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  • 上海-浦东新区 | 8年以上 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 专业培训
    • 免费班车
    • 年终奖金
    • 补充公积金
    • 人性化管理
    • 节日礼物
    商场 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:02
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    • 投递简历
    ROLE SUMMARY:   This is a senior role, which supervises the daily operation of a customer facing information and retail services business, which benefits from 10% of the total footfall to BVSH&BVSZ.  The position holder will develop close relationships with Shanghai/Suzhou Village teams, with the purpose of growing sales, and maximizing the profitability of theBVSH&BVSZ through the Retail offer and supporting services.  Key interaction will be required with the Retail, Marketing/Tourism Teams, as well as the Community Relations Director to gather background knowledge, support & develop new initiatives, whilst also actively influencing positive business decisions.  The successful role holder should model outstanding leadership, excellence in customer service, F&B services, exemplary Retail Store Standards, as well as high levels of team engagement & performance.   KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:                                                                              Work closely with the The Apartment manager on all day to day activities;   Oversee the day to day running of the The Apartment, supervising staff and ensure a VIP hospitality service is maintained at all times;   Manage the staff role in partnership with the The Apartment Manager;   To grow sales & profitability of Gift Card, Shopping Collection service Valet and B2B services;   Analyze our customer competitor requirements and positioning, create services to be competitive;   Interpret trends to facilitate planning a promotional calendar for all seasonal services;   Oversee staffing on a daily basis in partnership with the The Apartment Manager;    Consistent monitoring of competitors so that BVSH/BVSZ become leader in the service offering;   Effectively network in all departments across the business;   Work alongside the team on the floor to understand back-to-floor basics and improve processes;   Drive the retail product offer and KPI’s of all services   SKILLS & QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: 1.    Proven track record of operating as a successful Tourism / Hospitality Manager 2.    Strong hospitality/customer care skills 3.    Career defined by a Tourism & Hospitality background 4.    Strong F&B experience is a plus 5.    Strong commercial acumen and the ability to deliver at a strategic level, with sound analytical insights 6.    Transformational leader, fully conversant in the change process and an inspiring presence 7.    Experience of sales in a Tourism/Retail setting, with the ability to motivate and drive the sales team 8.    Tourism background particularly on the strategy and execution of the SZV operation 9.    Demonstrable track record of effective people management 10. Ability to plan, prioritize effectively 11. Able to work individually or as part of a team 12. Operates both operationally and strategically, as required 13. Excellent verbal, written, interpersonal & communication skills, delivering with impact & influence 14. Exemplary critical thinking skills and solution orientated 15. Demonstrates drive, resilience and flexibility when working in a dynamic a fast paced environment 16. Flexibility in terms of working hours & pattern (including weekends and Bank Holidays 17. Interest in and knowledge of the local area 18. Experience in a premium environment or market leading tourism destination 19. Intuitively understands the importance of excellence of customer experience/hospitality. 20. Easily collaborates across multi-functional teams, internally and externally 21. Manages effectively across primary internal linkages, such as, Community Relations Tourism Retail, Marketing 22. Act as an ambassador for Value Retail 23. Strong cultural awareness 24. Fluent in English and local Village language - other European languages advantageous 25. Computer literate and fully competent in preparing regular reporting (statistical & financial)
  • 苏州 | 8年以上 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 专业培训
    • 免费班车
    • 年终奖金
    • 补充公积金
    • 人性化管理
    • 节日礼物
    商场 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:02
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    ROLE SUMMARY:   This is a senior role, which supervises the daily operation of a customer facing information and retail services business, which benefits from 10% of the total footfall to BVSH&BVSZ.  The position holder will develop close relationships with Shanghai/Suzhou Village teams, with the purpose of growing sales, and maximizing the profitability of theBVSH&BVSZ through the Retail offer and supporting services.  Key interaction will be required with the Retail, Marketing/Tourism Teams, as well as the Community Relations Director to gather background knowledge, support & develop new initiatives, whilst also actively influencing positive business decisions.  The successful role holder should model outstanding leadership, excellence in customer service, F&B services, exemplary Retail Store Standards, as well as high levels of team engagement & performance.   KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:                                                                              Work closely with the The Apartment manager on all day to day activities;   Oversee the day to day running of the The Apartment, supervising staff and ensure a VIP hospitality service is maintained at all times;   Manage the staff role in partnership with the The Apartment Manager;   To grow sales & profitability of Gift Card, Shopping Collection service Valet and B2B services;   Analyze our customer competitor requirements and positioning, create services to be competitive;   Interpret trends to facilitate planning a promotional calendar for all seasonal services;   Oversee staffing on a daily basis in partnership with the The Apartment Manager;    Consistent monitoring of competitors so that BVSH/BVSZ become leader in the service offering;   Effectively network in all departments across the business;   Work alongside the team on the floor to understand back-to-floor basics and improve processes;   Drive the retail product offer and KPI’s of all services   SKILLS & QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: 1.    Proven track record of operating as a successful Tourism / Hospitality Manager 2.    Strong hospitality/customer care skills 3.    Career defined by a Tourism & Hospitality background 4.    Strong F&B experience is a plus 5.    Strong commercial acumen and the ability to deliver at a strategic level, with sound analytical insights 6.    Transformational leader, fully conversant in the change process and an inspiring presence 7.    Experience of sales in a Tourism/Retail setting, with the ability to motivate and drive the sales team 8.    Tourism background particularly on the strategy and execution of the SZV operation 9.    Demonstrable track record of effective people management 10. Ability to plan, prioritize effectively 11. Able to work individually or as part of a team 12. Operates both operationally and strategically, as required 13. Excellent verbal, written, interpersonal & communication skills, delivering with impact & influence 14. Exemplary critical thinking skills and solution orientated 15. Demonstrates drive, resilience and flexibility when working in a dynamic a fast paced environment 16. Flexibility in terms of working hours & pattern (including weekends and Bank Holidays 17. Interest in and knowledge of the local area 18. Experience in a premium environment or market leading tourism destination 19. Intuitively understands the importance of excellence of customer experience/hospitality. 20. Easily collaborates across multi-functional teams, internally and externally 21. Manages effectively across primary internal linkages, such as, Community Relations Tourism Retail, Marketing 22. Act as an ambassador for Value Retail 23. Strong cultural awareness 24. Fluent in English and local Village language - other European languages advantageous 25. Computer literate and fully competent in preparing regular reporting (statistical & financial)
  • 武汉 | 5年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 带薪年假
    • 午餐补贴
    商场 | 500-999人
    发布于 06-14
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: a.  为公司制定全年预算提供数据信息,分配各月预算,协助月业绩及周销售的复盘工作,分析经营状况并及时修正问题点,促进任务达成。 依据季度销售计划大纲、制定并汇报本部门销售计划,并分析经营状况及时修正,确保卖场工作依销售计划落实。 a.  负责在日常巡场中对卖场、库房、设备设施、环境卫生等进行检查,发现问题及时要求品牌整改,并对安保部下发的安全隐患通知单负责跟进整改。 b.  协助处理客诉和突发事件,负责在客诉中协助顾客与品牌沟通协调相关诉求、典型客诉案例分享并跟进指导销售人员提高客诉处理能力。 c.  负责部门商品品质管理,配合质检部检查的质检、物价问题,督促并跟进品牌限期整改。 d.  负责分配部门会员招募指标,跟进监督招募进度并及时调整、盘点月度会员招募情况,总结经验、并分享优秀品牌案例 负责收集总结顾客心声、提出服务提升方案并监督执行 a.  掌握部门每日排班状况、监督员工工作表现,评定员工每月工作绩效,定期回顾员工工作情况,团队建设增强凝聚力。 b.  部门人力不足时、协调人力资源部完成招聘面试,确保部门人力合理。 c.  与各品牌沟通库房需求并提出使用申请、签订库房合同、确保库房费用按期收取。 完成领导交办的各项报表、文案,跟踪业绩状况,并制作年报及结案报告 负责监督各品牌人力充足,对店铺经理的面试把控,店铺人力不足时积极与品牌及商品部沟通,确保店铺服务接待质量。 b. 负责楼面早会、月店长会、活动前动员会重点事宜强调及补充,负责召开表彰大会。 c. 负责审核厂商联络函内容,定期陪同楼管约谈品牌店铺负责人、监督品牌货品状况定期召开沟通会议与品牌公司沟通复盘生意。 任职要求: 大专及以上学历,三到五年零售管理行业工作经验,高端精品百货行业楼层管理经理优先 优秀谈判及沟通协调能力,善于管理和团队合作 良好抗压能力,判断与决策能力 熟悉相关办公软件及公文写作能力
  • 武汉 | 3年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 带薪年假
    • 午餐补贴
    商场 | 500-999人
    发布于 06-14
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 日常运营管理 参与制定保洁公司清洁工作计划及相关应急预案,监督日常环境卫生清洁工作开展,对保洁公司工作进行评定考核; 参与制定馆内石材养护计划,定期组织石材养护公司对馆内石材养护作业区域进行验收作业,根据石材磨损情况,制定馆内石材翻新计划; 参与制定馆内外墙清洗计划,审核清洗公司相关资质,监督外墙清洗服务质量是否达标,组织外墙清洗工作验收作业。 外联业务管理 严格落实政府各项要求并及时修订各项管理规定,制定垃圾分类方案及分类标识,并宣导落实,对馆内各级人员进行垃圾分类工作培训,定期进行考核,检查馆内各商户垃圾分类情况,严格执行垃圾分类管理制度; 制定馆内病虫害消杀计划,监督并督导病虫害消杀公司馆内作业标准,定期审核消杀公司各项资质。 任职要求: 大专及以上学历 三年以上商业体板块环境工作管理经验 熟知大型商业环境管理工作程序 熟知垃圾分类管理、病虫害防制等相关法律法规 具有服务意识和良好的沟通协调能力
  • 生鲜主厨

    南京 | 3年以上 | 高中



    • 五险一金
    • 年底双薪
    • 绩效奖金
    • 做五休二
    • 带薪年假
    • 山姆会员卡
    • 节日礼物
    • 加班工资
    • 八小时工作制
    • 岗位晋升
    超市 | 2000人以上
    发布于 04-17
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1、通过鲜食、干货和非食部门商品的组合,并在山姆厨房中为会员进行烹饪演示,增加与会员的互动,同时更好地推广山姆商品并提升跨部门销售,并传达山姆的会员价值 2、组织烹饪和烘培课程,为会员或儿童提供烹饪技巧并创造乐趣 3、根据不同季节和节日,开发不同的菜谱,为会员创造惊喜和快乐体验 4、根据会员需要,提供专业的意见并帮助会员挑选商品 5、管理和提升鲜食促销标准、品质和话术,并为Demo促销员提供专业培训 6、跟踪每日的销售业绩,并不断挖掘机会进行改进,保证鲜食业绩的提升 7、作为教练,提升员工技能和潜力,做好人才储备。 岗位要求(基本技能要求): 1、至少三年在星级餐厅或酒店的厨师经验,并在西餐或中餐上有丰富的经验 2、对零售充满兴趣,有良好的团队协作能力、学习能力和创造力 3、有餐厅,酒店厨师工作经验,有丰富的中餐和西餐烹饪经验,有高级厨师证者优先考虑 4、良好的服务水平, 优秀的沟通能力和演示能力,有视频号或公众号运维经验者优先
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