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  • 深圳 | 8年以上 | 本科 | 食宿面议



    • 管理规范
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    • 五险一金
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    • 生日礼物
    • 团建活动
    团膳 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09-06
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    • 投递简历
    一、岗位职责: 1.根据公司战略目标及品牌定位,全面统筹管理集团运营管理中心; 2.推进及组织协调公司重大运营计划、及时跟进经营情况并做出相应的部署与调整; 3.按照公司年度/季度/月度战略指标及时做好下辖各部门/团队的指标分解及任务分工,以确保公司营业额及利润指标的按时达成; 4.把控各项经营指标,指导各项目营运工作,不断提高顾客满意度; 5.不断优化公司现有运营体系,包括但不限于运营制度、流程优化、食品安全体系、出品标准体系优化等; 6.及时把控餐饮行业市场风向并作出相应的市场分析与预测,为公司战略决策提供依据; 7.维护好重点/优质客户关系,提升续签率; 8.统筹团队建设,做好人才梯队的建设及高潜人才培养。 二、任职要求: 1.全日制本科及以上学历; 2.具有5年以上现代连锁餐饮企业中高层运营管理经验,具有麦肯系高管任职经验或国内1000人以上餐饮连锁高管任职经验者优先; 3.熟悉现代大型连锁餐饮企业运营管理模式,能够统筹建立并完善餐饮标准化营运体系; 4.对行业发展及企业经营数据具有高度敏感性,能够高效地进行经营数据分析; 5.沟通协调能力强,擅于与政府机关、企事业单位打交道; 6.优秀的领导力、卓越的执行力、良好的应变力。
  • 北京 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
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    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    西式餐饮 | 100-499人
    发布于 08-29
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    • 投递简历
    Responsible to the Managing Director, fully responsible for the outlet's management and daily operation, to ensure the successful realization of various business objectives. 对执行董事负责,全面负责餐厅的经营管理和日常运转工作,确保各营业目标的圆满实现。 According to the Managing Director's work policy, formulate the department's annual revenue budget and operation plan, and organize and arrange the specific implementation plan and achieve the budget. 依据执行董事的工作方针制定部门的年度收入预算与运营计划,并组织安排具体实施计划并达成预算。 Responsible for building and developing the operation team, organizing the recruitment, training and assessment of planners to meet the needs of operation and business development. 负责建设与发展运营团队,组织计划人员的招聘 培训 考核从而满足运营与业务拓展的需要。 Responsible for the establishment and improvement of operation-related systems and work standards, as well as the implementation of various management systems. Ensure a good cooperative relationship between the various departments of the outlet (F&B Service, Culinary, Administration, Finance, etc.), find conflicts and problems in a timely manner and coordinate and deal with them. 负责建立与完善运营相关的系统与工作标准,及各项管理制度的贯彻执行。确保餐厅各部门(前厅、后厨、行政、财务等)之间良好合作关系,发现矛盾与问题及时协调与处理。 Grasp the market situation, and be responsible for the formulation, deployment, supervision and implementation of the regional annual market plan. (Foreign cooperation, channel management, media cooperation, promotion planning and other related work implementation). 把握市场行情,负责区域的年度市场计划的制定,部署及监督与实施。(对外合作、渠道管理、媒体合作、推广策划等相关工作的落实)。 Develop annual sales plans for internal and external banquets, deploy, supervise, and implement them. 制定年度内宴及外宴等销售计划,部署及监督与实施。 Responsible for the cost control of the entire outlet (management and control of various financial expenses), adjust and implement new measures in a timely manner when problems are found. 负责整个餐厅的成本控制(各项财务费用的管理与控制),发现问题及时调整并执行新的措施。 Responsible for coordinating and handling the external public relations of the outlet. 负责协调处理餐厅外部公共关系。 Responsible for outlet public safety, food safety, fire protection, etc., and regularly check the implementation of various safety conditions. In particular, grasp the national guidelines and policies related to food hygiene, and make corresponding summaries; 负责餐厅公共安全、食品安全、消防等,定期检查各项安全的执行状况。特别把握国家有关食品卫生方面的方针、政策,作相应的总结;
  • 深圳 | 8年以上 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 行业标杆
    • 提供工作餐
    • 出色的团队
    • 雇主责任险
    西式餐饮 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-20
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1. According to the General Manager's work policy, formulate the department's annual revenue budget and operation plan, organize and arrange the specific implementation plan and achieve the budget; 依据总经理的工作方针制定部门的年度收入预算与运营计划,并组织安排具体实施计划并达成预算。 2. Responsible for the establishment and improvement of operation-related systems and work standards, as well as the implementation of various management systems. Ensure a good cooperative relationship between the various departments of the outlet, find conflicts and problems in a timely manner and coordinate and deal with them; 负责建立与完善运营相关的系统与工作标准,及各项管理制度的贯彻执行。确保餐厅各部门之间良好合作关系,发现矛盾与问题及时协调与处理。 3. Responsible for building and developing the operation team, organizing the recruitment, training and assessment of planners to meet the needs of operation and business development; 负责建设与发展运营团队,组织计划人员的招聘、培训、考核从而满足运营与业务拓展的需要。 4. Responsible for the cost control of the entire outlet (management and control of various financial expenses), adjust and implement new measures in a timely manner when problems are found. 负责整个餐厅的成本控制(各项财务费用的管理与控制),发现问题及时调整并执行新的措施。 5.Grasp the market situation, and be responsible for the formulation, deployment, supervision and implementation of the regional annual market plan. (Foreign cooperation, channel management, media cooperation, promotion planning and other related work implementation). 把握市场行情,负责区域的年度市场计划的制定,部署及监督与实施。(对外合作、渠道管理、媒体合作、推广策划等相关工作的落实)。 6. Responsible for outlet public safety, food safety, fire protection, etc., and regularly check the implementation of various safety conditions. In particular, grasp the national guidelines and policies related to food hygiene, and make corresponding summaries; 负责餐厅公共安全、食品安全、消防等,定期检查各项安全的执行状况。特别把握国家有关食品卫生方面的方针、政策,作相应的总结; 7. Participate in related meetings, conduct daily work check. 参与相关会议,进行每日检查。 岗位要求: 1. Fully understand the jobs and contents of each department before and after the outlet, and be familiar with the overall operation process and system of the outlet; 餐厅前后各部门的工作职职与内容充分了解,并熟悉餐厅整体运营流程与制度; 2. In-depth understanding and experience of western food and drinks; 对西餐食品与酒水有深入的了解与经验; 3. In-depth understanding and experience of western food service; 对西餐服务有深入的了解与经验; 4. Good oral and written communication skills, social activities and organizational coordination skills; 良好的口头与书面沟通能力,社交活动能力及组织协调能力; 5. Have basic market planning, sales and financial management capabilities. 具备基本市场策划,销售与财务管理能力。
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