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  • 南京 | 3年以上 | 高中



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 12:30
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    Job Description职位简介  Assist the security manager to do the security / fire work to ensure the operation of the property functional well. 协助保安经理搞好治安/消防工作,确保物业的正常运营。 Major Responsibility主要工作职责  Taking orders given by the manager, make the property secure. 认真执行部门经理的工作指令,带领属下员工做好公寓内的各项安全防范工作。  Do the security job according to the security and fire safety management system, help and supervise other departments to do their job in a security context. 根据治安消防安全管理制度,经常督促和帮助各部门抓好岗位工作中的各个安全环节,切实做好安全防范工作。  Assist the manager to do training on security and fire control safety awareness. 协助部门经理做好“防火、防盗、防破坏、防爆、防突发事故”的“五防”宣传工作,增强全公寓员工的法制观念和消防安全意识。  Arrange the shifts; supervise the security officer’s daily work. 全面负责本班次各岗位的工作安排,督促、检查保安员的日常工作。  Check the appearance of security guards, If there is any problem, corrected immediately. 及时检查保安员的仪容仪表及工作状态,如有问题,及时纠正并处理。  To detect hidden dangers and vulnerabilities, and to take effective measures to make up for it, to avoid accidents. 及时发现不安全隐患和漏洞,并采取有效措施加以弥补,避免事故的发生。  Deal with the complaints, report to the manager in time. 妥善处理客人的投诉,并及时向部门经理汇报。  Deal with general security incidents and accidents, report to the manager in time. 处理一般治安事件和意外事件,并及时向部门经理汇报。  If there’s any action against the company policy, stop it politely. 对客人出现的违反公司规定、损害公司利益和财物的行为,及时礼貌地给予制止。  Recording and filing the special cases occurred when on duty, and report to the manager in time. 负责当班时发生的重大情况的书面材料整理工作,并及时汇报给部门经理。  Handover the unfinished job with cautious. 认真负责的做好交接班的一切工作,尤其是未完成工作的交接。  Give guidance and training to the security officer. 负责对本班保安员进行业务指导和培训。  Manage the officer effectively, give Rewards and punishments, encourage teamwork. 有效的管理本班保安员,奖惩分明,并鼓励团队合作。  In compliance with the Ascott Group's Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines and policies, pay attention to energy conservation and the safe operation in daily work. 遵守集团的环境健康安全方针政策,日常工作中注意节能和安全操作。  Other tasks assigned. 上级领导交办的其他任务。 Requirements资质需求  High School degree above or equivalent degrees is essential; 高中及以上学历,或具有同等学历;  Minimum of 3 years management experience at service apartment/ branding hotels, security training experience is preferred; 有3年以上服务公寓/星级酒店相关工作经验,退伍军人优先考虑;  Deal with things quickly and decisively, alertness, accurate; 处事迅速、果断、机警、准确;  Responsible, honest and have a good attitude; 富有工作责任心,诚实可靠,态度积极;  Good image, good personality, healthy, no criminal record; 形象良好,品貌端正,身体健康,无犯罪纪录;  Good communication skill, good team player; 良好的沟通能力、协调能力和团队精神;  Be able to work under pressure. 能承受工作压力。
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