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  • 杭州 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供住



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 团队支持
    • 发展空间
    服务式公寓 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    Revenue management: involve in management of sales action plan, inventory management with yield management principles, and participate in market competition analysis.营业额管理:参与管理销售行动计划,用收益率管理原则进行存货管理,和参与市场的竞争分析。  • Team management: managing data, staffing and employment proposals, planning, training, as well as designing employee career development.团队管理:管理数据、招聘和雇佣提议、计划、培训、员工职业发展等。  • Cost management: control staff costs and various costs incurred within sectors according to the annual budget.成本管理:根据每年的预算控制员工成本和所在部门的各种成本。  • Asset and security management: understand the property’s facilities operation and train the subordinates in these areas. Overall management of property assets and ensure a long-term investment value of assets. Effective management of the owner / representatives and to maintain good communication relationships. Responsible for financial planning and coordination to improve productivity and return on investment.资产和安全管理:了解物业设备和安全方面的操作,并在这些方面对下属进行培训。全面管理物业资产并确保资产的长期投资价值。有效管理业主方/业主代表并与其保持良好的沟通关系。负责和协调财务计划以提高生产效率和投资回报率。• Sales relationships: according to self- knowledge and evaluation and reports provided to understand, follow and develop customer relationships.销售关系:根据自己的知识和提供的评价及报告来了解、跟进和发展客户关系。  • Cash Flow Management: Manage the invoice, cash receipt and payment as well as accounting of receivables.现金流程管理:管理发票,现金的收取和支付和收回帐款。  • Internal and external relationship management and communication: Represents the Ascott Limited in a professional manner in all contexts, ensuring positive relationships are developed and maintained with all relevant external parties, including government, unions, industry and regulatory bodies, and suppliers. Collaborate with various departments to meet customers’, guests’ and company's expectations.对内和对外关系的管理和沟通:在各个场合代表公司的职业形象,确保和外部各方面的积极关系的建立和维护,包括和政府、团体、行业间、供应商等的关系维护。和各部门合作以达到客户、客人和公司的期望。  • Standards’ and procedures’ management: adopt and supervision all existing programs to ensure the smooth implementation of all company policies, regulations and the behaviors.标准和程序管理:运用及监管所有现有程序。确保公司政策和制度以及公司各项行为的顺利实施。• Ensure that all the property behaviors comply with all relevant laws and regulation acts.确保物业各项行为符合所有相关法律规定。• Works co-operatively with internal resources including corporate office.和公司内部人员包括总部办公人员的紧密合作。• Be a property manager on • Achieve Key Performance Indicators as set and agreed to.完成设定及认可的主要工作指标。Requirements 资质要求  • Major in hotel, tourism or economic management;酒店、旅游或经济管理类专业毕业;  • Over 3years practical management experience in serviced apartments/five-star international branded hotels;3年以上酒店公寓/五星级国际品牌酒店实际管理工作经验;• Extensive operational management expertise and financial knowledge;丰富的运营管理知识和财务知识;  • Familiar with local legislation and regulations;熟悉当地的法律法规等规章制度;  • Excellent listening, speaking, reading and writing communication skills in Mandarin and English (multi-foreign language ability is preferred);良好的中英文听、说、读、写沟通能力(掌握多国语言者优先);  • Clear thinking, able to act mature and steady;工作思路清晰,行事稳重干练;  • Enthusiastic working attitude and a strong sense of responsibility;高度的工作热情,极强的工作责任心;  • Good teamwork and communication skills, able to withstand strong pressure.良好的团队合作精神和沟通协调能力,能承受较强的工作压力
  • 成都 | 2年以上 | 本科 | 提供住



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 午餐补贴
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    服务式公寓 | 50-99人
    发布于 09-25
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    • 投递简历
    To dispose and renew the announcement boards. 负责员工宣传栏的布置与更新。 to assist HR Manager’s work and translate the draft documents into English. 协助人力资源部经理的工作,并对各类文件进行汉译英的起草。 Responsible for the management for staff probation & evaluation. 负责每月试用人员的转正的评估考核事宜。 Assist the P&P of the HR. 协助制定部门的各种规章制度。 To assist in organizing the staff activities. 协助组织员工活动。 In charge of finishing the monthly attendance work and file all the relative documents below the supervisor level. 负责每月考勤工作的完成及对公寓员工主管级以下人员文件的存档。 Be responsible for all the payroll supporting documents, including attendance record, etc. 向财务部提供做工资所需考勤相关文件。 Do the process for the new-hire staff and exit staff. 为新员工和离职员工办理手续。 To deal with the check in and checkout procedure. To key staff information into HR system, in charge of the attendance record and make all kinds of HR report form, etc. 负责办理员工的入职及离职手续,将员工信息录入人事系统,负责员工考勤,统计并制作各类人事报表等。 In charge of managing the locker &Dormitory. Including monthly check and locker key management. 负责管理员工更衣室、员工宿舍。包括月度更衣室宿舍检查,更衣室钥匙管理。 During weekends, annual leave and other holidays, the personal phone shall be responsible for answering staff's sudden work-related injury and work-related questions. 周末及休息年假等假期时,负责解答员工突发工伤及与解答涉及工作问题。 To update and manage the healthy certificate. 负责员工健康证的更新及管理。 In charge of managing the first-aid box for HR. 负责HR部门急救箱管理。 Others delegated by Human Resources Manager. 完成人力资源部经理交办的其它工作。
  • 福州 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 提供住



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 午餐补贴
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    服务式公寓 | 50-99人
    发布于 09-13
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位要求: 1、参与酒店项目筹备工作,负责制定酒店成立后的人力资源和行政管理工作规划,确保各项策略与公司整体战略相契合。 2、负责公司筹备期人员招募;制定员工培训计划,提升员工综合素质;负责绩效管理,确保员工工作的高效性和满意度。 3、组建高效的人力资源与行政管理团队,监督团队成员的工作表现,并提供必要的指导和培训。 4、建立和完善人力资源与行政管理政策、流程和制度,确保其合法合规,并根据公司发展需要不断优化。 5、负责塑造和传播公司文化,提升员工归属感和凝聚力。 6、跨部门协调与合作,协调资源,确保人力行政工作的顺利进行。 任职资格: 1、本科及以上学历。 2、5年以上酒店行业人力资源与行政管理工作经验。 3、熟悉人力资源管理、行政管理等相关领域知识,具备扎实的理论基础和实践经验;熟悉劳动法、劳动合同法等相关法律法规。 4、具备优秀的沟通能力和协调能力,能够妥善处理各种复杂的人际关系,有效解决问题。 5、具备高度的责任心和敬业精神,能承受较大工作压力,
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