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  • 珠海 | 5年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



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    • 带薪年假
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    • 帅哥多
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    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1.Directs and controls all subordinate to ensure that all day to day operational matters are handled on time and associate expectations are met. 指挥并且协调所有下属职员使其能按时完成每天的运营工作,并且能达到员工的期望值。 2.Ensure that specific operations function efficiently and on time. 确保员工餐厅高效并按时运营。 3.Prepares duty rosters as directed, and schedules vacation and public holidays accordingly. 准备排班和相应的假期。 4.Liaises with purchasing and suppliers to ensure that all food items ordered are delivered, and are of the appropriate quality at the most competitive price. 与采购方和供应商保持沟通保证提供被定购的所有食品项目,并且在有竞争的价格下保持较好的质量。 5.Ensures that food is stored, prepared and secured hygienically and safely. 保证所有食品在储存,准备和来源的卫生性和安全性。 6.Ensures that food is prepared and cooked according to menu and wastage is minimized. 确保食品按照规定的菜单准备及烹饪,并且把浪费降到最低。 7.Conduct the associate satisfaction survey and do the menu innovation accordingly. 根据员工意见调查,改进与更新员工餐厅菜单。 8.Maintaining standards of hygiene and cleanliness in kitchen and related areas. 维护清洁和卫生标准在所有关于厨房的区域。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.Sound organizational skills 良好的组织能力 2.Ability to lead, motivate and develop a team of individuals 有领导、激励和发展团队的能力 3.Able to handle demanding workload 完成要求内工作量的能力 4.Sound knowledge of working practices of the kitchen 良好的厨房工作知识
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专



    • 五险一金
    • 领导好
    • 岗位晋升
    • 带薪年假
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    • 技能培训
    • 节日礼物
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    岗位职责: 协助餐厅经理进行餐厅的日常管理和运营工作,确保餐厅的顺利运转和高效服务。 制定并执行餐厅的营销策略和促销活动,提升餐厅的知名度和客户满意度。 监督餐厅员工的工作表现,提供培训和指导,确保员工遵守餐厅的规章制度和服务标准。 负责餐厅的成本控制和预算管理,合理调配资源,提高餐厅的经济效益。 协调与其他部门的工作关系,确保餐厅与其他部门的顺畅合作和沟通。 及时处理客人的投诉和建议,与客人建立良好的关系,提升餐厅的口碑和形象。 定期对餐厅的运营情况进行分析和总结,提出改进意见和建议,为餐厅的持续发展提供有力支持。 任职要求: 具有酒店或餐饮行业相关岗位的管理经验,熟悉餐厅的运营和管理流程。 具备较强的组织协调能力和沟通能力,能够有效地管理团队和处理各种突发情况。 具备较强的市场敏感度和营销能力,能够制定有效的营销策略和推广活动。 具备较强的成本控制和预算管理能力,能够合理控制餐厅的运营成本。 具备良好的服务意识和客户导向思维,能够关注客户需求并提供优质的服务。 具备较强的学习能力和创新能力,能够不断学习和掌握新的管理方法和技能,推动餐厅的持续发展。
  • 珠海 | 5年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    【岗位职责】 1、掌握食品卫生法律法规。 2、负责中餐烹饪工作,掌握各种菜式的烹制特点和技术要求。 3、在厨师长的带领下,组织调动下属严格按照菜式规定,烹制菜肴,保证出品质量。 4、执行厨师长下达的各项工作任务和指示。 5、清楚所有食品的配料、技巧、烹饪方法及设备等方面的知识。 6、研究当地餐饮市场,极积开创新菜。熟悉各种原材料,根据季节推陈出新。 【岗位要求】 1、中专以上学历,同岗位工作经验5年以上。 2、接受过专业技术训练,有丰富的技术及行政经验。精通粤菜,熟悉其他菜系。 3、懂得成本核算,食物原料及食品营养知识。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    1.根据酒店标准,负责管理所有管事部职能范围内的事宜。指导、贯彻和维护那些指引员工工作方向的服务和管理原理。 2.协调酒店与政府卫生部门和质量监督部门的关系,维护酒店的利益和荣誉,协助酒店管理层完成卫生质量方面的工作,鉴定食品和器皿的卫生质量,对酒店的员工进行卫生培训。
  • 珠海 | 5年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    【岗位职责】 1、协助西厨厨师长改进西厨房工作。 2、保证食物质量的高水平供应。 3、监督厨房进货、出货、转移及食品成本等等。 4、督促各种控制体系(卫生、成本等)正常运作。 5、中西式菜品出品。 【岗位要求】 1、中专以上学历,同岗位工作经验3年以上。 2、接受过专业技术训练,有丰富的技术及行政经验,在国际集团酒店工作不得少于5年以上。 3、了解食物原料及食品营养知识。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    【岗位职责】 1、全面负责员工餐厅正常运营工作。 2、向行政总厨汇报日常工作。 3、确保所有视频按照食品卫生安全标准存放、出品。 4、定期改进与更新员工餐厅出品。 【岗位要求】 1、中专以上学历,同岗位工作经验3年以上。 2、具备一定电脑办公能力。 3、懂得成本核算,食物原料及食品营养知识。 4、能够指导并管理团队工作。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    【岗位职责】 1、协助饼房厨师长负责饼房正常运作。 2、饼房厨师长不在时,控制、监测并领导整个饼房的运作;全权负责起饼房的运作。 3、负责部门培训。 4、结合顾客喜好,及时调整饼房出品。 【岗位要求】 1、中专以上学历,具有西饼房相关管理工作经验3年以上。 2、具备一定的英文阅读能力。 3、熟悉西式面包制作,有一定的创新意识。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1.Work closely with other employees in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests. 与其他同事积极灵活的合作,以酒店的总体业绩和客人的满意为重点。 2.Ensures the sanitation standards for kitchen are being met. 确保厨房的卫生标准达到。 3.Assists in the training of the employees ensuring that they have the necessary skills to perform their duties. 帮助培训员工,以确保他们拥有可以执行自己责任所必须的技能。 4.Provides a courteous and professional service at all times. 随时保证礼貌和专业的服务。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1. High school education, cooking school or culinary institute education or equivalent experience.  食品烹饪相关高中学历或相关工作经历。 2. At least three years previous experience in culinary or related work experience. 3年及以上相同职位工作经验。 3. Ability to operate, maintain and properly clean work environment. 能够运营、维持及保持工作环境的清洁。 4. Proficient knife skills and ability to multi-task. 专业的粤菜烹饪技术,能够同时进行多项任务。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    此岗位招二砧一职 JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1.Participate in the planning and costing of menus 参与菜单的计划编制及成本计算 2.Develop and write standard recipes 积极发展于手写菜单配方的标准 3.Maintain comprehensive product knowledge including ingredients, equipment, suppliers, markets, and current trends and make recommendations for appropriate adjustments to kitchen operations accordingly 确保全面了解的产品知识不仅包括食品成分、设备、供应商、市场、当前动向提出一些适当的建议因此对厨房的运作可以作出相应的调整 4.Controls and monitors departmental costs on an ongoing basis to ensure performance against budget 在不断运作基础上监督与控制部门成本 5.Develop new dishes and products 积极的创想新的菜肴及产品 6.Ensure that outstanding culinary technical skills are maintained 确保突出的厨房烹饪专业技能 7.Assist with organizing special events and special food promotions 协助组织一些特殊事件及食品推广 8.Regularly communicates with staff and maintains good relations 定期与员工进行交流并保持良好的工作关系 9.Maintain a hygienic kitchen --- HACCP 维护厨房的卫生标准 --- HACCP 10.Clean the kitchen and equipment 清洁厨房及设备 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.Good cooking skills. 良好的烹调技巧 2.Secondary school with technical or apprenticeship training.. 中学,受过专业训练或学徒训练
  • 珠海 | 5年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    【岗位职责】 1、协助管事部经理编制餐饮部所需餐具和用具的年度预算。 2、根据各餐厅餐具的盘点情况,负责于采购部门沟通,提出器具购置计划,保证及时补充餐具用具。 3、协助经理检查和管理各点餐具的使用情况,分析造成损耗的原因,提出降低损耗的建议。 4、负责安排管事部员工的工作班次。 5、负责做好餐具用具的保管、发放、回收工作,负责厨房区域的环境卫生。 6、负责对下属员工的考勤以及培训工作,督导员工做好安全工作。 【岗位要求】 1、中专以上学历,有相关工作经验5年以上。 2、熟悉各种餐具用具的牌号、产地、特性及价格,懂得餐具用具的分类和保管方法。 3、熟悉各种洗涤剂和清洁剂的使用方法,熟悉常用的餐具洗涤设备及其操作方法,了解它们的维修保养方法。 4、有较强的责任心,工作认真踏实。
  • 珠海 | 5年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    行政 Administration     §  协助制定,维护和更新部门营运手册,部门营运手册应当反映出酒店政策和程序以及工作过程和标准。确保每年进行回顾,反映出改变。 Assists with the development and maintenance of a detailed Departmental Operations Manual that reflects Policies & Procedures, work processes and standards of performance within the Division.  Ensures annual review to accurately reflect any changes. §  帮助做年度房务部经营预算的准备,确定充分体现酒店的经营目标和员工的需求。 Assists with the preparation of the annual Rooms Business Plan, ensuring Divisional Objectives fully address business objectives of the Hotel and needs of associates. §  帮助部门经理准备和定时更新部门预算,确定目标被达到,而且费用有效地被控制。 Assists with the preparation and regular update of the Housekeeping Departmental Budget, in close cooperation with the Departmental Manager, ensuring targets are met and costs are effectively controlled. §  监督以及合理分配洗窗、公区和后场清洁的外包供应商的工作任务。 Ensures proper work assignments to the contract cleaners of windows, public and back of house areas.     营运 Operational   §  遇到投诉或问题,如果不能立即找到解决的方法,则向客房部副经理汇报。 Reports complaints or problems to Assistant Housekeeping Manager if no immediate solution can be found. §  确保具有营销员的态度并在酒店内随时发现销售的机会。 Ensures a sales attitude is adopted at all times and maintains an awareness of all sales opportunities within the Hotel. §  确保具有高水平的酒店产品知识,以便在机会出现时,宣传/销售餐厅产品及其它设施/活动。 Ensures a high level of product knowledge of hotel in order to promote/ upsells F&B outlets and other facilities/ programmes whenever opportunities arise. §  确保持续高水平的宾客服务。 Ensures a high level of customer service is consistently maintained. §  确保将来自客人或其他部门的反馈意见与客房部副经理进行沟通。 Ensures the Assistant Housekeeping Manager is kept fully aware of any relevant feedback from either customers or other departments. §  遵守酒店有关客房部的政策及程序。 Complies with the Hotel’s Policies & Procedures relating to Housekeeping. §  遵从房务部定立的系统及程序。 Complies with all systems and procedures as laid down by Rooms Division. §  确保公共区域的清洁达到凯悦品牌的标准。 Ensures the cleanliness of public areas meet Hyatt Brand Standards. §  确保正确地存放及发出日常清洁用品。 Ensures proper storage and issues the daily cleaning supplies. §  管理库存,确保充足的用品供应。 Manages inventory of stock to ensure adequate supplies. §  检查公共区域、餐厅及大堂,如发现需要维修及更换的家具或设备,向客房部副经理提出建议。 Inspects Head of House, outside areas of the Hotel, restaurants and Lobby to determine needs for repairs or replacement of furniture or equipment, and makes recommendations to Assistant Housekeeping Manager. §  指引和协助分配清洁人员的工作。 Directs and assists in assigning work to cleaning personnel. §  检查走廊、楼梯间、服务区域、大堂及其它公共区域,以保证这些地方的干净、整齐。 Inspects corridors, staircases, service areas, Lobby, and other public areas for cleanliness and orderliness. §  向工程部报告所有须要保养或维修的项目。 Report all maintenance or repair items to Engineering department.   §  协调执行所有餐厅的清洁及特别项目。 Carries out all Outlet cleaning and special projects. §  发放、检查及控制所有清洁用品和设备。 Issues, inspects, and controls all cleaning products and equipment. §  确保按照部门运营手册的要求补齐客人卫生间的用品。 Ensures guest washrooms supplies being replenished as per the Department Operations Manual requirements. §  报告所有遗失及损坏的酒店财产。 Reports missing and damaged hotel property. §  根据酒店“失物招领”制度,报告并处理所有失物招领事项。 Reports and handles all Lost & Found items as per Hotel “Lost and Found” policy. §  保持恰当的记录并掌控客房部日常运营及报表。 Maintains proper records and controls daily housekeeping operations and reports. §  确保所有供应品、设备及储藏室的整洁。 Ensures the cleanliness of all supplies, equipment and storage rooms. §  根据日程安排,督导所有对公共区家具和大理石台面的清洁、保养。 Supervises all cleaning and maintenance works of all fixtures and marble surfaces in public areas have been carried out according to the schedule. §  督导对酒店周围路径的清洁工作。 Supervises and carries out the cleanliness of the pavements around the Hotel. §  确保植物和花卉的浇灌工作。 Ensures all plants and flowers are watered as needed. §  根据计划或要求,督导对所有办公室的清洁工作。 Supervises all offices cleaning works been carried out as per schedule or as requested. §  根据酒店的政策和客房部的规定使用和控制钥匙。 Use and control hotel keys according to hotel policy and Housekeeping principle.   薪资和生产力的管理 Payroll & Productivity Management §  通过在整个部门内建立灵活的员工编制,实施高效的薪资管理/资源分配。 这将依据一个灵活的员工基数(全职员工和临时工)、多技能及多任务的原则。 Exercises efficient Payroll Management/ Resources allocation through the establishment of a flexible workforce through out the Division. This will be based on the principles of a flexible associate base (Full Time & Part Time associates), multi-skilling and multi-tasking. §  指导下属确保生产力水平满足凯悦设计标准和凯悦酒店集团房务部营运手册的要求。 Directs subordinates to ensure productivity meets Hyatt Brand Standards and Housekeeping Operations Manual requirements. §  通过“灵活处理工作”(适当情况下)和简化工作流程,来回顾和不断探索所有员工的生产力水平改善。 Reviews and constantly seeks productivity level improvements of all associates through the process of “taking work out of the system” (when appropriate) and through streamlining of work process. §  确保工作安排的合理性,跟进工作质量和进展。 Ensure the reasonability of daily task assignment and monitor the quality and process.     人员管理 People Management   §  协助发展客房员工并跟进工作运作、财务、以及管理的哲学,使他们成为多功能及多任务的原则。 Assists with the development of Housekeeping associates to work following the operational, financial, administrative philosophies and ensuring employees are multi-skilled and perform multi tasks. §  通过参与管理,对所有公共区域服务员进行紧密督导,使他们的表现符合政策、程序及有关法律。 Through hands-on management, supervises closely all Housekeeping associates in the performance of their duties in accordance with Policies & Procedures and applicable laws. §  适当地分配职责和责任,以使员工掌握技能并获得资源;在确保保持运营及安全标准的同时,关心并发展员工。 Delegates appropriately duties and responsibilities to equipped and resourceful associates, nurturing and developing them whilst ensuring standards of operations and safety are maintained. §  拥护和支持酒店的培训精神和以人为本的管理哲学,并和进修及培训发展部经理密切合作培养和发展部门培训员。 Instils and supports the Training initiatives and philosophies of the company and works closely with the Training Manager in developing a team of active Departmental Trainers. §  参与培训角色并发展员工。 Takes an active role in the training and development of associates. §  发展及协助针对提高技能和知识的培训活动。 Develops and assists with training activities focused on improving skills and knowledge. §  确保员工完全理解酒店的规章制度并遵照执行。 Ensures associates have a complete understanding of the Rules & Regulations, and that behaviour complies. §  关注员工士气并对工作表现及发展提供反馈。 Monitors associate morale and provides mechanism for performance feedback and development. §  进行员工年度表现发展评估,提供真实和准确的回馈。 Conducts annual performance development review for respective associates and providing truthful and appropriate feedback. §  将指导原则及核心价值高效沟通给所有层级的员工。 Effectively communicates guiding principles and core values to all levels of associates. §  每日进行简短的例会,分配任务,并让员工了解当天特殊活动和指令。 Conducts short, daily briefings to hand out assign­ments and to keep associates informed of special events and instructions. §  确保所有员工对酒店产品知识、当前推广、政策改变的最新了解及保持高效的内部沟通。 Ensures all associates maintain an up-to-date awareness of hotel product knowledge, current promotion, policy changes and appropriate internal communication. §  确保每一个员工时刻保持并履行高度保护客人隐私的意识。 Ensures all associates practice the utmost protection of guests’ privacy and confidentiality. 总则 General §  确定部门提供的服务随时可用,并按照部门运作手册所详述的标准,以最高的效率、一致性和礼貌来执行。 Ensures services provided by the department are always available and are always carried out to define Standard with the utmost efficiency, consistency and courtesy as detailed in the Departmental Operations Manual. §  参加所有有需要的会议。 Attends and contributes to all Meetings as required. §  确保任何时间都提供礼貌且专业的服务。 Ensures all associates provide courteous and professional service at all times. §  以礼貌、高效的方式处理客人及员工的要求,遇到投诉或问题,如果不能马上找到解决办法,则进行汇报,并给予迅速追踪。 Handles guest and associate enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found, whilst providing feedback for a prompt follow up. §  了解关于员工及行业关系的法律、法规,理解并严格遵守员工手册中的规章制度,及酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的制度。 Be knowledgeable in statutory legislation in associate and industrial relations, understanding and strictly adhering to Rules & Regulations established in the Associate Handbook and the Hotel’s policies concerning fire, hygiene and health & safety. §  积极参与员工福利、安全、发展及健康的活动,并给予建议、咨询和真实、恰当的反馈。 Be actively involved in the welfare, safety, development and well-being of associates providing advice, counselling and truthful, diplomatic feedback. §  确保高水准的个人形象和仪容仪表。 Ensures high standards of personal presentation and grooming. §  与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的接触。 Maintains positive interaction with guests and colleagues and keep good working relationships with them as always. §  始终展现负责的管理和行为,并以积极的形象代表酒店管理团队和凯悦酒店集团。 Exercises responsible management and behaviour at all times and positively representing the Hotel Management Team and Hyatt Hotels Corporation. §  协助提供特殊主题派对和其他必要的促销活动的装饰。 Assists in providing decorations for special theme parties and other promotions as necessary. §  确保适当的安排维护公区的花草和植物。 Ensures proper arrangement and maintenance of flowers and plants in the public areas. §  根据酒店、行业和公司的指引,回应需求、改变,执行任何合理的任务及额外职责。 Responds to requests to undertake any reasonable tasks and secondary duties and to changes as dictated by the Hotel, industry and company. §  灵活并接受在房务部内的分部门之间的轮换工作。 Be flexible and adapt to rotate within the different sub departments of the Rooms Division.
  • 大堂副理

    珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



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    • 人性化管理
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    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-24
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    【岗位职责】 1、负责班次内酒店水汇前厅服务接待工作,包含前厅服务台/鞋吧/礼宾/等岗位人员日常管理 。 2、要负责处理宾客的问题和投诉。 3、要负责重要宾客的迎领工作。 4、解决当班期间发生的安全问题。 【岗位要求】 1、中专以上学历,有同岗位工作经验1年以上。 2、酒店或水疗,水汇,大型洗浴行业同岗位实际管理工作经验,熟悉相关行业软件应用能用流利3、年龄40岁以内,粤语/普通话标准 4、专业技能强,性格开朗,协调力,执行力强,有团队意识。 5、仪表端庄,热爱酒店工作,钻研业务,反应敏捷,善于交际具有较好的管理和协调能力,能够很好的发挥其管理、领导和监督的作用。 6、注重细节,工作有责任心,敢于承担责任,执行力较强。 7、有一定实际客诉应对能力,酒店提供管理岗位职能培训。
  • 珠海 | 5年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
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    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    【岗位职责】 1、负责管理客衣、客房、餐饮布巾 、制服等的洗涤、熨烫。 2、负责检查洗涤的方法和过程。检查洗衣流程,如果必要进行修正和改善。 3、直接向客房部经理报告洗衣房的工作状况和设备状况。 4、按照工作程序,培训员工。负责保持工作需求和人工需求的平衡。 5、负责管理和调查所有有关客衣损坏的问题,如果需要赔偿,负责和管理层协商赔偿额。 6、全面负责洗衣房的运营。 【岗位要求】 1、中专以上毕业,至少有5年相关经验。 2、熟练操作电脑,具备一定的英语阅读能力。 3、熟悉洗衣房各种程序以及仪器知识。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    JOR RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1.Ensure the safety and security of hotel property, hotel guests and associates. 确保酒店财产,酒店客人及员工的生命和财产安全。 2.Supervise security guards and check if they worked well or not. 督导保安人员履行其职责,检查各项安全工作的执行和落实情况。 3.Responsible for the daily management of security personnel, check and evaluate the work performance of the team members. 负责保安人员的日常管理,检查、评估队员的工作表现,对其进行考核。 4.Report to management in case of any emergency or fire hazards were found and managed to settle it. 向酒店管理层提出发现的事故隐患或火灾隐患并极力排除。 5.Investigate and try to solve kinds of emergency happened in hotel. 对酒店内发生的各类事故进行调查与解决。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.Mater the hotel security management and fire knowledge. Understand the public security fire control knowledge. 掌握酒店保安管理知识及消防知识。懂得治安消防监控业务知识。 2.Be able to organize and direct the staff according to job specifications requirement to complete tasks. 能组织和指挥员工按工作规范要求完成工作任务。 3.With a work ability to take part in cases of accident investigation. 具备参与案件、事故调查的能力。 4.With a strong linguistic ability to express and able to write a work report. 语言表达能力较强,能书写工作报告。 5.Knowledge of relevant rules and regulations. 了解有关规则和条例。"
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    • 投递简历
    行政 Administration §  保管部门的日志。 Maintains the Daily Log Book. §  及时提交所有客人/员工的事故报告。 Submits all guest/ associate incident reports on a timely basis. §  根据酒店的“失物招领”运作的程序处理所有“失物招领”物品。 Handles and reports “Lost and Found” items according to the Hotel “Lost and Found” procedures. 营运 Operational §  利用鲜活的产品, 以确保任何时候都能向客人提供花样繁多的菜肴。 Uses fresh products whenever possible to ensure guests are always offered a variety of food items. §  确保根据所设定的确政策和方针, 尽量利用剩余的食品原料。 Ensures food surpluses and leftovers are used according to the set guidelines and policies. §  烹制菜肴时, 确保根据菜单和配方准备食品, 以确保食品的质量达到凯悦的标准。 Cooks and ensures foods are prepared according to the menus and a recipe, ensuring the quality of food meets the Hyatt Hotels Corporation standards. §  严格执行食品分摊政策以便能有效的控制成本。 Strictly adheres to food apportionment policy to effectively control costs. §  在厨师长的指导下,乐于学习及制作新的菜肴。 Takes interest in learning and preparing new products as directed by the Outlet Chef de Cuisine. §  确保向客人提供精心制作、高品质以及展现我们餐厅理念的菜肴。 Serves fresh food to guests which is prepared a la minute, is consistent in quality, and reflects the style of the outlet concept. §  紧密督导厨师和其他厨房的员工,并协调他们的工作,以确经济、及时的食品制作。 Supervises cooking and other kitchen personnel and coordinates their assignments to ensure economical and timely food production. §  观察食物的准备和制作方法、份量及食物的装饰,以确保食品是按预先的设计制作的。 Observes methods of food preparation and cooking, sizes of portions, and garnishing of foods to ensure food is prepared in prescribed manner. §  在食物装盘及服务前,对食物进行检查。 Tests cooked food before plate-up and service §  确保所有的厨房设备干净整洁。 Ensures the cleanliness of all kitchen equipment. §  确保所有的厨师在操作中使用正确的工具。 Ensures all Commis Chefs and Kitchen Apprentices use the right tool for the right job. §  确保所有的厨师正确、安全地操作食品加工机器。 Ensures all Commis Chefs and Kitchen Apprentices handle the food-preparing machine in a proper and safe manner §  确保工作场所始终干净整洁。 Ensures the cleanliness of the work areas at all time. §  严格遵守与执行酒店食品安全管理体系的要求,日常操作符合酒店以及当地政府的要求。 Strictly adheres to the food safety management system requirements, accord with the hotel and local government requirements in daily operations. 人员管理 People Management   §  协助引导员工在工作中遵循经营、财务及行政管理的理念,确保员工掌握多项技能并承担多项工作。 Assists with the development of all Commis Chefs to work following the operational, financial, administrative philosophies and ensuring associates are multi skilled and perform multi tasks. §  通过参与管理,根据酒店制度和程序以及相关适用法律,对所有厨师进行紧密督导。 Through hands-on management, supervises closely all Commis Chef in the performance of their duties in accordance with Policies & Procedures and applicable laws. §  给具备能力和资源的员工委派适当的工作和责任,在培养和发展员工的同时确保营运标准和安全。 Delegates appropriately duties and responsibilities to equipped and resourceful associates, nurturing and developing them whilst ensuring standards of operation and safety are maintained. §  拥护和支持酒店的培训精神和以人为本的管理哲学,并和进修及培训发展部经理、部门培训员密切合作培养和发展员工。 Embraces and supports the Training initiatives and philosophies of the company and works closely with the Learning and Development Manager and Departmental Trainers in the training and development of associates. §  发展及协助针对提高技能和知识的培训活动。 Develops and assists with training activities focused on improving skills and knowledge. §  确保员工完全理解酒店的规章制度并遵照执行。 Ensures associates have a complete understanding of Rules & Regulations, and that behaviour complies. §  监督员工士气并提供工作表现及发展的反馈。 Monitors associate morale and provides mechanism for performance feedback and development. §  进行员工年度表现发展评估,提供真实和准确的回馈。 Conducts annual Performance Development, providing honest and appropriate feedback. §  将指导原则及核心价值有效地传达给所有层级的员工。 Effectively communicates guiding principles and core values to all levels of associates. 总则 General   §  按要求出席所有会议并作出贡献。 Attends and contributes to all Meetings as required. §  确保部门的服务一贯按照部门营运手册的标准,高效、一致和礼貌的完成。 Ensures services provided to guests are always available and are always carried out to define Standard with the utmost efficiency, consistency and courtesy as detailed in the Department Operations Manual. §  始终提供礼貌、专业的服务。 Provides courteous and professional service at all times. §  保持对酒店产品知识、当前推广、政策改变的最新了解及保持高效的内部沟通。 Maintains an up-to-date awareness of hotel product knowledge, current promotion, policy changes and appropriate internal communication. §  根据安排出席酒店及部门的培训,以提高技能和知识。 Attends all hotel and departmental training sessions as scheduled to improve skills and knowledge. §  礼貌而高效的处理客人和员工询问,对不能立即解决的投诉和问题进行汇报。 Handles guest and associate enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found. §  理解并严格遵守员工手册中的规章制度,及酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的制度。 Familiar with and strictly adheres to Rules & Regulations established in the Associate Handbook and the Hotel’s policies concerning fire, hygiene and health & safety. §  确保高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。 Maintains high standards of personal presentation & grooming. §  与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的接触。 Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships. §  根据酒店、行业和公司的指引,回应需求、改变,执行任何合理的任务及额外职责。 Responds to requests to undertake any reasonable tasks and secondary duties and to changes as dictated by the Hotel, industry and company.
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
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    • 帅哥多
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    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1. Ability to maintain hotel’s standards, policies and procedures with assigned staff. 帮助员工维护酒店标准,政策和程序。 2. Ability to prioritize and organize work assignments; delegate work. 能分清轻重缓急,有条不紊安排日常工作,以身作则。 3.Ability to motivate assigned staff and maintain a cohesive team. 激励员工维护团队合作。 4. Ability to ascertain staff training needs and provide such training. 能够确定员工的培训需求并提供培训。 5. Ability to be a clear thinker in pressure situations and exercise good judgment. 遇事沉着冷静,思维清晰,保持良好的判断力。 6.Ability to focus attention on details. 关注细节。 7.Ability to endure abundant physical movements in carrying our job duties. 能承受强体力劳动。 8.Ability to ensure security of guest room access and hotel property. 确保酒店和客人的安全。 9.Work closely with the reception to ensure correct room status at all times. 与前台密切沟通确保房间状态的准确。 10.Coordinate breaks for assigned staff. 调整及协调员工的休息状态。 11.Inspect supply levels, cleanliness and organization of floor pantry.  Assign designated personnel to rectify any deficiencies. 检查各层的物品的储备,清洁程度及安排整理楼层的工作间。将任务落实给个人。 12.Check Room Attendant's carts for proper supplies, neatness, cleanliness and mechanical problems.  Instruct designated personnel to correct deficiencies. 检查客房服务员手推车的准备情况,保持手推车的干净整洁及解决机械相关问题,指导相关人员纠错。 13.Inspect rooms cleaned by assigned Room Attendants, using designated checklist.  Ensure rooms are cleaned to the hotel specifications.  Follow up on corrections; directly contact Room Attendant and relay any deficiencies to be corrected. 使用检查清单检查客房服务员房间整洁度,确保房间整洁程度符合酒店规格及标准,跟进清洁问题,直接联系客房服务员及时改正问题。 14.Check vacant rooms, verify status and update status of discrepant rooms throughout the shift. 检查空房,在交班后及时更新房间差异。 15.Check DND rooms in accordance with hotel procedures and verify status. Ensure guest privacy is requested when DND status displayed. 根据酒店程序检查“请勿打扰”房间且核实房态. 确保“请勿打扰”状态时客人的隐私得到尊重。 16."Mark" dirty sheets of randomly selected assigned rooms and follow up to ensure Room Attendants have changed bed sheets.  Counsel Room Attendants on any discrepancies. 及时发现未更换的床上棉织品确保客房服务员更换床单。如发现问题要给予客房服务员警告或过失处理。 17.Monitor contractual workers and outsource labour performance and behaviour. Ensure that outside contractors performed their tasks in accordance to standards set-force by the hotel. 关注酒店外包公司的员工作表现和行为,确保他们是根据酒店的制度和标准来操作。 18.Complete work orders for maintenance repairs and submit to Office Clerk.  Contact Engineering directly for urgent repairs. 完成酒店维护维修单提交工作至办公室文员。在需紧急维修任务中直接同工程部取得联系。 19.Accommodate guest requests for housekeeping items or additional supplies expediently and courteously.  Follow up on delivery and return of all such items. 得当的处理客人对酒店客房物品服务的要求,跟进运送及归还。 20.Complete all paperwork and closing duties before leaving.  Review status of assignments and any follow-up action with DOS Housekeeping Manager and/or on-coming supervisor. 在下班前完成所有文书工作.与服务总监、客房部经理或即将上岗的主管交接需要跟进的工作。 21.PM - Check PM reports for accuracy and completeness.  Complete night counts in accordance with departmental standards. 检查中班报告的准确及完整,按照部门标准计算房间数。 22. Follow up the hotel’s standard strictly, ensure the rooms are clean and equipment’s are in good condition. 严格按照酒店的标准,保证房间清洁,设备设施良好。 23.Inspect all check-out rooms and room condition immediately, ensure the front office can lent. 及时检查所有退客房,更改房态,以保证前台及时出租。 24.Inspect all VIP rooms. 检查所有VIP房间。 25.Check and ensure attendants follow the instructions to work. 检查保证员工按照程序进行客房操作。 26.Ensure Lost & Found be picked up to the Housekeeping Office immediately and never to delivery it the next day. 保证拾获的客人遗留物品必须在当日交到客房部办公室,禁止任何遗留物品放在楼层隔夜 上交。 27.Coordinate Engineering Department with the room maintain. 和工程部协调,安排房间的维修及大保养。 28.   Note down the unusual thing on the log-book. Unfinished job delivered to the shift. 将每日特殊事情记录在办公室Log Book上,未完成的事项交接给下一个班次。 29.Completed jobs assigned by leaders with accuracy and efficiency. 完成上级领导指派的其它工作。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.College degree or above. 大专毕业学历或同等以上文化程度。 2.Have more than 2 years working experience in room management or X years working experience in the same star hotel. 2年以上客房管理工作经验或X年以上同星级酒店客房管理工作经验。 3.Familiar with the professional knowledge of the department, skilled in using computers. 熟悉本部门专业知识,熟练使用电脑。 4.Having received professional training; And outstanding ability. 受过专业培训;并且能力出众者。
  • 珠海 | 5年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1.Controls all subordinate to ensure that all day to day operational matters are handled on time and associate expectations are met. 协调所有下属职员使其能按时完成每天的运营工作,并且能达到员工的期望值。 2.Ensure that specific operations function efficiently and on time. 确保员工餐厅高效并按时运营。 3.Prepares duty rosters as directed, and schedules vacation and public holidays accordingly. 准备排班和相应的假期。 4.Liaises with purchasing and suppliers to ensure that all food items ordered are delivered, and are of the appropriate quality at the most competitive price. 与采购方和供应商保持沟通保证提供被定购的所有食品项目,并且在有竞争的价格下保持较好的质量。 5.Ensures that food is stored, prepared and secured hygienically and safely. 保证所有食品在储存,准备和来源的卫生性和安全性。 6.Ensures that food is prepared and cooked according to menu and wastage is minimized. 确保食品按照规定的菜单准备及烹饪,并且把浪费降到最低。 7.Conduct the associate satisfaction survey and do the menu innovation accordingly. 根据员工意见调查,改进与更新员工餐厅菜单。 8.Maintaining standards of hygiene and cleanliness in kitchen and related areas. 维护清洁和卫生标准在所有关于厨房的区域。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.Sound organizational skills 良好的组织能力 2.Ability to lead, motivate and develop a team of individuals 有领导、激励和发展团队的能力 3.Able to handle demanding workload 完成要求内工作量的能力 4.Sound knowledge of working practices of the kitchen 良好的厨房工作知识
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1. Ensure that all guest’s baggage are received and delivered upon arrival and departure even for baggage storage pertaining to the procedure laid down in the Marriottl Hotels Manual 依照万豪酒店及度假村前厅部工作手册中规定的工作程序,确保所有客人进行交接班说明工作,确定了解酒店活动和运营要求和抵店和离店时均有服务人员为其提送行李,甚至为其储存。 2.Be thoroughly aware of arrivals and departures of each day with emphasis on VIP’s, Priority Club Members, groups and crew movements. 详细了解每天客人 进行交接班说明工作,确定了解酒店活动和运营要求抵店和离店的情况,重点留意贵宾、优悦会会员和团组的活动。 3. To work closely with Guest Relations Officer to ensure baggage for VIP’s, Priority Club Members are delivered promptly 与宾客关系主任密切合作,以确保贵宾和优悦会会员的行李得到迅速派送。 4.To assist the Doorman and supervise on traffic control along the driveway during peak hours  在高峰期对门僮进行协助,并监督对车道的交通控制。 5.Conducts daily briefing and to ensure that all uniform service staff are kept up to date, properly instructed and that all staff are properly dressed, neat and clean before start of duty.  Similarly, staff appearance should remain clean, smart and tidy at all times. 进行每日例会,以确保所有着装服务人员了解最新情况并得到正确指导,并保证工作开始前所有员工的穿着均符合规定、干净整齐。同样,员工的外表也应随时给人以干净、精明和整洁的印象。 6. Be responsible for training Bellman, Parking Valets and Doorman, in their respective jobs (by identifying training needs) 负责(通过发现培训需要)对应接服务员、停车场服务员和门僮就其各自岗位职责进行培训。 7.Ensure that all staff are fully informed and knowledgeable on hotel facilities and its surrounding areas  确保所有员工了解并熟知酒店设施及周边区域的情况。 8.Ensure that the surrounding areas at the lobby level and main entrance are clean  确保大厅和正门周边区域的清洁。 9. Supervise the Parking Valets in handling guests’ vehicles properly  监督停车场服务员对客人车辆合适处理。 10. Prepare newspaper orders and co-ordinates with news vendor for early delivery.  Supervises Bellman for newspaper delivery  负责报纸预订工作,并与报纸供应商协调早晨送报事宜。监督应接服务员送报情况。 11.Ensuring that all equipment (trolley, etc....) are in proper condition and recorded properly 确保所有设备(手推车等)保养良好并得到准确记录。 12.Must be fully conversant with emergency evacuation and fire procedures and ensuring all uniformed staff are aware of these procedures 熟知紧急情况疏散和防火工作程序,并确保所有穿著酒店工服装的员工了解这些程序。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.College degree or above, with working experience in the same position for more than 2 years. 大专以上学历,同岗位工作经验2年以上。 2.Good health  and appearance,Good image and temperament. 身体健康,品貌端正,形象气质佳。 3.Excellent organizational and management skills. 优秀的组织管理能力。 4.Excellent communication skills and skills.。 优秀的沟通能力和技巧。 5.Good at communication with guests, considerate and decisive, able to handle all kinds of complaints independently. 善于同宾客交往、沟通,处理周到、果断,能独立处理各种投诉。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    OPERATIONS操作: 1. Open and close shift in accordance with the manager checklist. 按照经理的安排表来开始和结束一天的营运。 2. Initiate aggressive guest interaction through seeking and soliciting feedback from guests. 与客人进行积极的互动,来寻找和征求反馈。 3. Train, maintain and enforce all Marriott service standards in the outlet. 在餐厅中,培训、维持和执行所有万豪的服务标准。 4. Enforce the Marriott standardized drink recipe and presentation guidelines to ensure consistent quality beverage to our guests in accordance with the Marriott Bar Guide. 执行万豪规范的饮料配方,并进行展示,以确保给客人提供的饮料具有一贯的品质。 5. Properly execute revenue and check control procedures on shift. 在班次上正确执行收入和帐单控制程序。 6. Handle daily associate relations (i.e. scheduling, time adjustments). 处理日常员工的协作关系(例如,时间调整) 7. Maintain a safe & sanitary work environment for all associate & guests. 为所有的员工和客人,建立一个安全及卫生的工作环境。 8. Gather and implement all proper tools for running shifts (i.e. schedules, floor plans, reservations, and checks). 为餐厅营运提供尽可能的帮助(例如,工作时间表,楼层安排,预定) 9. Find solutions for problems such as call outs, last minute bookings, or any other daily problems that may arise. 找到解决如电话服务,最后一分钟的预定,或其他每天可能发生的问题的方法。 10. Conduct taste panels and menu classes on a daily basis for restaurant. 主持餐厅每天的试菜和菜单培训课程。 11. Be on the floor during the shift and assist servers or hostess to ensure guests are satisfied. 确保在餐厅营运时,在各自的岗位上,协助服务员或领位员,使客人满意。 12. Ensure that only a quality product is served. 确保服务的食品和饮料有质量保证。 13. Ensure all side work is done on a daily basis. 确保每天基本的工作都完成。 14. Maintain proper associate uniform standards. 保持员工制服的标准 15. Manage an effective repair and maintenance program through the use of work orders, inspections, etc. 管理一个有效的工程维护及保养程序,通过使用工作指令和检查。 16. Understand & teach empowerment principles to ensure guest satisfaction. 理解和教导授权原则,以确保客人的满意度。 17. Exercise station rotation to ensure stations are distributed fairly. 运用岗位的轮换制,来确保工作安排的合理性。 18. Be aware of all Marriott Guest Incentive programs and the correct accounting procedures pertaining to them. 意识到所有万豪客户奖励计划和正确的会计程序与他们有关。 19. Above all, to lead by example through a “hands on” approach to motivate our associates to excel. 综上所述,领班要以身作责来激励我们的员工取得成功。 HUMAN RESOURCES人力资源: 1. Implement an effective training program for new and current associates using use records, menus, and appropriate reference manuals. 通过使用记录,菜单以及适当的参考手册对新加入的员工实施有效率的培训课程。 2. Encourage problem solving by associates through proper training and empowerment. 通过所有可能的培训和授权来激励员工解决问题的热情。 3. Establish effective communication with associates to gain their trust and respect 和员工建立有效的沟通,以争取他们的信任和尊重。 4. Maintain fair and consistent counselling and/or disciplinary procedures in accordance with Marriott’s Guarantee of Fair Treatment Policy. 根据万豪公平对待的政策,建立公平和一致的辅导及纪律处罚程序。 ADMINISTRATIVE 行政: 1. Communicate directly and/or through the use of the logbook to next shift supervisor or manager. 直接或通过日志本与下一班次的主管或经理进行沟通。 2. Identify and recommend incentive programs, new ideas, and methods of operation. 确定并推荐奖励项目,新的主意和方法进行运作。 3. Promote positive inter-department relations. 积极推动部门与部门之间的关系。 4. Perform any reasonable request made of management which is not life threatening or against the law. 作出的任何管理上的要求不能危及生命或触犯法律
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1. Thorough knowledge of the proper use, operation and maintenance of all laundry equipment. 有能力对洗衣房内的设备进行正确的操作和维护。 2. Thorough knowledge of laundry and dry cleaning procedures   能根据要求进行水洗和干洗的操作 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.At least 2 years working experience in related company. 至少2年相关公司的工作经验。 2.Knowledge of clothing fabrics. 具备服装面料方面的知识 3.Basic knowledge of detailed operation of laundry room 有洗衣房详细操作的基本知识 4.Good health, can adapt to long working hours. 身体健康,能适应长时间工作 5.Able to work under pressure 能承受工作压力
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 The Reception Supervisor oversees the front desk operations and is responsible for training Guest Service Agents in their role. They deliver friendly and efficient service to guests and minimize any inconvenience to the guest throughout the shift. 前台主管的工作职责为负责前台的日常工作,确保前台接待员为宾客提供满意周到的服务。前台主管提供友好、高效的服务从而减少客人的不便。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.Fluently English speaking 英文流利; 2.Well Operate the Opera System 熟练操作Opera前台系统; 3.Minimum 2 years experience in star-hotel reception. 具有国际品牌酒店相关工作经验2年以上者优先考虑。
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    Handle the professional system and assist the maintenance to the hotel each system. Solve the breakdown timely. Ensure the proper operation of the each system and the relevant equipments. 主要负责本专业系统及协助酒店各系统的维修保养,及时处理设备故障。确保每个系统正常运行,以及相应设备正常工作。 JOB SPECIFICATION职位要求 : Profile of Competency 工作能力: 1.Familiar with the principle of Each professional system, be able to spot, analyze and solve problem 熟悉各专业系统工作原理,懂得思考问题,分析问题和解决问题 2.Good command of the methods to solve the equipment’s breakdown 熟悉末端设备故障检查方法 3.Full awareness of the layout of System pipeline, as well as its material, seize , type of switch valve, model, specification, function and position 熟悉系统管线走向,材料和尺寸,阀门种类,型号规格,作用和位置 4.Good understanding of the system’s safety measures and principle 熟知系统安全措施及守则 5.Good acquaintance of the hotel system equipments, as well as the processing methods of normal equipments 熟悉酒店系统设备,懂一般的机械加工方法 Language 语言能力: 1. Mandarin 普通话  2.Be able to communicate with guests in basic English能和客人进行简单的英文会话 Education 教育: 1.Professional high school certificate.职高毕业 Job License 资格 / 等级证: 1.3 years’ working experiences in hotel engineering department 有三年酒店工程部工作经验 2. 5 year’s experience of professional work 有五年以上专业工作经验 4.Certificate required: AC certificate,Electrical and Boiler certificate, Welder Certificate 持有:空调证、电工证、锅炉证、焊工证 5.Certificate expected: Intermediate certificate Vocational skills certificate 目标有:初级以上职业技能证书
  • 司机Driver

    珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
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    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1.Pick up and drop off guests according to the standards and procedures of the hotel. 按酒店标准用车程序接送客人。 2.To load and unload guests’ belongings on arrival and departure of the guests, and assist guests entering and leaving the vehicles. 在客人到店或离店时,应帮助客人上下行李。 3.To ensure that guests expectations are met or exceeded by providing an efficient, friendly and attentive service. 要确保客人收到友好,及时,关注性的服务,主动有预见性的满足客人需求。 4.To check and maintain the hotel vehicles, ensure the cleanliness and safety of vehicles. 定期检查维护酒店车辆,确保车辆的整洁与安全性。 5.Ensure that the vehicle's insurance, driver's license and other relevant operating licenses are valid at all times. 时刻确保车辆的保险、驾照等相关营运执照在有效期内 。 6.To assist the Concierge when there is no transfer assignment. 当没有行程的分配时,要协助礼宾部工作。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.Contributes to the morale and team spirit of the hotel by maintaining friendly relationships with associates. 建立良好员工和酒店之间的团队合作关系。 2.Perform duties as directed by supervisor. 按照主管指示执行职责。 3.Makes appropriate suggestions and recommendations to supervisors for the general improvement of the hotel. 为酒店的完善和发展给给予意见和建议。 4.Require a driver's license of at least B1. 需要驾照B1以上
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
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    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1. Directs and controls all subordinate staff to ensure that all day to day operational matters are handled on time and guest expectations are met 指导并监督下属员工确保日常运营并达到客人期望值 2. Provides guidance and assistance to the outlet employees helping them in the execution of their duties and responsibilities 为下属员工提供指引并辅助他们履行应完成的任务及责任 3. Oversees the service standards in the outlet ensuring that they conform to the requisite standards and meet or exceed customer expectations 执行对服务流程标准的监督以保证员工符合规定的标准同时达到或超越客人的期望 4. Liases with the kitchen, stewarding and engineering to ensure that the operation runs smoothly in areas of joint responsibility 与厨房,管事部及工程部等相关部门协调以确保每日运营顺利进行 5. Assists in the planning and execution of promotional activities as directed 按要求辅助上级计划与执行食品的促销活动 6. Maximizes revenue in the outlet by implementing upselling procedures 通过实践产品推销技巧实现利润最大化 7. Assists in monitoring and controlling the financial performance of the outlet controlling costs and expenses 在成本与花销的控制等财务事项中发挥监督与控制的作用 8. Assists in monitoring and controlling the hotel’s OE inventory and participates in inventory taking 监督及管理酒店的盘点并积极参与盘点的具体工作 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.Good local and English language skills 良好的地方和英语语言技能 2.Sound organizational skills 良好的组织技能 3.Sound leadership and motivational skills 完善的领导和激励技巧 4.ound administrative ability 健全的行政能力 5.Able to handle demanding workload 处理规定的工作量的能力
  • 珠海 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 工作环境优美
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-25
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    JOB RESPONSIBILIES【岗位职责】 1.Assume responsibility of daily operations in assigned outlet to ensure a smooth running, profitable operation within the framework of the hotel. 负责分配每天部门的工作安排以确保工作持续进行,成为酒店的框架很好的运行。 2.Actively support the Quality Improvement Process. 积极的支持优良的改进。 3.Assist in working toward positive financial results. 帮助部门达到财政要求。 4.Assist in ensuring that scheduling functions are performed accurately and on a timely basis. 取保安排的工作可以准确并按时的完成。 5.Assist in maintaining a highly motivated and well-trained staff. 很好的培训员工使他们工作积极。 JOB SPECIFICATION【岗位要求】 1.Must have at least 2 years experience in restaurant management. 必须有2年以上的餐厅管理经验 2.Have good service spirit and communication skills. 有较好的服务精神和沟通技巧 3.Proficient in English and Chinese. 精通英语和中文 4.At least graduated from college. 至少大专毕业
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