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  • 上海 | 8年以上 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 年度旅游
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 04-30
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    Role Purpose The position needs to communicate closely with the global team and in charge of developing customized programs in GC market. Not only responsible for the marketing plan of the hotels and regions, but also have the ability to develop the business. To improve the effectiveness of marketing investment.   Key Accountabilities Support global develop field marketing’s business model to IHG GC market.  Strategic and holistic understanding of the hotels’ PR & marketing needs. Follow their strategy to localization field marketing service in GC, based on GC hotels' need to develop field marketing products & service. Set up the field marketing development plan of GC, led the whole process of project including business model design, product/service design, financial & legal process, and finally sold the product to IHG individual hotel. Guide the hotel to execute marketing activities based on marketing plan. Grows and supports the team with the aim of building a supportive, knowledgeable and commercially savvy team. Ensure that marketing plans are consistent with IHG and brand proposition. Able to work closely with commercial team to develop a sustainable business model. Strive to ensure that the project can break even.   Key Skills & Experiences Other Requirements: Ability of market analysis and planning can complete the marketing plan independently. Excellent communication and coordination skills, able to establish good cooperative relations with business partners. Strong presentation skills. Strong team management ability, able to coordinate team resources to ensure the smooth progress of marketing activities. Strong team development strategy ability, formulate team members' career development plans.
  • 上海 | 5年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 午餐补贴
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 出国旅游
    • 人性化管理
    会展/会务 | 50-99人
    发布于 04-29
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    职位描述及岗位职责: 1. 根据公司战略负责北上广深等区域的总部企业的会议大客户的开发及扩展工作,执行销售计划并完成相应的业绩指标。 2. 负责国内总部企业会议大客户的合作开发,管理合作模式及商务洽谈及落地执行。 3. 持续跟踪大客户,维护客户关系;敏锐抓取、深入挖掘客户需求及痛点并进行深度开发和反馈工作。 4. 有效精准把握会议组织者及客户关键人要求及偏好,建立客户项目档案。 4. 搜集并分析竞对信息,形成有效反馈并制定策略及落实。 5. 管理并参与大客户线上会议预定招标工作并推进落地。 6. 维护及增进已有客户关系,具备和客户企业高层沟通的能力,可以为客户提供专业的咨询与服务。 7. 通过开发新客户,稳定老客户,以力争达到所确定的线上、线下销售收入目标。 8. 向集团CEO定期直线汇报。 9. 熟悉自己客户分类情况及客户的需求特点和主要竞争对手。 10. 带领BD团队在销售拜访的活动中,按照集团要求进行线上客户档案编写及维护工作。 11. 积极地传播企业品牌及服务信息,在负责的区域内营造企业的知名度。 12. 承担工作并完成销售目标。 任职要求:   1. 具备3年及以上集团大客户开发总监经验。 2. 优秀的商务谈判能力,具备主导重大商业合作的视野与能力。 3. 丰富的客户管理经验,具有成熟的商务方法,丠挖掘客户需求和痛点并解决的商业嗅觉。 4. 具有国际、国内五百强企业相关资源人脉这优先。 5. 大专以上学历 6. 了解合同法、企业法以及有关法规。 7. 有较强的的语言表达能力,能撰写市场调研报告,具有起草工作计划、总结及业务汇报的能力。 工作地点:上海
  • 苏州 | 3年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 午餐补贴
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 出国旅游
    • 人性化管理
    会展/会务 | 50-99人
    发布于 04-29
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    工作概述﹣(职位概述) 1、对市场及城市会务销售活动的各个方面进行监管和指导。职责包括对客户开发策略与策划实施监管;对会务销售、扩展、统筹及服务计划的发展和实施进行监管和协助;管理城市团队,并汇报计划的有效性。本职位还需要与集团会务销售总监、集团首席执行官进行直接的例行交流。 2、作为一名积极主动的团队成员,通过推进线上平台并作为客服的积极参与者,为客户、酒店、合作方提供会小通一贯坚持的线上、线下会务服务体验。会小通城市总经理负责所在城市运营的高效运作,应完全了解主要职位的大多数任务并能够随时担任任何工作。在服务高峰期可以协助会务销售及运营等所有管辖区域的销售及服务工作,为会小通团队的所有成员设定工作目标及期望。 3、指导会小通城市的整体会务销售及运营工作。通过在团队内营造积极和高效的工作环境,使会小通在业绩、利润率和投资回报方面取得最佳效果;确保优质的客户服务并使会小通城市达到质量和运营标准。 4、通过参与并领导会务销售团队、运营及人员发展,促进品牌和平台价值体现。 主要职责﹣(职务的主要工作) 1、制定年度销售、财务和运营预算及预测并监督其执行情况,从而支持会小通城市的会务销售及运营部门的总体目标;制定年度预算和业务开发规划,对提高城市及平台资产的投资改进予以建议,从而确保会小通能够达到品牌及品牌的要求。 2、通过实例设定标准,监督会务销售结果、服务质量等,确保为所有客户提供最优质的线上和线下会务服务和无比的关怀,这包括及时对客户的要求予以回应并有效的处理客人的投诉等有关顾客满意度的问题。 3、通过检查及参与,对城市所有员工的形象标准要求,确保会小通在各方面的线上和线下服务质量和服务标准达到要求。制定并持续执行以保护数据资产、品牌及平台的无形资产。 4、参与销售计划的制定与执行以及收益管理工作,从而使线上、线下营业收入、日均及月均利润达到最高水平。通过对市场变化的预测和计划,最大程度的获取会务收入及利润。确保策略性的拓展市场机会,以及制定战略性的销售方案。 5、确保会小通品牌规定的会务服务符合并遵循会小通的标准。 6、与会小通会务统筹团队密切合作,确保城市团队各个岗位的员工配置与工作量和生产力相符。最大程度的发挥培训的作用,并策划如何提高工作效率,改进会小通的经营和服务状况。 7、建立并维护与社区主要成员的友好关系,确保在当地社区树立良好的品牌形象。确保以最积极的方式处理社区和媒体的相关询问,在遇到敏感问题时应提交给区域和集团处理。 8、根据要求,向集团营运支持团队提供针对会小通财务和运营状况的常规及特别信息以及状况报告。 9、监督数据安全工作以确保为客户、员工及资产提供安全可靠的环境。确保遵守品牌的各项标准。 10、建立并保持有效的人力资源职能,从而确保激发员工的主动性,为员工提供培训及发展的机会,管理工资和福利,遵守政策法规和各项程序以及会小通城市所在地的劳动法。 11、 鼓励为全体员工提供良好的工作环境。通过正式和非正式的会议,讨论及工作业绩评定,予以不同级别的员工指导。 12、与员工一起有效的共事,讨论有关会小通愿景、使命、价值观、文化及/或工作环境的问题,从而积极影响员工及客户的体验。 13、时刻倡导品牌文化,为客户、酒店、合作方、投资方、集团的人员提供有关品牌观点的现场参观。       14、衡量多种营销计划的有效性和收益管理的效果,使会小通尽可能的进入不同层次的细分市场,并使会小通的收益多源化,多元化收入包括但不限于会务收入、团房收入、婚宴收入、布展收入、本地加盟商加盟收入等。 除本职位所要求的主要工作职责外,因会小通的运营模式,该职位员工应履行一专多能的工作职能。 1. 资格 技能要求  - 具有在竞争激烈的市场中运营会务公司的工作背景。 - 具有领导团队的出色的领导风格。 - 深刻了解市场并有能力最大程度的获取利润。 - 具有敏锐的商业头脑。 - 拥有创造最佳成绩的热情。 - 传播信息知识的承诺。 - 拥有带领团队实现目标的强劲领导技能。 - 具有管理复杂关系的能力。 学历 - 具有大专及以上学历。 经验 - 3-5年酒店市场销售总监或会务公司总经理的工作经验或一些更重要的综合管理经验,或等同的教育与工作经验相结合的背景。 - 所要求的经验类型和程度,根据运营的规模和复杂性而有所不同。 2. 责任 管理的员工- 直接    会务销售总监、会务扩展总监、会务统筹总监 间接    全体会小通城市团队成员 年度经营利润和薪金预算- - 负责会小通收益并控制成本,完成利润NOP目标及投资回报。 主要绩效指标 – - 公司收益与营运支出 - 员工和客户满意度调查 - 品牌管理 - 平台化管理数据指标 决策职责(决策权)- -   会小通的运营需要和要求 3. 主要关系 主要内部关系-管理团队及全体员工 主要外部关系-与本企业外的客户和个人交往,包括但不限于,目前和可能的客户,供应商,竞争对手,集团的其他成员。
  • 广州 | 8年以上 | 本科



    • 全球80家
    • 度假村酒店
    • 一价全包
    • 海外工作机会
    • 每年轮换酒店
    • 大中华区3家
    • 多元化团队
    • 员工全球免费
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 04-26
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    About Club Med A Global Leading All-Inclusive Vacation Group – Since Club Med was founded in 1950 and we created the all-inclusive vacation concept, Club Med has been the world leader on its market, and has developed a resolutely upscale, friendly and multicultural spirit. Club Med boasts 68 resorts located in the most beautiful sites in the world, a cruise ship and Luxury Villas & Chalets and, now more than ever, is associated with dreams and happiness. There are 20,000 Gentle Organizers (G.Os) and Gentle Employees (G.Es) at Club Med, who work in the villages, but also at the Paris, Lyon, Singapore, Shanghai, Rio de Janeiro and Miami headquarters, in the sales offices situated in dozens of countries and in travel agencies. Why work with us? Club Med offers the opportunity to broaden our professional scope in amazing destinations all around the world, and to embrace a unique mindset and lifestyle in a company that has always been purposeful and committed to people and environment. Club Med has always been, and will continue to be, an experience like no other, a life-changing experience. Title: Senior Development Manager Working Location: Guangzhou, China Your opportunity As the Senior Development Manager, you will be responsible for ·        Partnership Development & Contract Negotiation (70%) ·        Project management & Internal communication (30%) How you will contribute ·        Responsibility1: 1.           Convince Owner to invest in Club Med  2.          Negotiation of all legal documents 3.          Maintain the relationship with Owner 4.          Attend concerned conference or event to sourcing projects 5.          Track the TSA fees ·        Responsibility 2: 1.          Conduct identification & feasibility study 2.          Present projects to Asia committee to convince internally the project 3.          Communication internally on the negotiation result and the legal documents 4.          Coordinate with construction team to execute the technique service agreement 5.          Coordinate with Project management team to provide support after the signature of the contracts 6.          Assist to improve the current process or way of working and give contribution to the strategic plan of the company Who you are? ·        Education: Master or Bachelor with solid education in business or hotel industry ·        Experience: Minimum 5 years experiences in hotel development preferrably in Greater Bay Area ·        Knowledge: General knowledge in business (HR, Legal, Marketing etc), Finance, hotel management ·        Languages: Fluent English both in speaking and writing; Chinese as mother language Others: Good computer skill such as all office software including excel, ppt.
  • 副总经理

    珠海 | 经验不限 | 大专



    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    负责自营的经济型酒店全面经营管理。 职责描述: 1、協助總經理全面經營管理; 2、制定及實施酒店的经营预算; 3、负责酒店各项管理体系的建立,完善相关规章管理制度。 任职要求: 1、大专以上学历,旅游、酒店管理等相关专业; 2、具有5年以上酒店營銷經驗; 3、具港澳地區酒店管理經驗優先; 4、熟悉酒店各部门服务工作及管理流程,具有较强的沟通、协调能力以及团队建设能力。
  • 上海 | 8年以上 | 本科



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 04-25
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    This role will have responsibility for the management of the Hilton Honors loyalty program in Greater China, with a specific focus on increasing member volume and room nights contribution to the loyalty program, facilitating and enabling hotels facing questions regarding the program, designing tactics to increase activities of members, and driving incremental revenues to hotels for rooms, F&B, and beyond. What will I be doing? As the Senior Manager, Loyalty operation Hilton Greater China & Mongolia (GCM), you will be responsible for performing the following tasks to the highest standards: ·       Develop and implement the strategy for Honors loyalty program growth including member acquisition, marketability Occupancy and Hotel engagement plans in Greater China, in partnership with the commercial teams in region and liaison with the global and APAC Honors teams. ·       Support China Hilton Honors program development to achieve regional growth goal, including long term program proposition development, commercial assessment, operation and implementation of China relevant propositions. ·       Drive Honors on-property enrolment, member occupancy, marketability, and activation in partnership with the Regional Operations teams and General Managers across Greater China. Responsible for developing tools, programs, and communication plans to engage and educate China property teams to deliver Honors performance. ·       Optimize Hilton Honors training document and delivery Hilton Honors training to properties and relevant team. ·       Focus on Focus service brand hotels to enhance Hilton Honors training, drive the enrolment, marketability, and member occupancy targets, and help address the key operational challenges and optimize operation process include the system for Focus service brand hotels in GCM.    ·       Work closely with brand management to make sure focus service brand hotels in China ensure consistent delivery of Honors promise. ·       Lead and coordinating IT and system enhancement, required designated continuous effort on problem solving, Hilton internal cross-functional alignments and IT optimizations. ·       Leverage reporting, ad hoc analyses and customer insights studies to develop deep understanding of value members and key customer segments for focus service brand. ·       Serve as point person for Honors related questions to internal partners, teams, and departments. Actively engage stakeholders to help facilitate understanding and education of Honors program to enable better leverage of the program. ·       Loyalty program health monitoring and reporting with action implications. ·       Accountable for the delivery of the Honors budget performance objectives in Greater China. ·       Supervise and manage agencies on project planning and deployment e.g., CRM agencies and marketing service agencies. Direct Reports (if any) What are we looking for? A Senior Manager, Loyalty operation Hilton Greater China & Mongolia (GCM), serving Hilton Brands is always working on behalf of our Guests and working with other Team Members. To successfully fill this role, you should maintain the attitude, behaviours, skills, and values that follow: ·       Minimum education: BA/BS bachelor’s degree. ·       5+ years of relevant experience in Hospitality consumer experience operation ·       Able to analyze financial data in order to make strategic and tactical decisions. ·       Excellent communication ability in both English and Chinese to meet business needs. ·       Strong problem-solving and collaboration skills. ·       Excellent interpersonal skills that build trust and instill confidence in order to motivate and influence others. ·       Strong time management familiarity, as well as organizational skills. ·       Results oriented with a strong mind-set to meet deadlines, achieve goals, and balance multiple priorities. ·       Advanced knowledge of PPT, XLS, and data manipulation and analysis skills. What will it be like to work for Hilton? Hilton is the leading global hospitality company, spanning the lodging sector from luxurious full-service hotels and resorts to extended-stay suites and mid-priced hotels. For nearly a century, Hilton has offered business and leisure travelers the finest in accommodations, service, amenities, and value. Hilton is dedicated to continuing its tradition of providing exceptional guest experiences across its global brands. Our vision to fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality unites us as a team to create remarkable hospitality experiences around the world every day. And our amazing Team Members are at the heart of it all!
  • 南京 | 10年以上 | 本科



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 04-25
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    What will I be doing?  -          The Senior Finance Training Manager works with FSSC management team to identify and address team members and organizational training needs, to promote a supportive work environment for systematic and continuous learning. -          Motivate and support talent development with tailored in-depth programs as enrichment to skills and knowledge in line with learning and development strategy from GCM Finance Learning & Talent Development Team and FSSC HR team. -          Drive operational excellence through ongoing measurement of training effectiveness and specific performance improvement programs based on analysis of performance gaps and identified training needs. Training Delivery ·       Prepare and maintain standard training manual for every tower team member. ·       Support, engage and inspire team members through effective training programs which are properly planned and prioritized. ·       Conduct training needs analysis on a regular basis and develop customized programs and initiatives to support shared services platform and drive operational excellence.  ·       Demonstrate strong experience in a wide range of learning delivery methods while implement innovative approaches (including facilitator-led workshops, eLearning, webinars, interactive tools / games, and coaching / mentoring sessions) and solutions to enhance learning content, experience, and impact. Talent Development ·       Deliver viable talent development strategy and action plans based on analysis and understanding of FSSC business and talent challenges. ·       Partner with Regional Specialists, FSSC HR team to assess priorities for learning, development, and talent management activities. ·       Develop the framework and deliver the talent development programs to ensure opportunities for all team members reflect personal development plans and support FSSC overall business plan. ·       Maximize individuals’ talent with leadership building and sharpening programs in place, track internal high potential talents with talent review, career, and succession development. Quality Improvement ·       Measure and monitor the effectiveness of training with specific goal setting, assessment, and reflection on a regular basis etc. ·       Monitor the implementation of FSSC policies and SOPs.  ·       Perform monthly dashboard data analysis to identify the root causes to performance gaps and to drive improvement with specific training programs or initiatives ·       Leverage best practices and knowledge sharing among FSSC team members including developing and rolling-out tools, templates, and methodologies. ·       Other duties as assigned What are we looking for? ·       Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experience. ·       Minimum Years of Experience: 10 years hospitality finance working experience and minimum of 5 years as hotel Senior Finance Manager (AFC/FM and above), ideally with Hilton experience. ·       People-oriented, willing to foster a positive work environment for all team members. Lead by example, able to inspire and motivate team members. ·       Familiar with Hilton Policies, Procedures and Compliance requirements. ·       Solid knowledge of SUN, OnQ, SCMCheck, HRLink, proficient in Microsoft Office applications. ·       Good presentation and teaching skills. With departmental learning coach experience and TTT certification is a plus. ·       Excellent communication, coordination, and organization ability.
  • 上海 | 8年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 美女多
    • 年度旅游
    • 包吃包住
    • 绩效奖金
    • 带薪年假
    农副产品 | 500-999人
    发布于 04-25
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    岗位职责: 一、经营管理 1、目标管理:年度、季度、月度目标分解与达成(根据公司战略制定年度运营计划,完成区域内人效指标、成本管控) 2、区域营销方案制定:根据区域甲方需求制定年度营销方案 3、区域数据分析,并改善区域目标,并有效推进与执行 4、根据市场调研报告,分析竞争对手及市场动态,并做出相应调整方案 二、客户管理 1、根据区域内运营情况制定客户维护策略,找准维护侧重点 2、制定年度客户续签计划,并组织实施 3、核心客户管理,与客户达成经营共识 三、团队管理 1、搭班子(团队人才选用育留) 2、践行企业文化 3、增强团队凝聚力,提升团队忠诚度 四、日常管理 1、区域内标准化体系建立与监督 2、区域与二线部门配合与协调 五、业务管理 1、制定年度业务策略 2、制定业务计划并实施,完成年度拓展指标 岗位要求: 第一部分 使命驱动 领导力(以身作则,共启愿景,挑战现状,使众人行,不断激励) 分析判断能力 视野(格局) 平衡协调 成就他人 第二部分 战略能力 计划统筹能力 非人力资源的人力资源管理能力 谈判演讲能力 语言要求:英语良好,日常交流无障碍 工作经验:8年以上奢华星级酒店或高端酒楼行业运营管理经验 个人价值观:坚持正直、诚信、善良、感恩、付出、坚持
  • 上海 | 5年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 带薪年假
    • 领导好
    • 年度旅游
    • 双休
    • 期权激励
    • 人性化管理
    • 技能培训
    软件开发/智能信息化 | 1-49 人
    发布于 04-24
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1、组织与管理销售团队,负责销售队伍的建设与培养; 2、每月按时完成团队及个人销售指标; 3、有独立的销售渠道,具有良好的市场拓展能力。 4、主要工作是对接酒店集团客户和大客户拜访,洽谈合作。 任职要求: 1、大专及以上学历,40岁以下,5年以上互联网/软件行业销售经验,有saas销售相关工作经验优先考虑; 2、工作中能够不断的鞭策大家,确保他人理解并接受领导的目标、政策和工作安排,保证任务的顺利完成; 3、有较强的抗压能力、协调沟通能力,能处理维护好客户关系。 4、有星级酒店人事或者销售工作经验优先考虑。 5、有星级酒店上下游供应商销售经验优先。 6、我们公司网站 zhigongyun.vip ,主要是做酒店灵活用工管理系统的,主要目标客户为全国星级酒店和为其提供服务的人力资源公司。如果对互联网或人力资源行业感兴趣的可以联系我们。 本公司是一家新兴SAAS软件服务公司,全国最大的酒店灵活用工服务平台,引领酒店行业用工变革的科技公司。我们服务的客户是全国星级酒店。公司2019年9月获得了杭州东方网升的战略投资。2021年5月获得新一轮投资,目前正在开拓全国市场,期待你的加入,让我们一起远征星辰大海。(本岗位工作地点在杭州)
  • 南通 | 8年以上 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 旅游津贴
    • 绩效奖金
    • 交通补贴
    • 住房补贴
    • 餐饮补贴
    共享办公 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-14
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    • 投递简历
    职位描述: 1、全面统筹与监管空间运营管理工作; 2、全面管理空间运营工作,确保Beeplus联合办公空间内的环境及设备设施整洁且高效运作,确保每一处细节都能够符合Beeplus 标准; 3、制定空间工作计划,执行落实并定期回顾,及时做出适当的调整以确保工作目标能够按计划完成; 4、管理与维护物业业主,合作伙伴和供应商的关系; 5、负责空间指标达标,品牌影响力和办公会员的满意度; 6、根据区域环境特征,创新迭代产品与服务,开发具有本地市场需求的办公体验产品; 7、负责举办各种社区活动,参与并推进社区的发展和壮大; 8、主动收集会员建议,了解会员企业发展需求,整合社区资源予以配合与支持; 9、负责处理客户投诉及重大突发事件; 10、全面负责空间团队伙伴的招聘、培训、团队激励与个人发展规划等工作; 11、合理安排任务,使团队高效完成各项工作,营造一个富有创造力和项目协作的多元工作环境; 任职要求: 1、本科以上学历,旅游管理、酒店管理、公关传播、外语等相关专业优先; 2、拥有 5–8 年工作经验,拥有带领团队工作经验; 3、拥有联合办公空间、商务中心、五星级酒店和客户服务工作经验优先; 4、优秀的沟通能力、解决问题能力、时间管理能力、多任务统筹处理能力,优秀的服务意识及良好的团队合作能力; 5、善于建立人际关系,以客户为中心导向,能够维护长期稳定的客户关系; 6、精通商务谈判技巧、思维敏捷、具备数据分析和理解能力; 7、熟练编写预算,懂得通过损益报表,管理经营活动的成本费用; 8、精通 Microsoft Office 软件,其中包括 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 等。
  • 广州 | 8年以上 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 02-28
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Job Summary 职责概述 To manage sales team work effectively and plan team and individual sales goals, sales strategies and the related activities appropriately in order to achieve team sales goal and support the overall goal of S&M. Establish the strategic partnership with global and national customer organization, meeting organizer, travel agencies in order to introduce and present Poly Hotels Management Company to stakeholders, partners, and the management team on properties properly. To work closely with DOS on properties to understand the hotel business needs and offer appropriate strategy and action plan to support. To establish SOP and systematic prospecting program for the team to track business. To manage the sales Team to achieve sales goal and maximize business volume and revenue for all hotels within Poly Portfolio especially own branded hotels by Poly effectively. 有效管理销售团队,计划适合于团队和个人的销售目标,销售策略和行动计划,从而能实现销售目标并支持市场销售的大目标的实现。通过和全球全国的客户,企业,会议组织者和旅行社建立战略合作关系,准确的介绍并展现保利酒管公司给业主,合作伙伴和各个酒店管理层。和酒店销售总监们密切沟通,了解酒店生意的需求,提供正确的策略和行动计划的支持。建立完善的标准流程和系统化的生意追踪体系,确保销售团队跟进生意线索。有效地管理销售团队去实现对保利旗下所有酒店特别是自营品牌酒店的销售目标,以及生意体量和收入的最大化。   Essential Duties and Responsibilities 主要职责和责任 1. Responsible for acquisition, retention and development of different types of accounts and lead generation. 负责挖掘,维护并开发所有类型的客户和新的生意线索。 2. Responsible to track for accurate and timely lead turnover from group sales team to hotel-based sales team 负责跟踪精准并及时的将生意线索从集团销售团队到单体酒店销售的跟进并落实。 3. Ensure all the business information is complete and up-to-date in the sales system to ensure accurate reporting and track sales performance properly. 确保所有的客户,生意信息完整更新到销售管理系统,确保系统报表的准确性以及准确的跟踪销售业绩表现。 4. Plan Poly Hotels’ sales initiatives/promotions and manage the sales team actively to utilize them converting cold leads into warm leads 计划保利酒店的销售主题倡议和促销活动并管理销售团队充分利用本级的资源,把进展缓慢的生意线索转化成交。 5.Effectively leverage other sales & marketing resources and admin support to achieve personal and team related revenue goals 有效利用市场销售中心资源以及行政支持实现个人以及团队的销售额目标 6. Maintain product knowledge of all Poly hotels and thorough understanding of comp set. 掌握保利酒店的产品知识,并深入了解竞争对手的情况。 7. Deal with the problems in the process of cooperation between group customers and hotels, and promote business. 处理集团客户和酒店合作过程中的问题,促进生意。 8.Develop top 500 enterprises to sign contracts with poly hotels, increase the popularity of poly hotels in top 500 enterprises and increase business. 开发500强企业与保利旗下酒店签约,增加保利酒店在500强企业的知名度,增加生意。 9. Develop third-party channels, including cooperation between travel agencies, PCO companies and poly hotels to expand sales channels. 开发第三方渠道,包括旅行社、会务公司与保利旗下酒店建立合作,拓宽酒店销售渠道。 10. Provide professional training to the sales team to implement effective sales skills to well understand the customer needs and provide appropriate recommendation of Poly hotels to increase the conversion ratio of business leads. 提供销售团队专业培训,运用有效的销售技巧很好地理解客户的生意需求并推荐给合适的保利旗下酒店,提高生意线索的成交率。 11. Keep close communication with DOS of Poly hotels, understand market changes and situations in different regions, and help the hotels to increase appropriate business opportunities in combination with the situation of group customers. 与保利旗下酒店销售总监们保持密切沟通,了解不同区域的市场变化及行情,结合集团客户的情况,帮助酒店增加合适的生意机会。 12. Pay close attention to the progress of cooperation between Poly hotels and group customers to ensure the smooth progress of cooperation and increase hotel revenue. 密切关注旗下酒店与集团客户的合作进度,确保合作顺利进行,增加酒店收入。 13. Analyze the sales data and understand business environment to propose and submit annual sales target. 分析相关的销售数据,了解商务环境,制定并提交年度销售目标。 14. Clearly understand the gap between the real sales figures and the target, analyze the market situation in time and implement effective action plans to reduce the gap. 清楚了解真实销售数字与销售指标的差距,及时分析市场行情并执行有效的行动计划以减少差距。 15. Develop feasible and efficient sales activities to cover more new potential business areas and customers. 制定可行的、高效的销售行动以覆盖更多的潜在生意区域及客户。 16. Pay close attention to the change and development of the market, make proposal on solutions and plans and report to Director of Sales & Marketing with the corresponding sales strategy and action plan in time. 密切关注市场变化动态及发展,及时向市场销售总监汇报并沟通相应的销售策略和行动方案。 17. Budget and Organize Poly hotels to participate in the big scale fair and industry exhibition to expand the hotel exposure and the popularity of poly Hotel, and increase business opportunities. 制定预算并组织旗下酒店参加展会,扩大酒店曝光率和保利酒店知名度,增加生意机会。 18. Budget and organizing road shows with hotels to maintain the customer relationship, business partnership and increase business opportunities of hotels. 制定预算并组织保利酒管路演活动,维护客户以及商务伙伴关系并增加酒店的生意机会。 19. Budget and Organize customer appreciation event and invite key and potential customers of Poly Hotels to attend the annual event to increase cooperation depth and new opportunities with partners. 制定客户答谢会预算并组织邀请集团重点客户参加年度客户答谢会,增加与合作伙伴的合作深度及新的合作机会。 20. Budget and organize Poly Hotels to participate in the sales blitz week, expand the coverage of sales area and customers and achieve mission targets. 制定销售拜访周活动预算,组织保利酒店参加,扩大销售区域覆盖面及客户并实现任务目标。 21. Provide orientation to new DOSM/DOS to help them adapt into new working environment quickly and be part of contributors to achieve the company goals. 为新入职的市场销售总监/销售总监提供入职培训,帮助他们很快的适应新的工作环境,成为实现酒管公司目标的贡献者。 22. Produce effective sales SOP, documentation, presentation and writing materials. 制定有效的销售工作流程标准,文档,演讲和书面材料。 23. To undertake any other tasks assigned by or deemed necessary by Director of Sales & Marketing. 接受来自市场销售总监的工作。 Equirement of Qualifications and Experience 资格与经历要求 1. With 5 years management experience in Sales field. 5年销售领域的管理经验 2. With the experience working in International hotel management company 具有在国际酒店管理公司工作的经验 3. Bachelor degree and above. 大学本科或以上学历。 4. Strong selling skills and techniques. 有实力的销售技巧。 5. Ability to identify needs with the twin acts of probing and listening. 兼明细听的识别需求的能力。 6. Strength of character coupled with determination and self-discipline. 拥有强烈的决心及自律的性格。 7. High level of self-confidence, enthusiasm and initiative. 拥有高度执行、热情及主动性。 8. Fine art of communication excellence. 拥有高效的沟通技巧。 9. Ability to deal with different types of people. 拥有与不同性格类型人交往的能力。 10. Effective use of psychology. 灵活运用心理学。 11. Proficient in English listening, speaking, reading and writing. 英文听说读写精通。 12. Master and be familiar with common office software. 熟悉掌握常见办公软件。 13. Healthy and energetic. 身体健康,精力充沛。 14. Received revenue management and marketing management training. 接受过收益管理、营销管理的专业培训。
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