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  • 全国 | 10年以上 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 1-49 人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    Job Title:  General Manager, The Langham, Hefei General Manager, The Langham Shenzhen  General Manager, The Langham Haikou  LanghamHospitality Group (LHG) is a global hotel company with properties located inmajor cities and four continents under The Langham Hotels and Resorts, Cordis Hotels and Resorts and Ying'nFlo brands. It is the hospitality arm of Great Eagle Holdings, a leading property development company in Hong Kong.  You will be leading a passionate& talented Hotel Team to drive for maximizing long-term financial growth of the hotel, delivering high standards in guest experience & colleague engagement in alignment with the culture and values of Langham Hospitality Group.   Key Responsibilities:   Drive & execute Company’s strategic objectives Full accountability on successful implementation of Company’s strategies and achievement of goals Develop an operating culture with a mind-set towards performance, quality, lean operating techniques, and bottom-line results. Driving continuous improvement in all areas of operations Recruit, mentor, and develop talents and future pipeline Participate and lead organizational initiatives to provide a forum for best practices sharing. Reviewing financial results to highlight successes and identify/rectify areas in need of improvements Provide timely forecasting and financial projections as required Ensure compliance with all LHG brand standards & local regulations   Qualifications:   Luxury Hospitality Group experience is preferred Related city working experience is preferred Minimum 3+ years as an Operational General Manager Ability to understand a variety of industrial issues and develop strategic business plans Analytical & numerical ability to interpret and present financial data Excellent communication skills with ability to present clear & concise information to different stakeholders Problem solving ability on both operational and/or strategic areas Strong interpersonal skills Fluent written & spoken English and Mandarin are mandatory required
  • 总经理

    清远 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 管理规范
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 社会保险
    • 湖光山色
    • 环境优美
    • 星级酒店
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1. 全面负责酒店各项业务的管理及员工管理;制定酒店的发展战略。 2.全面负责处理酒店整体事务,带领酒店全体员工,及时完成酒店所确定的各项目标。 3. 定期向董事会汇报酒店的经营指标与业绩。 4. 负责酒店的全面运营管理,其中包括使酒店收益最大化、增加客房入住率、完成酒店的战略规划、占据酒店的传统市场、根据当地酒店业的特色开辟新的市场份额、控制成本等。 5. 负责建立酒店的高素质管理团队。 岗位要求 1. 本科专科以上学历,有在高星级酒店总经理工作经验者同时具备优秀酒店运营工作经验管理者,具有5年以上温泉相关管理工作经验。 2、熟悉酒店温泉部门各服务标准及管理流程,善于成本控制。 3、通晓酒店各部门的经营管理工作,尤其是客房,餐饮,前厅等关键职能,理解酒店的管理机制和程序。 4、具有良好的协调沟通、管理和团队建设能力,事业心强;有良好的团队意识和领导能力。
  • 珠海 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 提供食宿
    • 技能培训
    • 全球免费房
    • 服务费分享
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 年底双薪
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    full responsible for Sales & Marketing of Angsana and Banyan Tree Zhuhai phoenix bay 全面负责珠海凤凰湾悦椿酒店及悦榕庄的市场销售工作 Responsibilities 工作职责: 1. Ensures the efficient and effective management of the sales division towards the attainment of the overall company objectives and operational goals. 确保以高效及时的销售团队管理实现公司的整体目标和运营目标。 2. Develops strategies for forecasting and analysing sales needs and developing effective product responses, delivery systems and methods of measuring and evaluating results. 开发新的销售战略用以预测及分析销售需求,开发有效地产品回馈信息,传达系统,及衡量牌价结果的新方法。 3. Plans, develops and executives marketing plans to provide direction and a specific plan of action. 有效计划,发展及执行市场计划,提供指导性和具体的行动计划 4. Develops new and/or improved products to improve the competitiveness and maximise profitability; promotes marketing awareness and clearly communicates the marketing objectives to support the achievement of plans and sales goals.  开发新的/或改进产品,提高竞争力和利润最大化,提升营销意识,明确的传达营销目标,有效支持实现销售计划和目标。 5. Plans, manages and evaluates the financial operations of the sales division to ensure cost effectiveness and optimum utilization of resources. 计划,管理及评估销售部门的财务报告,确保费用的有效支出及资源的优化利用。 Job Specs 职位要求 1. Contributes to the morale and team spirit of the companyby building and maintaining supportive and effective relationships withcolleagues and associates, instilling confidence and demonstrating “chemistry” withkey constituents. 通过建立及维护与同事的和睦关系,灌输自信的工作态度提高团队的士气及团队的合作精神。 2. Is responsible for planning,directing and evaluating all sales and marketing activities including directsales, catering sales, room sales, food & beverage sales, reservations andfor managing, in concert with corporate level staff, public relations andadvertising efforts to maximise profit potential and enhance the propertyimage. Products developed and services provided are instrumental in promotingand maintaining a true competitive advantage in the marketplace. 负责规划,指导和评估所有销售和市场营销活动,包括直接销售,餐饮销售,客房销售,预定管理,协同公司工作人员,公共关系和广告效应最大化的提升潜在利润和品牌形象,开发产品和提供新服务,促进和维护在市场中的竞争优势。   3. Ensures that all marketing, sales,advertising, reservations and public relations efforts will provide bothoptimum profit returns and increased sales; to keep management aware of theoverall marketing program so that all property activities will be integrated;to promote leadership to all associates; to ensure that all marketing goals aremet and maintained. 确保所有的营销,销售,广告,预定和公共关系方面的努力能提供利润的最佳回报,和提高销售业绩。确保管理过程中随时保持整体的销售计划与活动工作的开展保持一致,确保所有的销售目标得以实现和维护。 4. Acts within the company policies with complete authorityto delegate responsibilities within the marketing division. 确保部门的行动开展遵从公司政策及被授予的明确职权范围之内。 5. Attends regular departmental meetings. 组织参加常规部门会议。
  • 总经理

    清远 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 包吃包住
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 节日礼物
    • 具竞争力薪酬
    • 舒适公寓住宿
    • 年终奖
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责/职位描述 岗位职责: 1、全面负责酒店的经营管理,领导各部门员工完成酒店的各项计划目标; 2、围绕公司下达的利润指标和各项工作,编制酒店的预算和决算,严格控制经营成本和各种费用开支,使酒店收益最大化; 3、负责酒店团队的培养和管理,提高整个酒店的服务质量和员工素质; 4、根据市场变化和发展,制定切实可行的营销工作策略,并组织实施和有效控制; 5、全面负责安全管理,抓好食品卫生,治安安全等工作,确保客人和员工的人身、财产安全; 6、与公司、业主进行日常的沟通协调工作,确保信息畅通、有效; 7、负责做好酒店与各界人士的公共关系,抓好重要客人的接待工作,塑造良好的内、外部形象; 8、关心员工思想和生活,不断改善员工的工作条件; 9、完成公司交办的其他工作。   任职资格: 1、本科或以上学历,酒店管理、企业管理等相关专业; 2、具有5年以上五星级酒店管理经验; 3、熟悉酒店各部门服务标准及管理流程,善于成本控制; 4、具有良好的协调沟通、管理和团队建设能力,事业心强;有良好的团队意识和领导能力; 5、具有较强的判断和决策能力、应变能力,为人正直诚信。
  • 餐饮总监

    深圳 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 酒店免费房
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 生日假期
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    PRINCIPALRESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 直接全面负责管理整个餐饮部的行政,按照朗廷品牌标准,国际领先酒店的目标和员工手册条例保证其营运顺畅,实现利润最大化。 协助总经理,汇报及传达每日运营情况并对任何情况做出及时有效的回应。 遵照酒店规章制度,提升客户满意度 领导前线同事按照损耗程序,并与管事部,厨房及相关部门一起,以将损耗率降至最低。 确保严格按照财务部,人力资源部及其他营运部门制定的程序 负责执行或直接监测事先商定的任何项目 负责控制并确保相关的安全问题,例如万能钥匙,收银程序等。 保证消防,健康,安全及清洁的各项指标达到酒店标准并时刻保持。 执行任何管理层委托的工作。 Operations 运营 知晓所有朗廷的对客程序,相关折扣等。 了解朗廷品牌,传达并确保经理主管和所有同事理解酒店餐饮理念和任何营运信息。 知晓并尽可能参与特殊的宴会或任何有需求的场合 同餐厅经理一起自始至终参与餐饮推广 了解客人的投诉,如有必要能亲自解决 营运时间需在前线提高服务水平,解决客人投诉,检查服务流程 综上所述,要以身作则,为同事树立起良好的榜样,激励同事的工作热情。 Human Resources 人力资源 监督同事仪容仪表。无论对客或非对客同事都必须严格遵守仪容仪表的规定:制服要干净平整并按照要求穿戴,鞋子要擦亮,头发按照要求长短修剪并保持干净,手指甲要修剪整齐 为给客人提供最高水平的服务,培训经理主管及邻班最新的业务知识。 在必要时,严格执行同事处罚和口头及书面警告处分。参预管理同事薪酬复查调整。 参考每日培训模式,建立每日经理会议制度,确保各部门建立每月部门会议并参与和分享重要信息。 Administrative 行政 各部门每日交接簿,记录并分享重要信息诸如:每日营业额,包括驻店客人,来店散客,酒水销售等 确保时时更新SOP(标准操作流程)用以每天培训经理及同事 参与决定餐饮预算及部门营业策略 每日与上级进行交流沟通,汇报所有营运和人事相关问题,客人的意见和投诉,发展完善解决方针。 必要时参加下列会议:销售策略会议,宴会会议,同事会议和餐饮部会议。 监督库存计数。 为最大地满足客人的需求以达到酒店服务的高标准,接受并履行经理委派的可能超正常工作范畴的所有合理的要求。 执行表现评估的步骤。发展业务目标,并制定适当的发展计划。根据同事的长处,帮助其进行发展职业抱负和能力。 Marketing市场推广 协助所有餐厅制订的市场推广计划的发展及实施。 始终将自己定位于销售人员及朗廷大使
  • 全国 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09-24
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    This position is applicable to the following hotels 该职位适用于以下酒店: Operation Hotel 营运酒店 Banyan Tree Jiuzhaigou 九寨沟悦榕庄 Pre-opening Hotels 筹备酒店 Dhawa Beihai Weizhoudao 北海涠洲岛悦苑酒店  Job description 岗位职责 Ensures compliance with the Group’s Mission Statement. 确保服从集团的使命声明。 Directs and maintains Sales and Marketing activities to achieve the planned performance levels. 指导和维护销售营销活动达到预期的效果和水平。 Constantly promotes and develops the hotel/resort’s business base. 不断推动和发展酒店的业务。 Monitors actual and budgeted goals, develops and controls performance in service and product delivery, guest satisfaction and financial results. 监控实际与预算的目标,发展与控制服务和产品交付中的业绩,客户的满意度和财政目标。 Incorporates programs to promote proper associates’ orientation and training and ensures the highest morale amongst the workforce. 采取措施来促进适当的员工培训,确保最高的员工士气。 Ensures that proper employer/associates relations are maintained. 确保适当的雇主/员工关系的维护。 Reviews operational reports on a regular basis, as the case may be (daily, weekly and at period-ends). 评估一定时期的运行报告,视情况而定(每日,每周或者一个时期的结束)。 Reviews the property operations with the individual department heads to ensure that quality and service standards      are maintained throughout the hotel/resort. 与每个部门领导评估公司的运营情况,并确保和维持这个酒店的服务质量和标准。 Reviews guest ratings and follows through with the individual department heads to correct problem areas. 评估客人的评价并与部门领导共同解决发生的问题。 Develops and monitors short and long term planning for the property. 监管和发展公司短期和长期的计划。 Keeps abreast with innovations and business orientations in the luxury hospitality industry. 保持在奢侈酒店行业的创新和业务方向。 Monitors current sector trends and concepts and makes recommendations to his/her superiors for appropriate implementation at the hotel/resort. 评定目前的行业趋势和理念,并向其执行上级提出适当的建议和意见。
  • 财务总监

    广州 | 3年以上 | 本科



    • 福布斯五星
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 提供住宿用餐
    • 专业英语培训
    • 考究制服
    • 职业发展计划
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    JOB SUMMARY   Functions as the property’s strategic financial business leader. The position champions, develops and implements property-wide strategies that deliver products and services to meet or exceed the needs and expectations of the brand’s target customer and property employees. The position provides the financial expertise to enable the successful implementation of the brand service strategy and brand initiatives while maximizing the return on investment. In addition, creates and executes a business plan that is aligned with the property and brand’s business strategy and focuses on the execution of financial and accounting activities and the delivery of desirable financial results.   CANDIDATE PROFILE    Education and Experience •High Diploma or Degree holder inHospitality Management. Minimum 10 years’ relevant workingexperience in a sizeable luxury hotel with at least 3 years in similar capacity.   CORE WORK ACTIVITIES   Engaging in Strategic Planning and Decision Making • Develops means to improve profit, including estimating cost and benefit, exploring new business opportunities, etc. • Analyzes information, forecasts sales against expenses and creates annual budget plans. • Compiles information, analyzes and monitors actual sales against projected sales. • Analyzes differences between actual budget wages and forecasted wages for more efficient budget planning. • Identifies the underlying principles, reasons, or facts of information by breaking down information or data into separate parts. • Thinks creatively and practically to develop, execute and implement new business plans • Creates the annual operating budget for the property. • Provides analytical support during budget reviews to identify cost saving and productivity opportunities for property managers. • Implements a system of appropriate controls to manage business risks. • Ensures a strong accounting and operational control environment to safeguard assets, improve operations and profitability. • Analyzes financial data and market trends. • Leads the development and implementation of a comprehensive annual business plan which is aligned with the company’s and brand’s strategic direction. • Provides on going analytical support by monitoring the operating department’s actual and projected sales. • Produces accurate forecasts that enable operations to react to changes in the business.   Leading Finance & Accounting Teams  • Utilizes interpersonal and communication skills to lead, influence, and encourage others; advocates sound financial/business decision making; demonstrates honesty/integrity; leads by example. • Communicates the strategic goals, the focus and the owner priorities to subordinates in a clear and precise manner. • Leverages strong functional leadership and communication skills to influence the executive team, the property's strategies and to lead own team. • Oversees internal, external and regulatory audit processes. • Provides excellent leadership by assigning team members and other departments managers' clear accountability backed by appropriate authority. • Conducts annual performance appraisals with direct reports according to Standard Operating Procedures.   Anticipating and Delivering on the Needs of Key Stakeholders • Attends meetings and communicating with the owners, understanding the priorities and strategic focus. • Understands and meets the needs of key stakeholders (owners, corporate, guests, etc.). • Advises the GM and executive committee on existing and evolving operating/financial issues. • Communicates financial concepts in a clear and persuasive manner that is easy to understand and drives desired behaviors. • Demonstrates an understanding of cash flow and owner priorities. • Manages communication with owners in an effective manner. • Manages property working capital and cash flow in accordance with brand SOPs and owner requirements. • Facilitates critique meetings to review information with management team.   Developing and Maintaining Finance and Accounting Goals • Ensures Profits and Losses are documented accurately. • Monitors all taxes that apply, ensuring that taxes are current, collected and/or accrued. • Submits reports in a timely manner, ensuring delivery deadlines. • Develops and supports achievement of performance goals, budget goals, team goals, etc. • Improves profit growth in operating departments. • Reviews audit issues to ensure accuracy.   Managing Projects and Policies  • Generates and provides accurate and timely results in the form of reports, presentations, etc. • Reconciles balance sheet to ensure account balances are supported by appropriate documentation in accordance with SOPs. • Ensures that the P&L is accurate (e.g., costs are properly matched to revenue, costs are recorded in the proper accounts). • Ensures compliance with management contract and reporting requirements. • Ensures compliance with standard and local operating procedures (SOPs and LSOPs). • Ensures compliance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).   Managing and Conducting Human Resource Activities • Ensures team members are cross-trained to support successful daily operations. • Ensures property policies are administered fairly and consistently. • Ensures new hires participate in the department’s orientation program. • Ensures new hires receive the appropriate new hire training to successfully perform their job. • Creates appropriate development plans which develop team members based on their individual strengths, development needs, career aspirations and abilities. • Conduct performance review process for employees. • Participates in hiring activities as appropriate.     Marriott International is an equal opportunity employer. We believe in hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive, people-first culture. We are committed to non-discrimination on any protected basis, such as disability and veteran status, or any other basis covered under applicable law. Same Posting Description for Internal and External Candidates
  • 广州 | 8年以上 | 硕士 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 发展空间广阔
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    1、在总经理带领下,负责酒店的日常经营管理工作,对各项经营管理指标负责。 2、提出酒店的经营管理思路,协助确定酒店年度经营计划,并指挥落实。 3、协助建立健全酒店内部管理系统、运行机制及各项规章制度。 4、协调各部门关系。 5、研究市场发展趋势,协调制定酒店各服务产品价格体系。 6、提高酒店的管理水平、服务质量。
  • 餐饮总监

    深圳 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 节日津贴
    • 职业发展机会
    • 年终奖金
    • 员工奖励计划
    • 员工活动
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-25
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    【岗位职责】 1、负责餐饮部行政管理工作,制定并实施餐饮经营的所有计划。 2、负责实现部门的营业收入指标和利润指标。 3、与行政总厨一起筹划和设计菜单,开发当地需求的餐饮产品。 4、熟悉饭店管理理论、餐饮管理理论、营销学和服务心理学。 5、协调与其他部门的工作关系,确保宾客得到满意的餐饮产品和良好的服务。 6、制定餐厅推销策略,督促员工做好食品饮料的推销工作,提高餐饮销售收入。 7、建全物资管理制度,对餐厅的设备、物资、用具等严格管理。 【岗位要求】 1、本科以上文化程度;5年以上同岗位工作经验。 2、精通本部门的业务知识,熟练掌握中餐、西餐、酒吧、茶馆的技能及管理技巧。 3、熟悉 食品原材料采购、储藏和厨房生产、餐厅服务全过程,善于安排各个环节的工作,能保证餐饮管理的协调发展。 4、具有食品原材料加工、餐饮成本核算方面的知识。掌握各种产品配方、各种食品原材料出料率标准,控制产品质量和成本消耗。 5、具有社会活动能力、组织领导工作能力和实际工作能力;善于调动餐饮 部各级管理人员的积极性。
  • 全国 | 10年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 午餐补贴
    • 领导好
    • 年底双薪
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09-26
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    岗位职责: 1、协助总经理确⽴酒店的经营管理⽅针、发展⽅向、组织机构和完善酒店的⻓远规划及年度经营计划; 2、协助总经理制定、执行、监管酒店的各项财务与运营计划; 3、执行总经理的各项要求,协助总经理处理酒店的运作及经营,执行酒店各项决议,完成总经理做出的经营计划及总经理分配的各项具体任务; 4、负责的部门整体能力水平提升,了解客户需求,走在市场前沿,引领酒店产品升级,创新; 5、了解宾客服务和运营中的潜在需求,以便及时发现服务标准的问题,制定并实施改进措施,推动宾客满意度不断提高,能够与客户进行互动,获取反馈并建立良好的关系; 6、检查酒店各项管理制度、工作决策及服务程序的贯彻落实,协调各部门关系,确保酒店各项工作正常运转; 7、组织协调与各部门的协同配合,确保酒店的各项服务产品符合顾客的需求并满意; 8、对酒店的日常运行、服务质量及员工的工作纪律标准方面存在的问题进行督导,使之达到酒店要求; 9、掌握酒店日常经营情况,根据总经理提出的酒店长远规划和年度计划,对酒店的经营管理和企业发展问题提供决策性建议和意见; 10、协助总经理加强对分管部门管理干部管理技能和服务技能的培训工作,打造高水平的管理队伍; 11、总经理外出时,代表总经理主持酒店每天例会,参与并最终确定决策; 12、主持处理酒店发生的各类紧急事件,处理客人重大投诉,确保经营活动的正常运行。 任职要求: 1、大学专科以上学历,具备优秀酒店运营工作经验管理者,具有5年以上五星级酒店相关管理工作经验; 2、熟悉酒店各部门服务标准及管理流程,善于成本控制; 3、通晓酒店各部门的经营管理工作,尤其是客房,餐饮,前厅等关键职能,理解酒店的管理机制和程序; 4、有良好的团队意识和领导能力; 5、具有良好的协调沟通、管理和团队建设能力,事业心强。
  • 广州 | 8年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 发展空间广阔
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
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    协助指导、控制和协调所有厨房准备中餐的活动,确保在任何时候都能提供高效、盈利和顺畅的餐饮服务。 监控所有中厨房及宴会厨房的成本,并在必要时采取纠正措施以减少成本。 最大限度地提高员工生产力,注重员工培训发展,打造稳定的厨师团队。 确保FSQM标准执行。 了解这个职位的职责,遵守职业、健康和安全法规、政策和程序。
  • 东莞 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
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    To assist in ensuringthat all the outlets and banquets is managed efficiently according to theestablished concept statements. 协助并确保根据经营理念对各餐厅和宴会部进行高效地管理。 To assist and monitorservice and food and beverage standards in all outlets and banquets. Work withthe Outlet Managers, Banquet Service Manager and respective Chef de Cuisines totake corrective action where necessary. 协助并且督导各餐厅和宴会部的服务、食品和酒水标准。与餐厅经理、宴会经理和相应的厨师长共同为保证质量采取正确的行动。 To assignresponsibilities to subordinates and to check their performance periodically. 分派下属的工作并且定期检查下属的表现。 To assist any of theoutlets and Banquet and Convention when necessary. 在必要的时候对餐厅、宴会和会议进行协助。 Frequently test Food andBeverage in all outlets and be demanding and critical when it comes to Food andBeverage quality. 经常性检查各餐厅食品和酒水,对食品和酒水质量要严格甚至苛刻的把关。 To handle all guestcomplaints, requests and enquires on food, beverage and service. 处理所有客人关于食品、酒水和服务方面的投诉、要求和咨询。 Assist in preparingwith the respective Outlet teams, a yearly marketing plan for each outlet,which is the basis of the Food and Beverage Annual Marketing Plan. 在年度市场营销计划基础上,协助各部门制定部门年度营销计划。 Continuously seek waysto assist the Outlet Management maximize their revenues and profits. 寻找各种途径协助餐厅经理获得最大的营业额和利润。 Assist and monitor andanalyze the activities and trends of competitive restaurants, bars and otherhotel’s banqueting departments. 协助、检查并且分析与本酒店有竞争关系的餐厅、酒吧和其它酒店的宴会服务的活动和趋势。 Ensure that all OutletManagement Teams and Catering Department are fully aware of market needs andtrends and that their products meet these requirements. 确保各餐厅的领导团队,宴会部的产品符合市场的需要和发展趋势。 Focus attention onimproving productivity levels and the need to prudently manage utility/payrollcosts within acceptable guidelines ensuring optimum deployment and energyefficiency of all equipment. 专注发展各层生产力,以及需要谨慎地管理食物和工资成本,使其控制在可接受的方针内,并确保执行能最佳地展开及有效地使用各设备。 Through hands onmanagement, supervise closely own divisional employees in the performance oftheir duties in accordance with policies & procedures and applicable laws. 亲自管理、密切监督所有工程部员工的工作职责,以确保符合政策程序和法规。 Represents Food &Beverage on the hotel executive Committee to ensures the efficient& economic operation of the Food & Beverage Division providing servicesand support to other Divisions as required, maintaining equipment in optimumcondition. 紧密配合行政委员会确保餐饮部一直高效和经济的运转并且支持其它部门的要求,使设备得到适当的维护。 Handles guest andemployee enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints orproblems if no immediate solution can be found, whilst feeding back a promptfollow up. 处理客人以及员工的疑问,报告不能及时解决的投诉或者问题,同时反馈跟进的期限。 To provide a friendly,courteous, professional service and ensure guests satisfaction at all times. 总是提供友善的、有弹性的、专业的服务给客人并确保客人满意。
  • 东莞 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
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    Responsible forpreparing the annual Food and Beverage Business Plan ensuring DivisionalObjectives fully address business objectives of the hotel and needs of associates. 负责准备餐饮的年度计划,确保部门目标能完全与酒店目标一致并满足员工需要。 Prepares and regularlyupdates Food and Beverage Departmental Budget in close cooperation with theGeneral Manager and Director of Food and Beverage, ensuring targets are met andcosts are effectively controlled. 准备及与总经理和餐饮总监紧密合作,定期更新餐饮预算,确保达到预期目标及有效控制成本。 Buys locally availablefresh products wherever possible and has limited menus which are changedfrequently to ensure that the guest is always offered a variety of food items. 购买当地新鲜产品,以保证频繁更换的菜单的正常供应,总是能为客人提供花样繁多的菜肴。 Oversees the planningof menus and utilisation of food surpluses and leftovers, taking into accountprobable number of guests, market conditions, and popularity of various dishesand frequency of menu. 考虑到正确的就餐人数及市场条件,菜肴的受欢迎程度及菜单不断更新的因素,监督菜单的设计及利用剩余的食品原料, Reviews menus,analyses recipes, determines food, labour, overhead costs and assigns prices tomenu items. 回顾菜单,分析烹饪配方,确定选材,进行人员分配,计算管理费用的成本及菜式定价。 Directs foodapportionment policy to control costs. 指导食物订购的方向,以控制成本。 Introduces and teststhe market with new products which are market-orientated in terms of price andproduct. 根据市场导向的价格及产品,引进及尝试市场中出现的新产品。 Frequently verifiesthat only fresh products are used in Food & Beverage preparation. 经常核实餐饮准备中的必备的新鲜食物。 Serves fresh food toguests, which is prepared a la minute which is consistently of high quality,and which reflects the style of the outlet concept. 为客人提供新鲜食物,即使是最后一分钟准备,都要保证食物的高质量,并持之以恒,充分体现餐厅的风格及经营概念。 Supervises OutletChefs and Commissary Kitchen personnel and coordinates their assignments toensure economical and timely food production. 监督各厨房厨师及中央厨房人员,协调他们的工作任务,确保经济省时的食物生产。 Observes methods offood preparation and cooking, sizes of portions, and garnishing of foods toensure food is prepared in prescribed manner. 观察食物准备及烹饪的方法,食物的大小及分量,以及食物的装饰,确保食物按照所规定的方式去准备。 Frequently tastes foodand beverage in all outlets and is demanding and critical in standards andquality. 经常到各厨房及餐厅进行食物和饮料品尝测试,并严格要求达到质量标准。 Estimates foodconsumption and purchases or requisitions of foodstuffs and kitchen supplies. 对食物的消费,采购,食物原材料及供应进行评估。 Devises special dishesand develops innovative recipes. 设计特殊菜肴,以及发展革新的烹饪处方。 Establishes andenforces nutrition and sanitation standards for all restaurants. 建立及加强食品营养以及各餐厅的卫生环境。 Works together withthe DF&B, encouraging creativity, supporting marketing and up-sellingactivities. 与餐饮行政总监工作,鼓励创新,支持市场营销及促销活动。 Establishes a rapportwith guests maintaining good customer relationships handling all guestcomplaints, requests and inquiries on food, beverage and products. 与客人建立和保持和睦的关系,处理所有客人的投诉和要求,以及客人对食物,饮料及产品的询问。 Spends time in theoutlets (during peak periods) to ensure that the outlet is managed well by therespective Chef de Cuisine, meeting brand standards and guest expectations. 花时间到各厨房(就餐高峰期)巡视,确保各厨房在厨师长的管理下能良好运转,符合品牌标准及达到客人的要求。 Is demanding andcritical when it comes to food quality and service standards. 对食物质量及服务标准要有严格的要求。 Focuses attention onimproving productivity levels and the need to prudently manage food/ payrollcosts within acceptable guidelines, ensuring optimum deployment and efficiencyof all equipment. 专注发展各层生产力,以及需要谨慎地管理食物和工资成本,使其控制在可接受的方针内,并确保执行能最佳地展开及有效地使用各设备。 Establishes awell-organised Food Store, maintaining close control on the consumption offood, stores and inventory control. Physical inventories of all supplies and operating equipment are to betaken on a monthly and a quarterly basis respectively. 建立具有良好组织性的食物库存,保持紧密的食物消费控制,储存及库存总量的控制。每月及每一季度对所有供应及设备营运情况进行合理地盘点。 Delegatesappropriately duties and responsibilities to equipped and resourceful associates,nurturing and developing them whilst ensuring standards of operation and safetyare maintained. 授予合适的职责及任务以整理及丰富人力资源,培育和发展员工,同时确保营运标准及保持工作安全。
  • 深圳 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 节日礼物
    • 丰富员工活动
    • 年度旅游
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
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    岗位职责 1.在总经理带领下,负责酒店的日常经营管理工作,对各项经营管理指标负责。 2.提出酒店的经营管理思路,协助确定酒店年度经营计划,并指挥落实。 3.协助建立健全酒店内部管理系统、运行机制及各项规章制度。 4.协调各部门关系。 5.研究市场发展趋势,协调制定酒店各服务产品价格体系。 6.审定酒店的市场营销方案,不断开拓市场。 7.提高酒店的管理水平、服务质量。 岗位要求 1 大专以上学历,旅游、酒店管理专业为佳。 2 从事酒店工作10 年以上,具有10年以上酒店前厅,餐饮,客房等岗位管理经验,有酒店筹建、开业经验优先。 3 熟悉酒店各营业部门的服务及管理流程,善于成本控制。 4 具有良好的协调沟通、管理和团队建设能力,事业心强。
  • 深圳 | 8年以上 | 本科 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 奢华品牌
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
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    岗位职责: 所有餐厅厨房,包括饼房、主厨房、中餐厨房、行政酒廊厨房、管事部、外卖宴会。 计划和准备执行高质量的食品和摆设在指定的餐厅。 严格按照菜谱、标准和摆盘标准。 在酒店运营之中保持HACCP各方面要求。 正确操作所有的设备、器具和机器。 必须对具有持续性的人员培训和SOP’s的提高和改善保持关注。 必须积极主动参加每日质量会议(每日厨师晨会、团队会议),以保持厨房运营持续地提高,达到目标和保持顺畅地交流。 协调、组织和参与和厨房有关的所有产品的制作,检查并依照零点菜单和每日菜单,季节特供菜单。时刻保持预先设置菜单的标准、份量和成本。 与厨师紧密合作,常规会面决定菜单的选择,以同时让客人满意和获得各部分满意的收益。 召开厨房会议和传达酒店通知和收集员工的反馈意见,确保员工很高的满意度。 岗位要求: 高中或相等的学历,最好是专业烹饪学校毕业。 十至十五年管理厨房经验,或级别很高的个体餐厅并有八年主厨的经历。 很好的英文掌握能力(口语和书写)。 具有在国际连锁酒店的相关经验。
  • 广州 | 5年以上 | 学历不限



    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 职业规划
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 年终奖金
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-25
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    • 投递简历
    Executive Chinese Chef 中餐行政总厨
  • 清远 | 10年以上 | 中技 | 提供食宿



    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    • 具竞争力薪资
    • 宿舍环境舒适
    • 免费房晚体验
    • 五险一金
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    职责描述:  1、全面负责各厨房管理,控制厨房出品和卫生安全质量。  2、制定厨房管理制度、服务标准、操作规程,制定各岗位职责,了解各岗位人员的技术水平和专长,合理安排工作岗位,确保厨房工作的正常运作。 3、制定烹饪技术的培训计划,亲自负责培训工作,提高厨师的技艺,保持酒店的餐饮特色。 4、制定各餐厅菜单和厨房菜谱,确定出品价格,控制成本费用,保持良好的毛利率。  5、亲自收集客人对食品质量的意见,了解餐厅经理、餐厅主管对市场行情的看法,不断研制、创制新菜式,推出时令菜式,推广特别介绍,组织特色食品节。  6、熟悉原材料种类、产地、特点、价格,熟悉时令品种,掌握货源供应质量、价格。 岗位要求: 1.10年及以上国际奢华品牌酒店或大型餐饮企业的餐饮从业经验。2年及以上同岗位工作经验。 2.具备出色的中餐烹饪技巧,熟悉西餐厨房运作。 3.具有创造性,熟识广东餐饮市场并能洞察本地及国际餐饮潮流趋势。 4. 性格开朗,善于沟通,态度积极。
  • 佛山 | 8年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 年度旅游
    • 国际工作环境
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Job responsibilities/job description 岗位职责/职位描述 To manage the administration and operation of the entire culinary.  Has high knowledge of all preparation concerning ingredients, cooking techniques and presentation in all areas of the kitchen. Ensures to maintain Ambassador’s highest productivity and efficiency level at all times. Implements an effective program in maintaining the ideal food and labour cost of the whole department. Supervises the function of all kitchen employees, facilities and costs, hence contributes to maximizing the overall Food and Beverage department profit. Maintains quality goals by following up, eye for detail, following reports and guest comments, VOG, reports, mystery shoppers. 管理整个厨房的运作。 具有较高的关于准备材料,烹饪技术的知识和在厨房所有领域演示的经验。 确保大使维持最高生产力和工作效率水平。 执行一个有效的程序来保持优质的出品和整个部门的劳动力成本。 监督所有的烹饪大使的职能,设施和成本,因此有助于最大限度地提高整个餐饮部收益最大化益。 保持高质量的目标跟踪,关注细节,跟进客人评论,VOG报告以及神秘客人的到访。 Qualifications 资格要求  International luxury hotel background with proven business results and guest comments.  Good verbal and written English.  At least 3 years executive chef working experience. 国际奢华酒店背景并有酒店业务成果及客人评价。 良好的口头和书面英语。 至少3年以上行政总厨经验。
  • 广州 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 发展空间广阔
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    岗位概述: 工程总监在总经理和万豪国际集团指导原则的指导下,负责管理和指导工程部运行,维护,修理工作以及保证酒店内各种设备和设施的安全运行。 工作知识/技巧: 1. 必须精通服务行业的机电工程安装,设备运行和维修。 2. 必须精通服务行业工程法规。 3. 具有管理技能和良好的书写/表达能力。
  • 广州 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-25
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1、负责餐饮部行政管理工作,制定并实施餐饮经营的所有计划。 2、负责实现部门的营业收入指标和利润指标。 3、与行政总厨一起筹划和设计菜单,开发当地需求的餐饮产品。 4、熟悉饭店管理理论、餐饮管理理论、营销学和服务心理学。 5、协调与其他部门的工作关系,确保宾客得到满意的餐饮产品和良好的服务。 6、制定餐厅推销策略,督促员工做好食品饮料的推销工作,提高餐饮销售收入。 7、建全物资管理制度,对餐厅的设备、物资、用具等严格管理。 岗位要求 1、同岗位多年工作经验。 2、精通本部门的业务知识,熟练掌握各种餐饮及酒水的技能及管理技巧。 3、熟悉 食品原材料采购、储藏和厨房生产、餐厅服务全过程,善于安排各个环节的工作,能保证餐饮管理的协调发展。 4、具有食品原材料加工、餐饮成本核算方面的知识。掌握各种产品配方、各种食品原材料出料率标准,控制产品质量和成本消耗。 5、具有社会活动能力、组织领导工作能力和实际工作能力;善于调动餐饮 部各级管理人员的积极性。 6、工资待遇面议。
  • 广州 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 做五休二
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1. 酒店餐饮部全面总体的经营管理; 2. 建立、健全组织管理系统,使之合理化、精简化、高效化; 3. 负责实现营业收入指标和利润指标; 4. 负责制定经营预算和决算,提出更新改造和投资计划; 5. 落实年度财务预算,向各餐厅下达年度工作指标; 6. 督促维修保养工作和安全管理工作; 7. 负责做好与各界人士的公共关系,树立酒店良好形象; 8. 做好机构设置、员工编制及重要人事变更; 9. 指导培训工作,培养人才,提高整个商务的服务质量和员工素质。 岗位要求: 1. 从事国际品牌酒店餐饮管理工作10年以上,具有5年以上相关高层管理工作经验,英语流利; 2. 善于管理和经营团队,事业心强; 3. 有较强的沟通、计划、决策和综合判断能力。
  • 房务总监

    广州 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 福布斯五星
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 提供住宿用餐
    • 专业英语培训
    • 考究制服
    • 职业发展计划
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-25
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Located in the center of Pearl River NewCity, The Ritz Carlton, Guangzhou is a luxury destination in the Southern Chinahub. Distinctive services and facilities include 350 guest rooms and 91Residence, with the Club Lounge and suites and guest rooms newly renovated, aswell as five restaurants and lounges, including the signature Cantoneserestaurant, Lai Heen, which has received one Michelin star for the sixthconsecutive year .The Ritz Carlton, Guangzhou is honored to have received theForbes Travel Guide Five Star Award for the tenth consecutive year, solidifyingits position as the premier hotel in Guangzhou to achieve such prestigiousrecognition. Immersive experiences. Bespoke service. Commitment to craft. TheRitz Carlton inspires life’s most meaningful moments. The Role of a Director of Rooms The Director of Rooms functions as thestrategic business leader of the property's Rooms department. Responsible forplanning, developing, implementing and evaluating the quality of property’srooms. The Director directs and controls the activities of the Front office, Club,Housekeeping and Residence. Position works with direct reports to develop andimplement departmental strategies and ensures implementation of the brandservice strategy and brand initiatives. The position ensures Rooms operationsmeet the brand’s standards, targets customer needs, ensures employeesatisfaction, focuses on growing revenues and maximizes the financialperformance of the department. Develops and implements property-wide strategiesthat deliver products and services to meet or exceed the needs and expectationsof the brand’s target customer and employees and provides a return oninvestment to the owner and company. KeyFunctions Directly supervises the Department Heads inthe departments named above. Ensures thorough communications and follow-up onany problems, guest or employee requests or special requirements, and on hotelinitiatives. Interviews and trains the staff. Conducts Performance Evaluationsand disciplines staff when needed. Reviews and monitors schedules of staff inall departments in the Rooms Division. Monitors their activities to assure thatstandards are being met, staff is being supported and guest needs are beingmet. Routinely inspects all areas of responsibility in the Rooms Division. Resolves customer complaints from all areasof the hotel, handling all guest interactions with the highest level ofhospitality and professionalism, accommodating special requests wheneverpossible. Will resolve complaints in person, by phone or through writtenmessage. Develops relationships with return guests, group contacts and otherguests in order to provide personalized service. Assures that financial goals of thedivision and the hotel are being met. Monitors and controls labor expense, andother divisional expenses such as supplies and equipment. Works closely with Reservations,Sales and the Front Office to maximize rate, occupancy and total revenue.Assists in preparing business forecasts. Prepares Annual Budget for thedivision. Your role will be to ensure that the “GoldStandards” of The Ritz-Carlton are delivered graciously and thoughtfully everyday. The Gold Standards are the foundation of The Ritz-Carlton and are whatguides us each day to be better than the next. It is this foundation and ourbelief that our culture drives success by which The Ritz Carlton has earned thereputation as a global brand leader in luxury hospitality. As part of our team,you will learn and exemplify the Gold Standards, such as our Employee Promise,Credo and our Service Values. And our promise to you is that we offer thechance to be proud of the work you do and who you work with. Educationand Experience High Diploma or Degree holder inHospitality Management. Minimum 10 years’ relevant workingexperience in a sizeable luxury hotel with at least 3 years in similar capacity. Passion for customer service; clear focuson the customer needs and trends in order to meet customer satisfaction; andcreativity and flair to exceed customer expectation. Proven record in managing hotel projects;good knowledge of financial statement and experience in budgeting. Excellent leadership skills and mastery indelegating multiple tasks. Demonstrate the highest level ofhospitality and professionalism with guest-oriented and service-minded. Proactive, well-organized, detail-mindedwith excellent communication and interpersonal skills and can workindependently under pressure. Excellent command of English, Chinese andCantonese would be a plus, and hands-on experience in MS Office applications. Skills& Abilities Hospitality Management: Understanding theprinciples of hospitality management, including guest service, front officeoperations, housekeeping and Residence. Business Acumen: Knowledge of businessoperations, including budgeting, forecasting, revenue management, and financialreporting. Technology: Proficiency in hotel managementsoftware systems. Leadership and Team Management: Ability tolead, motivate, and manage a diverse team, fostering a positive workenvironment and promoting professional growth. Customer Service Excellence: Exceptionalskills in managing guest experiences, handling complaints, and ensuring guestsatisfaction. Communication: Strong verbal and writtencommunication skills, capable of effective interaction with guests, staff, andexternal stakeholders. Problem-Solving: Proficiency in identifyingproblems, analyzing potential solutions, and making decisive, effectivedecisions. Organizational Skills: Aptitude formanaging multiple tasks and priorities, scheduling, and ensuring smoothoperations across different departments. Attention to Detail: A keen eye for detail,ensuring all aspects of room and facility presentations meet or exceedhospitality standards. Adaptability: The ability to adapt tochanging situations, guest needs, and industry trends, often with a proactiveapproach to innovation and improvement. Marriott International is an equalopportunity employer. We believe in hiring a diverse workforce and sustainingan inclusive, people-first culture. We are committed to non-discrimination onany protected basis, such as disability and veteran status, or any other basiscovered under applicable law. At more than 100 award-winning propertiesworldwide, The Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen create experiences soexceptional that long after a guest stays with us, the experience stays withthem. Attracting the world’s top hospitality professionals who curate lifelongmemories, we believe that everyone succeeds when they are empowered to becreative, thoughtful and compassionate. Every day, we set the standard for rare andspecial luxury service the world over and pride ourselves on deliveringexcellence in the care and comfort of our guests. In joining The Ritz-Carlton, you join aportfolio of brands with Marriott International. Be where you can do your bestwork, begin your purpose, belong to an amazing global team, and become the bestversion of you.
  • 深圳 | 8年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-25
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    责任概要: 管理好整个餐饮部西餐厅,送餐部,大堂吧,宴会,西厨房,中厨房,管事部及饼房的各项事务。 工作职责: 1.确保餐饮部的正常营运,跟据酒店的结构体系保持的有利的基本营运;监督各厨房生产运营,确保执行所有关于餐饮的政策,标准及程序。 2.有效地执行各项条例在餐饮服务,餐厅服务和酒吧服务上得到相应的提高;在餐饮厨房注重食品的质量,呈现方式及风味。 3.严格依据万豪39点自测表上的要求执行餐饮部部门的各项工作。 4.确保每个餐厅的销售和各部门的发展。 5.提高和完成酒店的商业计划。 6.有权力并有责任帮助下级的经理保证整个部门在正常的营运状态下。 7.实施万豪酒店旗下的标准和程序。 8.支持餐饮部的各项程序及对浪费的控制。 9.培训员工安全程序,监督其遵循预防损失政策的能力,以防止以外的发生,控制成本。 10.根据上述概述要在员工中起到”领袖”作用并激励员工可以超越其原有的。 人力资源: 1.在员工管理方面确保按照万豪集团要求完成招聘,发展以及保留高质量的经理及员工。 2.参与下级经理的评估并给他们提出建议使其有所提高 。 3.协助下级经理进行有效的培训使他们感到职位上所要承担的约束。 4.检查完成各部门的月度会议记录并将”P&A”转交到总经理, 本部门和人事总监处。 5.根据实际营运情况安排相符的人员。 岗位要求: 1.8年以上的酒店工作经验和2年以上的管理方面经验。 2.良好的语言沟通能力。熟练的英语和良好的普通话。 3.精通本部门的业务知识,熟练掌握餐饮服务、餐饮厨房的技能及管理技巧。 4.具有食品原材料加工、餐饮成本核算的知识。掌握各种产品配方、各种食品原材料出料标准,控制产品质量和成本消耗。
  • 东莞 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    • 年度旅游
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 五险
    有限服务中档酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 一、全面负责国际五星酒店的筹开工作,包含: 1、筹划阶段:参与可行性研究、方案设计、施工设计,从酒店经营管理角度提供专业意见; 2、筹建阶段:参与酒店基建、设备安装、装修、验收; 3、筹备阶段:全面负责运营团队组建、运营证照资质办理、物资采购、前期营销工作开展、各项运营体系建立。 二、代表业主方参与酒店的运营管理,协调酒店管理方与业主方的利益关系,确保业主方的合法权益得到体现。 【任职要求】 1、45岁以下,本科以上学历; 2、具有3年以上品牌酒店总经理工作经验、业主代表工作经历; 3、具有2个以上酒店项目的全流程筹建经历; 4、有较强的沟通、计划、综合判断及团队管理能力; 5、具备较好的英语听说读写能力。
  • 东莞 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 节日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 包吃包住
    • 年底双薪
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-25
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    KEY RESULT AREAS 关键领域 1. Ensures the efficient and effective management of the sales division towards the attainment of the overall company objectives and operational goals. 确保以高效及时的销售团队管理实现公司的整体目标和运营目标。 2. Develops strategies for forecasting and analysing sales needs and developing effective product responses, delivery systems and methods of measuring and evaluating results. 开发新的销售战略用以预测及分析销售需求,开发有效地产品回馈信息,传达系统,及衡量牌价结果的新方法。 3. Plans, develops and executives marketing plans to provide direction and a specific plan of action. 有效计划,发展及执行市场计划,提供指导性和具体的行动计划 4. Develops new and/or improved products to improve the competitiveness and maximise profitability; promotes marketing awareness and clearly communicates the marketing objectives to support the achievement of plans and sales goals.  开发新的/或改进产品,提高竞争力和利润最大化,提升营销意识,明确的传达营销目标,有效支持实现销售计划和目标。 5. Plans, manages and evaluates the financial operations of the sales division to ensure cost effectiveness and optimum utilization of resources. 计划,管理及评估销售部门的财务报告,确保费用的有效支出及资源的优化利用。 PERSONAL SPECIFICATION 职位要求 1. Contributes to the morale and team spirit of the companyby building and maintaining supportive and effective relationships withcolleagues and associates, instilling confidence and demonstrating “chemistry” withkey constituents. 通过建立及维护与同事的和睦关系,灌输自信的工作态度提高团队的士气及团队的合作精神。 2. Is responsible for planning,directing and evaluating all sales and marketing activities including directsales, catering sales, room sales, food & beverage sales, reservations andfor managing, in concert with corporate level staff, public relations andadvertising efforts to maximise profit potential and enhance the propertyimage. Products developed and services provided are instrumental in promotingand maintaining a true competitive advantage in the marketplace. 负责规划,指导和评估所有销售和市场营销活动,包括直接销售,餐饮销售,客房销售,预定管理,协同公司工作人员,公共关系和广告效应最大化的提升潜在利润和品牌形象,开发产品和提供新服务,促进和维护在市场中的竞争优势。   3. Ensures that all marketing, sales,advertising, reservations and public relations efforts will provide bothoptimum profit returns and increased sales; to keep management aware of theoverall marketing program so that all property activities will be integrated;to promote leadership to all associates; to ensure that all marketing goals aremet and maintained. 确保所有的营销,销售,广告,预定和公共关系方面的努力能提供利润的最佳回报,和提高销售业绩。确保管理过程中随时保持整体的销售计划与活动工作的开展保持一致,确保所有的销售目标得以实现和维护。 4. Acts within the company policies with complete authorityto delegate responsibilities within the marketing division. 确保部门的行动开展遵从公司政策及被授予的明确职权范围之内。 5. Attends regular departmental meetings. 组织参加常规部门会议。
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