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  • 深圳 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-24
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    岗位职责: Delight Guest和悦宾客 1.Practice the service culture SHINE with Service Essence Training 对客服务中践行《服务精髓》中SHINE的服务文化要求 2.Solve the guest complaints with service culture E-Leap within Service Recovery Training 当客人向我们表达不满情绪时及时担负责任,并践行《服务补救》中的E-LEAP服务文化原则 3.Personal grooming, hygiene and courtesy are in line with hotel and brand standards 个人仪容仪表、卫生及礼貌礼节符合酒店和品牌标准 4.Strictly adhere to service processes and brand standards, and convey the essence of the brand to our guests to improve guest experience and brand perception 严格遵守服务流程和品牌标准,向我们的客人传递品牌精髓的信息以提高客人体验感和品牌感知度 5.Provide Service to guests with the highest level of engagement 提供高水准的服务。 6.Ensures that associates also provide excellent service to internal customers in other departments as appropriate 确保员工同样在适当的时候为其他部门的内部客人提供同样优质服务。 7.Handles all guest and internal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following, through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily. 礼貌而高效地处理所有客人和内部客人的投诉和询问,确保问题得到圆满解决。 8.Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships 与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的互动接触。 9.Personally and frequently verifies that guests in the Outlet are receiving the best possible service. 经常亲自证实餐厅客人得到的是最好的服务。 任职资格: With 1 years above 5 starts hotel working experience at All Day Dining. 具有5星级以上酒店全日餐厅同级工作1年以上相关工作经验。 Good Leadership and Training skills. 良好的领导力和培训技能。 Good organization skills. 良好的组织能力。 Communication skills are utilized a significant amount of time when interacting with others; demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. 拥有在与他人交往时大多数时间所使用的沟通技能;完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。
  • 深圳 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-24
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    岗位职责: Delight Guest和悦宾客 1.Complete assigned tasks quickly and efficiently. 快速有效地完成分配的任务。 2.Provides comprehensive concierge information to our clients, including local and regional attractions, restaurants, theatres, special events, tickets, confirmations and other effective services. 为我们的客户提供全面的礼宾资讯,包括本地和地区的景点,餐厅,剧院,特别活动,门票,确认和其他有效服务。 3.Develop and maintain close customer relationships to ensure the loyalty of MGM members. 发展和维持密切的客户关系以确保美高梅会员的忠诚度。 4.Track and forecast daily, weekly and monthly executive lounge occupancy. 跟踪和预测每天,每周和每月行政酒廊的入住情况。 5.Ensure that preparatory check-in is done for the club members and guests who reserve the executive floor. 确保为美高梅会员及预订行政楼层的客人做好预备登记工作。 6.Check the daily arrival guest report, pay attention to guest preferences and special requirements. 检查每日预抵宾客报表,留意宾客喜好及特殊要求。 7.Check the arranged rooms before guests arrive to ensure that all complimentary items have been placed in the room. 在宾客到店前检查好已安排的房间,确保所有赠品已放入房间。 8.Greet VIP arrival and escort guest to room or Executive Lounge. 迎接贵宾到店及陪同他们到房间或去行政酒廊。 9.Check in and check out for MGM members and club guests. 为美高梅会员及俱乐部客人办理入住和离店手续。 10.Personally receive and respond to guest requests and complaints effectively and promptly. 亲自接收并有效及时地为客人处理需求和投诉。 11.Manage department supply requirement and wine inventory. 管理好部门用品需求量及酒水库存。 12.Check the working environment of the department. 检查好部门工作环境。 13.Complete attendance according to class schedule on time. 根据班表按时完成考勤。 14.Set up buffet tables and check food quality to ensure all food and beverage products are up to standard. 摆放自助餐台并检查食品质量,确保所有餐饮出品符合标准。 15.Consistently seeking ideas for improving the executive Lounge's products and services. 始终如一的,为提高行政酒廊的产品和服务而寻求思路。 16.Liaise closely and effectively with all other departments to highlight the executive Lounge area to ensure appropriate levels of service are provided to our customers. 与所有其他部门进行密切的,有效的沟通,突出行政酒廊区域,确保为我们的客户提供合适水平的服务。 17.Participate in the training, development and performance management of all executive lounge staff. 参与所有行政酒廊员工的培训,发展和业绩管理。 18.Supervises and supervises executive lounge staff to complete their work and tasks in a timely and efficient manner. 管理并监督行政酒廊员工,监督其及时高效的完成工作及任务。 19.Comply with the hotel's Code of conduct, staff rules and all hotel policies and procedures.  遵守酒店的行为准则、员工守则以及酒店的各项政策及程序。 20.Comply with the hotel's financial, service, safety, learning and development requirements. 遵守酒店财务、服务、安全、学习与发展的要求。 21.Practice the service culture SHINE with Service Essence Training 对客服务中践行《服务精髓》中SHINE的服务文化要求 22.Solve the guest complaints with service culture E-Leap within Service Recovery Training 当客人向我们表达不满情绪时及时担负责任,并践行《服务补救》中的E-LEAP服务文化原则 23.Personal grooming, hygiene and courtesy are in line with hotel and brand standards 个人仪容仪表、卫生及礼貌礼节符合酒店和品牌标准 24.Strictly adhere to service processes and brand standards, and convey the essence of the brand to our guests to improve guest experience and brand perception 严格遵守服务流程和品牌标准,向我们的客人传递品牌精髓的信息以提高客人体验感和品牌感知度 任职资格: Good health 身体健康 Good communication 良好的沟通技能 Pleasant looking 五官端正 Fluent in both verbal & written English & Mandarin 出色的普通话及英语的口语和写作能力 College degree or above 大专及以上学历 2 years work at Executive Lounge in a similar size hotel. 应具备在相当规模酒店2年行政酒廊工作的经验 Self-starter. 主动 Team-builder. 团队精神 Goals oriented. 目标明确 Tactful and sensitive to guests and employees needs. 能体察客人和员工需要 Positive role model. 以身作则 Computer knowledge. 计算机知识 Financial knowledge. 财务知识 Ability to work long hours. 能适应长时间工作 Have good presentation skills. 具备优秀展示技巧
  • 深圳 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-24
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    岗位职责: Delight Guest和悦宾客 1.Practice the service culture SHINE with Service Essence Training 对客服务中践行《服务精髓》中SHINE的服务文化要求 2.Solve the guest complaints with service culture E-Leap within Service Recovery Training 当客人向我们表达不满情绪时及时担负责任,并践行《服务补救》中的E-LEAP服务文化原则 3.Personal grooming, hygiene and courtesy are in line with hotel and brand standards 个人仪容仪表、卫生及礼貌礼节符合酒店和品牌标准 4.Strictly adhere to service processes and brand standards, and convey the essence of the brand to our guests to improve guest experience and brand perception 严格遵守服务流程和品牌标准,向我们的客人传递品牌精髓的信息以提高客人体验感和品牌感知度 5.Provide Service to guests with the highest level of engagement 提供高水准的服务。 6.Ensures that associates also provide excellent service to internal customers in other departments as appropriate 确保员工同样在适当的时候为其他部门的内部客人提供同样优质服务。 7.Handles all guest and internal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following, through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily. 礼貌而高效地处理所有客人和内部客人的投诉和询问,确保问题得到圆满解决。. 8.Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships 与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的互动接触。 9.Personally and frequently verifies that guests in the Outlet are receiving the best possible service. 经常亲自证实餐厅客人得到的是最好的服务。 任职资格: With 1 years above 5 starts hotel working experience at western restaurant. 具有5星级以上酒店西餐厅同级工作1年以上相关工作经验 Good Leadership and Training skills. 良好的领导力和培训技能 Good organization skills. 良好的组织能力 Communication skills are utilized a significant amount of time when interacting with others; demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. 拥有在与他人交往时大多数时间所使用的沟通技能;完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力
  • 人事主管

    深圳 | 2年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 岗位晋升
    • 节日礼物
    有限服务中档酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-24
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    本岗位工作地点为宝安松岗 1. 协助门店店长制定门店各部门人员编制和工资计划的初步审核和上报审批工作,并制作门店各部门员工月度考勤及工资表及日常员工变动的相关管理及统计工作; 2. 根据集团的相关人事行政政策推进和实施门店人事行政等政策。 3. 遵守和严格执行酒店的各项政策、规章制度和部门的各项操作规程; 4. 负责门店各部门员工的考勤管理工作,各部门各级人员的休假、加班情况表的审核工作; 5. 在上级领导的指引下,完成门店人力成本预算,并对人力成本节约提有效建议; 6. 负责制作、初审及提交各类人事、劳资报表; 7. 负责酒店培训管理工作,担任酒店培训管理员。 8. 协助店长负责门店的招聘工作,确保人员符合门店的招聘要求。 9. 负责社会保险的申报工作。 10. 负责门店员工宿舍及食堂的管理。 11. 负责门店员工档案及行政档案的保管工作。 12. 负责门店员工关系的管理及员工活动的组织工作。 13. 直接汇报给门店店长。 14. 负责传达集团人事相关信息。 15. 完成上级安排的其他工作任务。 福利待遇: 月休6天 包吃包住 带薪年假 生日假 节假日礼物 假期福利
  • 深圳 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-24
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    岗位职责: Delight Guest和悦宾客 1.Complete assigned tasks quickly and efficiently. 快速有效地完成分配的任务。 2.Provides comprehensive concierge information to our clients, including local and regional attractions, restaurants, theatres, special events, tickets, confirmations and other effective services. 为我们的客户提供全面的礼宾资讯,包括本地和地区的景点,餐厅,剧院,特别活动,门票,确认和其他有效服务。 3.Develop and maintain close customer relationships to ensure the loyalty of MGM members. 发展和维持密切的客户关系以确保美高梅会员的忠诚度。 4.Familiar with department knowledge and standard working procedures. 熟知部门知识和标准工作程序。 5.Check the daily arrival guest report, pay attention to guest preferences and special requirements. 检查每日预抵宾客报表,留意宾客喜好及特殊要求。 6.Check the arranged rooms before guests arrive to ensure that all complimentary items have been placed in the room. 在宾客到店前检查好已安排的房间,确保所有赠品已放入房间。 7.Greet guests to the store and escort them to their rooms or to the executive Lounge. 迎接贵宾到店及陪同他们到房间或去行政酒廊。 8.Check in and check out for MGM members and Executive Lounge guests. 为美高梅会员及行政酒廊客人办理入住和离店手续。 9.Attend to guest complaints, inquiries and requests, and seek help from supervisors and managers if they cannot resolve the problem themselves. 关注客人的投诉、问询和请求,如果自己无法解决问题,则将向主管和经理寻求帮助。 10.Take every opportunity to provide service that exceeds guest expectations. 利用一切机会提供超越客人期望的服务。 11.Make every effort to ensure that guests leave with a good impression of the service. 尽一切努力确保客人在离店时会对酒店的服务有很好的印象。 12.Participate in the training, development and performance management of all executive lounge staff. 参与所有行政酒廊员工的培训,发展和业绩管理。 13.Maintain high standards of conduct, appearance and attitude in accordance with the hotel Group brand standards. 按照酒店集团品牌标准,保持自己行为、外表和态度的高标准。 14.Keep the Executive Lounge working area clean and orderly at all times. 随时保持行政酒廊工作区域的整洁和有序。 15.Comply with the hotel's Code of conduct, staff rules and all hotel policies and procedures.  遵守酒店的行为准则、员工守则以及酒店的各项政策及程序。 16.Comply with the hotel's financial, service, safety, learning and development requirements. 遵守酒店财务、服务、安全、学习与发展的要求。 17.Complete other tasks assigned by superiors. 完成上级交代的其他工作任务。 18.Practice the service culture SHINE with Service Essence Training 对客服务中践行《服务精髓》中SHINE的服务文化要求 19.Solve the guest complaints with service culture E-Leap within Service Recovery Training 当客人向我们表达不满情绪时及时担负责任,并践行《服务补救》中的E-LEAP服务文化原则 20.Personal grooming, hygiene and courtesy are in line with hotel and brand standards 个人仪容仪表、卫生及礼貌礼节符合酒店和品牌标准 21.Strictly adhere to service processes and brand standards, and convey the essence of the brand to our guests to improve guest experience and brand perception 严格遵守服务流程和品牌标准,向我们的客人传递品牌精髓的信息以提高客人体验感和品牌感知度 任职资格: Good health 身体健康 Good communication 良好的沟通技能 Pleasant looking 五官端正 Fluent in both verbal & written English & Mandarin 出色的普通话及英语的口语和写作能力 College degree or above 大专及以上学历 1 year work experience in a similar size hotel. 应具备在相当规模酒店1年酒店的工作经验 Self-starter. 主动 Team-builder. 团队精神 Goals oriented. 目标明确 Tactful and sensitive to guests needs. 能体察客人需要 Positive role model. 以身作则 Computer knowledge. 计算机知识 Financial knowledge. 财务知识 Ability to work long hours. 能适应长时间工作 Have good presentation skills. 具备优秀展示技巧
  • 会计主管

    深圳 | 2年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 店庆活动
    • 人性化管理
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 05-16
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    • 投递简历
    工作职责: 1. 负责总帐/明细账、日常帐务处理; 2.负责每月对外税务、统计报表的报送及税务相关工作; 3.负责应收应付及往来凭证和账目的核对、编制; 4.审核各项公司内部费用报销单,审核各项费用原始凭证和记账凭证; 5.编制和分析各种财务报表、财务数据; 6.能够独立完成全盘账务处理; 7.了解相关税务政策,按时完成各项税收的申报; 8.完成各项集团财务数据的收集整理和分析; 9.配合部门完成年度财务结算和审计工作; 10.沟通能力强,对于核算中发现的问题能够及时与部门进行有效沟通。
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