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  • 全国 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



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    有限服务中档酒店 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09-10
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    岗位职责: 1、负责中高端运营部所辖直营门店的前期筹备及后期运营管理工作; 2、根据品牌营销策略指导酒店收益,合理制定房价,参与制定酒店销售预算,拟定酒店营销计划; 3、确保直营门店资产的合理管理及良性运营; 4、对于酒店的发展和营业额的提高提出可行性操作建议,以最大的可能提高酒店营收及利润; 5、贯彻执行品牌各项运营标准,保证产品和服务的高品质、一致性、高效性; 6、熟悉中高端及以上酒店运营管理,具有战略制定与实施能力,以及敏锐的市场感知及客户开发能力; 7、符合创新、担当、快乐、成长的酒店职业经理人画像,沟通协调能力好,团队组建能力强,服务意识强。 任职资格: 1、大专及以上学历,30-45岁为宜; 2、有直营店、困难店管理经验者优先考虑; 3、5年中端及以上酒店总经理管理经验; 4、熟悉连锁化酒店运营管理模式; 5、热爱酒店行业,过往工作稳定、业绩优良; 6、可接受跨品牌全国派遣。
  • 全国 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



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    • 五险一金
    有限服务中档酒店 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09-09
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    岗位职责: 1、负责中高端运营部所辖直营门店的前期筹备及后期运营管理工作; 2、根据品牌营销策略指导酒店收益,合理制定房价,参与制定酒店销售预算,拟定酒店营销计划; 3、确保直营门店资产的合理管理及良性运营; 4、对于酒店的发展和营业额的提高提出可行性操作建议,以最大的可能提高酒店营收及利润; 5、贯彻执行品牌各项运营标准,保证产品和服务的高品质、一致性、高效性; 6、熟悉中高端及以上酒店运营管理,具有战略制定与实施能力,以及敏锐的市场感知及客户开发能力; 7、符合创新、担当、快乐、成长的酒店职业经理人画像,沟通协调能力好,团队组建能力强,服务意识强。 任职资格: 1、大专及以上学历,30-45岁为宜; 2、有直营店、困难店管理经验者优先考虑; 3、5年中端及以上酒店总经理管理经验; 4、熟悉连锁化酒店运营管理模式; 5、热爱酒店行业,过往工作稳定、业绩优良; 6、可接受跨品牌全国派遣。
  • 全国 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



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    • 五险一金
    有限服务中档酒店 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09-09
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    岗位职责: 1、负责中高端运营部所辖直营门店的前期筹备及后期运营管理工作; 2、根据品牌营销策略指导酒店收益,合理制定房价,参与制定酒店销售预算,拟定酒店营销计划; 3、确保直营门店资产的合理管理及良性运营; 4、对于酒店的发展和营业额的提高提出可行性操作建议,以最大的可能提高酒店营收及利润; 5、贯彻执行品牌各项运营标准,保证产品和服务的高品质、一致性、高效性; 6、熟悉中高端及以上酒店运营管理,具有战略制定与实施能力,以及敏锐的市场感知及客户开发能力; 7、符合创新、担当、快乐、成长的酒店职业经理人画像,沟通协调能力好,团队组建能力强,服务意识强。 任职资格: 1、大专及以上学历,30-45岁为宜; 2、有直营店、困难店管理经验者优先考虑; 3、5年中端及以上酒店总经理管理经验; 4、熟悉连锁化酒店运营管理模式; 5、热爱酒店行业,过往工作稳定、业绩优良; 6、可接受跨品牌全国派遣。
  • 门店总经理

    全国 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



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    • 岗位晋升
    • 五险一金
    有限服务中档酒店 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09-06
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    岗位职责: 1、负责中高端运营部所辖直营门店的前期筹备及后期运营管理工作; 2、根据品牌营销策略指导酒店收益,合理制定房价,参与制定酒店销售预算,拟定酒店营销计划; 3、确保直营门店资产的合理管理及良性运营; 4、对于酒店的发展和营业额的提高提出可行性操作建议,以最大的可能提高酒店营收及利润; 5、贯彻执行品牌各项运营标准,保证产品和服务的高品质、一致性、高效性; 6、熟悉中高端及以上酒店运营管理,具有战略制定与实施能力,以及敏锐的市场感知及客户开发能力; 7、符合创新、担当、快乐、成长的酒店职业经理人画像,沟通协调能力好,团队组建能力强,服务意识强。 任职资格: 1、大专及以上学历,30-45岁为宜; 2、有直营店、困难店管理经验者优先考虑; 3、5年中端及以上酒店总经理管理经验; 4、熟悉连锁化酒店运营管理模式; 5、热爱酒店行业,过往工作稳定、业绩优良; 6、可接受跨品牌全国派遣。
  • 西安 | 8年以上 | 本科 | 食宿面议



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09-06
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    岗位酒店 Renaissance Xi'an 岗位职责 1.督促酒店建立健全会计核算制度,检查会计制度的执行情况,对会计核算工作的质量进行监督。 2.督促酒店建立健全财务管理制度,完善财务监督机制,检查酒店执行国家财经法律、法规、制度及遵守财经纪律情况,对财务活动的合法性进行监督。 3.审核酒店拟订的年度财务预、决算方案,资金使用和调度计划,筹资、融资和投资计划,利润分配或弥补亏损方案。 4.对酒店产权转变、资产核销、资产重组、对外投资、债务担保、资产抵押等重大财务活动的决策程序和实施执行情况进行监督。 5.审核酒店财务报告,评价和报告其经营管理业绩。与酒店总经理一起,共同对财务报表和报告的质量负责。 6.与酒店总经理联合审批规定限额范围内的公司经营性、融资性、投资性(对外、对外)支出;对酒店授权范围内的贷款担保事项负责。 岗位要求 1.财务管理、会计、金融相关专业、本科及以上学历; 2.具有3年以上财务负责人工作经验,熟悉外资酒店财务管理模式; 3.通晓财务、会计、金融、税务知识、掌握法律相关知识,具备基本计算机应用知识。 4.熟练运用会计电算化,熟练使用ERP财务软件。 5.具有一定的外部关系协调和统筹管理能力。 6.良好的团队领导力、协作能力,优秀的沟通、分析能力,对企业忠诚度高。
  • 西安 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 1-49 人
    发布于 08-30
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    • 投递简历
    Pre-opening project: Cordis, Xi'an Langham Hospitality Group (LHG) is a global hotel company with properties located in major cities and four continents under The Langham Hotels and Resorts and Cordis Hotels and Resorts brands. It is the hospitality arm of Great Eagle Holdings, a leading property development company in Hong Kong. Key Responsibilities: As the Director of Finance, you will be responsible for performing the following tasks to the highest standards: - Overall management of the accounting records and financial reports of the hotel ensuring compliance with company, owner, statutory and fiscal requirements and timetables; - Maintain a focused system of internal controls, which will provide an effective and efficient control over the hotel assets, liabilities, revenue and costs, ensuring compliance with company policy; - Ensure legal and tax compliance and that adequate insurance cover is maintained managing the pension scheme, where applicable, ensuring that adequate accounting, actuarial and legal controls are in place; - Take responsibility for the safekeeping and updating of all leases and contracts, which may affect the financial status of the hotel; - Support and advice on financial and commercial matters to the General Manager and to the hotel team, including the interpretation of financial data; - Providing financial support, advice and expertise to the General Manager and Hotel Team, with the aim of maximizing value; - Co-ordinate the fulfillment of LHG, Owner and regulatory reporting responsibilities of the hotel on an accurate and timely basis. Qualifications: Luxury Hospitality segment experience will be preferred; 3+ years as Director of Finance at international hotels; Strong interpersonal skills & leadership; Fluent written & spoken English. Pre-opening experience is preferred. Possess qualifications and certifications for financial work.
  • 西安 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 1-49 人
    发布于 08-01
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    西安地区康得思品牌筹备酒店项目 朗廷酒店集团(Langham Hospitality Group)是一家全球性酒店集团,旗下品牌包括朗廷酒店及度假村(The Langham)和康迪斯酒店及度假村(Cordis),以及Ying'nFlo。在全球四大洲的主要城市拥有酒店。它是香港房地产开发公司鹰君集团(Great Eagle Holdings)旗下的酒店管理公司。 职位要求: 1、全面负责工程部的日常管理、运营工作; 2、制订和完善工程部各项规章制度和岗位职责并落实检查; 3、负责组织酒店工程设备设施进行调试、验收、维保; 4、负责组织技术文件和设备档案的建立和管理工作; 5、负责组织制定设施/设备的运行、维修保养、节能方案,负责工程部采购计划的编制工作,并组织落实和检查; 6、对设施、设备的运行、维修和保养工作进行定期和不定期检查,确保工程部管理的设施、设备处于安全、良好的运行状态; 7、对酒店运行设施进行巡视、检查,建立技术管理档案和设备维护维修手册,制定年度维护计划表,拟定月度工作小结及下月的工作计划,拟定工程项目实施计划和管理文件,检查和控制年度、月度维护费用的执行; 8、执行部门制定的有关行业安全法规,加强安全管理和安全教育,建立、落实各级安全制度,防止发生安全事故,积极做好各项突发事件的紧急预案的落实工作,并做好定期培训及预演工作;监督检查备品、备件及消耗材料的种类、数量、质量,保障设备运行和客户服务的需要; 9、负责工程部门服务意识教育以及专业技能培训,不断提高员工的综合能力和素质; 10、负责工程部员工工作绩效的考评工作,考核下属员工; 11、负责筹备期的人员招聘、设施设备及物业验收、筹备设备选品等筹备工作,确保酒店按照计划顺利开业。 工作经验: 10年以上相关经验,具备至少5年以上国际品牌同等职位管理经验 具有酒店筹备开业经验者优先 教育程度: 工程类证书、文凭、学位 相关岗位证书 知识水平: 良好的沟通技巧 良好的问题解决技巧 以身作则 培训技巧 管理团队技巧 技能要求: 熟悉基本的办公软件 语言要求: 中英文流利
  • 西安 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 1-49 人
    发布于 08-01
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Pre-opening Project: Cordis, Xi'an Langham Hospitality Group (LHG) is a global hotel company with properties located in major cities and four continents under The Langham Hotels and Resorts, Cordis Hotels and Resorts,Ying'nFlo brands. It is the hospitality arm of Great Eagle Holdings, a property development company in Hong Kong. Key Responsibilities: 1.     Research, identify and propose appropriate Human Resources strategies to ensure the effectiveness of the hotel. 2.     Develop manpower budget and ensure manpower is under control within the manning established. 3.     Maintain harmonious employee relations and an environment conductive to top performance.  4.     Ensure proper administration of the Performance Management System in all departments and achieve a performance driven team.  5.     Identify and design appropriate training and development initiatives to ensure a learning culture is developed within the hotel.  6.     Be responsible for recruitment of all levels of positions. 7.     Ensure career development policies and implements career paths for colleagues.  8.     Implement, communicate and clarify any Human Resources related policies and rules and propose modifications to remain current with needs and trends. 9.     Ensure all Learning & Development programs and initiatives are to maximize customer satisfaction, employee motivation and organizational profitability. Qualifications: 1.     Luxury Hospitality segment experience will be preferred. 2.     2 years working experience in Xi'an would be preferred. 3.     2+ years as Director of Human Resources at international hotels. 4.     Ability to understand a variety of industrial issues and develop strategic business plans. 5.     Tertiary qualifications, or other collegiate-level degree, in Human Resources or related field, required. 6.     Problem solving ability on both operational and/or strategic areas. 7.     Strong interpersonal skills & leadership. 8.     Fluent written & spoken English.
  • 西安 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 1-49 人
    发布于 07-31
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Pre-opening project: Cordis, Xi'an Langham Hospitality Group (LHG) is a global hotel company with properties located in major cities and four continents under The Langham Hotels and Resorts, Cordis Hotels and Resorts, Ying'nFlo brands. It is the hospitality arm of Great Eagle Holdings, a property development company in Hong Kong. Key Responsibilities - Lead Rooms Division to provide exceptional guest services to deliver company objectives and performance standards - Act as a “brand ambassador” at all times to ensure company’s culture is always maintained - Responsible for talent selection,hiring, training, development and retention - Responsible for pre-opening tasks of Rooms Division General /Technical Knowledge - Knowledge of systems, SOPs, policies &procedures related to Rooms Division People Management - Manage workforce planning, scheduling and forecasting in accordance to operation need - Involve in full cycle of people management from recruitment, training, development to performance management - Foster a positive working environment. Utilize effective communication tools and channels to ensure efficient information distribution Customer Loyalty - Ensure positive guest experience. Obtain feedback from guests to improve services and  facilities to improve guest satisfaction - Be a role model in delighting guests in every single interaction. - Review collaterals, quality standards and service standards regularly to enhance service  standards Operational Processes and Control - Review procedures and practices regularly to ensure effectiveness for staff and guests - Ensures standards and compliance for internal control/audits processes Administration - Manage Budget and Forecast for Rooms Division. Control and analyse P&L targets - Drive productivity initiatives - Manage Capital Expenditure. Identify needs and estimate costs for capital improvements - Manage Operating equipment operations Inspection and Preventive Maintenance Programme - Conduct quality checks on guest floors, public areas and other facilities -  Ensure established programmes are followed/scheduled for in Rooms and Public areas Health, Hygiene, Safety and Security - Ensure highest level of hygiene, safety and security by facilitating effective training programmes Environmental Responsibility - Ensure environmental initiatives are adhered to in the workplace. Participate in community activities and programmes Public Affairs - Statutory - Ensure a smooth channel of communication between the hotel and relevant statutory departments - To keep all hotel licenses updated Qualifications: - Luxury Hotel experience working in China - 5+ years in Guest Service, Front Desk, Housekeeping experience with 2+years in a leadership capacity or in a similar role - Professional, take initiatives and passionate in services - Market focus with innovative mind - Excellent interpersonal skills - Strong communication skills, ability to lead and motivate teams - Fluent spoken and written Mandarin and English - Pre-opening experience will be preferred - Talents familiar with Xi'an will be highly advantageous
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