 5年以上软服务领域监督管理经验 5 years and above of management/supervisory experience in the soft service and/or maintenance operations 良好的团队意识 Good team spirit 较强的领导力和执行力 Strong leadership and execution ability
  • 广州 | 2年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 节日福利
    • 生日派对
    • 年终奖金
    • 月休八天
    • 职业规划
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 09-19
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    Please be aware that we will automatically reject all resumes without photos, and please send your English CV to kaka.zhang@gardenhotel.com. Thank you. Job Requirements: 1. bachelor degree or above; 2. Fluent in both Written and spoken English or Arabic or Persian or Spanish or Japanese or Korean or Portuguese or French or Germen or Italian; 3. Willing to work in different positions; 4. Enthusiastic about the hotel industry; 5. Good team work spirit; 6. Optimistic and positive work attitude; 7. Excellent communication skills and ability; 8. Confident, sunny, full of vitality. Development and Benefits: 1. Professional training and broad promotion space; 2. Good career prospects; 3. Highly competitive salary and welfare; 4. Abundant staff activities; 5. Safe and comfortable accommodation and delicious free working meals.
  • 广州 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供吃



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃
    • 年度体检
    会展/会务 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-14
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    岗位职责: 1.带领整个团队,负责与会重要宾客的接待工作,保证迎来送往以及会议全程的顺利进行,使贵宾有良好的与会体验。 2.有了解、记录贵宾的喜好习惯,在接待引领、会议、餐饮服务中注重细节,营造良好的与会氛围。 3.懂得制订VIP接待方案、贵宾动线,布置会场、宴会、贵宾休息室环境,并根据实际情况和接待单位要求调整、完善;确保接待过程中贵宾的基本需要得到满足,对于任何的贵宾反馈,及时上报。 4.有处置紧急事件的能力,能在第一时间灵活处理或协调贵宾遇到的问题。 5.负责团队行政管理工作,汇总部门固定资产、易耗品的盘点及采购需求,负责部门同事考勤、报销需求。 6.掌握中餐厅餐饮服务技能,能与餐厅配合,做好贵宾包房服务;与各部门齐心协作,确保各个活动圆满完成。 7.监管与督导团队,带领团队不断提升服务技能及服务口碑。 8.良好的职业素养,维护客户隐私,遵守相关规章。 任职要求: 1.身高163 CM 以上。 2.具有良好的中英文口头表达能力优先。 3.具有国际联号星级酒店或大中型集团公司工作经验优先。 4.具有茶艺师证更佳。
  • 广州 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 岗位晋升
    • 补充医疗保险
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-14
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    • 投递简历
    Purpose of role:  角色定位   The W Insider connects, differentiates and elevates the guest experience with extraordinary experiences. The W Insider creates an Insider Culture at the hotel - with guests, the team and the community. Anticipating and uncovering what will WOW the guest, and empowered to act, the W Insider uses networks, relationships and access to connect the newest, latest and coolest to the W brand and the W guest. 内幕时尚达人用非凡的体验来连接、区分和提升客人的体验。内幕时尚达人在酒店创造了一种内幕文化,包括客人、团队和社区。W Inside利用网络、关系和访问权限,将最新、最酷的内容与W品牌和W客人联系起来。 The W Insider brings to life the W core value of ‘Insider’ for the W guest and allows W Hotels Worldwide to activate this key brand differentiator in a way that creates both valuable and memorable experiences for our guests, ultimately driving loyalty to the W brand and providing hotels a way to differentiate themselves in the ever-growing lifestyle hotel marketplace. The position ensures that there is someone available at key times to focus entirely on providing guests insider tips and information on the city they are in as well as creating WOW moments (both big and small) that come to life during the guest’s experience at W. 内幕时尚达人为W客户带来了“Insider”的W核心价值,并允许全球W酒店以一种既能为我们的客户创造有价值又令人难忘的体验的方式激活这一关键品牌差异,最终提高对W品牌的忠诚度,并为酒店提供一种在不断增长的生活方式酒店市场中脱颖而出。这一职位确保在关键时刻有人能全神贯注地为客人提供他们所在城市的内幕信息和信息,并在客人在W酒店的体验中创造出令人惊叹的时刻(无论大小)。 Unlike other guest-facing talent who have another primary function beyond interacting with guests and providing inside information – like a Welcome Agent accurately processing a check-in or check-out or a Concierge responding to guest inquiries and phone calls –the W Insider has this as their primary role. The role of interacting with guests personally, ensures a more enhanced guest experience and more frequent activation of the ‘Insider’ core value, which in turn leads to greater congruency between W’s promise of insider access and the actual delivery of the experience. 与其他面向客人的人才不同,内幕时尚达人除了与客人互动和提供内部信息外,还具有其他主要功能,如接待代理准确处理入住或退房,或礼宾部回应客人的询问和电话,内幕时尚达人将此作为他们的主要角色。与客人进行个人互动的作用,确保了客人体验的增强和“内部人”核心价值的更频繁激活,这反过来又导致W承诺的内部人访问和实际交付体验之间更大的一致性。   Key responsibilities: 主要职责 % of Time Spent  时间分配% 50% ENGAGE FACE-TO-FACE •Build guest relationships in the hotel •Take them through the experience 面对面接合 在酒店建立客人关系 带他们体验 25% COMMUNICATE & PERSONALIZE •Pre-stay communication •In-stay WOW and Recovery (FIXER) •StarGuest 沟通和个性化 入住前沟通 入住WOW和修复 StarGuest 25% NETWORK & COLLABORATE •Cultivate your local city network •Collaborate with GM, Music Curator, B&F, Sales, PR and Marketing 网络与协作 建立本地城市网络 与总经理、音乐策展人、B&F、销售、公关和营销部门合作 •Become the go-to Present at Team Meetings 成为团队会议上的主角   Profile required: 角色要求  Specific Job Knowledge, Skills and Abilities 特定的工作知识、技能和能力 : • Excellent networking and communications skills 优秀的网络和沟通技能 • Excellent and in-depth knowledge of the local area and in particular lifestyle focused events and locations that are connected with fashion, design, entertainment, music and B&F. 对本地区,特别是与时尚、设计、娱乐、音乐和餐饮相关的以生活方式为中心的活动和地点,有着卓越而深入的了解。 • A genuine personal interest in lifestyle events and information that is close to W’s core values and brand positioning 对生活方式和信息的感兴趣,接近W的核心价值观和品牌定位 • Excellent interpersonal and problem resolution skills with an outgoing personality and ability to work as part of a team 优秀的人际关系和问题解决能力,性格外向,有团队合作能力 • Excellent communication and organization skills – ability to handle multiple tasks at once and follow-up whenever needed 出色的沟通和组织能力-能够同时处理多项任务,并在需要时跟进 • Basic computer skills, preferably including but not limited to Microsoft Word, Excel, Galaxy/LightSpeed, and Starguest. 基本的计算机技能,最好包括但不限于微软word、excel、galaxy/lightspeed和starguest。 Physical Demands 身理需求 : Walking and standing are required most of the working day. This includes through the Living Room where music levels may be higher during evening hours. Length of time for these tasks may vary from day to day and task to task. 大部分工作日都需要步行和站立。这包括通过潮堂,那里的音乐水平在晚上可能会更高。这些任务的时间长度可能因日期和任务而异。 Qualifications: 资格证书 Any combination of education, training, or experience that provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. High School or equivalent, college degree preferred. Experience working in a lifestyle-related business or environment would be a highly positive attribute. 提供所需知识、技能和能力的教育、培训或经验的任何组合。高中或同等学历,大专以上学历优先。在与生活方式相关的商业或环境中工作的经验将是一个非常积极的因素 Grooming: 仪容仪表 All talent members must maintain a neat, clean and well-groomed appearance. Specific W standards are to be met. Styling should be in line with W wardrobe but also uniquely personal to the W Insider (a standard uniform is not encouraged). 所有英才成员必须保持干净和整洁的外表。应满足特定的W标准。造型应符合W制服,但也独特的内幕时尚达人(不鼓励标准制服)。 Other: 其他 Regular attendance in conformance with the standards, which may be established from time to time, is essential to the successful performance of this position. Employees with irregular attendance will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. 按照标准定期出席,这可能是不时建立的,是成功履行这一职务的关键。出勤不正常的员工将受到纪律处分,直至并包括终止雇佣关系。 Due to the cyclical nature of the hospitality industry, talent members may be required to work varying schedules to reflect the business needs of the hotel. In addition, attendance at all scheduled training sessions and meetings is required. 由于酒店行业的周期性特点,可能需要英才成员根据酒店的业务需求,制定不同的工作计划。此外,还要求参加所有预定的培训班和会议。
  • 全国 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 全球80家
    • 度假村酒店
    • 一价全包
    • 海外工作机会
    • 每年轮换酒店
    • 大中华区3家
    • 多元化团队
    • 员工全球免费
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 08-12
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】: 1.负责宾客关系团队日常工作的管理 2.督导员工按照Clubmed的制度以及要求提供服务 3.维护客户关系,提高客人满意度 4.负责客户投诉处理以及突发事件、各类意外处理 5.负责各项报告、报表的编制 6.各项活动的组织与参与 【任职要求】: 1. 具有大专以上学历。 2. 具有3年以上同岗位经验。 3. 具有较好的英语基础 。 4. 熟悉酒店前厅运营以及管理。 5. 具有较强的组织能力和沟通能力及管理能力。 6. 该岗位需每周工作6天                【G.O福利】: 双人住宿; 一日三餐国际自助餐厅; 吧台饮料畅饮; 度假村内所有娱乐活动及场地设施免费使用; 机场接送服务; 工作满一年往返度假村和住址机票; 完善的工作意外伤害保险及社会保险; 国际化G.O团队; 拥有登台演出的机会; 每年轮换海外及大中华区度假村工作机会; Club Med海外度假村免费房间; 快速晋升通道。
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