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  • 苏州 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



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    • 人性化管理
    会展/会务 | 50-99人
    发布于 00:07
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    职位概述: 1、会小通会务销售经理将负责通过有效的执行线上、线下询价处理程序、报价准备工作、报价及以满足客户需求和最大化会小通收益为目标的其它活动来转化分配的业务线索。该职位的关键在于加强对各类/客户需求的专业了解,最大程度的转化线索,推动会小通的收益增长。适用时,该职位还要求管理并积极指导指派的会小通会务销售主任的日常工作。 2、我们想要客户感到他们能够淋漓发挥,实现目标并因自己的成功而受到尊重。为了帮助他们,我们需要你先行一步,用心服务: --建立信任----通过展现专业服务,全心支持并在所有工作中调整自己的风格来迎合宾客的需求,使宾客充满信心。 --成就客户----通过支持来尊重客户的目标,认同客户使他们感受到尊重与重视,提供选择使他们感到恢复活力,轻松无忧。 --梦想成真----通过预见客户的需求,视为己任,协作共赢来帮助宾客获得圆满成功。 工作职责: 财务回报 1、加强对会小通城市主要目标领域的深度了解和认识,必要时获取各行业/客户的专业知识,使线索转化率最大化。 2、确保及时的跟进并争取客户的业务线索,以推动线索转化达到最大程度。 3、组织和/或协助销售团队的客户谈判程序。 4、处理合同签订程序。 5、在相关系统中更新线索状态并与相关业务拓展员工(如客户负责人)沟通线索状态。 员工团队 1、与会小通会务统筹及服务团队同等职位成员合作,在必要时为行业/客户提供要求的服务。 2、与上级领导交流他/她所遇到的问题及其它相关信息。 3、出席并参与培训课程、每日例会及要求的其它会议。 4、适用时,监督、指导和培训会小通会务销售主任执行其工作职责。 宾客体验 1、根据具体的服务规范处理客户询价。 2、为客户编制并提供相关文件。 3、准备并为有可能的客户提供现场考察服务(必要时) 企业责任 1、编制并提交报价。 2、确保在所提供的客户CRM系统、平台销售系统中及时准确的更新所有活动的准确记录,以便将来参考与管理。 3、执行分配的其它工作。 责任意识 该中层会务销售职位是为会小通城市公司设置的。 该职位的表现应由以下主要衡量标准来监测: · 每年制定的KPI (依照会小通政策) · 遵循标准操作程序中列出的流程 · 数据输入质量 · 线索服务标准 · 报价质量 · 线索移交质量 · 线索转化率 · 客户反馈/满意度 任职要求 具有大专或大本学历且拥有2-5年酒店销售或会务公司相关服务业宾客关系的工作经验。所要求的经验类型与水平可视运营规模和复杂程度而有所不同。 应具备以下技能: · 良好的沟通和谈判技能。 · 能够身先士卒,遵守时间和承诺,按照要求完成任务和项目。 · 具有较强的组织技能,能够维护电子和书面档案系统。 · 对制度和程序保持高度认识,在必要时能和所有人有效的交流知识。 · 具备清楚而有效的口头和书面表达能力,能从客户、技术人员、管理层和团队成员获取并向他们传达信息,以及编制报告。 · 出色的电脑操作技能(包括微软办公软件)
  • 苏州 | 3年以上 | 大专



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    • 人性化管理
    会展/会务 | 50-99人
    发布于 00:06
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    工作概述﹣(职位概述) 1、对市场及城市会务销售活动的各个方面进行监管和指导。职责包括对客户开发策略与策划实施监管;对会务销售、扩展、统筹及服务计划的发展和实施进行监管和协助;管理城市团队,并汇报计划的有效性。本职位还需要与集团会务销售总监、集团首席执行官进行直接的例行交流。 2、作为一名积极主动的团队成员,通过推进线上平台并作为客服的积极参与者,为客户、酒店、合作方提供会小通一贯坚持的线上、线下会务服务体验。会小通城市总经理负责所在城市运营的高效运作,应完全了解主要职位的大多数任务并能够随时担任任何工作。在服务高峰期可以协助会务销售及运营等所有管辖区域的销售及服务工作,为会小通团队的所有成员设定工作目标及期望。 3、指导会小通城市的整体会务销售及运营工作。通过在团队内营造积极和高效的工作环境,使会小通在业绩、利润率和投资回报方面取得最佳效果;确保优质的客户服务并使会小通城市达到质量和运营标准。 4、通过参与并领导会务销售团队、运营及人员发展,促进品牌和平台价值体现。 主要职责﹣(职务的主要工作) 1、制定年度销售、财务和运营预算及预测并监督其执行情况,从而支持会小通城市的会务销售及运营部门的总体目标;制定年度预算和业务开发规划,对提高城市及平台资产的投资改进予以建议,从而确保会小通能够达到品牌及品牌的要求。 2、通过实例设定标准,监督会务销售结果、服务质量等,确保为所有客户提供最优质的线上和线下会务服务和无比的关怀,这包括及时对客户的要求予以回应并有效的处理客人的投诉等有关顾客满意度的问题。 3、通过检查及参与,对城市所有员工的形象标准要求,确保会小通在各方面的线上和线下服务质量和服务标准达到要求。制定并持续执行以保护数据资产、品牌及平台的无形资产。 4、参与销售计划的制定与执行以及收益管理工作,从而使线上、线下营业收入、日均及月均利润达到最高水平。通过对市场变化的预测和计划,最大程度的获取会务收入及利润。确保策略性的拓展市场机会,以及制定战略性的销售方案。 5、确保会小通品牌规定的会务服务符合并遵循会小通的标准。 6、与会小通会务统筹团队密切合作,确保城市团队各个岗位的员工配置与工作量和生产力相符。最大程度的发挥培训的作用,并策划如何提高工作效率,改进会小通的经营和服务状况。 7、建立并维护与社区主要成员的友好关系,确保在当地社区树立良好的品牌形象。确保以最积极的方式处理社区和媒体的相关询问,在遇到敏感问题时应提交给区域和集团处理。 8、根据要求,向集团营运支持团队提供针对会小通财务和运营状况的常规及特别信息以及状况报告。 9、监督数据安全工作以确保为客户、员工及资产提供安全可靠的环境。确保遵守品牌的各项标准。 10、建立并保持有效的人力资源职能,从而确保激发员工的主动性,为员工提供培训及发展的机会,管理工资和福利,遵守政策法规和各项程序以及会小通城市所在地的劳动法。 11、 鼓励为全体员工提供良好的工作环境。通过正式和非正式的会议,讨论及工作业绩评定,予以不同级别的员工指导。 12、与员工一起有效的共事,讨论有关会小通愿景、使命、价值观、文化及/或工作环境的问题,从而积极影响员工及客户的体验。 13、时刻倡导品牌文化,为客户、酒店、合作方、投资方、集团的人员提供有关品牌观点的现场参观。       14、衡量多种营销计划的有效性和收益管理的效果,使会小通尽可能的进入不同层次的细分市场,并使会小通的收益多源化,多元化收入包括但不限于会务收入、团房收入、婚宴收入、布展收入、本地加盟商加盟收入等。 除本职位所要求的主要工作职责外,因会小通的运营模式,该职位员工应履行一专多能的工作职能。 1. 资格 技能要求  - 具有在竞争激烈的市场中运营会务公司的工作背景。 - 具有领导团队的出色的领导风格。 - 深刻了解市场并有能力最大程度的获取利润。 - 具有敏锐的商业头脑。 - 拥有创造最佳成绩的热情。 - 传播信息知识的承诺。 - 拥有带领团队实现目标的强劲领导技能。 - 具有管理复杂关系的能力。 学历 - 具有大专及以上学历。 经验 - 3-5年酒店市场销售总监或会务公司总经理的工作经验或一些更重要的综合管理经验,或等同的教育与工作经验相结合的背景。 - 所要求的经验类型和程度,根据运营的规模和复杂性而有所不同。 2. 责任 管理的员工- 直接    会务销售总监、会务扩展总监、会务统筹总监 间接    全体会小通城市团队成员 年度经营利润和薪金预算- - 负责会小通收益并控制成本,完成利润NOP目标及投资回报。 主要绩效指标 – - 公司收益与营运支出 - 员工和客户满意度调查 - 品牌管理 - 平台化管理数据指标 决策职责(决策权)- -   会小通的运营需要和要求 3. 主要关系 主要内部关系-管理团队及全体员工 主要外部关系-与本企业外的客户和个人交往,包括但不限于,目前和可能的客户,供应商,竞争对手,集团的其他成员。
  • 苏州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    精品酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    【岗位职责】 1、确保所有的维修和预防维修计划都在该班内按时执行。 2、接受,分配并且跟进所有的工作单核维修单。 3、处理技术图纸,以及备货的记录和库存。 4、故障查找,操作,修理并且保养,确保区域内所有设备的清洁和正常工作。。 5、在保证安全运行和营业格调的前提下,力图节省能耗,注重环境保护的新概念。 6、督导重要维修及增改工程施工,控制质量与进度。 7、协助外施工单位在本酒店的施工,保证工程质量。 【岗位要求】 1、初中以上文化程度;2年以上同岗位工作经验。 2、必须掌握机电工程设备的基础知识。 3、能充分领会工上级的经营意识,能组织和指挥本岗位工作计划的实施,确保工程部的正常运转。 4、有强烈的事业心与责任心和配合精神,秉公办事,不谋私利。 5、身体健康,精力充沛。 其他要求 计算机能力: 熟练
  • 苏州 | 1年以上 | 大专



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    精品酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    岗位职责 1、对派工单要准确无误地实施完成,并认真检查完成情况。 2、掌握部门的各项工作,对内负责的各类工作进行巡查,发现问题,及时处理。 3、安排好预防性维修计划及巡查工作,把质量关。 4、掌握供电设备运行和照明情况,制定节电措施。 5、制定照明灯具及照明控制开关的巡视、巡检制度。 6、合理调配好供电、电梯的运行及安排好电修值班,在保证服务水准的前提下,尽力节能。 7、对酒店的各种大型活动,如新闻发布会等大型会议,要提前进入工作场所,确保弱电系统不发生差错。 岗位要求 1、大专以上文化程度;1年以上同岗位工作经验。从事酒店弱电管理或维护工作。 2、对电视系统、电话通讯系统、保安系统、音响系统等弱电熟悉,常见故障排查有经验。 3、 工作认真、勤恳、细心,热爱本职工作。 4、精力充沛,身体健康。 酒店福利 1.缴纳五险一金。 2.提供可口的员工餐。 3.提供员工宿舍:四人间、独立卫生间、提供热水器。 4.不定期举行丰富多彩的员工活动。 5.提供技能培训、交叉培训、职业规划指导。 6.工作满一年的员工享受带薪年假。 备注:面试时请携带近期证件照一张;
  • 销售副总监

    苏州 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    精品酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    【岗位职责】 参与制订酒店市场计划和经营预算目标,挑选、督导、培训、激励销售部员工,实施市场销售策略,保证酒店预算目标的实现。协助市场销售总监负责本部的安全生产及安全管理工作。 1. 内/外部信息收集及市场分析  Internal / external information collection and market analysis 2.  区域销售目标及策略制定  Regional sales targets and strategies. 3.  协助制定销售部规章制度、工作程序  Assist in formulating rules and procedures of sales department 4.  员工挑选和培训  Employee selection and training 5.  适当的员工激励与监督  Appropriate employee motivation and supervision 6.  市场开拓与维护  Market development and maintenance 7.  沟通  Communicate 8.  行政  Administration 9.  安全    Security 【岗位要求】 1、大专以上文化程度;2年以上同岗位工作经验。 2、按照酒店整体要求,制定和组织实施公司在市场策划、销售管理、客户服务的战略规划。 3、负责项目可行性比选阶段的市场研究、客户分析、市场定位方案设计。 4、负责监督和考核的销售进度、销售回款和客户服务等,支持和保障酒店项目实施。 5、负责组织销售执行、客户服务等方面专业人员的培训。 6、具有英语书写说能力。
  • 苏州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



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    精品酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    岗位职责 1. 负责实现所属区域和行业部分的客房和宴会的销售目标。 2. 代表酒店通过客户关系管理,与客户保持密切的联系并销售宣传酒店相关产品。 3. 保证所有每日工作任务按时完成。 4. 积极发展新客户,维系老客户,及时向客户传递酒店信息,销售宣传酒店产品,为酒店争取客源,增加经济效益。 5. 建立客户档案,收集竞争对手和同行信息,供市场销售总监参考。 6. 征询客户意见,及时将宾客意见反馈给酒店有关部门。 7.采集市场信息,有敏捷的市场洞察力,给与部门总监提供建设性意见以及产品创新理念。 岗位要求 1.了解商务旅游、旅游业国内外市场动态,会议旅游及宴会销售。 2.能够掌握和理解市场和竞争。 3.了解上海市场者优先。 4.需具备优秀的中文书写和口头表达能力。 5.优秀的表达能力及交流技巧,具有团队的沟通能力以及抗压力。 6.独立工作及团队工作能力。 7.具备优秀的英文书写和口头表达能力者优先。 酒店福利 1.凯莱酒店管理集团,提供技能培训、交叉培训、职业规划指导。 2.社会保险,生日福利。 3.免费员工宿舍、免费工作餐。 4.不定期举行丰富多彩的员工活动。
  • 苏州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



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    精品酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    岗位职责: 1、餐厅的营运工作以及负责制订服务标准、程序以及对员工的培训材料; 2、确保所有的员工都能向一般的客人和特别重要客人提供优质的服务; 3、严格遵循酒店的服务标准,监督每日财务报告,制定下月工作计划; 4、熟悉对财产安全、紧急救护和火警等处理程序; 5、监督并安排餐厅员工的工作,完成上级布置的其他任务; 6、管理和销售计划,配合部门所有的工作以及营销计划; 7、进行对客交流,积极推销餐厅产品及服务,协助市场销售部对餐厅的推广工作和活动; 8、协助财务部和人力资源部对员工所有工作以及管理制度。 任职资格: 1、具有大专以上学历,酒店管理或相关专业; 2、具有三年以上高星级酒店中/西餐厅管理工作经验;  3、熟悉餐厅全面运作经营,具备出色的沟通协调以及组织营运能力; 4、身体健康,持相关等级证书; 5、具有系统的领导、策划、组织、协调能力; 6、具有敏锐的商业触觉,善于制定餐厅整体经营策略和营销方案; 7、有良好的职业道德和敬业精神,遵章守纪,工作认真细致,责任心强,工作效率高; 8、有较强的公共关系处理能力和人际交往能力。
  • 苏州 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 奢华体验
    • 时尚雅致
    • 潮流风尚
    • 时尚之旅
    • 丰富活动
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    Operational  营运 Have general knowledge of food technique. 据有常规的烹饪技能和知识。 Ensure mise-en-place is completed prior to service. 确保所有的准备工作已经在开餐之前准备到位。 Supervise and take active part in cleaning kitchen chillers to ensure that is clean and safe for operation. 积极主动的监督厨房冻库卫生以确保厨房营运的卫生和安全。 Ensure that the suppliers are picked up in time. 确保供应商及时的到货。 Be familiar with kitchen equipment. 熟悉厨房的设施设备。 Complete other duties as assigned. 完成其它分配的工作。 Ensure that minimum brand standards have been implemented. 确保酒店所有的乃至最细小的品牌标准都要被贯彻执行。 Embrace all the standard of Wharf Hotels Global expectations 遵循执行全球九龙仓酒店期望值。   Other Duties  其他职责 Exercise responsible management and behaviour at all times and positively representing the hotel management team and Wharf International. 在任何时间表现负责的管理和行为,并以积极的形象代表酒店管理团队和九龙仓国际。 Understand and strictly adhere to Rules and Regulations established in the Colleague Handbook and the hotel’s policies concerning fire, hygiene, health and safety. 理解并严格遵守员工手册中的规章制度以及涉及到消防、卫生、健康和安全的酒店政策。 Ensure high standards of personal presentation and grooming. 确保高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。 Respond to changes in the Restaurants, Bars & Events function as dictated by the industry, company and hotel. 根据行业、公司和酒店对于餐饮部职能要求的变化做出反应。 Attend training sessions and meetings as and when required. 需要时参加培训课程和会议。 Carry out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 执行分派的任何合理任务和额外职责。
  • 苏州 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 奢华体验
    • 时尚雅致
    • 潮流风尚
    • 时尚之旅
    • 丰富活动
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    Meet and exceed sales target set in the monthly and yearly forecast and to direct all efforts towards maximizing the hotel’s profit on all operating departments. 满足和超越销售在每个月和每年设定的预测和尽最大的努力使酒店各个部门的利益最大化。 Assist in identifying market needs and trends in travel industry, defining the target markets, monitoring and analysing competitor’s sales promotion and activities. 协助识别市场需求和旅游行业的趋势,定义目标市场,监控和分析竞争对手的促销和活动。 Implement an effective sales plan and promotional activities for the department; to organize an effective selling approach to be used by members of the sales team; to conduct sales calls and to develop and maintain new potential, productive accounts in local, domestic and overseas market. 有效完成部门的销售促销活动;组织一个有效的销售方法;开展电话销售,开发和维护新的有潜力的客户, 在本地,本国和国外有所成绩。 Supervise and ensure sales staffs are selling services and products of the hotel in their respective territories.  Ensure rates quoted by sales staff are accurate and in line with hotel pricing policy.  监督并确保酒店的销售人员销售服务和产品在各自的领域。确保酒店的员工符合酒店的定价政策。 Maintain an efficient customer filing system and to ensure all sales activity is managed effectively. 保持一个有效的客户档案系统,确保所有的销售活动进行有效管理。 Generate, develop, promote and solicit accommodation, food and beverage business with special emphasis on commercial accounts. 在商业客上产生,发展,促进和征求住宿,食品的业务。 Assist to implement and monitor an efficient administration system in the sales and marketing department to ensure a smooth and effective operation. 协助实施和监督市场销售部的一个高效的管理系统,以确保顺利和有效的操作。 Conduct international and domestic sales trips, attend local functions, trade shows and promotion to maintain a high level of exposure for the hotel in all markets. 进行国外和国内的商务出差,参加当地的展会和促销会以便在所有酒店市场保持高水平。 Closely monitors accounts revenue and business production for Corporate / FIT / M.I.C.E. accounts. 密切监控公司/自由者/ 餐会住宿客户的账户收入。 Assists Account director / Director of Sales in the forecasting of rooms revenue and ATR for Corporate / FIT / M.I.C.E. / LSG (Long Staying Guests) groups. 协助客户总监/销售总监预测房间收入的利益。 Plans sales trips, under the direct approval of the Director of Sales or Director of Marketing to major market areas, calling on accounts within the pacific market areas. Reports to the Director of Sales on potential markets needing coverage. 在销售总监的批准下计划商业到主要的市场出差。反馈有潜力的市场给销售总监。 Keeps updated with client relationships and overall business goals through close communication with Events Management Team. 不断更新客户关系和整体业务目标通过与宴会销售团队密切沟通。 Attends the pre-event meeting and post-event meeting as required, chaired by Events   Management Team. 参加宴会销售团队的会前和会后的会议。 Handles all aspects of Familiarization Groups including enquiry, co-ordination and execution thereof. 处理所有团队的要求,合作和执行。
  • 苏州 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 奢华体验
    • 时尚雅致
    • 潮流风尚
    • 时尚之旅
    • 丰富活动
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    • 投递简历
    Operational  营运 • Ensure that all the outlets and banquets are managed efficiently according to the established concept statements. 确保所有餐厅和宴会都按照既定的概念声明进行高效管理。 • Monitor service and Restaurants, Bars & Events standards in all outlets and banquets. Work with the Outlet Managers, Banquet Service Manager and respective Chef de Cuisine’s to take corrective action where necessary. 监控所有商店和宴会的服务和餐厅、酒吧和活动标准。与餐厅经理、宴会服务经理和相应的厨师合作,在必要时采取纠正措施。 • Conduct frequent and thorough inspections together with the Executive Chef of the Restaurants, Bars & Events Operation. 与餐厅、酒吧和活动运营部行政主厨一起进行频繁和彻底的检查。 • Frequently verify that only fresh products are used in Restaurants, Bars & Events preparation. 经常验证餐厅、酒吧和活动准备中仅使用新鲜产品 • Frequently taste Restaurants, Bars & Events in all outlets and be demanding and critical when it comes to Restaurants, Bars & Events quality. 经常品尝餐厅,酒吧和活动在所有网点,并苛刻和关键,当涉及到餐厅,酒吧和活动的质量。 • Assist the Executive Chef with creative suggestions and ideas. 协助行政主厨提供创意建议和创意。 Guest Service 宾客服务 • Establish a rapport with guests maintaining good customer relationships and handle all guest complaints, requests and enquiries on food, beverage and service. 与保持良好客户关系的客人建立融洽的关系,处理所有客人对餐饮和服务的投诉、要求和查询。 • Personally, and frequently verify that guests in the outlet are receiving the best possible service. 个人并经常验证客人正在接受最好的服务。 • Spend time in the outlets (during peak periods) to ensure that the outlet is managed well by the respective Outlet team and functions to the fullest expectations. 花时间在餐厅(在高峰期),以确保餐厅由各自的 餐厅团队管理良好,并充分发挥期望。 Marketing 市场营销 • Prepare with the respective Outlet teams, a yearly marketing plan for each outlet, which is the basis of the Restaurants, Bars & Events Annual Marketing Plan. 与各自的团队一起准备,每个餐厅的年度营销计划,这是餐厅、酒吧和活动年度营销计划的基础。 • Continuously seek ways to assist the Outlet Management maximize their revenues and profits. 不断寻求各种方法,帮助出口管理层实现收入和利润最大化。 • Monitor and analyses the activities and trends of competitive restaurants, bars and other hotel’s banqueting departments. 监控和分析竞争餐厅、酒吧和其他酒店宴会部门的活动和趋势。 • Ensure that all Outlet Management Teams and Catering Department are fully aware of market needs and trends and that their products meet these requirements. 确保所有出口管理团队和餐饮部门充分了解市场需求和趋势,并确保其产品满足这些要求。
  • 苏州 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 奢华体验
    • 时尚雅致
    • 潮流风尚
    • 时尚之旅
    • 丰富活动
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    • 投递简历
    Customer Service宾客服务 ·           Ensure the delivery of brand promise and always provide exceptional guest service. 确保遵循品牌承诺并始终提供优异的对客服务。 ·           Provide excellent service to internal customers in other departments as appropriate. 在适当的时候为其他部门的内部客人提供优质服务。 ·           Handle all guest and internal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily. 礼貌而高效地处理所有客人和内部客人的投诉和询问,确保问题得到圆满解决。 ·           Maintain positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships. 与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的互动接触。 ·           Establish a rapport with guests maintaining good customer relationships. 与客人建立并保持良好的客户关系。 Operational  营运 ·           Ensure that minimum brand standards have been implemented. 确保酒店所有的乃至最细小的品牌标准都要被贯彻执行。 ·           Work closely with other Outlet Managers in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests. 以支持和灵活的态度与其他员工紧密合作,着眼于整个酒店的成功和酒店客人的满意度。 ·           Ensure that Restaurants, Bars & Events colleagues work in a supportive and flexible manner with other departments, in a spirit of “We work through Teams”. 以支持和灵活的态度和“团队协作”的精神与其他部门合作。 ·           Have a thorough knowledge and understanding of all Restaurants, Bars & Events items in the menu and the ability to recommend Restaurants, Bars & Events combinations and up sell alternatives. 对菜单上的所有菜品和饮料有全面的知识和理解,并能推荐菜品和饮料的搭配及促销。 ·           Ensure that the outlet is kept clean and organized, both at the front as well as the back of house. 在每次用餐结束后清理台面或餐桌并重新摆台。 ·           In the absence of Outlet Manager, conduct daily pre-shift briefings to colleagues on preparation, service, and menu. 在经理不在时,给员工进行日常关于餐前准备、服务及菜单的例会。 ·           Assist to liaise with the Culinary and Beverage Department on daily operations and quality control if appropriate. 针对每日营运和质量控制,协助与厨房及酒水部门密切沟通。 ·           Perform the function of cashier and responsible for Infrasys cashiering procedure. 严格遵守财务部发出的关于收银及现金处理的政策和程序。 ·           Verify all credit cards presented by guest within validity of the card. 核对所有客人呈交信用卡,确保所有信用卡都在有效期内。 ·           Verify cash received ensuring only genuine money been collected. 核对收取的现金,确保所收现金都是真钞。 ·           Be a hands-on supervisor and be always present in the Outlet, especially during busy periods. 做一个有执行能力的主管并时常出现在部门,特别是部门繁忙时。 ·           Ensure par stock level of all items and guest supplies according to hotel requirement. 按照要求维持所有物品和客用品的标准库存量。 Financial  财政制度 ·           Focus attention on improving productivity levels and the need to prudently manage utility/payroll costs within acceptable guidelines ensuring optimum deployment and energy efficiency of all equipment. 关注工作效率水平的提高以及在适用的原则指引下对于设施设备或者支出成本的慎重管理的要求以达到所有设备的最佳调配和能源使用效率。 ·           Assist to ensure that the outlet is operated in line with maximizing profit while delivering on the brand promise. 确保遵守品牌承诺以追求利润最大化为原则进行部门运作。 ·           Assist the Outlet Manager to achieve the monthly and annual personal target and the outlet’s revenue. 协助酒吧经理达到月度和年度个人目标和酒吧营业收入。 ·           Ensure that all hotel, company and local rules, policies and regulations relating to financial record keeping, money handling and licensing are adhered to, including the timely and accurate reporting of financial information 确保与财务记录的保留、钱款处理和许可以及及时而准确的财政信息的上报全部符合酒店、公司和本地的制度、政策和规章的规定。 ·           Assist in the inventory management and ongoing maintenance of hotel operating equipment and other assets. 协助进行盘点管理和酒店营运设备和其他设施持续的保存保养。 ·           Ensure new technology and equipment are embraced, improving productivity whilst taking work out of the system. 确保使用新技术和设备,简化工作系统提高工作效率。
  • 苏州 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 奢华体验
    • 时尚雅致
    • 潮流风尚
    • 时尚之旅
    • 丰富活动
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    ·Presents menu/ drinks list, answers enquiries and makes suggestions regarding food, beverage and service to guests.     向客人呈送菜单,回答客人问询并为客人提供关于食品、饮料及服务的建议。 ·Takes orders and serves Restaurants, Bars & Events to guest according to the established sequence and procedures.    根据所定的程序接受点菜并为客人服务食品及饮料。 ·Fully conversant with all aspects of the Micros Computer System.    完全了解Micros 电脑系统的各方面。 ·Ensures all Restaurants, Bars & Events items, equipment and other facilities in the Outlet are maintained according to the Departmental Operation Manual requirements.    根据部门营运指南要求确保部门内所有餐饮物品、设备和其他设施得到妥善保管和维护。 ·Takes guest order and serves items without unnecessary delay.    记录客人点菜并及时提供产品和服务,不得无故延误。 ·Familiars and have good knowledge of the Outlet’s Menu and Wine List.    熟悉并对餐厅菜单和酒单有相当的了解。 ·Up-sells beverage to increase the revenue.     促销饮品以提高营业收入。 · Reports any difficulties or problem to Team Leader/ Assistant Manager for solution or follow up actions.     向餐厅领班/副理报告所有困难及问题,以便解决和跟进。 · Maintains par stocks of beverages and guest supplies.     保持所有酒水和客人供应品的标准库存量。 · Prepares mise-en-place according to the requirement and operation needs.     确保根据要求和运作需要做好餐前准备工作。 · Clears and resets counters or tables.     清洁并重新摆设餐台和餐桌。 ·Prepares and serves Cocktail as requested.    根据要求准备及服务鸡尾酒。 ·Assists in setting up/ decorating the Outlet according to the theme during special promotions or occasions.    在特别推广或活动期间,根据活动主题协助餐厅的摆台和装饰。
  • 苏州 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 奢华体验
    • 时尚雅致
    • 潮流风尚
    • 时尚之旅
    • 丰富活动
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    • 投递简历
    · Have general knowledge of cold dish technique.     据有常规的冷菜制作技能和知识。 ·Ensure mise-en-place is completed prior to service.     确保所有的准备工作已经在开餐之前准备到位。 ·Supervise and take active part in cleaning kitchen chillers to ensure that is clean and safe for operation.    积极主动的监督厨房冻库卫生以确保厨房营运的卫生和安全。 ·Ensure that the suppliers are picked up in time.    确保供应商及时的到货。 ·Be familiar with kitchen equipment.    熟悉厨房的设施设备。 ·Complete other duties as assigned.    完成其它分配的工作。 ·Embrace all the standard of Niccolo Hotels expectations    遵循执行尼依格罗酒店期望值。
  • 苏州 | 2年以上 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 奢华体验
    • 时尚雅致
    • 潮流风尚
    • 时尚之旅
    • 丰富活动
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    · Have general knowledge of food technique.      据有常规的烹饪技能和知识。 · Ensure mise-en-place is completed prior to service.      确保所有的准备工作已经在开餐之前准备到位。 · Supervise and take active part in cleaning kitchen chillers to ensure that is clean and safe for operation.      积极主动的监督厨房冻库卫生以确保厨房营运的卫生和安全。 ·    Be familiar with culinary equipment.      熟悉厨房的设施设备。 ·  Complete other duties as assigned.      完成其它分配的工作。 ·  Ensure that minimum brand standards have been implemented.      确保酒店所有的乃至最细小的品牌标准都要被贯彻执行。
  • 苏州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 奢华体验
    • 时尚雅致
    • 潮流风尚
    • 时尚之旅
    • 丰富活动
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    CustomerService宾客服务 · Ensure the delivery of brand promise and provideexceptional guest service at all times.确保所有员工遵循品牌承诺并始终提供优异的对客服务。 · Provide excellent service to internal customers inother departments as appropriate.确保员工同样在适当的时候为其他部门的内部客人提供优质服务。 · Handle all guest and internal customer complaintsand inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following through to makesure problems are resolved satisfactorily. 礼貌而高效地处理所有客人和内部客人的投诉和询问,确保问题得到圆满解决。 · Maintain positive guest and colleague interactionswith good working relationships.与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的互动接触。 · Establish a rapport with guests maintaining goodcustomer relationships.与客人建立并保持良好的客户关系。 · Spend time at conferences and banquets (during peakperiods) to ensure that they are managed well by the respective colleagues andfunctions to the fullest expectations. 在宴会厅和会议室区域花时间巡视(高峰时段)以确保员工很好地管理宴会区域并使各个宴会项目达到最佳满意度。 Operational  营运 · Ensure that minimum brand standards have beenimplemented.确保酒店所有的乃至最细小的品牌标准都要被贯彻执行。 · Embrace all the standard of  Niccolo Hotels Global expectations遵循执行全球尼依格罗酒店期望值。 · Work closely with other Managers in a supportive andflexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and thesatisfaction of hotel guests.以支持和灵活的态度与其他经理紧密合作,着眼于整个酒店的成功和酒店客人的满意度。 · Ensure that Conferences and Banquets colleagues workin a supportive and flexible manner with other departments, in a spirit of “Wework through Teams”.确保会议宴会部员工以支持和灵活的态度和“团队协作”的精神与其他部门合作。 · Ensure that Banquet storage and Audio Visual areasare neat and organised, including the proper storage of props, and equipment.确保宴会仓库和音响视听设备区的整洁有序,包括对装饰品和设备的妥善储存。 · In the absence of Conference and Banqueting Manager,conduct daily pre-shift briefings to colleagues on preparation, service andmenu.会议宴会经理不在岗时,就每日的准备、服务和菜单为员工召开班前例会。 · Assist the Catering Sales team with creativesuggestions and ideas.帮助宴会销售部提出富有创意的建议和想法。 · Liaise with the Kitchen and Beverage Department ondaily operations and quality control.针对每日营运和质量控制与厨房及酒水部门密切沟通。
  • 苏州 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    Provide warm, friendly and efficient check-in for arriving guests, completing all hotel check-in procedures, with appropriate room allocation, paying special attention to any special room requests from guests. 为预到的客人热情、友好、高效的办理入住,合理分配房间并完成所有入住手续,需要关注有特殊房间要求的客人。 Attend to all VIP guests which include room assignment, room check, amenities requisition, room key issuing, registration and escorting guest to the room. 负责所有的VIP客人接待,包括:房间分配、房间检查、备品准备、房卡制作、入住办理和送客人到房间。 Hotel Tour for all the Patrons of the hotel if necessary. 在必要的时候引导客人参观酒店。 Execute all cashiering procedures with accuracy and support all postings, corrections, rebates, currency exchange, paid outs, etc. with proper documentation and authorized signatures of managers. 准确执行所有收银操作程序,如:入账,调帐,减免,外币兑换,退款等,相关文件需合理并得到授权经理的签字。 Perform accurate shift audit balance to ensure all postings have been balanced and all backup document and completed forms with authorizing signatures are attached and submitted for night auditor’s night balance and check. 每个班次平账准确,确保每笔抛帐正确并有支持的账单,完成的账单需有相关授权签字,每一笔帐单都应该投帐,以备夜审检查。 Prepare and performs group check-in and check-out accordingly to ensure all group billing arrangements are in order and that group instruction forms are distributed to departments concerned for information and follow-up. 办理团队入住和退房手续,确保所有团队帐目清晰,相关的团队单据交给相关部门用于信息传递和跟进。 Update guest information in the hotel computer system and daily follow-up to input guest information into the local Public Security Bureau computer system, ensuring all required information are obtained and recorded for the local authorities. 更新电脑系统中的客人信息,每日跟进并上传至公安局证件扫描系统,确保所有上传信息齐全并做好记录。 Perform night shift duties which include ‘R-card bin check’, clean up the counter and supplement stationery, etc. 做好夜班工作,包括检查入住登记单,整理接待台卫生和补充文具等。 Handle morning call bookings and ensure follow-up is done with Service Center to book the request at the correct time, recording details in the computer system. 处理前台客人叫醒预订,交予服务中心跟进,确保记录的准确性,并将预订记录在系统中。   Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 执行分派的任何合理任务和额外职责。
  • 苏州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    Provide room cleaning service and turn down service to assigned guest rooms to ensure service is completed according to hotel standard and guest requirement. 提供房间清洁服务和开夜床服务,确保按照酒店的标准和要求完成服务。 Set up furniture and replenish room amenities to ensure room set up is met with hotel standard. 整理家具,补充房间日用品,确保房间清洁和物品摆放达到酒店标准。 Check checked-out rooms, report & replenish mini bar items and quantity to ensure Policy & Procedure are followed. 检查退房,报告和补充迷你吧物品,确保按照酒店的标准进行操作。 Report to Floor Supervisor/Administrator of any mechanical problems to ensure all machine lighting, pumping, fixture and furniture are kept in good condition within guest rooms and working area. 向楼层主管/秘书报告所有机械故障,确保客房内和工作区域所有设备正常运作。 Handle and deliver guests requests promptly with courtesy to ensure quality service is provided to guest, such as : Laundry service, shoe shine service, loan item etc. 迅速礼貌地递送客人需要的物品,确保为客人提供标准服务,例如:洗衣服务,擦鞋服务,借用物品等。 Reports of lost and found items to HSKP office immediately. 所有客人失物应立即交至客房部办公室。 Is prepared to implement assigned tasks during emergencies such as fires, power cuts and bomb threats. 在紧急情况如火灾、停电和炸弹恐吓时随时准备执行分派的任务。 Report any irregular matter on floor to ensure safety and security are provided to guest, employee and hotel. 报告楼层内任何特殊事件,确保客人和酒店员工的安全。 Responsible to keep all equipment, machinery, working station, working trolley clean and tidy to ensure hygiene standard is maintained. 确保所有清洁设备,工作间,工作车的干净整洁并保证卫生达到标准 Complete other duties as assigned. 完成其它指定的任务。
  • 苏州 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    Responsible for the cleanliness & maintenance of all guest room, guest corridor and service area, to ensure a clean, fresh , tidy accommodation and environment is provided to guest. 检查客房,客用走廊区域的清洁卫生,确保给客人提供一个干净、清新、整洁的住宿条件和环境。 Inspect & change room status to ensure clean & tidy room is ready to sell by Front Office to guest. 检查和改变房间状态,保证干净整洁的房间已作好准备由前厅部出售给客人。 Provide supervision and training for colleagues to ensure the proper usage and care for the machine and chemical in order to protect hotel and guest’s property. Attend to guest request & complaint to ensure professional and satisfactory service is provided according to hotel standard. 监督和培训员工, 为了保护酒店和客人的财产,必须正确使用和维护机械、化学品。关注客人投诉和要求,确保根据酒店标准提供专业和令人满意的服务。 Ensure that special cleaning program schedules are carried out within the time limited and performance is up to requested standard. 确保在规定期限内完成特殊清洁计划并达到要求。 Inspect guest rooms to ensure amenity set up, mini bar replenishment, mini bar expired date inspection and orderliness of furniture are met with hotel standard and guidelines. 检查客房,确保日用品的正确放置,迷你吧有效期的核查和补充,家具的清洁达到酒店标准。 Control amenity stock, store requisition, linen stock to ensure enough supplies is provided and expenses budget is met. 控制日用品库存、提交储存申请,布草库存,保证提供充足的日用品且符合预算经费。 Report any irregular matters on guest floor and handle all Lost & Found matters to ensure the safety and security are provided to guest, employee and hotel. 报告客人楼层任何不寻常的问题和处理所有失物招领问题,确保客人,员工和酒店的安全。 To ensure good inter departmental communication, network and teamwork. 确保部门内部良好的沟通和团结合作。 Completed other duties as assigned. 完成指定的其他工作。
  • 苏州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    Customer Service宾客服务 ·         Ensure the delivery of brand promise and provide exceptional guest service at all times. 确保遵循品牌承诺并始终提供优异的对客服务。 ·         Provide excellent service to internal customers in other departments as appropriate. 在适当的时候为其他部门的内部客人提供优质服务。 ·         Handle all guest and internal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily. 礼貌而高效地处理所有客人和内部客人的投诉和询问,确保问题得到圆满解决。 ·         Maintain positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships. 与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的互动接触。 ·         Establish a rapport with guests maintaining good customer relationships. 与客人建立并保持良好的客户关系。   Operational  营运 ·         Ensure that minimum brand standards have been implemented. 确保贯彻执行酒店所有品牌标准。 ·         Embrace all the standards of Niccolo Hotels Global expectations. 遵循执行全球尼依格罗酒店期望。 ·         Work closely with other Outlet Managers in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests. 以支持和灵活的态度与其他员工紧密合作,着眼于整个酒店的成功和酒店客人的满意度。 ·         Ensure that Restaurants, Bars & Events colleagues work in a supportive and flexible manner with other departments, in a spirit of “We work through Teams”. 以支持和灵活的态度和“团队协作”的精神与其他部门合作。 ·         Present menu to guest, answer guest inquiries and offer food, beverage and service suggestion. 向客人呈送菜单,回答客人问询并为客人提供关于食品、饮料及服务的建议。 ·         Make order according to the procedures set and serve guests food and drink. 按照程序点餐,为客人服务食品及饮料。 ·         Fully conversant with all aspects of the Infrasys System. 完全了解电脑系统的各方面。 ·         Ensure all Restaurants, Bars & Events items, equipment and other facilities are maintained according to department operation manual. 根据部门营运指南确保部门内所有餐饮物品、设备和其他设施得到妥善保管和维护 。 ·         Record the guest order and provide products and services, without undue delay. 记录客人点菜并及时提供产品和服务,不得无故延误。 ·         Familiar with restaurant menu and wine list. 熟悉并对餐厅菜单和酒单有相当的了解。 ·         Upsell the drinks to increase revenue. 促销饮品以提高营业收入。 ·         Report all difficulties and problems to captain, shift leader or assistant manager, having them follow through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily. 向餐厅领班、主管、副经理报告所有困难及问题,以便解决和跟进。 ·         Ensure par stock level of all items and guest supplies according to hotel requirement. 保持所有酒水和客人供应品的标准库存量。 ·         Ensure well prepare before the meal according to requirement and operation need. 确保根据要求和运作需要做好餐前准备工作。 ·         Ensure that the outlet is kept clean and organized, both at the front as well as the back of house. 清洁并重新摆设餐台和餐桌。 ·         Prepare and serve the cocktail based on the request. 根据要求准备及服务鸡尾酒。 ·         In the special promotion or activity, assist the setup and decoration at restaurant. 在特别推广或活动期间,根据活动主题协助餐厅的摆台和装饰。 ·         Ensure that all drinks are kept in a suitable temperature. 确保所有饮品在适合温度下的妥善储存。 ·         Ensure that all cups are clean and light. 确保所有杯具的光亮、洁净。 ·         Assist in the bar and keep accurate inventory records. 协助对酒吧的盘点并保持准确的盘存记录。 ·         Replenish beverage for the bar. 补给酒吧饮品。 ·         Exercise cashier function according to requirement. 按照要求执行收银员职能。 ·         Verify cash received ensuring only genuine money been collected. 核对收取的现金,确保无伪钞。 ·         Verify all credit cards presented by guest before to validity of the card. 核对所有客人信用卡,确保所有信用卡均在有效期。 ·         Strictly adhere to all policies and procedures issued by the Finance with regard to cashiering and cash handling. 严格遵守财务部发出的关于收银及现金处理的政策和程序。   Personnel 人事 ·         Support, demonstrate and reinforce the Niccolo Hotels Values and Culture Characteristics. 支持、证明并加强尼依格罗酒店价值观和文化的特点。   Other Duties  其他职责 ·         Understand and strictly adhere to Rules and Regulations established in the Colleague Handbook and the hotel's policies concerning fire, hygiene, health and safety. 理解并严格遵守员工手册中的规章制度以及关于消防、卫生、健康和安全的酒店政策。 ·         Ensure high standards of personal presentation and grooming. 确保高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。 ·         Respond to changes in the Restaurants, Bars & Events function as dictated by the industry, company and hotel. 根据行业、公司和酒店对于餐饮及宴会职能要求的变化做出反应。 ·         Exercise responsible behavior at all times and positively representing the hotel and Wharf Hotels. 在任何时间表现负责的行为,并以积极的形象代表酒店管理团队和九龙仓酒店集团。 ·         Attend training sessions and meetings as and when required. 参加培训课程和会议。 ·         Carry out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 执行分派的任何合理任务和职责。
  • 苏州 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    • 时尚雅致
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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    Administration 行政 Assist to ensure that the NiccoloKitchen activities are aligned with the respective Corporate Strategy, and thatthe Hotel Actions have been implemented where appropriate. 协助举办欣厨餐厅活动和酒店活动。 Oversee the preparation and update ofindividual Departmental Operations Manuals.监督筹备和更新分部门营运手册。 Conduct regular divisionalcommunications meetings and ensure that departmental briefings and meetings areeffective and conducted as necessary.保持分部门日常沟通,确保部门例会有效传达。  Customer Service宾客服务 Ensure the delivery of brand promiseand provide exceptional guest service at all times.确保传递品牌承诺和始终如一的提供高水准宾客服务。 Provide excellent service to internalcustomers in other departments as appropriate.与内部同事提供卓越的服务。 Handle all guest and internal customercomplaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following throughto make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily.专业高效的处理内外部宾客投诉和咨询,持续跟进确保问题得到满意的解决。 Maintain positive guest and colleagueinteractions with good working relationships.与宾客和同事保持积极的合作沟通关系。 Establish a rapport with guestsmaintaining good customer relationships.与宾客建立和维持紧密的联系。 Personally and frequently verify thatguests at Niccolo Kitchen are receiving the best possible service.确保在欣厨的客人能够单独和持续的接受到最好的服务。 Spend time at Niccolo Kitchen (duringpeak periods) to ensure that they are managed well by the respective colleaguesand functions to the fullest expectations.在营运期间(尤其是繁忙期间)确保员工能够被很好的组织和管理,最大的发挥他们的效能。 Financial 财务制度 Maximize colleague productivity throughthe use of multi-skilling, multi-tasking and flexible scheduling to meet thefinancial goals of the business as well as the expectations of the guests.通过技能训练,任务训练和灵活安排,最大化员工的生产力,以达到商业财富目标和宾客期待的双赢。 Focus attention on improvingproductivity levels and the need to prudently manage utility/payroll costswithin acceptable guidelines ensuring optimum deployment and energy efficiencyof all equipment.专注提高产品质量,控制人力成本,确保最合理的调度和能源效率。, Ensure that the outlet is operated inline with maximizing profit while delivering on the brand promise.确保餐厅合理运营的情况下,传递品牌承诺的同时最大化利润。 Ensure to achieve the monthly andannual personal target and the outlet’s revenue.确保每月达成个人目标和餐厅收入目标。 Ensure that all hotel, company andlocal rules, policies and regulations relating to financial record keeping,money handling and licensing are adhered to, including the timely and accuratereporting of financial information.确保酒店,公司和当地规章,政策都符合财务政策,现金交接和许可证手续齐全,包括定时报告财务信息。 Assist in the inventory management andongoing maintenance of hotel operating equipment and other assets.协助库存管理和维护酒店设备。 Manage costs proactively based on keyperformance indicators, work with the respective Heads of department asappropriate.与相关酒店负责人一起管理部门相关重要表现指标。 Ensures new technology and equipmentare embraced, improving productivity whilst taking work out of the system.确保适应新的技术和设备,提高产品生产力。 Marketing 市场营销 Prepare annual marketing plan withmembers of the department, as a base of annual marketing plan of RB&E Dept.和团队成员准备年度市场推广计划。 Evaluate local, national andinternational market trends, vendors and other hotel/restaurant operationsconstantly to make sure that the hotel’s operations remain competitive andcutting edge.评估本地,国家和国际市场趋势,了解竞争对手营运情况,确保本酒店的营运保持竞争力。 Continuously seek Marketing and PublicRelations opportunities to increase awareness and ultimately business.持续的寻找市场和公关机会以增加市场活力和生意。  Operational 营运 Ensure that minimum brand standardshave been implemented.确保品牌标准被完成。 Embrace all the standard of NiccoloHotels Global expectations 切实履行尼依格罗集团标准。 Work closely with other Outlet Managersin a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of thehotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests.与其他餐厅经理紧密工作相互支持,专注酒店客人的成功和宾客满意度。 Ensure that Restaurants, Bars &Events colleagues work in a supportive and flexible manner with otherdepartments, in a spirit of “We work through Teams”.确保餐饮及宴会同事相互支持,灵活变通,团结一致。 Ensure consistent check and supervisionon Restaurants, Bars & Events items during operation, making feedback asappropriate. 在营运期间,确保持续的检查和监督餐饮及宴会项目,记录反馈。 Supervise on restaurant services andcatering standards, implement correct measure with assistant Niccolo Kitchenmanager, Executive Sous Chef and Sous Chef where necessary.监督餐厅服务和用餐标准,在必要时完成对副经理,行政副总厨的纠正。 Carry out inspection on Restaurants,Bars & Events operation with Executive Sous Chef frequently and thoroughly.和行政总厨一起检查餐饮及宴会的营运。 Supervise usage of fresh products inthe meal preparation procedure.在用餐准备流程中,监督新鲜产品的使用。 Give assistance to Executive Chef/Executive Sous Chef on creative suggestions and ideas.在创新建议中给与行政总厨足够的支持和协助。 Give assistance in monitoring themonthly inventory of all operating equipment and operating supplies.协助监督和检查月度营运用品的盘点。 Communicate on daily operations andquality control with kitchen closely.与厨房紧密沟通日常营运和品质控制。 Have a thorough knowledge andunderstanding of all Restaurants, Bars & Events items in the menu and theability to recommend Restaurants, Bars & Events combinations and up sellalternatives.融会贯通餐饮及宴会菜单项目,并且有能力推荐部门产品和增销。 Ensure front and back of house area ofthe restaurant clean and orderly.确保餐厅前场和后场干净整洁。 Communicate with Housekeepingdepartment, ensuring established clean plan is carried out strictly.与客房部保持沟通,建立清洁计划。 Personnel 人事 Oversee and assist in the recruitmentand selection of Niccolo kitchen colleagues. Adhere to hotel guidelines whenrecruiting and use a competency-based approach to selecting colleagues.协助招聘欣厨部门同事。在招聘和选择人才时坚持酒店标准。 Oversee the punctuality and appearanceof all Restaurants, Bars & Events colleagues, making sure that they wearthe correct uniform and maintain a high standard of personal appearance andhygiene, according to the hotel and department’s grooming standards.监督餐饮及宴会同事的出勤,确保他们着标准制服,依照酒店仪容仪表的标准保持高标准的个人形象和卫生状况。 Maximize the effectiveness ofcolleagues by developing each of their skills and abilities through theappropriate training, coaching, and/or mentoring.最大限度提高员工的技能和能力,给与足够的培训,教导和指导。 Conduct annual Performance Appraisalwith colleagues and to support them in their professional development goals.组织员工年度表现评估,并且给与他们专业的发展目标。 Assist in the development ofDepartmental Trainers through ongoing feedback and monthly meetings.协助部门培训员并给与反馈,参与月度会议。 Plan and implement effective trainingprogrammes for colleagues in coordination with the Training Manager andDepartmental Trainers.与培训经理和部门培训员开展合作,计划和完成有效的培训项目。 Oversee the preparation and posting ofweekly work schedules, making sure that they reflect business needs and otherkey performance indicators.监督和检查每周工作安排,确保参照生意需要和其他关键表现指标。 Encourage colleagues to be creative andinnovative, challenging and recognizing them for their contribution to thesuccess of the operation.在营运时,给员工机会创新,接受挑战,并及时回应他们。 Support, demonstrate and reinforce the NiccoloHotels Values and Culture Characteristics.支持,演示和强调尼依格罗酒店价值观和文化特点。 Ensure that all colleagues have acomplete understanding of and adhere to colleague rules and regulations.确保员工都完全理解和遵守员工规章制度。 Ensure that colleagues follow allhotel, company and local rules, policies and regulations relating to fire andhazard safety, and security.确保员工都知晓酒店,公司和当地的消防安全规章和政策。 Other Duties 其他职责 Exercise responsible management andbehaviour at all times and positively representing the hotel management teamand Niccolo International.持续的表现出酒店管理团队的责任感和展现出尼依格罗酒店的形象。 Understand and strictly adhere to Rulesand Regulations established in the Colleague Handbook and the hotel’s policiesconcerning fire, hygiene, health and safety.理解和坚持员工手册,酒店消防,卫生和安全的政策。 Ensure high standards of personalpresentation and grooming.确保个人形象和仪容仪表的高标准。 Respond to changes in the Restaurants,Bars & Events function as dictated by the industry, company and hotel.对餐饮及宴会市场的变化负责。 Attend training sessions and meetingsas and when required.在需要的时候,参加培训课程和会议。 Carry out any other reasonable dutiesand responsibilities as assigned. 执行其他合理的职责和责任。
  • 苏州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 奢华体验
    • 时尚雅致
    • 潮流风尚
    • 时尚之旅
    • 丰富活动
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Handles incoming telephone calls.处理所有来电。 Handles incoming & outgoing correspondence ofdesignated Sales Managers and Sales Executives.处理所有销售经理和销售主任的要求。 Maintain an efficient customer filing system and toensure all sales activity is managed effectively.维护有效的客户文件管理系统为了更有效地维护所有的会议。 Ensure all travel industry related sales activitiesis managed efficiently; ensure all group bookings are handled and updatedaccurately and on a timely basis.保证所有的旅游行业的销售活动都有效地维护;保证所有的会议预定都是最新和最准确的。 Entertain key accounts when required.宴请所有重要的客户。 Responsible for assisting the managers in typing /filing correspondence such as proposals, Letters of Agreement, Group Resumes,Thank You letters, Post Event Critique etc.负责协助经理准备报价,合同,宴会编排表,团队资料,建筑平面图,感谢信等。 Maintains a proper filing and trace system for thedepartment.有效的维持部门的追踪系统。 Maintains the highest standard of professionalism,ethics and attitude towards clients and colleagues.保持最高的专业度和态度对待客户和同事。 Complete other duties as assigned.完成其他的工作。
  • 苏州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 奢华体验
    • 时尚雅致
    • 潮流风尚
    • 时尚之旅
    • 丰富活动
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Become familiar with any assigned sales file, review proposal, and discuss profile on group with the appropriate sales personnel. 熟悉任何分配销售文件,审查报价,并与适当的销售人员讨论团体的信息。 Contact the client / meeting planner by phone to introduce and follow up with a letter. 打电话与客户/会议企划者交流并且以书面的形式进行追踪。 Customize selling approach to the client’s / meeting planner’s needs to maximize sales. 为了把销售量最大化,需要有不同的客户/会议企划者的方案。 Specialize Food and Beverage programs by tailoring to fit client’s needs. 为客户提供相应的餐饮配套。 Always ready to anticipate client and guest needs well in advance. 一直会提前把客户的需求放在首位。 Use only hotel approved vendors. 只使用酒店批准的客户群体。 Acts as a liaison between client / meeting planner and all hotel operations department. 能有效地联络客户/会议企划者与酒店运行部门的配合。 Always maintain a professional image both in appearance/attire and conduct when dealing with the client/meeting planner and fellow hotel employees. 在与客户的交流中能一直保持专业的形象,不管在外表或言行举止。 Demonstrate appropriate timeliness in preparing contract to client/meeting planner within 48 hours. 能在48小时内,准备合同给客户/会议企划者。 Return all phone calls the same day. 在当天回复所有来电。 Prepare all BEOs and Group Resumes no later than 7 days prior to the group’s arrival. 准备好所有宴会编排表,团的资料在团队达到七天之前。 Ensure all information is detailed, correct and all billing arrangements are specified. 确保所有信息的详细,所有记账的精准。 Adhere to mandatory attend the weekly Resume Meeting when a group is in-house. 坚持强制参加每周的团体会议。 Meet or exceed monthly Catering Forecast. 达到或者超出每个月的宴会预算。
  • 苏州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 奢华体验
    • 时尚雅致
    • 潮流风尚
    • 时尚之旅
    • 丰富活动
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Assist in identifying market needs andtrends in travel industry, defining the target markets, monitoring andanalysing competitor’s sales promotion and activities.协助识别市场需求和旅游行业的趋势,定义目标市场,监控和分析竞争对手的促销和活动。 Implement an effective sales plan andpromotional activities for the department; to organize an effective sellingapproach to be used by members of the sales team; to conduct sales calls and todevelop and maintain new potential, productive accounts in local, domestic andoverseas market.有效完成部门的销售促销活动;组织一个有效的销售方法;开展电话销售,开发和维护新的有潜力的客户,在本地,本国和国外有所成绩。 Supervise and ensure sales staffs areselling services and products of the hotel in their respective territories.Ensure rates quoted by sales staff are accurate and in line with hotel pricingpolicy.监督并确保酒店的销售人员销售服务和产品在各自的领域。确保酒店的员工符合酒店的定价政策。 Maintain an efficient customer filingsystem and to ensure all sales activity is managed effectively.保持一个有效的客户档案系统,确保所有的销售活动进行有效管理。 Generate, develop, promote and solicitaccommodation, food and beverage business with special emphasis on commercialaccounts.在商业客上产生,发展,促进和征求住宿,食品的业务。 Assist to implement and monitor anefficient administration system in the sales and marketing department to ensurea smooth and effective operation.协助实施和监督市场销售部的一个高效的管理系统,以确保顺利和有效的操作。 Conduct international and domesticsales trips, attend local functions, trade shows and promotion to maintain ahigh level of exposure for the hotel in all markets.进行国外和国内的商务出差,参加当地的展会和促销会以便在所有酒店市场保持高水平。 Closely monitors accounts revenue andbusiness production for Corporate / FIT / M.I.C.E. accounts. 密切监控公司/自由者/ 餐会住宿客户的账户收入。 Plans sales trips, under the directapproval of the Director of Sales or Director of Marketing to major marketareas, calling on accounts within the pacific market areas. Reports to theDirector of Sales on potential markets needing coverage.在销售总监的批准下计划商业到主要的市场出差。反馈有潜力的市场给销售总监。 Entertain key accounts when required.宴请重要的客户在需要的时候。 Establishes good working relationshipwithin the department and with other departments.和销售部和其他部门建立良好的工作关系。 Complete other duties as assigned. 完成其他执行任务。
  • 苏州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 奢华体验
    • 时尚雅致
    • 潮流风尚
    • 时尚之旅
    • 丰富活动
    • 节日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    • 投递简历
    To assist and perform new work, repair andmaintenance for the oil paint and decoration work of carpentry, furniture andmason. 协助及执行木器、家具、泥水及油漆及装饰的新建工作,维修及保养工作。 To assist in solving any problems on carpentry,painting and mason of hotel facilities. 协助解决木器、家具、泥水及油漆及装饰的新建工作,维修及保养的有关问题。 To attend emergency calls, e.g. fire alarm, liftbreakdowns and pipe bursting. 如有紧急事故,需立刻前往。例如火警,升降机故障和水管破裂等。 To prepare shift duty roster for duty techniciansof concerned sections. 为所属需要轮班的技术人员,预备 / 制定轮班职务时间表。 To comply with the safety regulations. 遵照当地的安全守则而进行。 To assist colleagues of other sections to performdaily maintenance and repair work. 协助其它部门的同事,执行每日的保养及维修工作。 To carry out any other reasonable duties andresponsibilities as assigned. 执行分派的任何合理任务和额外职责。
  • 苏州 | 经验不限 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.高中及以上学历,有良好的英语沟通能力。 2.有同星级酒店工作经验者优先。 3.熟悉西餐、酒吧的业务知识。 3.具有实际工作能力。 4.有良好的团队合作精神。
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