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  • 湖州 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
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    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 丰厚年终奖
    • 年度旅游
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
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    作为酒店的主要战略业务领导者,负责酒店运营的各个方面,包括客人和员工满意度、人力资源、财务绩效、销售和创收,并为集团和酒店所有者提供投资回报。 As a key strategic business leader for the hotel, responsible for all aspects of the hotel's operations, including guest and staff satisfaction, human resources, financial performance, sales and revenue generation, and providing return on investment for the group and hotel owners. 职责义务: Duties & Responsibilities: 1.紧跟行业趋势,探索新的商业机会并制定商业计划,以最大限度地提高客户满意度、盈利能力和市场份额。 Keep up with industry trends, explore new business opportunities, and develop business plans to maximize customer satisfaction, profitability, and market share. 2.分析商业信息,积极应对不断变化的市场状况,确保酒店在预算指导下运营,实现利润率目标。 Analyze business information, actively respond to constantly changing market conditions, ensure that the hotel operates under budget guidance, and achieve profit margin targets. 3.与销售和市场团队紧密合作,制定创收策略;识别新的业务线索,推出符合市场趋势的酒店产品;确认销售策略与品牌策略一致,并有效执行既定目标。 Work closely with sales and marketing teams to develop revenue generating strategies; Identify new business leads and launch hotel products that are in line with market trends; Confirm that the sales strategy is consistent with the brand strategy and effectively implement the established goals. 4.建立有凝聚力和高绩效的执行委员会,不断努力取得积极成果和改进。  Establish a cohesive and high-performance executive committee, and continuously strive to achieve positive results and improvements. 5.通过积极和持续的沟通,与业主建立良好的关系,处理并解决好业主对酒店经营管理的诉求。  Through active and continuous communication, establish a good relationship with the owners, and handle and resolve their demands for hotel management. 6.遵守公司/品牌政策、程序和标准。 Comply with company/brand policies, procedures, and standards. 7.客户及公共关系管理。 Customer and public relations management. 专业知识技能: Job Knowledge / Skill: 1.工商管理、酒店和餐饮管理或相关专业大学学历,10年以上管理运营、市场营销、财务或相关工作经验。 Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Hotel and Catering Management or related majors, with over 10 years of work experience in management operations, marketing, finance or related fields. 2.有限或全方位服务酒店的总经理经验。 General manager experience in limited or full-service hotels. 3.高度的责任心、敬业精神及诚信态度。 High sense of responsibility, professional dedication, and integrity attitude. 4.具有前瞻性思维,有创造力和创新能力。 Possess forward thinking, creativity, and innovative abilities. 5.有较强的适应、沟通、计划、决策和综合判断能力。 Strong adaptability, communication, planning, decision-making, and comprehensive judgment abilities.
  • 全国 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09-22
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    【岗位职责】 - 负责规划酒店项目的市场发展策略,把握项目在行业中的发展方向,完成项目在行业中的市场定位,及时提供市场反馈并对公司的市场操作计划不断优化与完善; - 通过各种市场推广手段完成既定的品牌营销目标,对营销预期目标及实际效果负责; - 负责大客户开发、渠道拓展、商务洽谈、开发和协调各类媒体资源,建立有效的媒介传播手段等; - 负责团队的建设与管理,全面安排、管理市场部的年度市场策略和市场计划; 【岗位要求】 - 市场营销或相关专业大专以上学历,酒店管理、市场营销等相关专业优先; - 工作经验及年限:至少2年以上市场销售部负责人工作经验; - 有战略管理、组织变革管理、管理能力开发、市场营销、合同法、财务管理及谈判技巧等方面的培训能力; - 对市场营销工作有深刻认知,有较强的市场感知能力、敏锐地把握市场动态、市场方向的能力、密切的媒体合作关系 - 高度的工作热情,良好的团队合作精神,有较强的观察力和应变能力、出色的人际沟通能力、团队建设能力、组织开拓能力
  • 湖州 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 丰厚年终奖
    • 年度旅游
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    年终奖可谈 The year-end bonus is negotiable 负责酒店内总收益发展,通过寻找各种资源、确保最大化扩展收益机会。 Responsible for total revenue development within the hotel through sourcing, securing and maximising all sales opportunities. 职责义务: Duties & Responsibilities: 1.给总经理提供专业的咨询和行政支持服务, 以达到战略目标。 Provide a professional, advisory and executive support service to the General Manager to assist in meeting the strategic goals of the establishment. 2.参与战略业务和运营的筹备计划。 Participate in the preparation of the Strategic Business and Operating Plans. 3.分享制定酒店年度收益目标计划,包括房间、餐饮和运营部门。 Share in the establishment of revenue targets for the annual hotel Business Plan for rooms, F&B and minor operating departments. 4.依据市场调研结果, 负责所有收益部门的新产品开发和客户服务, 达到超越客人期望的一致目标。 As a result of evidence from market research, take responsibility for the development of new product and guest services in all revenue earning departments, consistent with the goal of exceeding guest expectations. 5.组织内部同事外部机构的公关活动、广告和组织营销活动。监督所有销售宣传、脉络和营销项目的质量和标准。 Direct the activities of the internal associates outside agencies on public relations, advertising and direct sales & marketing campaigns. Supervise the quality and standard of all sales promotional aids, collaterals and merchandising items. 6.配合收益管理总监,依据酒店趋势,提供及时相关的信息协助执行委员会做出正确的决定,以提高酒店的盈利能力。 In conjunction with Director of Revenue Management provide timely and relevant information on hotel trends, to enable the Executive Committee to make pro-active decisions to improve the profitability of the hotel. 7.分析竞争对手酒店的活动,包括他们的客户基础,以发展和稳固新的业务并抢占市场优势。 Analyse the activities of competitor hotels, including their customer base, with the aim of developing and securing new business and providing a market advantage. 8.作为指导,积极参与酒店、行业和顾客组织的展会,会议和促销活动。 As directed, participate in trade shows, conventions and promotional events, within the hotel, the industry and customer organisations. 9.管理所有销售和行政同事,以确保所有人共同实现酒店现有和未来的收入预算。 Management of all Sales and administration associates, ensuring they are working towards achieving the hotels revenue budget for the existing and future years. 10.依据市场反馈和市场条件,参与开发和评估房价架构以及各部不同市场领域可使用的条件。 Participation in developing and reviewing rate structures and conditions applicable to various segments, based on market feedback and market conditions. 11.确保所有客户总监、销售经理和销售主管提供清晰和详尽的客户档案,包括每次拜访客户的信息以及结果。 Ensure all Account Directors, Sales Managers & Executives maintain clear and detailed files on all clients including information on results of each sales call. 专业知识技能: Job Knowledge / Skill: 1.领导能力  Leadership skills 2.管理技能  Management skills 3.战略眼光  Strategic vision 4.谈判能力  Negotiation skills 5.组织和时间管理技能 Organisational & time management skills 6.分析和数据技能  Analytical and numerical skills 7.销售与营销技巧 Selling & Marketing skills 8.亲和力和执委会和业主关系 Rapport  Building with fellow EXCOM and Owner Relation 9.较强的书面英语和汉语 Strong written English and Chinese language 10.销售和市场营销经验、执行操作管理、国家和国际相关工作经验者优先。Rich experience of extensive Sales& Marketing . Line operations management and national andinternational related experience preferred.
  • 湖州 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 帅哥多
    其他 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-19
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    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、向总经理负责,协助总经理完成酒店的经营指标和工作任务。 2、协助总经理接待重要贵宾,建立良好的公共关系,广泛听取和收集宾客的意见,处理投诉,改进工作。 3、深入营业部门,检查各项接待工作情况。 4、协助总经理协调酒店各部门之间的关系。 5、协助总经理对各部门主要管理人员进行考核、评估。 6、审定公关宣传、对外营销、开拓客源市场计划,以及审定部门业务计划的实施细则,并督导这些计划的实施。 7、开展调查研究,分析酒店经营管理情况,收集同行业和市场信息,制订客源市场的开发计划。 8、督导公关营销部制订月度、季度、年度工作计划、营销方案、营销目标等。 【岗位要求】 1大专以上学历,旅游、酒店管理专业为佳。 2 从事4星级酒店工作10年以上,具有5年以上相关高层管理工作经验。 3 熟悉酒店各部门服务及管理流程,善于成本控制。 4 具有良好的协调沟通、管理和团队建设能力,事业心强。
  • 湖州 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 丰厚年终奖
    • 年度旅游
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    年终奖可谈 The year-end bonus is negotiable 负责酒店区域所有设备有效地运作,及辅助维修保养服务和业主资产保护,不仅是酒店土建结构及设备维保方面还包括相应的外部设施。 Responsible for the effective operation ofall equipment in the hotel area, and assist in maintenance services and ownerasset protection, not only in the maintenance of the civil structure andequipment of the hotel but also the corresponding external facilities. 职责义务: Duties & Responsibilities: 1.遵守酒店的工作政策及程序,落实和执行各项政策和标准程序。 Comply with the hotel's work policies andprocedures, implement and enforce all policies and standard procedures. 2.向管理层提供意见,主要包括资产的工程支持,环境控制和运作效率。 Provide advice to management, mainlyincluding asset engineering support, environmental control and operationalefficiency. 3.确保工程部有效的财政管理,制定维修预算,资金的规划和工程计划以确保正常的监督和评定;负责维修的整体成本控制,部门成本预算的制定和实施,并上交管理层。 Ensure effective financial management ofengineering department, develop maintenance budget, capital planning andengineering plan to ensure normal supervision and evaluation; Responsible foroverall maintenance cost control, department cost budget formulation andimplementation, and submit to management. 4.与管理层协商控制工程计划的资金,确保资金投入的有效分配。 Negotiate with management to controlproject funds and ensure effective allocation of capital investment. 5.计划、实施并执行节能管理政策,制定节能目标,维修记录和日常工作报告。 Plan, implement and implement energy-savingmanagement policies, set energy-saving targets, maintain records and daily workreports. 6.根据以往的经验、质量和价格选择合格的 顾问和供应商以确保工程队的技术能力,在工程期间为供应商设立日常施工的规范。 Select qualified consultants and suppliersbased on previous experience, quality and price to ensure the technicalcapability of the engineering team, and set up daily constructionspecifications for suppliers during the construction period. 7.通过实施日常的节能和相关有效的设备操作教育和培训, 确保员工的节能管理意识。 Ensure employees' awareness of energyconservation management by implementing daily energy conservation and relevanteffective equipment operation education and training. 8.为提高酒店的收益,确保楼层环境控制和节能系统的有效管理。评估、控制并记录能耗的用量,执行提高节能系统。 Ensure the effective management of floorenvironmental control and energy saving system in order to improve the hotel'srevenue. Evaluate, control and record energy consumption and implement improvedenergy saving systems. 9.提升顾客满意度标准,确保技术上对于快速服务的支持,尽可能地预期顾客的需要;确保顾客的安全和舒适,任何服务需求要以有礼的有效的方式处理。 Improve customer satisfaction standards,ensure technical support for fast service, and anticipate customer needs asmuch as possible; Ensure the safety and comfort of customers and that anyservice requests are handled in a courteous and efficient manner. 10.通过选择、培训和发掘有激发性和良好资格的维护队伍来确保工程员工的技术胜任;在部门内部贯彻学习日常工作的标范并评定员工的工作表现和生产力。 Ensure the technical competence ofengineering staff through the selection, training and development of motivatedand well-qualified maintenance teams; Implement and study the standard of dailywork within the department and evaluate the performance and productivity ofemployees. 11.通过实施管理制定预防性的维护政策,确保所有机械和电子系统设备的有效操作;通过对楼宇不断地视察严格监督物质资产和设备的状况;确保维修按进度正常进行并提升。 Establish preventive maintenance policiesthrough implementation management to ensure the effective operation of allmechanical and electronic system equipment; Strict monitoring of the conditionof physical assets and equipment through continuous inspections of buildings;Ensure maintenance is carried out and upgraded on schedule. 12.通过严密监督合同服务确保成本效力和技术效率,确保所有工作的实施与合同、租约、服务协议相一致。 Ensure cost effectiveness and technicalefficiency through close supervision of contract services, and ensure that allwork is carried out in accordance with contracts, leases and serviceagreements. 13.确保所有完成的工作质量,包括由员工执行和外部供应商所做工作都须与工程惯例标准相一致。 Ensure that the quality of all completedwork, including work performed by employees and external suppliers, isconsistent with engineering practice standards. 专业知识技能: Job Knowledge / Skill: 1.专业的工程领导能力及工程知识。关心并知晓遵守职业、保健及安全方面的政策、法规及程序的职责,熟悉酒店安全、急救及消防、紧急应变程序,安全谨慎地操作设备。 Professional engineering leadership andengineering knowledge. Caring and aware of responsibilities for compliance withoccupational, health and safety policies, regulations and procedures, familiarwith hotel safety, first aid and fire, emergency response procedures, and safeand prudent operation of equipment. 2.具有大专以上工程相关专业毕业文凭,十年以上工程运营管理工作经验。 College degree or above in engineeringrelated major, more than 10 years of engineering operation managementexperience. 3.工作主动,目标导向,协调能力强。 Proactive, goal-oriented, strongcoordination ability. 4.具备良好的组织能力,能妥善处理紧急及突发事件。 Have good organizational skills and canproperly deal with emergencies and emergencies. 5.熟练使用电脑软件word,excel, AutoCAD等。 Proficient in computer software word,excel, AutoCAD, etc.
  • 全国 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    • 员工全球免费
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 08-12
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    职位概述MAIN DUTIES: 为酒店开发并执行营销战略,确保达成营收与客房销售目标,调整营销战略,实施具体行动,监控并完成各项目标。 Develop and implement sales and marketing strategies for the hotel to ensure revenue and room night sales goals are achieved, sales and marketing strategies are set, tactical plans are created and implemented, and results are monitored and achieved. 负责酒店筹备与酒店开业的运营以其他相关工作。 Manage hotel Operations and other relative challenges for pre-opening and opening. 工作职责DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:  财务回报Financial Returns:  • 在预算内达成营收目标和员工销售目标,使利润率最大化。参与制定部门年度预算、酒店的营销计划、经营及财务计划。 Achieve budgeted revenues and personal/team sales goals and maximise profitability. Participate in the preparation of the annual departmental operating budget, the hotel marketing plan and business plan, and financial plans. • 拟定并执行销售计划,推动客房入住率明显上升,提高平均房价,提升业务量,增加餐饮和宴会销售。 Create and implement sales plans that drive measurable incremental occupancy, increase average rates, increase volume, food and beverage and banquet sales. • 审核每月报表和销售预测报告,分析当前和潜在营销趋势,协调各种活动增加营收与市场份额,并监督进展,确保业绩达到或优于既定营收计划。 Review monthly reports and sales forecasts to analyse current/potential market and sales trends, coordinate activities to increase revenue and market share and monitor performance to ensure actual sales meet or exceed established revenue plan. • 制定、开发各种特别活动和销售活动,向潜在客户推广酒店业务。参加贸易展以及全国和本地大型营销活动,增加新业务机遇,为酒店提升营销机会。 Create and develop special events and sales blitzes to showcase  员工团队People: • 主管日常销售活动事务,计划并分配工作,为每个员工设定工作绩效目标。为员工提供教导、辅导并给予定期反馈,协助解决各种员工矛盾,提高员工绩效,并对员工优异的工作表现予以认可。 Direct day-to-day sales activities, plan and assign work, and establish performance and development goals for team members. Provide mentoring, coaching and regular feedback to help manage conflict, improve team member performance, and recognise good performance. • 对酒店营销部门员工进行教育、培训和激励,促使酒店营收目标得以达成。确保员工获得完成工作职责所需的信息、市场数据以及各种工具与设备。 Educate, train and motivate sales and marketing teams to achieve hotel revenue goals. Ensure staff has the information, market data, tools and equipment to successfully carry out job duties. • 同关键客户和外部相关人员(如:宾客、航空公司、批发商、旅行社、广告商、本地社区团体)建立联系并保持联络,借此增加团体及会议业务量,包括客房销售、餐饮销售和宴会服务等。 Develop and maintain relationships with key clients and outside contacts (example: guests, airliners, wholesalers, travel agencies, ad agencies, local community groups) in order to produce group and/or convention business, to include room sales, food and beverage sales, and catering/banquet services. 宾客体验Guest Experience: • 为宾客提供各种信息(如:忠诚计划、本地景点、餐厅、设备信息),以提升宾客体验。 Provide guests with information (example: loyalty programmes, area attractions, restaurants, facility information) to enhance guest experience. • 安排酒店会议及业务团队活动,同其它酒店级部门协调,共同完成销售部门同潜在客户达成的协议中所规定的各项服务。 Schedule conventions and/or business group activities at the hotel and coordinate with other hotel-level departments to facilitate services agreed upon by the sales office and prospective clients. • 同有关部门交流所有相关信息,包括即将抵达的贵宾、大型团体或其他重要宾客的要求和特殊需求。 Communicate to appropriate departments all pertinent information requirements and special needs for arriving VIP’s, large groups,  • 主管各种营销活动,增销各种酒店服务、产品及设施。 Lead marketing efforts to upsell guests on hotel services, offerings, and amenities. 企业责任Responsible Business: • 发现降低营销效果和酒店整体销售情况的运营问题,同相关部门协作共同解决。 Identify operational problems that reduce the effectiveness of marketing activities and overall hotel sales performance and work with appropriate department on solutions. • 提升酒店与品牌在本地的知名度,有时可能需要作为酒店代表接受媒体采访等。 Develop awareness and reputation of the hotel and the brand in the local community, may serve as the hotel representative for media related inquiries. • 同本地社会团体的业务领导、官员和代表保持密切联系,确保酒店能经常获得高规格的曝光度。 Work closely with key business leaders, officials, and representatives of local community groups within the city to ensure constant high profile exposure for the hotel. • 若同广告机构、咨询公司和其它供应商开展合作,扩大广告投资效益,确保广告体现品牌形象。 Work with advertising agencies, consulting firms, and vendors to maximise advertising investments and ensure ads represent brand identity.
  • 储备总经理

    全国 | 10年以上 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 奖励机制
    • 晋升空间
    • 职业发展
    有限服务中档酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-25
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    岗位职责 1、 维护公司形象积,极提高服务意识; 2、 协助总经理确立酒店的经营计划(月、季、年)、发展规划及经营方针,制定酒店的经营管理目标,配合总经理做好酒店的经营管理工作; 3、 按照酒店经营和服务的规范要求及质量标准,协助总经理制定完善酒店的各项规章制度,建立健全内部组织系统,协调各部门关系,建立内部合理而有效的运行机制; 4、 协助总经理做好酒店的市场拓展、人力资源开发和计划财务工作; 5、 协助总经理做好酒店的安全管理,切实抓好酒店的安全生产、食品卫生和治安、消防管理工作; 6、 协助总经理做好酒店资产管理,控制酒店营销成本,减少浪费,提高经济效益; 7、 负责重要客人的接待工作,保持与社会各界的广泛联系,塑造企业良好的内、外部形象; 8、 协助总经理做好酒店的行政及后勤管理工作,重点抓好固定资产的维护保养、更新和能源管理工作; 9、 协助总经理完成公司下达的各项指标,负责检查酒店以岗位责任制为起点的《政策与程序》等管理制度的落实执行情况; 10、 协助总经理建立酒店与客户、供应商、合作伙伴、上级主管、政府机构、金融机构、媒体等部门间顺畅的渠道; 11、 建立酒店内部良好的沟通渠道,协调各部门关系; 12、 营造企业文化氛围,塑造和强化酒店客观价值; 13、 负责酒店员工队伍建设,培养、选拔中高层管理人员和优秀员工; 14、 协助总经理处理酒店重大突发事件; 15、 协助总经理监督、控制经营计划的实施过程; 16、 按时完成上级领导交办的其它工作。
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