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  • 保安员

    南京 | 经验不限 | 高中



    服务式公寓 | 50-99人
    发布于 08-15
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    Job Description职位简介  Ensure the security of the guest and their property. 负责宾客的生命财产安全,确保不受侵害。 Major Responsibility主要工作职责  Be conscientious and do a good job according to the regulations, procedures and service standard of the company. 按照公司规定、流程和服务标准,认真做好各项安全服务工作。  Make sure staff in all departments work under the regulations of security. 监督各部门员工严格执行安全保卫的有关规定。  Immediately correct the behaviors which go against the regulations and insure to report promptly if necessary. 对违反规定的行为立即纠正,有必要时及时上报。  Work with good manner; be polite to all the guests. Always remember “guests are supreme, safety comes first”. Be ready to provide quality services to guests at any time. 文明值勤,礼貌待客,树立“安全第一,宾客至上”的思想,随时为宾客提供优质服务。  At the lobby 大堂岗位:  Help the guests with their baggage. Arrange the cars and providing the information which needed by the guests. 做好行李、问询、车辆安排等各项工作。  Conduct the vehicles passing by, be response to the safety of the vehicles and pedestrians. Make sure the driving lane is clear. 疏导过往车辆,保障大堂门前过往车辆行人的安全,使门前畅通无阻。  Be conscious all the time; make sure the residents’ properties are not harmed. 时刻提高警惕,保证大堂内外、公司以及宾客的财产不受损伤。  Monitoring 监控岗位:  Find out the abnormal condition and suspicious personnel, response correctly if there are any fire alarms. Manage the keys, make records of all actions. 及时发现可疑人员及异常情况,监督保险箱操作,正确处理火警情况,做好红外线设、撤防,管理公寓钥匙,及做好各项管理记录。  Check and maintenance of the equipments at the surveillance room, keep records. 对监控室的设备定期检查、养护,并做好记录。  Patrolling 巡逻岗位:  Patrolling around the certain route around property. 按公司巡逻路线,认真做好巡视工作。  Keep an eye on the engineering and hygiene problem of the public area; find the potential accident in time. Report to the superior if there is an unusual case. 注意公共区域的工程、卫生等问题,及时发现公寓内的各类事故隐患,碰到异常情况,视情况处理或及时向上级汇报。  Check and maintenance of the firefighting equipment. 对安全消防等各类设施、设备、器材等进行检查、维护、 保养。  Employee’s entrance员工通道岗位:  Make records of the entering vehicles, the visitors and monitor the in and out of the items. 做好车辆登记、控制外来人员的出入及访客登记,监督公寓物品的进出等工作。  In compliance with the Ascott Group's Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines and policies, pay attention to energy conservation and the safe operation in daily work. 遵守集团的环境健康安全方针政策,日常工作中注意节能和安全操作。  Ensure all the work commitments are met. 领导交办的其他工作。 Requirements资质需求  Minimum of senior high school is required; 高中以上文化程度;  Relevant experience or veterans are preferred; 有相关工作经验者和退伍军人优先考虑;  Deal with things quickly and decisively, alertness, accurate and understand certain security knowledge; 处事迅速、果断、机警、准确,懂得一定安全保卫知识;  Responsible, honest and have a good attitude; 富有工作责任心、诚实可靠 、态度积极;  Good image, good personality, healthy, no criminal record; 形象良好、品貌端正、身体健康、无犯罪纪录;  Good communication skill, good team player; 良好的沟通能力和团队精神;  Be able to work under pressure. 能承受工作压力。
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