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    上海-浦东新区 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 职业规划
    • 美女多
    • 环境优美
    • 公寓住宿
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、为市场销售部总监提供专业、有力的支持,以达到战略目标。 2、实施并发展部门和酒店的政策。 3、同商务发展总监和收益经理一同制定市场推广战略和促销活动。 4、通过发展并实施销售市场推广策略达到收益目标。 5、根据外部环境可能对销售产生的因素,制定不同的方案。 6、根据市场变化趋势,寻找竞争优势,提高市场份额。 7、分析市场机会,制定具体目标,发展并有效实施策略和计划。 8、根据酒店的住房及会议情况,评估市场机遇,并协助其他部门(如:餐饮部,公关部等)宣传和推广促销活动。 9、评估、掌握市场动态和趋势。 10、制定销售目标,对于与实际完成销售任务的差额,如何采取补救措施。 11根据客户的需求,不时向客户更新酒店优惠政策。 12、针对特殊客户群体制定特殊的市场销售方案。 13、有效管理时间。 14、分配销售市场、划分客户类型。简而言之,把时间管理概念有效灌输给销售、宴会的同事。 15、维护客户关系,了解客户需求,掌握服务技能、销售沟通技能,做好客户反馈。 16、通过对酒店销售人员的培训、引导,提升住房率,给酒店带来收益。 17、通过对销售人员的培训、引导,制定相应的规则,使团队销售潜力发挥到最大,建立荣誉感,提升忠诚度。 18、与商务发展总监、总经理、部门经理和客户保持良好的沟通。 19、能够为客户呈现良好的酒店介绍及描述。 【岗位要求】 1、具备优秀的销售技能和技巧。 2、通过探讨和聆听,具备善于发掘客户需求的能力。 3、具备果断、自律的性格 4、具备高度的自信心,工作的热情和主动权。 5、擅长交际 6、擅长与不同的人打交道 7、懂得运用心里学技巧 8、具备销售的相关经验 9、酒店专业或相关经验的优先 具有一定的抗压能力,沟通技巧良好。
  • 总账会计

    上海-浦东新区 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 职业规划
    • 美女多
    • 环境优美
    • 公寓住宿
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:10
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    岗位职责 1、带领下属会计员遵守财经纪律,执行财务制度,严格执行《会计法》。 2、负责月末会计核算处理,确保账账相符、账证相符、账表相符。 3、负责统计报表的编制和报送工作,按规定时间及时报送。 4、审核各类记账凭证和编制会计凭证。 5、审查和清理账户,账簿摘要内容要求完整和精炼。 6、协助信贷会计组织资金回收;协助成本会计和资产会计定期进行财产、物资和材料的盘点工作。 7、审核每日现金、银行存款日报表,并在签章后,报送财务总监。
  • 上海-浦东新区 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 技能培训
    • 节日礼物
    • 尽炫自我
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 08-23
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    1.负责员工日常招聘工作,建立用工渠道及人才储备库, 2.负责办理普通员工的入职、离职手续, 及人事变动的审核工作, 3.合理调配度假村的人力资源,并提出有效的建议和意见, 4.负责各部门人员编制的审核工作, 5.完成人力资源总监安排的其他工作。 1. Responsible for the daily recruitment of employees, the establishment of employment channels and talent pool, 2. Responsible for handling the entry and resignation procedures of ordinary employees, as well as the review of personnel changes. 3. Reasonably allocate the human resources of the resort, and put forward effective suggestions and opinions. 4. Responsible for the audit of the staffing of each department, 5. Complete other tasks assigned by the Director of Human Resources.
  • 上海-浦东新区 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 年底双薪
    • 福利制度
    精品酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 07-02
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    • Assist the Dir of Guest Experience in ensuring that the Guest Experience department is managed successfully as an independent profit center and handling of guest issues and monitor guest satisfaction by evaluating feedback and guest surveys. 协助宾客体验总监确保宾客体验部作为一个独立的盈利中心而进行有效管理,并通过评估反馈和访客调查来处理客人问题并监控客人的满意度。 • Ensure corrective training is implemented based on the feedback received. 确保根据收到的反馈实施矫正培训。 • Assist in coordinating an effective and efficient Payroll Management / Resource allocation through establishing a flexible work force throughout the Division, based on the principles of Multi Skilling and Multi-Tasking. 根据“一职多能”的原则,协助部门负责人建立一个灵活的用人机制,协调有效和高效的薪资管理和资源分配。 • Support Host needs in other departments based on the hotel priorities and anticipated business levels. 根据酒店的优先次序和预期业务水平,支持其他部门对主理的需求。 • Establish a rapport with guests maintaining good customer relationship and handle all guest complaints, requests and enquiries on Guest Services. 与客人建立并保持良好的客户关系,并处理所有客人投诉,要求和问询。 • Manages in compliance with established company policies and procedures and SOPs set for the department. 按照既定的公司政策和程序进行管理,并为部门设置操作程序。 • Ensure the Guest Experience Department meets quality and internal standards. Identify process improvements and best practices. Provide feedback and develop processes to improve the guest experience. 确保宾客体验部符合质量和内部标准。确定流程改进和最佳操作规程。提供反馈和改进流程,以改善客户体验。 • Increase occupancy, ADR and RevPAR index by making accurate reservations using the implemented dynamic pricing strategies. Implement upsell program. 通过使用实施的动态定价策略进行准确预约,提高入住率,每日平均房价和每间夜平均收入。完成增销计划。 • Work closely with the Finance department on follow-up items, i.e., returned checks, rejected credit cards, billing accurateness, cashier handling etc. 与财务部在后续跟进事宜中紧密合作,如:退还支票,拒绝信用卡,账单正确性,现金管理等。 • Operate all aspects of the Guest Experience computer system, including software maintenance, report generation and analysis. 操作客户体验部门所有的计算机系统,包括软件维护,报告生成和分析。 • Be personally and frequently verify that guest’s check-in / out are receiving the best possible service. 经常亲自对客人在入住/离店时是否得到最佳服务进行核实。 • Monitor call handling in the Guest Experience and ensure that all telephone standards are adhered to. 监控宾客体验部的电话服务,并确保其遵守所有电话服务标准。 • Analyze call statistics and take corrective action where necessary and highlight issue to the Dir of Guest Experience. Minimize call abandonments. 分析通话统计数据,并在必要时采取纠正措施,并向宾客体验总监汇报突出问题。尽量减少呼叫放弃。 • Maintain standards of guest service quality. Analyze response time to guest’s requests for items and maintenance requests and highlight any issues to the respective department head. 保持客户服务质量的标准。分析客人请求的回应时间,并向相应部门负责人汇报突出问题。 • Ensure that the Guest Experience team projects a warm, professional and welcome image. 确保宾客体验团队表现出热情,专业和欢迎的形象。 • Be in attracting, coaching, training, and retaining talent by engaging and showing a genuine passion to develop others. 用真诚的热情来吸引,指导,培养和留住人才。 • Ensure that during the night the correct room revenue, rebates, and correct errors is accounted for and ensure that all room discrepancies are followed up. 夜班时确保房间收入,减免的正确性和错账的改正,并确保所有房间差异都得到跟踪。 • Collaborate with Guest Services Manager in preparation of annual department operating budget: Monitor monthly expenses, with emphasis on variances, assisting in preparing schedules, ordering, inventory management, and other administrative duties as needed. 协助宾客体验总监,编制部门年度运营预算:监测每月开支,重点是差异,协助准备时间表,订购,库存管理以及其他需要的行政职责。 • In absence of all department heads during the night, supervise and assist all departments to ensure the normal operation. 在夜间没有任何部门负责人的情况下,监督且协作各部门确保正常运行。 • Make sure cleaning and engineering projects (guest related) during the night are supervised. 监督确保夜间的清洁和工程项目(客人相关)。 • Perform the end of day closing. 做好夜审。 • Achieve maximum sell out where possible. 尽可能实现最大限度的销售。 • In absence of the Director of Guest Experience conduct daily operational briefings. 当宾客服务部经理不在时,主持每日运营简会。 • Demonstrate high visibility in the lobby F&B outlet. 随时关注大堂餐饮部的运营情况。 • Monitor team daily roster to make sure smoothly flows during operations. 监督团队排班,确保运营工作的顺利进行。 • Act as a coach and mentor to team members, maintaining discipline as necessary. 在工作中为员工树立榜样,必要时采取纪律措施,确保宾客服务部工作。 • Attend career development training as and when required. 在必要时参加职业发展培训。 • Ensure clear and timely internal team communication (e.g. of room targets, up-selling targets). 随时确保团队内部的信息沟通(如:客房销售目标;增销目标)。 • Identifies and develops high potential team members. 发现并培养有潜质的员工。 • Responsible for emergency and security related situations (SOS, fire bureau, PSB). 负责紧急事件和安全防范的相关事宜(国际医疗救助,火警,外来人口统计调查)。 • Responsible for overall department training plan including training records and delivery of training. 负责全部门的培训计划,包括培训内容的记录和交付。 • Responsible for manning, FF&E, OE and other department related budgets. 负责人员配置、FF&E、OE和其它相关的部门预算。 • Able to efficiently perform all reception duties (accurate completion of forms, securing of payment). 保证日常前台接待工作能够高效运转实施(表格单据要填写规范,付款方式要有保障)。 • Is knowledgeable on all hotel information, city information and event activities. 需要了解一切酒店信息、城市信息和重要活动事件的信息。 • Proactively seek guest comments and feedback. 积极主动地寻求客人的建议和反馈。 • Responsible for monitoring and controlling room inventory management. 随时监控客房的出租率。 • Take ownership of complaints ensuring final resolution and guest satisfaction. 设身处地的为客人投诉的圆满解决和顾客满意度负责。 • Act as a role model and exemplifies delivery of Artyzen Brand Service Standards. 在工作中以雅辰酒店的品牌服务标准为依据。 • Attend briefings and shift handovers, and conduct relevant team meetings. 参加例会、交接班,并实时召开相关团队工作会议。 • Be familiar with hotel’s contingency plan. 熟练掌握酒店突发事件处理预案。 • Comply with Health & Safety, emergency, fire and hotel rules and regulations. 遵守有关健康安全、紧急事件、火警和酒店规则等相关章程。 • Completes checks on reports including- rate, room discrepancy, credit check, blacklist report. 确保检查包括:房价、房态差异、信用核查、酒店黑名单等相关报表。 • Conducts spot checks all activities relating to Artyzen membership.  负责检查所有雅辰会员计划的工作实施。 • Responsible for ensuring accurate submission of guest information in the China Police Reportsystem. 负责保证客人信息正确、完整的录入中国公安报告系统。 • Performs quality spot checks on all aspects of the front office operations。 对宾客服务部的一切运营工作进行质量检查。 • Produces quality improvement plans and execute. 制定并实施产品质量提升计划。 • Follows up on finance related issues to ensure all payments are secured and accurate. 依照财务制度确保一切付款方式的保障性。 • Monitor annual leave plans ensuring it is in line with business trends. 根据酒店运营情况合理安排年假。 • Review and analyze expenses to keep in line with departmental targets. 回顾并分析开支预算以确保部门收益目标的达成。 • Remain commercially aware, maximizing revenue being always up-to-date on current promotions. 时刻保持经济头脑,持续一贯性的日常促销可以保证利润最大化。 • Adhere by all company rules and regulations. 服从公司的所有规章制度。 • To undertake any other reasonable task or request as directed by the management. 贯彻执行由管理者下达的正确指示和要求。
  • 上海-浦东新区 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 年底双薪
    • 福利制度
    精品酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 07-02
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    • 投递简历
    • Have a full working knowledge and capability to supervise, correct and demonstrate all duties and tasks always reflecting change in trends, guest expectations and operating philosophies. 具备全面的工作知识和能力,负责监督、纠正和展示一切反映趋势变化、客户期望和经营理念的所有职责和任务。 • Assist in delivering the day-to-day operations of the restaurant in an entrepreneurial way and according to the concept statement of the restaurant. 根据餐厅的概念,协助以主人翁精神提供餐厅的日常运作。 • Work closely together with Stewarding and Kitchen as partners of the same F&B team, ensuring smooth and efficient service and creating memorable guest experiences. 与管事部和厨房紧密合作,与餐饮和厨房紧密合作,确保顺利高效的服务,创造难忘的客人体验。 • Have a full working knowledge and capability to supervise, correct and demonstrate all duties and tasks based on the service sequence agreed, which are aligned with the restaurant concept. 具有充分的工作知识和能力根据按照餐厅概念规定的服务顺序去监督、纠正和展示所有岗位和工作。 • Assign responsibilities to the team implementing Multi-Tasking principle and check their performance regularly. 按照“一职多能”的原则给团队分配责任,并定期检查其绩效。 • Ensure the team have up to date knowledge of the offering and ensure that regular food tastings and training is taking place. 确保团队具备最新的产品知识,并确保定期进行试餐和培训。 • Be hands on Team Leader and be present at all times in the outlet, especially during busy periods. 做一个亲力亲为的主管,并随时在餐厅参与运营,特别是在繁忙时期。 • Ensure that through clearly defined service standards, guidance and feedback, our employees are empowered to make decisions, which supports guest satisfaction and improves morale. 确保通过明确的服务标准,指导和反馈,使员工有权作出决定,支持客户满意度,提高士气。 • Utilise technology available in the hotel and department to optimise productivity, improve service delivery and facilitate internal communication. 利用酒店和部门提供的技术来优化生产力,改进服务提供并促进内部沟通。 • Be armed with knowledge on the product (location, history, concept story, etc.) and able to share this with our guests and new recruits in ways that enrich experiences. 掌握产品知识(地点、历史、概念故事等),并与客人和新员工分享这一点,丰富经验。 • Ensure your teams know how to use the interdepartmental communication tools so as to ensure guest requirements are attended to in the quickest possible way. 确保您的团队知道如何使用部门间通讯工具,以便以最快的方式确保客人的要求。 • Welcome any guest that walks into the outlet, ensuring serving to the guest needs is attended to with intuitive but always culturally correct service. 欢迎所有进入餐厅的客人,确保用直觉按照企业文化根据客人需要提供正确的服务。 • Recognize regular and loyal guests, spot the special occasions and create memorable experiences. 认出常客和忠诚的客人,发现特殊场合,使他们有难忘的体验。 • Cultivate “We win and lose as teams…” attitude in the team. 培养团队中的“共进退”的态度。 • Use the Art of Service; be responsible for the whole guest journey in and beyond the outlet. 使用服务艺术,并负责客人在餐厅和酒吧时和离店时的体验。 • Ensure effective communications and handover between shifts. 确保有效的沟通和班次之间交接。 • Assign opening and closing duties, responsibilities and workstations and monitor duties through completion. 分配开餐和关餐的职责、责任和工作岗位,并完成监督任务。 • Handle guest enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, ensure guest’s complaints are handled in a guest-oriented manner and assure follow up with guests. 以礼貌有效的方式处理客人查询,确保客人的投诉以客为尊的方式处理,并保证与客人的跟进。 • Ensure that the set-up of the outlet, the lighting and all aspects related to guest’s experience are monitored and up to standard, before each service and in accordance with the reservations made and taking into consideration the weather conditions. 确保餐厅布置、照明以及客人体验相关的所有方面都被监控并达到标准,确保在每次服务之前,考虑到预定和天气情况。 • Execute instruction given by the outlet manager pertaining that buffet, tags, set ups (when appropriate) reflect the standards of the hotel. 根据餐厅经理的指示,按照酒店标准准备自助餐、标签、摆台(如适用)。 • Ensure that team members know their responsibility, and that they are organized in such a way that service is smooth, efficient, and reflects the standards and values of the hotel. 确保团队成员知道他们的责任,并且有条理的使服务顺利、高效、反映酒店的标准和价值。 • Complete the digital logbook on a daily basis and send to F&B office every day. 每天完成电子日志,并每天发送到餐饮办公室。 • Ensure that the outlet is kept clean and organized, both at the front as well as the back of house. 确保餐厅保持清洁和有条理的,无论是在前区还是后区。 • Monitor that adequate hygiene procedures and standards are respected at all time. 监控任何时候都遵守适当的食品卫生程序和标准。
  • 上海-浦东新区 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 年底双薪
    • 福利制度
    精品酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 07-02
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    • Support the F&B Manager in the development and the execution of the concept of each of the different outlets. 支持餐饮部经理发展和执行每个不同餐厅的概念。 • Work closely together with Stewarding and Kitchen as partners of the same F&B team, ensuring smooth and efficient service and create memorable guest experiences. 与管事部和厨房紧密合作,与餐饮和厨房紧密合作,确保顺利高效的服务,创造难忘的客人体验。 • Ensure each F&B outlet reflects a contemporized reinvention of regional Food and Beverage offerings and traditions through its crafts (cooking methods, presentations, service sequences etc.). 确保每个餐厅通过其手艺(烹饪方法,演示,服务顺序等)反映出当地的餐饮产品和传统的现代化改造。 • Assist in the development of new ideas related to the re-invention of the local craftsmanship in each of the venues. 协助开发关于重塑每个地点当地手艺相关的新思路。 • Ensure that all the outlets and meeting & events are managed efficiently according to the established concept statements (including décor, smell and music) and adhere to Company and Hotel Policies & Procedures and Standards. 确保所有餐厅和会议及宴会按照既定的概念(包括装饰,气味和音乐)有效管理,并遵守公司和酒店政策、程序和标准。 • Aware of trends and propose ideas to the F&B Manager to build the range and quality of locally influenced F&B items to stimulate growth in sales for the outlets. 意识到趋势,并向餐饮部经理提出想法,以建立当地流行的餐饮项目的范围和质量,以刺激餐厅销售增长。 • Utilise technology available in the hotel and department to optimise productivity, improve service delivery and facilitate internal communication. 利用酒店和部门提供的技术来优化生产力,改进服务提供并促进内部沟通。 • Review the analysis of all F&B orientated feedback websites and evaluates guest satisfaction levels and advises the F&B Manager of actions to be taken to improve guest satisfaction. 检查所有餐饮导向反馈网站的分析,并评估客人满意度,并向餐饮部经理建议需要采取的行动以提高客人满意度的建议。 • Ensure that everyone strives - as a team together, to have every guest served correctly through clear communications and teamwork. 确保每个人一起努力,通过明确的沟通和团队协作,使每个客人都能得到正确地服务。 • Cultivate “We win and lose as teams…” attitude in the team. 培养团队中的“共进退”的态度。 • Ensure the team is well informed about regular, loyal guests and Special Guest, is able to identify the special occasions and create memorable experiences. 确保团队充分了解常客、忠实客人和特别客人,能够识别特殊场合,为客人创造难忘的体验。 • Use the Art of Service; be responsible for the whole guest journey in and beyond the own department. 使用服务艺术; 并负责客人在本部门内或之外的体验。 • Ensure that through clearly defined service standards, guidance and feedback, our employees are empowered to make decisions, which supports guest satisfaction and improves morale. 确保通过明确的服务标准、指导和反馈,使我们的员工有权做出决定,支持客户满意度,提高士气。 • Establish a rapport with guests both local visitors and in-house guests maintaining good customer relationship. 与本地客人和住客建立友好关系,保持良好的客户关系。 • Be a hands-on Manager and be present in the Operation, especially during busy periods. 成为一名亲力亲为的经理,参与日常运营,特别是在繁忙时期。 • Ensure that the Outlet service team is efficient; technically and culturally correct but above all projects a warm and welcoming image. 确保餐厅服务团队有效率;在技术和文化上是正确的,但首先要树立温暖和热情的形象。 • In combination with the F&B Manager and Procurement manager purchase food & beverage products that have a strong essence of sustainability and support the growing awareness of what we are eating and drinking. 与餐饮部经理和采购经理合作,购买具有可持续性的饮食产品,并对我们的饮食拥有超前的意识。 • Frequently taste Food & Beverage in all outlets and be demanding and critical when it comes to Food & Beverage quality and service standards. 经常在所有餐厅进行试餐,对于食品和饮料的质量和服务标准来说至关重要。 • Ensure that all the F&B outlets are organized and perform their duties and maintain their areas and equipment in accordance with the company brand standards. 确保所有餐厅按照公司品牌标准,有条理的履行职责、维护区域和设备。 • Create efficient working methods, procedures and clear instructions to the employees to ensure that productivity is optimised. 为员工创造有效的工作方法、程序和明确的指示,以确保生产力得到优化。 • Ensure that the F&B Department is kept clean and organized, both at the front as well as the back of house. 确保餐饮部门的前区和后区保持整洁有序。 • Check all guest/ staff incident reports and advise the F&B Manager accordingly. 检查所有客人/员工的事故报告,并根据情况与餐饮部经理商议处理。 • Check that the established cleaning / pest control schedules are strictly adhered to. 检查确定的清洁及有害生物控制计划是否得到严格遵守。 • Check all Repair and Maintenance and issue repair and maintenance job orders to ensure the proper maintenance of the F&B areas. 检查所有维修和维护,并填写维修和维护作业单,以确保对餐饮区域的正确维护。 • Implement the execution of the policies regarding safety and hygiene (HACCP). 执行安全卫生政策(HACCP)。 • Coordinate the responsibilities to the team - implementing multi skilled and multi-tasking principle - and check their performance periodically. 将责任与团队协调一致 - 实施多技能和多任务原则,并定期检查团队绩效。 • Ensure your teams know how to use the interdepartmental communication tools so as to ensure guest requirements are attended to in the quickest possible way. 确保团队知道如何使用部门间沟通工具,以便以最快的方式确保客人的要求。 • Conduct daily pre-shift briefings to team on (group) reservations, special guests, room occupancy, arrivals & departures, function / events of the day and special attention that is needed. 将(团体)预订、特别客人、入住率、抵达和离店信息、当天的会议及宴会信息以及需要特别注意的信息在每日班前例会上告知团队。 • Be demanding and critical when it comes to service standards and inspire active engagement with the guests. 在服务标准方面严格要求,并激励团队与客人的积极互动。
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