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    • 美女多
    • 人性化管理
    • 带薪年假
    • 午餐补贴
    短租公寓 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-19
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    岗位职责 1、解释门店的服务意识,培育店员的敬业精神,合理使用人才。 2、制定工作计划,分工明确,协助店员达成目标以及提升店员的技术和销售能力。 3、分析顾客的意见,解释服务目标及标准,与其他员工共同制定改善服务的方法,以身作则,执行服务承诺。 4、定期了解客源拓展情况和市场竞争动态,并分析形势,制定对策。 5、订立公正、合理、有效的奖罚制度,协调店员之间的关系,维护良好的纪律。 6、督导日常工作,保证中心各环节的正常营运。 7、选择优质的产品为顾客服务,确保产品效果良好,质量稳定,物有所值。 8、定期培训员工,以提高服务素质。 【岗位要求】 1、认真负责、诚心敬业、踏实肯干、具有管理魄力及亲和力。 2、具有一定的职业技能,熟悉美容业的经营与运作模式。 3、具有良好的业务能力、营销能力、指导能力及协调能力。 4、有美业管理经验者优先。 【产品/项目介绍】 请简单介绍产品/项目 【合伙收益】 前段收益+产品复购收益
  • 成都 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 09-13
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    Cleans and maintains guest rooms, guest corridors, linen rooms and cupboards according to set standards and procedures 按照既定标准和工作程序,对客房、走廊、布草房和餐具柜进行清洁。 Replenishes guest supplies 补充客用品。 Ensures guest services specified by superiors and guests requests are promptly and courteously met 及时、礼貌的完成上级指定的对客服务并满足客人的要求。 Reports damage or malfunction in hotel rooms to superior 向上级汇报酒店客房内的损坏或故障情况。 Maintains equipment in proper state of cleanliness and repair 保证设备的清洁和修缮。 Maintains a section room report 完成区域客房报告。 Maintains a daily room checklist 完成每日客房检查工作单。                                        Meets with superior and takes on daily assigned tasks 与上级会面并承担每日分配的任务。 Reports and submits lost and found articles to superior immediately 及时向上级汇报和上交与客人遗失物品。 Report guest complaints to superior immediately 及时向上级汇报客人的投诉。 Reports unusual behavior/activities on floors to supervisor 向上级汇报楼层里的反常行为和活动。 Records room status in allocated section accurately 准确记录在划定的区域内的房间情况。 Complies with hotel’s health, safety and hygiene policy 遵守酒店的健康、安全和卫生政策。 Adheres to personal grooming and hygiene standards 保持个人仪容和卫生标准。 Attends meetings and training sessions as required 按要求参加会议和培训活动。 Creates and maintains floral arrangements 制作并保持插花。 Carry out valet services when required including delivery of linen or processing laundry orders 如有需求则完成贴身管家服务,包括派送布草或处理洗衣预订等。 Maintain and execute Finance standards and procedures  遵照所有财务标准工作程序
  • 成都 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 09-13
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    • 投递简历
    Plan and co-ordinate the provision of friendly, efficient services to guests 进行相关计划和协调工作,以确保向客人提供友好和高效的服务 Schedule activities for guests 安排客人的活动日程 Plan and co-ordinate all promotional activities targeting clients 计划和协调所有针对客户的促销活动 Trace relevant statistics about clientele 对客户的相关统计数字进行跟踪 Co-ordinate and supervise all activities for guests 协调和监督对客人开展的所有活动 Assist with check-ins/check-outs of clients 协助客人办理入住和退房手续 Greet Guests upon arrival 在客人抵店时进行迎接 Room Guests 为客人安排客房 Cover guest relations desk 负责客户关系台的工作 Assist guests with airline bookings and reconfirmation’s 协助客人进行航班预订和确认 Assist all departments in being receptive to the needs of guests 协助所有部门满足客人的各种需求 Assist staff with English language and culture 就英语和文化对员工进行辅导 Attend recreation activities when necessary 如有必要,可参加一些相关招待活动 Plan and conduct group and function rundown meetings 计划并召开关于团组和活动的总结会 Assist in any other duties when required by the Guest Relations Manager 按照客户经理的要求对其它任务进行协助 Assist with translations (information; guest directory; menus etc) as required  按要求协助翻译(信息、客户名单、菜单等) Provide feedback from  Guests to Front Office Manager for action 将从客人处得到的反馈向前厅部经理汇报,以期采取相应行动 Maintain and execute Finance standards and procedures  遵照所有财务标准工作程序
  • 成都 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 09-13
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Interview Line Associates  面试员工 Co-ordinate work experience programs 协调实习生计划 Manage the on-line recruitment channel, through the Hotel Web Site, correct and timely placement of internal and external advertisements 全面负责线上渠道招聘,通过酒店网站管理在线招聘工作, 正确、及时的发布内部和外部的招聘广告 Site inspections for schools, colleges, and universities, maintain the good relationship  拜访学校,学院和大学。维护良好的校企合作关系 Responsible for offline recruitment channel(e.g. community recruitment, etc.) 全面负责线下渠道招聘(如社区招聘等) Conduct exit interviews and provide feedback on reasons for turnover 组织离职面谈并提供员工离职相关信息的反馈 Assist the staff to deal with the dimission procedure and the follow-up work 协助员工离职手续的办理及后续工作 Maintain the activity of Trainees’ Club, take the lead to organize intern communication meeting activities 维持实习生俱乐部的活跃度,牵头组织实习生沟通会活动 Assist the external and internal support, communicate with helper agency and the follow-up work 协助用人部门寻找外部及内部支援,帮工公司沟通及后续工作 Familiarise yourself with the IHG HR and Training Standards.  Implement property policies, procedures relating to training.  Help Staff and Manager awareness of HR Policies and procedures 熟悉洲际人力资源政策以及培训标准,执行相关培训的政策与程序。同时帮助员工和经理了解人力资源的规章制度 Information relating to industrial instruments is readily available to all Staff and Managers 为员工和经理提供与行业规定相关的信息 Coaches and counsels staff, providing constructive feedback to enhance performance 向员工提供工作指导、咨询,并提供建设性反馈意见以提高工作绩效 Assist managers in developing work practices that are in line with OH &S policies. Ensures Hotel’s Fire, Health and Safety Procedures are implemented 协助经理制定符合职业健康与安全条例要求的工作程序。确保酒店消防、健康与安全的程序得以执行 Assist line managers in the recruitment, induction, training, development, and succession for levels 3- 6. 协助经理3-6级员工的招聘,入职介绍,培训,发展和接班人工作 Adhere to time frames established by Head Office 遵守总部设定的项目时间表 Maintenance of employee files 员工档案的维护工作 Talent data base Management 人才数据库的管理 Use email correctly for work communication 正确使用邮件进行工作沟通 Be in charge of daily HR operations as overtime & leave request approval, contract extension, Health Certificate renewale, social Insurance,Housing Fund,working meal ,etc.  负责日常加班、休假、合同续签、健康证管理、社保、公积金及餐费充值等薪资福利日常事务 Assist the C&B Manager to deal with the work injury case. 协助薪资福利经理完成工伤事务的处理 Conduct the Trainee’s commercial insurance. 为实习生购买商业保险 Be responsible for the labor contract. 负责劳动合同的管理 Prepares and administers detailed induction program for new staff 制定和执行新员工具体入职培训计划 Provides input for probation and formal performance appraisal discussions in line with company guidelines 按照公司的指导方针进行正式的员工绩效考核和鉴定提供建议 Regularly communicates with staff and maintains good relations 定期与员工交流思想,保持良好的员工关系 The Daily & Monthly maintenance of HOH 维护心之家园的更新 Encourage staff to be active to attend hotel activities and support organize it 鼓励员工积极参与并协助组织酒店组织的相关活动 Assists the Director of Training & Talent Development and Training Manager in the implementation of all training programs 协助培训与人才发展总监及培训经理完成酒店培训课程的实施 Conduct Training Needs Analysis for departments to Identify and determine training needs 分析部门培训需求以确定部门培训需求 Tabulate the data showing departmental training needs for the Training Manager  将部门培训需求以列表及数据的形式呈现给培训经理 Analyse guest questionnaires, feedback to identify and determine training needs 分析宾客问卷、回馈以确定相关培训需求 Assists the Director of Training & Talent Development and Training Manager in developing hotel’s annual training planner and ensure it is in line with the operational strategy 协助培训与人才发展总监及培训经理制定酒店年度培训计划,并确保该计划与酒店运营策略相吻合 Assists the Director of Training & Talent Development and Training Manager to prepare the Training Budget 协助培训与人才发展总监及培训经理制定培训预算 Set objectives and the evaluation system for department training program 为部门培训项目设定目标和培训评估体系 Monitor the progress of the Training Plan for each department to ensure that the training objectives are being achieved 监督部门培训的进度以确保相关目标都已达成 Attend departmental training session and critique performance 参加部门培训并评估表现 Performs teaching duties in a professional manner, according to instructions issued by Director of Training & Talent Development and Training Manager 在培训与人才发展总监及培训经理的指导下,以专业的态度进行培训授课 Conducts new hire Orientation Training including grooming and hygiene, telephone manners and etc as required 按照要求实施入职培训,其中包括:仪容仪表标准、电话接听礼仪等 Conducts Service Training Program as required 按要求实施服务培训 Communicates and coordinates with other Departments for name lists of participants who will be attending training 沟通协调培训提名的收集与准备。 Assists in coordinating and liaising with Departments or sister hotels concerned on sending staff out for cross-training and exposure 协助部门或姊妹酒店安排员工的交叉培训。 Prepares monthly training schedules and monthly training report 准备月度培训计划与报告 Checks that all lessons are conducted in a professional manner 检查并确保所有课程以专业态度授课 Supervises and evaluates local teachers’ performance together with related feedback from staff & plan future sessions accordingly 根据课程安排及员工反馈监督并评估本地讲师的授课表现 Assists Director of Training & Talent Development and Training Manager in sourcing for training materials appropriate to the Hotel staff and responsible for purchasing or having materials printed 协助培训与人才发展总监及培训经理准备相应的培训资料并负责资料的采购或印刷 Manage and maintain all updated records of all training programs conducted 管理和维护所有的培训记录  Responsible for managing and caring for the Training Room, Training Library, training equipment and materials 负责培训教室、培训图书馆、培训设备及资料的管理与维护  Maintains and updates inventories of all training materials 维护与更新培训资料的库存 Monitor training programs for:为以下人员监督培训项目的实施 Management Trainees 管理培训生 Hotel School Trainees, etc 学校实习生 Produce monthly training reports for Director of Training & Talent Development and Training Manager, including: 为培训与人才发展总监及培训经理完成以下月度报告 Internal Training Programs conducted : 内部培训项目 External training programs attended :外部培训项目 Liaise with educational institutions conducting hospitality and training courses 与实施酒店专业培训课程的培训机构保持联系 Maintain current information and records of suppliers of training resources and materials 维护现有培训资料供应商的信息与记录        Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisors of potential dangers 对发现的危险情形采取初期行动,并将潜在的危险报告主管 Maintain a current and thorough knowledge of all staff dormitory systems 全面熟悉了解宿舍所有系统等情况 Assistant Staff Affairs Manager the implementation of staff dormitory standards and procedures in relation to 协助员工事务经理监督员工宿舍各项标准和工作程序的执行 Daily perform male & female dormitory inspections, follow up the related dormitory problems 每日宿舍检查并跟进相关宿舍的问题 The monthly accounting executive apartments and dormitories deduction details  每月核算高管公寓以及员工宿舍的扣款明细 Perform Room allocations 员工宿舍房间的分配 Inspection and allocations Locker 更衣柜的检查及分配 Complete stock takes as required 按要求完成库存盘点工作 Control cost and develop department purchasing details 控制成本,拟定月度物品采买明细 Lead and organize trade GM Tea Session, trade union communication meeting, trade union meeting minutes, love fund, etc. 牵头组织总经理沟通会、工会小组会议、工会简报、爱心基金等 Assist to follow up the Colleague Heartbeat survey 协助跟进员工敬业度调查 Assist foreign employees about the visa matters 协助外籍员工签证办理事宜 Fulfil jobs assigned by superior 完成上级指派的其他工作
  • 成都 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 09-13
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    Attends to repairs and painting of all surface walls, floors, facades, ceilings and equipment both indoor and outdoor with either enamel or emulsion paint as required to match existing finish. . 负责维修及所有墙面,地板、外墙、天花板和设备的内外瓷漆或乳胶漆的上漆,以配合现有的未道漆。 Executes construction jobs including partitions and fixing of false ceilings, as required.  根据需要,执行施工作业,包括假天花板的分区和固定。 Attends to varnishing items such a doors, windows, timber panels and furniture. 负责门,窗,木材板和家具物品的上漆。 Responsible for preparation of all surfaces prior to painting or varnishing. 负责所有表面在油漆或上漆之前的准备工作。 Carries out spray painting of equipment, furniture or related surfaces as required. 根据要求进行设备,家具或相关表面的喷漆。 Attends to repairs of damaged / cracked surfaces which may include concrete, plastering, stonework, block work, wall and floor ceramic tiling and marble works. 负责维修损坏/破裂的表面,其包括混凝土、抹灰、石雕、预制切块体、墙壁和地板瓷砖及大理石制品。 Attends to repair / installation of vinyl floor tiles, false ceilings. 负责维修/安装乙烯塑料地板,假天花板。 Attends building repair and maintenance work in the Hotel premises including any new additions / extensions to the Hotel or any other properties maintained by the Hotel. 负责酒店内的维修工作,包括酒店的任何新的补充/扩展或酒店维修的任何物业事项。 Participates in Hotel Energy Conservation Program. 参加酒店节能计划。 Use initiative and foresight to undertake tasks outlined within the preventative maintenance program without the direction of the Shift Engineer/Chief Engineer. 在没有当班工程师/总工程师指导的情况下,主动并预见性的着手于预防性维修计划中规定的工作任务。 Attend PMM work in the guest room  负责客房内的PMM工作。 Attend all on job training in accordance with the departmental standards and procedures  根据部门标准及流程,参加所有的在岗培训 Attend all types of various technical skill training  参加各种类型的技术和技能培训 Ensures that house rules are followed and obeyed.  确保遵守酒店的规定。 Ensures punctual attendance and adherence to duty schedules by all subordinate staff. 确保所有的下属员工按时上班并遵守工作时间表。 Ensures that personal grooming and hygiene standards are being observed. Does spot checks in the morning. 确保检查个人仪容仪表和卫生标准。上午进行抽查。 Ensures all Engineering Standards and Procedures as issued from time to time are followed. 确保随时签发的所有工程标准及流程得以遵守。 Complete all work orders related interior decoration as requested by hotel various departments to meet customer requirements 完成酒店各个部门要求的与室内装修有关的所有工作单上的任务,以满足客人的需求 Interacts and cooperates with Hotel guests and outside contractors as necessary or directed by superior. 必要时或在主管的指导下,与酒店客人及外部承包商沟通合作。 Interacts and cooperates with other departments when necessary to provide additional or specialized services for functions, promotions and festivities. 必要时与其他部门沟通合作,为宴会、促销及节日提供额外或专门的服务。 Demonstrate Awareness of IHG Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) policies and procedures and ensure all procedures are conducted safely and within PPE guidelines and ensure your direct reports do the same 体现对IHG个人防护装备(PPE)政策和程序的了解,确保根据PPE原则,安全的执行所有的程序并确保你的下属同样执行。 Be aware of duty of care and adhere to work place health and safety related various IHG policies and procedures 了解关注职责并遵守各种IHG政策及程序相关的工作场所的卫生与安全 Be familiar with property safety, first aid and fire and emergency procedures and operate equipment safely and sensibly 熟悉物业安全,急救和消防应急程序,安全而合理的操作设备 Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisors of potential dangers 主动改正危险情况并将潜在的危险通知主管 Log security incidents and accidents in accordance with hotel requirements 根据酒店的要求,记录安全事件及事故 Ensures that the work shop and related areas are kept in a clean and tidy condition. 确保工作间和相关区域的整洁状况 Complies with Hotel's Health, Safety & Hygiene Policy. . 遵守酒店的健康、安全与卫生政策。 Perform other duties as assigned by superior. 履行上级分派的其他职责。
  • 成都 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 09-13
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    • 投递简历
    Process all incoming and outgoing calls accurately and courteously 正确并礼貌地处理所有打进和打出酒店的电话。 Records and controls accurately wake up calls 准确记录并管理叫早服务。 Pages guests in co-operation with concerned departments 与相关部门合作,对客人进行呼叫。 Records all entries on traffic sheets 将所有条目记录到电话单上。 Assists guests with international calls and directory queries 协助客人处理国际长途和号码查询。 Calls guests by name whenever possible 尽量称呼客人的姓名 。 Pages staff member when requested 如有需要,对工作人员进行呼叫。 Abides by principles of guest privacy 遵守保护客人隐私的原则 Handles guests needs or requests and reports complaints to the Telephone Supervisor 满足客人的需要或请求,并向总机主管汇报投诉情况。 Report on logbook daily 每日记下工作日志。 Bill call costs 提供电话费单据。 Aware of local telephone listings and frequently dialed numbers 熟悉当地电话表以及常拨号码。 Strictly abides by standards policies and procedures governing cases of emergency such as fire, bomb scare and other critical situations 严格遵守处理紧急事件,如火灾、炸弹威胁和其它危机的标准政策和工作程序。 Advises defects on switchboard equipment to Supervisor 向主管汇报总机设备出现的问题。 Maintains a clean work environment 保持工作环境的清洁。 Attends to all guest queries and requests promptly 及时处理客人的所有问询和要求。 Maintains detailed knowledge of the Hotel’s fire, life and safety system 熟知酒店的消防、救生和安全系统。 Maintains detailed knowledge on the Emergency Response Team and workings of the telephone room in this regard 熟知紧急事件处理小组的相关情况以及电话室在此方面的工作方式。 Maintain Hotel Information 保管酒店相关信息。 Maintain and execute Finance standards and procedures. 遵照所有财务标准工作程序。
  • 成都 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 09-13
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Duties and Responsibilities 工作职责 Greets all guests at all times in a friendly and helpful manner and attempts to learn and use guest’s name at every opportunity  随时以友好和乐于协助的态度迎接客人,并尽量了解和称呼客人的名字。 Registers and rooms all arrivals according to established procedures 按照既定工作程序为所有来客登记并安排房间。 Maintains intimate knowledge of departmental standards and procedures  熟知部门标准工作程序。 Performs check in, check out and room change procedures and ensures all data are entered completely into the hotel systems in accordance with reservation if there is a need of assist. 履行入住、退房和换房手续,并确保所有资料都按照预订情况完整的输入酒店电脑系统 , 和其他部门紧密协作满足客人要求 。 Maintains cashier float and ensures accurate daily report of all money received 保持库存现金限额并保证每日对所收现金进行准确报告。 Cashes hotel guest’s personal and travelers checks and assists with currency exchange 为酒店客人的个人支票及旅行支票兑换现金,并协助进行外汇兑换。 Keeps abreast of all modifications to accounting policies and procedures 随时留意会计政策和工作程序的变化。 Responsible and attends to guest’s request of using the service of safety box at all times 随时负责回应客人关于使用保险箱服务的要求。 Knowledgeable of all special promotion procedures, for programs such as; Seasonal Packages, Frequent Flyers Programs, and also Intercontinental Hotels Group Loyalty programs. 熟知所有特别促销活动,如:季节性套餐计划、常客优惠计划以及洲际酒店集团忠实方案。 Attends to guest’s complaints, inquiries and requests, referees problems to supervisor/Assistant Manager if he/she unable to assist 处理客人的投诉、问询和请求,如果自己无法提供协助,则将问题转给主管和经理助理。 Is familiar with other Intercontinental Hotels and Resorts so that guest indicating any next destination on the registration card can be “sold” an onward booking to another InterContinental Hotels 熟悉洲际酒店和度假村集团的其它成员酒店,以便当客人在登记卡上写出以后要去的目的地时可以游说其在另一家洲际酒店集团成员酒店进行提前预订。 Does everything possible to ensure that the guests depart the hotel with a positive impression of hotel service 尽一切努力确保客人在离店时会对酒店的服务有很好的印象。 Performs the audit balances and prepares all works for audit in an orderly fashion 执行审计结余,并为审计工作进行各项有序的准备。 When on night shift, checks night report, prepare the morning report and prepare all necessary forms for the guest arrival 在值班时检查夜班报告,准备早班报告,并为客人的到来准备各种必要的表格。 Daily to check through PCR members and VIPs list and arrival reports, to check rooms of expected arrival guests and ensure that amenities are prepared and ordered. Upon arrival, greet and welcome them. 每日检查和确保所有当日达到客人的房间和欢迎物品 , 在客人入住的时候亲切的欢迎他们。 Assisting with reconfirmation of Airline bookings through Business Centre. 协助商务中心同事的确认 / 航班预定工作。 Check weekly on report for long staying guests, establish and maintain contact with the guests.  Entertain them occasionally. 每周检查长住客人的报表,和客人保持联系,适当的时候可以邀请款待他们。 Attends to all guests’ queries / complaints and channel feedback to the relevant Department Heads for appropriate actions.  All such queries and complaints must be given immediate attention.  If necessary, to pacify while investigate is being carried on and also it must be recorded it the logbook. 留意客人的要求及时反馈给相关的部门领导 , 所有的要求必须要求相应的行动 , 在有的情况下 , 先安抚客人同时做好记录 。 Distributes VIP release to department concerned after having obtained room members and signature of Guest Relations Manager. Check additional VIP report for delivery of special amenities and prepares additional requisition for VIP Walk In for distribution. 和相关部门紧密沟通贵宾客人的相关信息 , 同时检查更新的贵宾到达报表 , 同时保证相应的欢迎物品 , 包括准备无预定贵宾的欢迎物品。 Maintains comprehensive knowledge of standard reservation procedures including correct forms to use, how to read telex, e-mail, messages, and how to interpret availability sources within the reservation systems 全面了解标准的预订工作程序,包括如何正确使用表格,如何读电传、电子邮件和留言,以及如何在预订系统内对房源情况进行解读。 Prepare for each group’s arrival, prepare group history, billing information, deposits, filing, VIP information, correspondence, etc.; interact with booking contacts as needed.  Correctly record group rooms and revenue in the property management system. 准备每个团队抵店,准备团队记录,帐单信息,押金,档案,贵宾信息,信件等等;必要时参与预订联络工作。在酒店管理系统中正确的记录团队客房和收入。 Process all group reservation requests, changes and cancellations received by phone, fax, e-mail, mail, internally and through travel planners/corporations.  Enter and/or modify group block in system to ensure inventory, stay dates, cancellation policy, deposit requirement, and booking procedure are reflected correctly. 处理所有通过电话,传真,电邮,信函接收到的内部和旅行策划人或公司发出的团队预订请求,变更和取消。在系统中输入输入或更改团队客房预订,确保客房的供应,入住日期,取消规定,押金要求和预订程序的正确性。 Maintain accurate filing system for groups and ensure that each group block is traced. 维护团队档案系统的准确性,确保记录每个团队预订。 Create and update group block notes to provide relevant data pertaining to all group reservations, and coordinate with other departments as needed to provide group reservation information and group needs as specified in contract. 建立并更新团队预订记录,以便为所有团队预订提供相关数据,按需要与其它部门协调预订信息及联络中团队的具体需求。 Provide and maintain reports and records of all groups during stay and after departure, and follow up on any group inquiries. 提供和保留所有团队下榻和离店后的报告和记录,跟进每个团队询问。 Stay abreast of current rates, rate changes and all promotions, current facilities, services, hours of operation, etc. 了解最新房价,房价变更和所有促销活动,最新设施,服务,营业时间等。 Attend pre-meeting planning meetings or conferences as needed or requested. 根据要求和需求参加会展前计划会议。 Respond to guest concerns or complaints.  Communicate any outstanding guest requests or issues to management that may require additional monitoring or follow-up. 回复客人的问题和投诉。与管理层沟通尚未解决的需要额外监管或跟进的客人要求和问题。 Promote team work and quality service through daily communications and coordination with other departments.  通过每日与其它部门的交流与协作来促进团队合作和高质服务。 Assist the AGSM in preparation of IHG Rewards Club and VIP arrivals, when necessary. 协助宾客服务经理准备贵宾和贵宾会员的到来准备工作。 Be sensitive to know the guests’ birthday, anniversary, honey moon, and etc.  敏锐的获得相关信息,客人的生日,周年纪念日,蜜月旅行等。 Make courtesy calls to guests to gather feedback  打电话给客人收集反馈意见。 Endeavours to maintain the high standards of the hotel with particular regard to the importance of ICHG Loyalty Program member and other VIP’s and with reference to hotel and to be a health or safety hazard 努力为酒店的会员和贵宾创造一个安全 , 优雅 , 高品质服务 . Perform other duties as assigned such as running daily reports, e.g. the cancellations, bookings, or arrivals reports. 执行其它分配给的工作,如打印每日报告等,取消,预订或抵达报告。 Maintains exemplary deportment standards of behavior and appearance and attitude as expected in a IHG Brand  按照洲际酒店集团品牌的预期保持自己行为、外表和态度的高标准。 Takes personal interest and pride to ensure that the ront desk work area is kept clean and in an orderly state al all times 随时保持工作区域的整洁和有序,并以此作为自己的个人兴趣和骄傲。 Endeavours to maintain the high standards of the hotel with particular regard to the importance of IHG Loyalty Program member and other VIP’s and with reference to hotel and to be a health or safety hazard 力争保持酒店的高标准,特别注意洲际酒店集团忠实计划会员及其它贵宾的重要性,并重视酒店的健康和安全隐患等问题。 Maintain and execute Finance standards and procedures  遵照所有财务标准工作程序。
  • 合肥 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年底双薪
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-12
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、查看交班记录,了解上一班的移交事项,并负责处理。 2.熟悉预订资料,了解客情,尤其要记住即将来店的贵宾、常客的姓名,了解酒店的所有活动。 3.熟悉酒店有关客房销售的各项政策,向来店宾客推销客房,努力争取最好的经济效益。 4.熟练总台各项专业业务和技能,搞好对客服务。 5.熟练掌握店内外信息,提供准确的问讯服务。 6.负责为下榻酒店的宾客办理入住登记手续。 7.负责客房钥匙的管理和发放工作并严格遵守验证制度。 8.制作有关报表,为其它部门提供准确的接待信息。
  • 苏州 | 3年以上 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 领导好
    • 人性化管理
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-12
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Works with Superior Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget.  与上级领导和财务总监一起编制和管理部门预算。 Maintain adequate stock levels 保存充足的用品存货。 Maintain stock levels 维持存货水平 Control and record chemical consumption and reorder as required , cost control. 控制并记录清洁剂消耗情况并按要求订货,控制成本 Solve employee grievance 解决员工受到的不公正待遇问题 Liaise with Front Office for guest and hotel requirements  配合前台满足酒店和客人的要求。 Show your cooperation and trust to your colleagues, teams and other departments 对同事 , 团队和其他部门 , 表现你的合作和信任。  Use a professional and positive way to interact with departments and hotel staffs, construct good friendship, improve team spirit and ensure effective two-way. 以职业的,良性的方式与部门及酒店员工互动,营造和睦关系,提升团队精神,确保有效的双向交流。 Supervise the implementation of housekeeping standards and procedures in relation to: 监督客房部各项标准和工作程序的执行   : Bedroom service 臥室服务 Bathroom service 卫生间服务 Valet service 洗衣服务 Cleaning service 清洁服务 Linen maintenance 布巾维护 Recommended changes to these standards and training needs on an ongoing basis 就这些标准和培训需求提供持续性的改进建议。 Prioritise arrival rooms 排列抵店客人客房的优先顺序。 Ensure guest valet is processed and delivered in a timely manner 确保及时为客人提供洗衣服务并送还。 Manage all special requests made by guests 处理客人所有的特殊要求。 Ensure you have complete knowledge of room types, layouts and facilities 确保具有客房类型,设计和设施的全面知识。 Maintain a current and thorough knowledge of all housekeeping systems 对客房部所有系统有最新和完整的知识。 Open and close the shift and ensure effective shift hand over 负责管理接班和交班工作,以确保交接班过程的有效进行   。 Distribution and collection of keys 分发和收集钥匙。 Management of lost property for the hotel 管理酒店的遗失财物。 Take action to correct a dangerous situation actively ,Report to the superiors about  potential danger 主动采取行动去纠正危险的状况,向上级报告潜在的危险。
  • 济宁 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 节日礼物
    • 领导好
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 07-16
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Deliver Food and Beverage service of high standard and in accordance with departmental standards and procedures 与上级领导交流有关疑难,客人意见和其它相关信息。                                                                                                                                                           Communicates to his/her superior any difficulties, guest comments and other relevant information  与其他同事建立并保持良好的工作关系。  Establishes and maintains effective employee working relationships
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