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  • 北京 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    西式餐饮 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-21
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    Carry out different channel promotion and expansion work for the brand market, willing to creative planning, and have the ability to organize creative ideas into a clear thinking framework. 对于品牌市场进行不同渠道宣传和拓展工作,乐于创意策划,并有能力将创意整理成清晰思路框架。 Cooperate with the brand strategy, be responsible for the creation, implementation, monitoring and management of brand image packaging and network marketing; 配合品牌的战略,负责品牌形象包装及网络营销的创意、实施、监控和管理; Lead the design to carry out brand strategy planning, brand strategy formulation and design dissemination of information, etc.; 带领设计进行品牌战略策划、品牌战略制定和设计传播信息等; Responsible for the overall creative design and optimization of the brand, including customer experience; 负责品牌整体的创意设计与优化包括客户体验; Product visual creativity research and creative style trend analysis; 产品视觉创意研究及创意风格趋势分析; Maintain close communication with the team and quickly promote the design content required by the brand outlet; 与团队保持密切沟通,快速推进品牌门店所需设计内容; Lead and guide the creative conception and implementation of important brands, and ensure and supervise the quality of creative works; 带领并指导重要品牌的创意构思及执行,保证并监督创意的作品质量; Responsible for the formulation and creative design of marketing strategies; 负责营销策略的制定及创意设计; Responsible for professional training and guidance for designers; 负责对设计师进行专业培训和指导; Coordinate the communication and working relationship between own department and other departments; 协调自己部门与其它部门之间的沟通和工作关系; Determine the tone and form of advertising, as well as the marketing and communication effects to be achieved, and provide creative solutions; 确定广告的基调和表现形式,以及要达到的营销与传播效果,提供具有创意的方案; Responsible for the creative creation of the project, and give specific guidance on the direction and key points in the creation process of each project; 负责项目的创意创作,对各个项目创作过程中的方向、要点进行具体指导; Excavate and stimulate designers' enthusiasm for work, collect information on designs, pictures, layouts, etc., to ensure the source of creative inspiration and help improve advertising copywriting; 挖掘、激发设计师的工作热情,收集设计、图片、版式等资料,保证创意灵感来源并协助提高广告文案; Reasonably distribute work tasks, coordinate the design work, and ensure that all tasks are completed within the planned time. 合理分配工作任务,统筹设计工作,确保计划时间内完成各项任务。
  • 前厅经理

    北京-通州区 | 5年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    中式餐饮 | 1-49 人
    发布于 06-21
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  • 北京 | 5年以上 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    西式餐饮 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-21
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    Responsible and accountable for all operations in relation to the company vehicles whilst on duty. To ensure that vehicles are properly maintained. Provides supervision in accordance with  objectives, performance and quality standard established by the company. 负责所有与公司车辆有关的工作,同时也负责车辆的日常维护。按照公司所设立工作目的,表现及质量标准,监督、指引。 Responsibilities岗位职责: The Driver is responsible and accountable for all operations in relation to the hotel vehicles whilst on duty. To ensure that vehicles are properly maintained. 在当班时,要负责所有与车辆有关的工作,并负责车辆的日常维护工作。 Contribute to overall operational efficiency by performing relevant duties as assigned. 按照要求履行工作职责,并尽自己的所能提高工作效率。 Help other employees in outlets, replacing them temporarily when necessary. 必要时帮助其他运营店面员工工作。 Maintain detailed knowledge of key occurrences in your city/location including directions to key points of interests, restaurants, theaters, shopping, cinemas, sporting and recreational facilities, banks, consulates, transport systems and special events. 详细了解公司附近的各个地方,如:餐厅、剧院、购物中心、电影院、娱乐场所、银行、领事馆、车站及其他特殊场所。 Provide guests/employees with the most accurate and up to date information at all times. 向客人/员工提供最新,最准确的信息。 Wearing proper uniform and nametag. 正确穿着制服并佩戴工牌。 Looks well groom and tidy. 仪容仪表整洁。 Check all the stationery and equipment at workstation. Ensure it is ready and in good order or condition. 检查工作区域的工作用品。要确保所有的物品按需放置有序。 Ensure the car is clean and in good condition, e.g. AC, Brake etc. 要确保车辆的清洁和良好的车况。例如:交流电、刹车等。 Maintain good knowledge of the city routes locations and all outlets facilities. 熟悉城市线路及各餐厅设施。 Assumes other duties as assigned by the Managing Director/Deputy General Manager. 完成执行董事/副总经理分配的其它工作。  Identify ways of increasing the company’s overall profitability within the section.  在本职岗位,通过各种途径和努力增加公司的收益。 Qualifications 岗位描述: Age 26-40, more than 5 years of practical driving experience, C1 driving license, familiar with the road conditions in Beijing and its surrounding areas. 年龄26-40岁,5年以上实际驾驶经验,C1驾驶证,熟悉北京地区及周边路况。 No bad driving record, no major accidents and traffic violations, with strong safety awareness.  无不良驾驶记录,无重大事故及交通违章,具有较强的安全意识。 Understand business etiquette, decent appearance.   懂商务接待礼仪,得体的仪容仪表。 Basic language communication in English. 能够用英文进行基本的语言沟通。 Strong sense of service and responsibility. 具有较强的服务意识和责任心。
  • 川菜大厨

    北京-东城区 | 8年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    中式餐饮 | 50-99人
    发布于 06-17
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  • 餐厅店长

    北京 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 五险一金
    • 领导好
    • 管理规范
    中式餐饮 | 50-99人
    发布于 05-27
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    【岗位职责】 1.具备高端餐厅管理能力,对品牌定位有深刻的认识,并能持续落地转化,提升顾客满意度; 2.具备一定的品牌经营能力,能够发现门店经营问题并能持续解决,创造最佳利润; 3.具备标准化思维和管理能力,擅于精进标准,利用标准化方式落实品牌门店的管理工作; 4.采取有效措施积极策划各类营销方案,完成门店增值服务目标; 5.具备团队组织力打造能力,能够培养优秀下属及其梯队,同时对团队人员优秀率合格率负责。 【任职要求】 1.40岁以下,本科及以上学历,中高端中餐、星级酒店区域负责人以上; 2.熟悉高端餐饮管理及服务知识,具备熟练的服务技能; 3.形象气质、审美佳,善于沟通,亲和力强; 4.年轻、有潜力、求发展、有奋斗精神。
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