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  • 珠海 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
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    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 工龄奖
    • 包吃包住
    其他景区 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-04
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    1.监管对客服务部门的员工及其间的关系。 2.确保他们已经按照酒店的政策,程序和标准来满足的客人的需要。 3.始终确保上述区域的员工在工作时有职业化的风貌。 4.负责培训,发展对客服务员工,确保员工好客,外向以及以客人为目标而工作。
  • 珠海 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 集团内发展
    • 在线大学
    • 年度旅游
    • 领导好
    • 待遇好
    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 06-04
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    1.   Supervises Service Department staff to insure smooth and efficient operation during the assigned shift . 督促管理当值期间服务部接待工作,确保提供优质高效的服务。 2.   Communicates effectively both orally and in writing to provide clear direction to staff. Assigns and instructs guest service agents in the details of work Observes performance and encourages improvement. 与员工有效的沟通,提供明确指示,关注员工的表现并给予激励。 3.   Uses creative management skills to solve guest and team member problems. Ensures compliance with company standards to ensure consistent high quality guest relation. 在遵循酒店规章制度,维持优质高效服务的基础上设法解决所有宾客及员工遇到的困难和问题。 4.   Manages Service Department , resolves guest concerns , handles emergencies and other challenges that may occur during the assigned shift . Implements resolutions by using discretion and judgment. 管理服务部,用敏锐的判断力和决断力对当值期间的突发状况予以迅速解决。 5.   Ensures that the day-to-day functions of the Service Department are completed. Including but not limited to Guest Services Manager’s checklist, trace reports, credit limit checks, online back-up, allocation of rooms, Lost Interface, Pay-Masters, Discount and rate discrepancies, registration cards and ADD management. 确保服务部的日常管理,包括但不局限于工作的监督、房间分配、报告、信用额度核对、电脑数据备份、主帐的核对及餐厅管理等。 6.   Greets customers immediately with a friendly and sincere welcome, uses a positive and clear speaking voice , listens to and understands requests , issues and situations from both guests and team members. Regular attendance in conformance with the standards, which may be established by Hilton from time to time, is essential to the successful performance of this position. Due to the cyclical nature of the hospitality industry, employees may be required to work varying schedules to reflect the business needs of the hotel. 友好诚挚的问候,耐心倾听,沟通并解决所有宾客与员工的困难和问题。在团队中起到表率 作用,能应酒店需求调整工作时间。 7.   Supports and motivates Service Department team members by leading by example and employing competent and consistent management practices. 通过以身作则及实践管理,领导和激励团队员工。 8.   Actively takes part in training the team, supporting and leading formal training sessions and focusing on the job training to ensure that all team members are of the same standard. Also attends training where and when required. 积极地参加职业培训,让员工保持水平一致。 9.   Acts as a coach and mentor to team members, reinforcing standards and expectations and motivating team members to strive for established targets. 做员工的导师,提高员工水平,促进他们完成所设立的目标。 10.   Provide leadership and direction for all team members while on duty by offering professional skills and leading by example. 通过体现自身的专业素质,为服务部其他员工树立良好榜样。 11.   Is involved with the development of high potential team members to ensure that all team members are trained to progress to the next level of their career. 培训部门高潜能员工,促进工作水平的提高及进一步的职业规划。 12.   Contributes to the hotel and team by sharing new ideas and suggestions for improvements, being innovative and creative to provide quality service and customer care to team members and guests. 致力于酒店工作,为酒店发展提供创造性的建议,为顾客和整个团队提供高品质服务。 13.   Responsible for the smooth induction and facilitation of training for new team members, ensuring that they are trained to the minimum level standard and that they can competently complete their job and that they know what is expected of them. 简单易懂的培训新员工,使其尽快达到胜任工作的最低标准,了解公司的期许与要求。 14.   Assist the service managers with training all team member for ‘induction training’ and ‘on the job training’. 协助经理进行就职培训及在职培训。 15.   Maintaining in-depth technical knowledge and skills required for the job. 保持岗位所需的知识的更新。 16.  Be knowing the product knowledge. Remember the menu and drink list. Do to training to staff. 掌握产品知识,并且为员工提供相关的培训。 17.  To actively check team member product knowledge on each shift. 在工作中随时检查员工的产品知识。
  • 销售主任

    珠海 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 全球住房优惠
    • 职业发展规划
    • 尽炫自我
    • 节日礼物
    • 管理规范
    • 五险一金
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-03
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    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、根据部门总体市场策略编制自己分管的市场的销售计划。 2、对本市场中的客源大户要熟悉他们的基本情况,随时关注其变化并适时做出应对。 3、组织本组组员对新市场进行开发。 4、管理开发好自己的客户。 5、负责组织销售计划的审定及落实,并进行督查。 6、掌握每位销售人员每日销售接待活动,并审核销售记录卡。 7、协助部门经理做好本市场客户的建立及升级管理工作,保持客户档案的完整。 【岗位要求】 1、大专以上学历。有从事酒店前台、销售、公关等部门的工作经历。 2、具备酒店销售学、酒店管理学、旅游经济学、旅游心理学、公共关系学等知识的储备。 3、了解合同法、企业法、旅游法以及有关涉外法规。 4、具有市场调查和预测能力,能及是掌握市场动态,并能综合分析,及时地提出相应的措施和合理的建议。 5、有较强的语言表达能力,能撰写市场调研报告,具有起草工作计划、总结及业务汇报的能力。
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