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  • 深圳 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 13:56
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    岗位职责 1、确保公司的政策和程序,并服从品牌标准。 2、自信地知道食品和饮料菜单内容并能够详细地解释给客人,理解餐饮需求并提供适当的建议。 3、确保餐厅区域每餐段都将按标准设定,这包括摆台,设置自助餐,所有设备准备好服务,确保你已经被你的主管做了餐前会议。 4、确保自助餐台的干净和整洁。 5、确保服务台保持干净和整洁。 6、有效地与厨房沟通。 7、确保完全了解食品出品,已做更好推销。 8、和客人和同事礼貌友好。 9、呈现菜单给客人和点饮料。 10、推荐菜品和饮料。 11、要知道厨房和餐厅之间协调的重要性。 12、当客人到达和离开时,要协助拉椅子。 13、清理桌面垃圾。 14、不断的补充与替换:面包,黄油,水,烟灰缸,和其他配料。 15、客人离开后,马上重新摆台。 16、给不同区域及时补充清洁项目。 17、在适当的地方摆放及更换布草。 18、完成经理,主管分配的工作。 19、当主管要求时,可胜任其他工作。 20、参加酒店安排的所有培训。 21、彻底了解服务流程。 22、在繁忙时迅速完成工作。 23、灵活性班次。 24、必要的团队合作。 25、确保知道每日特价菜项目,估清项目(缺货的物品)在用餐时间开始前,所有饮料确保可用。 26、知道并了解所有单杯葡萄酒。 27、熟知座位号码、酒店政策对着装要求,单间的情况等 28、部门安排其他工作。 岗位要求 1、至少有1年的相关的餐饮部实习或工作经验; 2、任何时候保持良好的仪容仪表; 3、工作认真负责,并有积极的行动力; 4、具备与各个阶层沟通的能力; 5、基础的英文书写和口语能力。
  • 前台主管

    深圳 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    • 人性化管理
    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 13:56
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    岗位职责 1、健全各种问讯资料。 2、掌握客房预订情况,向部门经理报告重要团体和客人的订房情况,检查VIP通知单的发送情况,负责VIP接待工作的落实。 3、处理前台工作中的差错,处理宾客有关投诉。 4、负责前台财产、设备的使用管理和保养工作,及各类资料的收集、存档及管理工作。 5、检查每日的报表是否有误,并及时纠正。 6、建立体质良好的宾客关系,努力增加客房销售。 岗位要求 1、大专以上学历,有同岗位工作经验1年以上。 2、有良好的团队领导精神及执行力。工作认真负责,作风正派。 3、熟练掌握前厅部工作的各个环节和程序。 4、身体健康,品貌端正,气质高雅。 5、掌握酒店管理基础知识,善于同宾客交往、沟通,处理周到、果断,能独立处理各种投诉。
  • 前台接待

    深圳 | 1年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
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    • 人性化管理
    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 13:56
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    1、确保自己的服饰、发型整洁、淡妆等方面全部符合规定的要求。 2、查看交班记录,了解上一班的移交事项,并负责处理。 3、熟悉预订资料,了解客情,尤其要记住即将来店的贵宾、常客的姓名,了解酒店的所有活动。 4、熟悉酒店有关客房销售的各项政策,向来店宾客推销客房,努力争取最好的经济效益。 5、熟练总台各项专业业务和技能,搞好对客服务。 6、熟练掌握店内外信息,提供准确的问讯服务。 7、负责为下榻酒店的宾客办理入住登记手续。 8、制作有关报表,为其它部门提供准确的接待信息。 岗位要求 1、大专以上文化程度,懂得英语。 2、性格开朗、头脑灵活、工作踏实,具有较强的服务意识、推销意识和责任感。 3、通晓酒店各项对客政策、设施设备及服务种类以及总台工作程度和规范。 4、相貌端正,身体健康 5、熟练使用opera系统
  • 前厅副经理

    深圳 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



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    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 13:56
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    岗位职责 1、通过训练领导和激发团队员工。 2、考察团队成员的训练需求,积极地培训员工, 让员工保持水平一致, 参加培训。 3、控制酒店员工的流失率。 4、作为团队的导师,提高员工水平,促进他们完成所设立的目标。 5、确保员工手册,相关劳动法,HR指南的一致性,如有违反,纪律处分。 6、及时更新员工档案,掌握员工进步、成功和失败的状况,鼓励更正。 7、为部门计划和培训高潜能成员,促进他们提高工作水平。 8、致力于酒店工作,为酒店发展提供建议,有创新精神,为顾客提供品质服务。 9、简单易懂的训练新员工,使其尽快达到胜任工作的最低标准,明白他的目标。 10、对雇用和解雇员工负责, 确定所有的位置都有合适的人选。确保部门成员的水平一致。 11、获得并分析员工意见调查、客人满意度调查和神秘客人调查的结果,与团队分享并跟办需要提高的地方。 12、核对宾客完整的预定及详细信息,确保付款方式安全有效。 13、采取必要行动,及时有效的处理顾客的不满,适当的时候告知宾客关系经理回访客人,确保客人对解决方法满意。 14、维护顾客档案和信息,确保有效的预定。 15、每日问候VIP客人,确保VIP客人的个性化服务待遇。 16、和销售,预定和商业发展团队共同为客人提供服务。 17、确保为会员顾客提供优质专业的服务,发展客人加入会员。 18、按照客人的预定或喜好安排房间,控制房间。 19、确保宾客档案信息及时录入公安报告系统。 20、遵循酒店酒店品牌标准 21、掌握酒店酒店的基本概况 22、确保前台和其他部门间的沟通交流,特别是客房部,餐饮部 23、遵循万豪集团的集团标准
  • 吧台主管

    深圳 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
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    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 13:56
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    岗位职责 1、对酒吧经理负责,具体实施对大堂吧的日常营运管理工作。 2、负责制定大堂吧工作计划,并有效组织实施。 3、每日参与并检查、指导大堂吧工作执行情况,及时发现问题、处理问题并做好记录。 4、负责主持大堂吧每日例会;参加大堂吧/酒吧每周周会、每月月会、楼面协调会、餐饮部经营分析会,并确保上情下达、下情上呈。 5、负责部门新员工培训和员工的在岗培训工作,确保员工的素质、技能符合岗位要求。 6、合理调配人力,保证部门日常工作的人员配置并保持楼面清洁卫生和服务质量水准。 7、负责作业前菜单或工作单的查看,主动了解每位客人对服务和出品的特殊要求,并及时将信息传达给服务人员和出品部门,且须一一检查落实。 8、全程负责并参与每次的VIP服务,服务结束后,及时召集服务人员工进行总结。 9、依据客人需求对大堂吧各项管理制度、政策以及部门操作程序、出品及服务标准提出有建设性的意见和建议。 10、与餐饮部其他部门的有效协调和沟通,使工作顺利进行。 11、与客人建立良好的公共关系,并及时处理发生在部门的各类投诉、意外和突发事件。 12、关注市场,积极参与部门经营推广方案的讨论,并提出对经营有建设性的建议。 13、参与部门营运现场的操作、检查、监督,并及时予以工作指导。 14、对直接下属进行约谈和工作评估,并适时有效的激励各级员工士气。 15、定时与成控部主管联系,确保大堂吧酒水成本得到有效控制。 16、与营业部及其他部门密切联系出色完成各项接待任务。 17、负责执行大堂吧设备、设施的维护保养工作,使之经常处于完好的状态并得到合理的使用,防止事故发生。 18、负责检查大堂吧员工个人、区域环境等卫生及员工操作安全状况,贯彻执行饮食卫生制度,确保部门各项卫生及安全措施的实施。 岗位要求 1、同岗位工作经验2年以上 2、性别不限,35岁以下,工作认真负责,并有一定的管理水平和经营理念 3、懂各种酒水知识,有一定英语对话能力,熟练的调酒技能
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责   ·         Assume responsibility of daily operations in Private Kitchen to ensure a smooth running, profitable operation within the framework of the hotel. 负责私家厨房的日常营运,保证餐厅营运顺畅,使酒店的运营处在一个收益的框架上。 ·         Actively support the Quality Improvement Process. 积极改进服务质量。 ·         Assist in working toward positive financial results. 积极协助上级,完成良好的收益。 ·         Assist in ensuring that scheduling functions are performed accurately and on a timely basis. 协助确保每个时间段的工作准确地完成。 ·         Assist in maintaining a highly motivated and well-trained staff. 协助上级培训一个高度热情和训练有素的同事。   OPERATIONS运营   ·         Open and close shift in accordance with the manager checklist. 遵照上级的安排表来开始和结束一天的营运。 ·         Initiate aggressive guest interaction through seeking and soliciting feedback from guests. 与客人进行积极的互动和交流,征求他/她们的反馈意见。 ·         Train, maintain and enforce all Langham service standards in the outlet. 在餐厅中,培训、维持和执行所有朗廷酒店的服务标准。 ·         Enforce the Langham standardized drink recipe and presentation guidelines to ensure consistent quality beverage to our guests in accordance with the Bar Guide. 执行朗廷酒店规范的饮料配方,以确保给客人提供的饮料具有一贯的品质。 ·         Properly execute revenue and check control procedures on shift. 严格执行收入和账单的操作程序。 ·         Handle daily colleague relations (i.e. scheduling, time adjustments). 处理日常同事的协作关系(例如,班次调整) ·         Maintain a safe & sanitary work environment for all colleague & guests. 为所有的同事和客人,建立一个安全及卫生的工作环境。 ·         Gather and implement all proper tools for running shifts (i.e. schedules, floor plans, reservations, and checks). 为餐厅营运提供尽可能的帮助(例如,工作时间表,楼层安排,预定) ·         Find solutions for problems such as call outs, last minute bookings, or any other daily problems that may arise. 找到可能发生的问题的解决方法。(如电话服务,最后一分钟的预定,或其他每天可能发生的问题) ·         Be on the floor during the shift and assist servers or hostess to ensure guests are satisfied. 在餐厅营运时,确保在各自的岗位上,协助服务员或领位员,使客人满意。 ·         Ensure that only a quality product is served. 确保所提供的食品和饮料有质量保证。 ·         Ensure all side work is done on a daily basis. 确保完成每天的工作。 ·         Maintain proper colleague uniform standards. 保持同事按标准穿着制服。 ·         Manage an effective repair and maintenance program through the use of work orders, inspections, etc. 通过工作分配和突击检查,建立起一个有效的工程维护及保养程序。 ·         Understand & teach empowerment principles to ensure guest satisfaction. 理解和指导授权原则,以确保客人的满意度。 ·         Exercise station rotation to ensure stations are distributed fairly. 运用岗位的轮换制,来确保工作安排的合理性。 ·         Above all, to lead by example through a “hands on” approach to motivate our colleagues to excel. 综上所述,要以身作则,为同事树立起良好的榜样,激励同事的工作热情。   HUMAN RESOURCES人力资源   ·         Implement an effective training program for new and current colleagues using use records, menus, and appropriate reference manuals. 通过使用记录,菜单以及适当的参考手册对新加入及现有的同事实施有效率的培训课程。 ·         Encourage problem solving by colleagues through proper training and empowerment. 通过所有可能的培训和授权来激励同事解决问题。 ·         Establish effective communication with colleagues to gain their trust and respect. 和同事建立有效的沟通,以争取他们的信任和尊重。 ·         Maintain fair and consistent counselling and/or disciplinary procedures. 建立公平和一致的辅导及纪律处罚程序。 ·         All details regulatory framework refer to colleague Handbook. 所有规章制度请参照员工手册。   ADMINISTRATIVE 行政管理   ·         Communicate directly and/or through the use of the logbook to next shift supervisor or manager. 直接或通过日志本与下一班次的主管或经理进行沟通。 ·         Identify and recommend incentive programs, new ideas, and methods of operation. 确定并推荐奖励项目、新主意和方法进行运作。 ·         Promote positive inter-department relations. 积极推动部门与部门之间的关系。 ·         Be aware of accident prevention and help enforce safe working conditions. Zero accidents are our goal. 了解事故预防并加强工作安全,目标是零事故 Perform any duties assigned by the Management deemed necessary. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。   REQUIREMENTS 职位要求   Education 教育学历 ·         Minimum Vocational School 至少为专业学校毕业。   Experience 经验 ·         Minimum 2 years restaurant operations experience. 至少两年餐厅工作经验。   Job Skill / Knowledge 工作技能 / 知识 ·         Demonstrated strong hospitality and communication skills. 有较好的服务精神和沟通技巧。 ·         Demonstrated strong work ethic. 有较强的工作敬业精神。 ·         Demonstrated great hospitality skills and sensitivity to guest needs. 良好的服务待客技巧预知客人的需求。 ·         Demonstrated a good understanding of food production. 对食物产品知识的充分了解。   Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 ·         Knowledge of MS office software 能够使用日常的办公室软件。
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 1.    To work as directed from their supervisors. 完成主管交办的工作。 2.    Make sure that food is tasty, attempting presented, fresh, correct portioned and safe. 确保食物美味可口,秀色可餐,新鲜,分配合理,安全卫生。 3.    Live stations or coffee breaks set up are fully ready, 15 minutes before Banquet Event Order Time. 宴会开始前15分钟确保现场制作台和茶歇台的准备一切就绪。 4.    All day dining live station food is delivered 15 minutes before opening Cachet. All a la carte food is prepared a la minute. 凯旋餐厅营业开始前15分钟确保材料已送达制作台。所有点餐的材料现场准备和制作。 5.    Check the mise en place and make sure is according to forecasted level of business, fresh, portioned and correctly stored according to HACCP guidelines. 检查所有食物,确保其达到预计的水准,新鲜,分盘,根据HACCP的指示正确储存。 6.    Wash hands before entering the kitchen or returning to work station. 进入厨房及回到操作台前先洗手。 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求   1. Education 教育学历  Diploma from a recognized institute or specific trained for a specific task 持有由认证机构颁发的文凭或经过专业培训者优先考虑   2. Experience 经验  1.5 - 2 year working experience, preferably in hotel industry 具有一年半到两年的工作经验,有在酒店工作经验的优先。   3. Job Skill / Knowledge 工作技能 / 知识  Food and Beverage culinary experience 具有餐饮经验 Knowledge of food handling and sanitation standards 具有食品加工及卫生标准知识   4. Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 Knowledge of MS office software 能操作微软办公软件 5. Language Proficiency 语言能力  Good communication skills (verbal and listening and writing) 良好的沟通技巧(口语,听力及书写)
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责   ·         Comply with all Hotel, Langham Hotels International standards, policies and procedures. 依从朗廷国际集团的标准,规章和程序。 ·         Demonstrate and awareness and compliance of Health and Safety policies in the workplace. 在工作场所要意识,并依从健康及安全的政策。 ·         Complete assigned jobs, working systematically, according to run sheets. 根据班次要有系统的完成分配的任务。 ·         Pick up function rooms between back to back functions at the direction of Shift leaders. 在当班领班的指示下确保功能室的干净 ·         Spot clean spillage’s throughout the public areas of the hotel when required. 在必要时,局部清洁酒店公共区域的污物。 ·         Clean and or pick up rooms as requested by the Manager or supervisor on duty. 按经理或当班主管的要求清洁或整理房间。 ·         Respond IMMEDIATELY to guest requests. 对客人的需求要及时回复。 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求   Experience 经验 ·         Two year working experience, preferably in hotel industry 两年酒店工作经验   Job Skill / Knowledge 工作技能 / 知识 ·         Problem Solving Skills 解决问题能力 ·         Communication Skills   沟通技巧 ·         Professionalism 专业知识
  • 上海 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
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    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 1.Provide consistent and friendly service to all colleagues    为酒店全体员工提供始终如一的热情友好服务 2.Set up restaurant according to seating plan    根据座位安排计划进行餐厅布置 3.Ensure cleanliness prior to and after service    保证餐厅在开餐前后的卫生状况 4.Check and ensure the quality / presentation / temperature of food / beverage / service prior to serving    在开餐前检查并确保食物饮品的质量、外观和温度 5.Clean tables immediately after colleagues’ departure    员工用餐结束后及时清理桌面 6.Perform any duties as assigned by the management deemed necessary.    执行任何管理层委托的工作 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求       - 1 year working experience 一年工作经验 - Job Skill / Knowledge 职业技能/知识 - Knowledge of F&B Operations 餐饮运营知识 - Customer Service Skill 客户服务技能
  • 上海-黄浦区 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    1.Execute all assigned tasks as directed and delegated from his or her Supervisors or Manager. 执行其主管或经理所指示委派的所有任务。 2.Assists Pastry Chef, Western Executive Chef and Western Executive Sous Chef with kitchen operations as necessary. 协助饼房总厨, 行政总厨及行政副总厨维持厨房的运营。 3.Helps Pastry Chef to research and test new food products in conjunction with Company initiatives. 结合公司的原创性,协助饼房主厨研究并品尝新产品。 4.Performs all duties of kitchen colleagues as required. 根据要求履行厨房同事的责任。 5.Recognizes superior quality products, presentations and flavor. 注重确保食品的质量、摆盘及风味达到优良的水准。 6.Maintains food preparation handling and correct storage standards. 做好备菜及履行正确的贮藏标准。 7.Maintains purchasing, receiving and food storage standards. 坚持执行采购,收货及食品贮藏的标准。 8.Ensures compliance with all local, state and federal (Health Department) regulations. 确保遵守当地政府及国家(卫生部门)的规定。 9.Supports procedures for food & beverage portion and waste controls. 协助对食品及饮料份量及浪费的控制。 10.Follows proper handling and right temperature of all food products. 遵循食品的适当处理及正确的保存温度的原则。 11.Operates and maintains all department equipment and reports malfunctions. 操作及维护所有部门的设备,并汇报设备故障。 13.Effectively investigates reports and follows-up on colleagues accidents. 有效的调查,报告及跟进同事事故。 14.To be responsible for asset management of all outlet property and facilities. 负责所有部门的财产和设备的管理。
  • 上海 | 3年以上 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    To assist the Cachet Kitchen Sous Chef in the daily operation to produce high quality products to their best knowledge. Train colleagues on food production, LHI Brand standards, regulations, policies and procedures. Able to supervise a shift in Cachet Kitchen Sous Chefs’ absence. 协助副主厨管理日常工作,使同事能运用他们的知识生产出高质量的产品。向同事培训食品制造,朗廷标准,规章制度,贯彻酒店政策程序。凯旋厨房副主厨不在时,能够代替其作好监管工作。 Make sure that food is tasty, presented according to Chef’s guidelines, fresh and cook no more than 8 portions at the time. 8 portions rule, refill policy to increase only when large group comes to eat all together. 确保食物美味可口,根据主厨的指示摆盘,保持食物的新鲜,每个时间段制作最多不超过八份。只有当有大型团队客户时,才可以根据实际情况制作多于八份的量。
  • 上海 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    • 投递简历
    SCOPE 范围 To lead, guide and operate on a daily basis the F&B Operation, Driving through KPI’s the goals for the F&B department in relation to the 5 areas clearly laid out as part of LHG operating system. This is order to specifically maximize: revenue, control cost in operating % and not $ value, guest satisfaction, colleague welfare, and profit margins. 管理所有餐厅每天的运营, 关注客人,提升顾客满意度,保障同事福利,尽可能在控制成本的基础上实现利润最大化。   PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 1.            Directly responsible for day to day operation, in line with LHG brand standard as well as The Hotels of the World stretch goals as well as the colleague handbook. 直接全面负责管理餐厅的运营,按照朗廷品牌标准,国际领先酒店的目标和员工手册条例保证其营运顺畅,实现利润最大化。 2.            Work very close with Director of Food & Beverage to report and brief of daily operation and take a sign of for any change of direction. 协助餐饮总监,汇报及传达每日运营情况并对任何情况做出及时有效的回应。 3.            To ensure optimum guest satisfaction at all times in keeping with policies. 遵照酒店规章制度,提升客户满意度 4.            To drive a breakage program for the front of the house colleagues, working together with all parties, stewarding, kitchen and whoever is involved, in order to maintain breakage % level under the KPI agreed number. 领导前线同事按照损耗程序,并与管事部,厨房及相关部门一起,以将损耗率降至最低。 5.            To ensure that any procedures set by Finance, HR or other operating departments are on line and implemented according. 确保严格按照财务部,人力资源部及其他营运部门制定的程序 6.            Responsible for carry out or directly monitor any project agreed prior. 负责执行或直接监测事先商定的任何项目 7.            Be responsible for control of security related issues like floor master keys, cashier procedures and others. 负责控制并确保相关的安全问题,例如万能钥匙,收银程序等。 8.            Ensure that fire, health, safety and hygiene standards are maintained for the whole department. 保证消防,健康,安全及清洁的各项指标达到酒店标准并时刻保持。 9.            Perform any duties assigned by the Management deemed necessary. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。   OPERATIONS   1.            To ensure OE (Operation Equipment) used in each department is adequate and in perfect conditions. 确保各部门营运设备的合理使用及维护,使其保持理想状态 2.            Be aware of special cashiering procedures, executive checks, etc. and ensure they are properly accounted for. 熟知收银相关程序,包括内部转账程序,账单程序以及确保其正确入账。 3.            Be aware of all Langham’s guest programmes, discounts, etc. 知晓所有朗廷的对客程序,相关折扣等。 4.            Know the LHI brands, snap shot, F&B concept briefs and any other operating information’s by heart and make sure it is driven down the line through senior managers and all colleagues on the floor 了解朗廷品牌,传达并确保经理主管和所有同事理解酒店餐饮理念和任何营运信息。 5.            Be aware and be present for any special events or requests. 知晓并参与特殊的宴会或任何有需求的场合 6.            Be part and drive F&B promotions along side with F&B Sales Manager from organization to delivery of the same 同餐饮销售经理一起自始至终参与餐饮推广 7.            Be aware of guest complaints and personally get involved if necessary. 了解客人的投诉,如有必要能亲自解决 8.            During operating hours be on the floor to improve service level as well attend and solve on the spot guest complains as well as review procedures. 营运时间需在前线提高服务水平,解决客人投诉,检查服务流程 9.            Above all, lead by example through a “hands-on” approach to motivate colleagues to excel. 综上所述,要以身作则,为同事树立起良好的榜样,激励同事的工作热情。 HUMAN RESOURCES 1.            Monitor and make sure colleagues are well dressed and groomed according to standards at all time. Guest contact servers or attendants must maintain a sharp look—proper uniform clean, pressed; shoes shined; hair at correct length and clean; hands well-manicured. 监督同事仪容仪表。无论对客或非对客同事都必须严格遵守仪容仪表的规定:制服要干净平整并按照要求穿戴,鞋子要擦亮,头发按照要求长短修剪并保持干净,手指甲要修剪整齐 2.            Train senior managers and key colleagues to the latest detail in order to provide the highest level of service to our customers. 为给客人提供最高水平的服务,培训经理主管及领班最新的业务知识。 3.            Enforce colleague discipline, coach and counsel, as necessary. Participate with management in all salary & manning reviews. 在必要时,严格执行同事处罚和口头及书面警告处分。参预管理同事薪酬复查调整。 4.            To conduct a daily Manager meeting using the “show time (briefing)” module, also make        sure each department carries out a monthly meeting and be present to share key points. 参考每日培训模式,建立每日经理会议制度,确保各部门建立每月部门会议并参与和分享重要信息。 5.            Be responsible to the performance review of all F&B colleagues. 负责餐饮部所有同事的工作表现评估。 ADMINISTRATIVE 1.            Create an electronic daily log book by department to key in important information such as: daily revenue, covers divided by in house, walk-in, beverage sales, etc and any important information to be shared. 建立各部门每日交接簿,记录并分享重要信息诸如:每日营业额,包括驻店客人,来店散客,酒水销售等 2.            Make sure that SOP (Standards Operating Procedures) are written to the last detail and used on a daily basis to train managers and colleagues. 确保时时更新SOP(标准操作流程)用以每天培训经理及同事 3.            Be involved in the F&B budget and strategic departmental decision 参与决定餐饮预算及部门营业策略 4.            Communicate daily with management the operational and personnel problems, complaints and comments and develop solutions to such. 每日与上级进行交流沟通,汇报所有营运和人事相关问题,客人的意见和投诉,发展完善解决方针。 5.            Attend the following meetings, if & when necessary: Sales strategy, BEO, colleagues gathering and F & B related. 必要时参加下列会议:销售策略会议,宴会会议,同事会议和餐饮部相关会议。 6.            Supervise inventory counts, as required. 监督库存计数。 7.            Honour all reasonable requests made by a manager, which is may be outside your normal job activities to achieve complete guest satisfaction and service throughout the hotel. 为最大地满足客人的需求以达到酒店服务的高标准,接受并履行经理委派的可能超正常工作范畴的所有合理的要求。 8.            Administers the performance appraisal process for direct report managers. Develops business goals and creates appropriate development plans. Assists colleagues based on their individual strengths, development needs, career aspirations and abilities. 执行表现评估的步骤。发展业务目标,并制定适当的发展计划。根据同事的长处,帮助其进行发展职业抱负和能力。     MARKETING 1.            Assist in the development and execution of marketing plans for the outlet. 协助所有餐厅制订的市场推广计划的发展及实施。 2.            Be a sales person through, be a Langham ambassador at all times 始终将自己定位于销售人员及朗廷大使 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求 1.         Education 教育学历 Minimum vocational school. 至少为专业学校毕业。 2.         Experience 经验 Minimum 10 years operations experience, at least 3 years management experience. 10年以上相关经验,具备至少3年以上管理经验 3.         Job Skill / Knowledge 工作技能 / 知识 Demonstrated leadership qualities. 能体现领导者的素质。 Demonstrated good technical knowledge of restaurant operations. 具备优秀的专业的餐厅运营知识。 Demonstrated strong hospitality and communication skills. 能体现良好的服务精神和沟通技巧。 Demonstrated strong work ethic. 具备和实现优秀的职业道德。 Demonstrated great hospitality skills and sensitivity to guest needs. 良好的服务待客技巧预知客人的需求。 Demonstrated a good understanding of food production. 对食物产品知识的充分了解。 4.         Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 Knowledge of MS office software, worked with Micros, Opera, MC, and major operating systems 会使用微软办公软件,Micros, Opera, MC及主要营运系统 5.         Language Proficiency 语言能力 Demonstrated excellent communication skills in English and Mandarin. 具备优秀的英语和普通话表达能力。
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    SCOPE 范围 ·   Performs in accordance with the Business Plan and Sales & Marketing policies to     achieve budgeted occupancy and average rate.  ·  执行运营计划和市场营销政策,以达到预算,平均入住率 PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 1.       Business Planning and Sales & Marketing 商业计划和销售及市场推广 ·   Planning sales activities : to concentrate in “selling” i.e. Making sales calls to introduce hotels facilities, packages etc ·   规划销售活动,集中精力于销售,例如电话销售,介绍酒店设施和套餐等 ·   To assist DOSM/DOS in achieving monthly and year-end budget ·   协助销售及市场推广总监、销售总监达成月度及年终预算 ·   To assist DOSM/DOS in maximizing profits by securing business ·   协助销售及市场推广总监、销售总监确保业务,达到利润最大化 ·   Follow up leads assigned by DOSM/DOS ·   跟进销售及市场推广总监、销售总监分配的商业线索 ·   To maintain good relationship with existing accounts ·   与现有的客户保持良好的合作关系 ·   Develop new markets/source of business ·   开拓新的市场和新业务资源 ·   Conduct entertainment and site inspection to accounts decision makers and booking handlers ·   为客户决策者或者预定安排人安排宴请和酒店参观事宜 ·   Sales visit for potential accounts ·   商务拜访潜在客户 ·   Negotiate contracts with companies in his/her designated areas ·   与指定区域内的公司协商合同事宜 ·   Conduct Sales visit to major companies in his/her designated area according to the guidelines ·   根据指示,对指定区域内的主要客户进行商务拜访 ·   Come up with new ideas on products and marketing of product such as: room packages, promotion offers and assist DOSM in launching these promotions. ·   提出有关产品和市场推广产品的新建议,例如客房套餐,特别优惠, 并协助销售及市场推广总监开展相关优惠活动 ·   To attend local business meeting and tradeshows/sales trips (both locally and overseas) assigned by DOSM ·   参加由销售及市场推广总监分派的本地商务会议和展览会、出差(国内和海外的) ·   Take up special assignments instructed by DOSM, DOS ·   完成由销售总监,销售及市场推广总监指示的特别任务 2.       Communications 沟通 ·   Maintain close communication with DOSM, DOS and Sister Hotels sales persons ·   与销售总监,销售及市场推广总监,以及姐妹酒店的销售人员保持良好沟通 ·   Maintain effective communication with Revenue Manager and Operations Department heads ·   与收入经理和业务操作部门的主管保持有效的沟通 ·   Maintain effective communication with Hoteliers in order to get to know the market trend ·   与其他酒店的同行业者保持有效的沟通,以便了解市场发展的趋势 ·   Attend Sales Meeting and Sales monthly presentation to report work progress and month-end result ·   参加销售会议和月度销售介绍,汇报工作进程和月终销售结果 4.  Marketing Intelligence ·   Regular update on competitors offers and markets intelligence and shares the information with sales team ·   定期更新竞争对手信息和市场情报,并与销售团队分享相关信息 ·   Provide accurate sales statistics and market information, comments, trends and leads obtained from clients and/or competitors ·   提供准确的销售数据统计和市场信息,评估,趋势,以及从客户及竞争者处得到的销售线索 5.  Human Resource Development ·   Maintain effective communication channels with all co-workers ·   与所有协助的工作人员保持有效的沟通 ·   Communicate with guest to obtain guest comments and ensure the delivery of product adhere to guest needs ·   与客户沟通以获取客户的评价,并确保我们提供的产品能够满足客户的需求 Perform any duties assigned by the Management deemed necessary. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求 1.         Education 教育学历 §    University / post-graduate diploma or equivalent professional hotel training is required. §    需要大学、研究生文凭或相关的专业酒店培训 2.         Experience 经验 §    At least 3 year working experience with minimum 3 years in travel related industries §    至少3年工作经验,并且需要最少3年相关行业的从业经验 §    Working experience in handling Tour Operators is preferred §    具有能够处理旅游经营者的工作经验为佳 3.         Job Skill / Knowledge 工作技能 / 知识 §    Professional Training in Hotel Sales Department or Front Office §    在酒店销售部门或者前厅部门接受过专业的培训 §    Well organized and a good planner §    良好的组织和计划能力 §    Prompt and systematic decision making skills with analytical power §    及时和系统的决策分析能力与技巧 §    Independent & ability to work under pressure §    有独立和压力下工作的能力 §    Excellent communication skills §    卓越的沟通技巧 §    Good team player & able to develop sound working relationships with colleagues §    良好的团队合作精神,能够与同事发展良好的工作关系 §    Strong leadership skills §    强有力的领导技巧 §    Good delegation & interpersonal skills §    良好的授权和良好的人际关系技巧 §    Sensitive and react fast on market trend and situation §    敏锐的了解市场发展趋势和情况,并迅速作出反映行动 §    Pleasant and out spoken §    愉悦开朗的性格 §    Have good communication network in the industry §    在酒店行业中拥有良好的沟通网络 4.         Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 §    Microsoft word, excel and PowerPoint is a must §    必须熟练使用微软word,excel 和 PowerPoint 软件 §    Opera PMS system is preferable §    熟悉Opera PMS系统为宜 5.         Language Proficiency 语言能力 §    Proficiency in English and Putonghua is a must §    必须熟练掌握英语与普通话 §    Excellent communication skills in both written & spoken English §    口语与书面英语都具备优秀的沟通技巧
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    SCOPE 范围 The Bell Captain is responsible for daily operations of the Bellmen The Bell Captain is responsible for ensuring their teams deliver service with poise and respond to guest requests efficiently and effectively. Following the department standards and procedures so they exceed the guest expectation. The Bell Captain must drive the key metrics to achieve GSI, CSI, KPI and financial targets. 行李领班的工作职责为负责行李员日常工作,确保他们为宾客提供自信的服务并有效地回复宾客的需求. 依照部门的标准和程序服务宾客争取超越他们的期望. 行李主管必须传递工作重点使团队达到GSI,CSI,KPI以及财务目标. PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 Work alongside guest contact colleagues ensuring the delivery of on brand guest service with poise. 与对客同事紧密合作确保向宾客提供符合品牌要求的服务体验. Execute job tasks according to the pre-defined standards & procedures and in compliance with the company employment handbook. 根据拟定的规定条例以及公司同事手册执行其职责范围内的工作。 Ensure all areas in the lobby, forecourt and parking areas are up to standard and all operating equipment is well-maintained. 确保大堂,酒店正门前区及停车区域符合标准,所有营运设备运作正常. Be familiar with the 1865 program. 熟悉1865尊贵会内容. Demonstrate honesty, reliability, ethics, and professionalism; demonstrate consistency between words & behaviour. 展现诚实,可靠,规范及专业的工作礼仪。 Build positive and productive working relationships with customers, subordinates, peers, superiors, business partners, and the community; encourage this behaviour in others. 与宾客,下级,同级,上级,合作伙伴及社区建立正面及有效的工作关系。并鼓励其他同事也依照此行为准则。 Accept personal responsibility and accountability for achieving results within targeted timelines; ensure clear authority and accountability for results by others. 在规定的时限内承担相应的责任及义务从而完成任务。并清晰其他职务的权限及责任。 Ensure all tasks are carried out accurately, efficiently and within the allocated timeframes for each task. All tasks must be closed in the FCS system once completed. 在指定的时间内准确,有效地执行每一个任务.一旦完成后,所有任务都必须在FCS系统中被关闭. Be fully knowledgeable about the hotel facilities, functions and local area information. 熟知酒店设施,功能及当地区域信息. Responsible for keeping standards and procedures and information folders and brochures up to date. 遵守条例及规定. Ensure a smooth co-ordination between the individual sections of Front Office and Rooms Division. 确保与其他前厅各部门及房务部建立良好的合作关系。 Liaise and work closely with other departments to resolve any operational issues. 与其他部门保持紧密联系和工作从而解决日常营运遇到的问题。 Promote the free flow of information; encourage the open expression of ideas and opinions. 促进信息的流通,鼓励开放的思想和看法 Have the master key control system in place and conduct audit on a regular basis. 设立万能钥匙使用准则,并且定时审查 Work collaboratively with others to achieve common goals and objectives; serve effectively in both team member and team leader roles; promote collaboration & teamwork in others. 共同协作以达到共同的目标和目的。有效展现团队成员及团队主管的角色,促进协作。 Ensure all team members report to work on time as scheduled. 确保所有团队同事按照安排准时上班. Complete the performance appraisal process for colleagues as required, and ensure all appraisals have clear and accurate feedback and SMART objectives for the next 6 – 12 months. 完成同事表现评估,确保所有的评估都得到清晰准确的回馈,并能客观地制定跟进计划。 Knowledge of and educate others about how one's work aligns with the overall business/brand strategy, and ultimately shareholder value. 指导其他同事如何工作从而与整体业务与品牌战略保持一致,最终体现股东价值。 Understand the meaning and implications of key internal and external financial indicators. 理解内部和外部财务指标的意义及影响 Add value through operational efficiency through process improvement; understand and focus on the key drivers of sales, colleague and customer satisfaction, profitability, and quality. 通过收入的增长和有效的运作提升价值;理解并关注销售,同事和宾客的满意度,收益和质量的关键。 Understand hotel PMS – Opera and FCS to ensure efficient handling of work duties. 理解酒店PMS-Opera和FCS以确保有效地处理工作事务。 Be familiar with hotel emergency procedures e.g. fire alarm and take charge during emergency situations. 熟悉酒店对于紧急情况的程序,例如:遇火警时,并能负责紧急情况的处理。 Respond to guest requests ASAP before departing your shift. 在离岗前尽可能快地回复宾客的需求. Actively participate in meetings as requested. Attendance must always be on time. 按照要求积极参与会议,并保持准时出席. Perform other duties assigned by the management. 履行管理层安排的其他工作职责. REQUIREMENTS 职位要求 Education 教育学历 Certificate / Diploma / Bachelor in Hotel Management 酒店管理类证书/学历证明/学士学位证明 Experience 经验 Three years related working experience in hotel 三年相关的酒店工作经验 Job Skill / Knowledge 工作技能 / 知识 Out-going personality 性格开朗 Good communication skills 良好的沟通技巧 Office administration experience 办公室行政经验 Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 Knowledge of MS office software 相关办公自动化知识 Opera PMS 酒店Opera系统 FCS FCS系统 Language Proficiency 语言能力 Good command of English and Mandarin, other languages would be beneficial. 良好的英语及普通话掌握能力,掌握其他语言者优先考虑.
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    SCOPE 范围 Provide guests in the catering department with the highest standards of food and beverage service on all functions. All efforts are directed toward guest satisfaction, the achievement/maintenance of hotel standards and profit maximization. 在餐饮部门的所有宴会活动中,向客人提供高标准的服务。 努力提高客人满意度、酒店指标完成度/酒店设备标准化和酒店利润最大化。 PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责   Follow all Langham policies and procedures. 遵守所有朗廷酒店的规章制度和程序。 Comply with the “clean as you go” policy. 完成“所到之处无脏物”的原则。 Report to work on scheduled days at the scheduled time. 按照工作时间表按时上班。 Report to work in uniform following all appearance standards. 上班时遵守仪容仪表和制服制度。 Work as a team. 工作中保持团队精神。 Follow all safety policies to ensure a safe work area. 遵守所有安全制度,塑造一个安全的工作环境。 Honour all reasonable work-related requests made by a manager or supervisor, which may be outside your normal job activities, to achieve complete guest satisfaction and service throughout the Hotel. 尊重所有的来自经理和主管的合理工作相关请求,即使超出你的工作范围,也要为整个酒店服务,使客人满意。 Check out with your supervisor before leaving your station or the floor for any reason. 因为任何理由需要离开你的工作岗位之前先汇报你的主管。 Specific Duties 具体工作任務   Punch in and check for work assignment after reporting to work. 在完成工作后汇报、检查。 ·         Complete any assigned work duties. 完成所有被分配的工作任务。 ·         Attend pre-function briefing. 参加班前例会。 ·         Be able to read a banquet event order and know how to complete a setup. 会读宴会预定单并知道如何完成设台工作。 ·         Set tables in your assigned area correctly and uniformly, using: clean, pressed linen (without rips, stains or tears); clean unspotted silverware, clean china with no chips or cracks; clean unspotted glassware. Table complements (salt and pepper, sugar, breadbaskets, etc.) should be clean and filled properly. 在相应的区域内按标准正确的设台,使用干净熨好的布草(没有裂口、污点或破洞),干净无斑的银器,干净无裂痕、裂口的瓷器,干净无斑点的玻璃杯。桌上配件(盐、胡椒、糖和面包篮等)应准备妥当。 ·         Assist captain or supervisor in setting up buffet and other special food services tables/stations. 协助上级设自助餐和其它特殊食品服务台。 ·         Know the menu for each function served, and be able to knowledgeably explain the major ingredients and preparation methods for each item to be served. 了解每个宴会的菜单,能够解释每道菜的主要成分和制作方法。 ·         Follow timing procedures for setting each course. 根据流程上菜。 ·         Greet and serve guests, following guidelines for aggressive hospitality and all other details of our policies and procedures regarding the service of food and beverage. 根据与餐饮服务相关政策的所有细节和好客的姿态招呼和服务客人。 ·         Acknowledge and respond to all guest requests, bringing them to the attention of captain or supervisor as appropriate. 对于客人的要求要负责,必要时报告上级。 ·         Keep station neat and clean during service. Constantly patrol assigned station, exchanging ashtrays, refilling water and coffee, removing service items and condiments per established policies and procedures. 在服务过程中保持工作区域干净整洁。时刻查看被分配的区域,更换烟灰缸,补充水、茶和咖啡,移走不需要的调味品或服务器具。 ·         Always notify the captain before leaving the floor or meeting and events service area. 在离开工作区域或楼层前一定要通知上级。 ·         Use proper in-room clearing and aisle tray breakdown procedures. 根据室内清洁和走道清洁的规则清理。 ·         Return all re-usable table complements and condiments to be cleaned and refilled. 所有可再用的桌上配件及调味品送去清洗并充量。 ·         Retain all service equipment in the meeting and events area for cleaning and proper storage. 清洁和储存所有在宴会区域的服务设备。 ·         Complete any assigned side work, such as refilling condiments, sorting linen, hanging/storing drapes, cleaning/storing servicing equipment, etc. 完成所有被分配的后续工作,譬如充调味品,整理布草,悬挂/储存装饰品,清洁/储存设备等。 ·         Break down buffet or other special food service tables and equipment. 清理自助餐或其它特别食品的服务台和设备。 ·         Clean and replace tray stands in proper storage area. 清理并取走托盘支架到相应的储存区。 ·         Return clean serving equipment to proper storage area 把干净的服务设备归位到相应的储存区。 ·         Help keep all meeting and events aisles and storage areas clean and organized. 保持宴会厅所有走道和储存区整洁。 ·         Inform management of any lost or damaged equipment, linen, etc. 告知部门管理层所有遗失或损坏的设备、布草等。 ·         Check with captain or supervisor before leaving. Always check schedule for upcoming week. 离开前让上级检查工作。提前查看下一个星期的工作计划。   ·         Set up, serve and/or break down coffee breaks, receptions, and other special functions, as assigned. 按分配设置、服务或清理茶歇,签到台和其它特别活动。 ·         Attend department meetings or training seminars. 出席部门会议或培训。 ·         All details regulatory framework refer to colleague Handbook. 所有规章制度请参照员工手册。 ·         Be aware of accident prevention and help enforce safe working conditions. Zero accidents are our goal. 了解事故预防并加强工作安全,目标是零事故 ·         Perform any duties assigned by the Management deemed necessary. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求 Education 教育学历 Minimum Vocational School 毕业于专业学校。 Experience 经验 Minimum 1 years of meeting and events operation experience. 一年宴会厅工作经验。 Job Skill / Knowledge 工作技能 / 知识 Guest-focused outgoing personality with a good smile. 具有关注客人,友善带有微笑的性格。 Ability to meet standards of appearance. 符合仪容仪表的标准。 An honest self-starter with a cool, organized disposition. 诚实,自觉主动,冷静,有组织能力。 Can meet needs of guest satisfaction within company guidelines. 在公司的忠旨下可以满足顾客的需要。 Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 Knowledge of MS office software 能够使用日常的办公室软件。 Language Proficiency 语言能力   Demonstrated good communication skills in English and Mandarin. 具备良好的英语和普通话表达能力。
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    The Section Leader’s main function is to promote and ensure guest satisfaction, achieved through his/her ability to develop and maintain a strong team environment, placing emphasis on colleague satisfaction and delivery of prompt, courteous service. The captain is accountable for sales and profit in his/her area. 领班的主要职能是通过他/她的能力来建立和维护一个强大的团队,重视提升同事的满意度,提供积极、礼貌的服务等来提升和确保客户满意度。同时,领班须负责自己管理区域内的销售和利润。 PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 ·         Assume responsibility of daily operations in assigned outlet to ensure a smooth running, profitable operation within the framework of the hotel. 负责餐厅日常的营运,保证餐厅营运顺畅,使酒店的运营处在一个收益的框架上。 ·         Actively support the Quality Improvement Process. 积极改进服务质量。 ·         Assist in working toward positive financial results. 积极协助上级,完成良好的收益。 ·         Assist in ensuring that scheduling functions are performed accurately and on a timely basis. 协助确保每个时间段的工作准确地完成。 ·         Assist in maintaining a highly motivated and well-trained colleague. 协助上级培训一个高度热情和训练有素的同事。 Operations运营 ·         Open and close shift in accordance with the manager checklist. 遵照上级的安排表来开始和结束一天的营运。 ·         Initiate aggressive guest interaction through seeking and soliciting feedback from guests. 与客人进行积极的互动和交流,征求他/她们的反馈意见。 ·         Train, maintain and enforce all Langham service standards in the outlet. 在餐厅中,培训、维持和执行所有朗廷酒店的服务标准。 ·         Enforce the Langham standardized drink recipe and presentation guidelines to ensure consistent quality beverage to our guests in accordance with the Bar Guide. 执行朗廷酒店规范的饮料配方,以确保给客人提供的饮料具有一贯的品质。 ·         Properly execute revenue and check control procedures on shift. 严格执行收入和账单的操作程序。 ·         Handle daily colleague relations (i.e. scheduling, time adjustments). 处理日常同事的协作关系(例如,班次调整) ·         Maintain a safe & sanitary work environment for all colleague & guests. 为所有的同事和客人,建立一个安全及卫生的工作环境。 ·         Gather and implement all proper tools for running shifts (i.e. schedules, rotation plans, reservations, and checks). 为餐厅营运提供尽可能的帮助(例如,工作时间表,工作安排,预定) ·         Find solutions for problems such as call outs, last minute bookings, or any other daily problems that may arise. 找到可能发生的问题的解决方法。(如电话服务,最后一分钟的预定,或其他每天可能发生的问题) ·         Be on the floor during the shift and assist servers or hostess to ensure guests are satisfied. 在餐厅营运时,确保在各自的岗位上,协助服务员或领位员,使客人满意。 ·         Ensure that only a quality product is served. 确保所提供的食品和饮料有质量保证。 ·         Ensure all side work is done on a daily basis. 确保完成每天的工作。 ·         Maintain proper colleague uniform standards. 保持同事按标准穿着制服。 ·         Manage an effective repair and maintenance program through the use of work orders, inspections, etc. 通过工作分配和突击检查,建立起一个有效的工程维护及保养程序。 ·         Understand & teach empowerment principles to ensure guest satisfaction. 理解和指导授权原则,以确保客人的满意度。 ·         Exercise station rotation to ensure stations are distributed fairly. 运用岗位的轮换制,来确保工作安排的合理性。 ·         Above all, to lead by example through a “hands on” approach to motivate our colleagues to excel. 综上所述,要以身作则,为同事树立起良好的榜样,激励同事的工作热情。 Human Resources 人力资源 Implement an effective training program for new and current colleagues using use records, menus, and appropriate reference manuals. 通过使用记录,菜单以及适当的参考手册对新加入及现有的同事实施有效率的培训课程。 Encourage problem solving by colleagues through proper training and empowerment. 通过所有可能的培训和授权来激励同事解决问题。 Establish effective communication with colleagues to gain their trust and respect. 和同事建立有效的沟通,以争取他们的信任和尊重。 Maintain fair and consistent counselling and/or disciplinary procedures. 建立公平和一致的辅导及纪律处罚程序。 ·         All details regulatory framework refer to colleague Handbook. 所有规章制度请参照员工手册。 Administrative 行政管理 ·         Communicate directly and/or through the use of the logbook to next shift supervisor or manager. 直接或通过日志本与下一班次的主管或经理进行沟通。 ·         Identify and recommend incentive programs, new ideas, and methods of operation. 确定并推荐奖励项目、新主意和方法进行运作。 ·         Promote positive inter-department relations. 积极推动部门与部门之间的关系。 ·         Be aware of accident prevention and help enforce safe working conditions. Zero accidents are our goal. 了解事故预防并加强工作安全,目标是零事故。 Perform any duties assigned by the Management deemed necessary. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求 Education 教育学历 Minimum Vocational School 至少为专业学校毕业。 Experience 经验 Minimum 2 years restaurant operations experience. 至少两年餐厅工作经验。 Job Skill / Knowledge 工作技能 / 知识 Demonstrated strong hospitality and communication skills. 有较好的服务精神和沟通技巧。 Demonstrated strong work ethic. 有较强的工作敬业精神。 Demonstrated great hospitality skills and sensitivity to guest needs. 良好的服务待客技巧预知客人的需求。 Demonstrated a good understanding of food production. 对食物产品知识的充分了解。 Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 Knowledge of MS office software 能够使用日常的办公室软件。 Language Proficiency 语言能力 Demonstrated good communication skills in English and Mandarin. 具备良好的英语和普通话表达能力。
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    SCOPE 范围 Under the supervision of Supervisor, assist department in day to day operation including administration, record keeping, coordination with all departments and all activities. 在主管的监督下,协助部门的日常运作,包括行政、记录保存、与各部门的协调和活动的组织。 Skill / Knowledge 职业技能/知识 Out-going personality 性格活泼 Good communication skills 良好的沟通技巧 Office administration experience 办公室行政经验 Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 Knowledgeof MS office software熟悉办公软件
  • 上海 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    1.       Business Planning and Sales & Marketing ·   Planning sales activities : to concentrate in “selling” i.e. Making sales calls to introduce hotels facilities, packages etc ·   To assist DOSM/DOS in achieving monthly and year-end budget ·   To assist DOSM/DOS in maximizing profits by securing business ·   Follow up leads assigned by DOSM/DOS ·   To maintain good relationship with existing accounts ·   Develop new markets/source of business ·   Conduct entertainment and site inspection to accounts decision makers and booking handlers ·   Sales visit for potential accounts ·   Negotiate contracts with companies in his/her designated areas ·   Conduct Sales visit to major companies in his/her designated area according to the guidelines ·   Come up with new ideas on products and marketing of product such as: room packages, promotion offers and assist DOSM in launching these promotions. ·   To attend local business meeting and tradeshows/sales trips (both locally and overseas) assigned by DOSM ·   Take up special assignments instructed by DOSM, DOS 3.  Communications ·   Maintain close communication with DOSM, DOS and Sister Hotels sales persons ·   Maintain effective communication with Revenue Manager and Operations Department heads ·   Maintain effective communication with Hoteliers in order to get to know the market trend ·   Attend Sales Meeting and Sales monthly presentation to report work progress and month-end result 4.  Marketing Intelligence ·   Regular update on competitors offers and markets intelligence and shares the information with sales team ·   Provide accurate sales statistics and market information, comments, trends and leads obtained from clients and/or competitors 5.  Human Resource Development ·   Maintain effective communication channels with all co-workers ·   Communicate with guest to obtain guest comments and ensure the delivery of product adhere to guest needs Perform any duties assigned by the Management deemed necessary. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求 1.         Education 教育学历 §    University / post-graduate diploma or equivalent professional hotel training is required. 2.         Experience 经验 §    At least 3 year working experience with minimum 3 years in travel related industries §    Working experience in handling Tour Operators is preferred 3.         Job Skill / Knowledge 工作技能 / 知识 §    Professional Training in Hotel Sales Department or Front Office §    Well organized and a good planner §    Prompt and systematic decision making skills with analytical power §    Independent & ability to work under pressure §    Excellent communication skills §    Good team player & able to develop sound working relationships with colleagues §    Strong leadership skills §    Good delegation & interpersonal skills §    Sensitive and react fast on market trend and situation §    Pleasant and out spoken §    Have good communication network in the industry 4.         Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 §    Microsoft word, excel and PowerPoint is a must §    Opera PMS system is preferable 5.         Language Proficiency 语言能力 §    Proficiency in English and Putonghua is a must §    Excellent communication skills in both written & spoken English
  • Commis 厨工

    上海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    1.    To work as directed from their supervisors. 完成主管交办的工作。 2.    Make sure that food is tasty, attempting presented, fresh, correct portioned and safe. 确保食物美味可口,秀色可餐,新鲜,分配合理,安全卫生。 3.    All day dining live station food is delivered 15 minutes before opening Cachet. All a la carte food is prepared a la minute. 凯旋餐厅营业开始前15分钟确保材料已送达制作台。所有点餐的材料现场准备和制作。 4.    Check the mise en place and make sure is according to forecasted level of business, fresh, portioned and correctly stored according to HACCP guidelines. 检查所有食物,确保其达到预计的水准,新鲜,分盘,根据HACCP的指示正确储存。 5.    Wash hands before entering the kitchen or returning to work station. 进入厨房及回到操作台前先洗手。 6.    Special a la carte events is cooked perfectly, hot and in the stipulated time. 确保单点的食物完全按食谱规定的时间和配方制作。 7.    Equipment to be handled with care and according to safety instructions at all times. 根据安全指示小心使用所有的设备。 8.    Take food temperature checks as per guidelines and keep record. 根据指示检查温度情况,并且做好记录。 9.    Follow “Clean as you go” policy and keep work area clean at all times. 遵守“走到哪里都干净”的原则,随时保持工作区域干净整洁。 10.  Be aware of accident prevention and help enforce safe work conditions. Zero accidents are our goal.  知道如何预防工作事故,确保安全工作生产,以实现零事故之目标。 11.  All food items must be covered with cling film (or proper lid), dated, labeled and initialed by person who made it or used it first. 所有食品必须用保鲜膜(或大小适当的盖子)封好保存,由制作者或最初使用者制作标签、标明日期。 12.  If sick, report immediately to your supervisor. 一旦生病,立即告知主管。 13.  Make sure production charts are closely followed and adhered to. 严格按照生产操作流程制作食品。 14.  Cold food for straight consumption is handled with gloves at all times. 取用直接食用的冷冻食品时必须戴手套。 15.  Usage of right chopping boards according to HACCP guidelines is followed at all times. 根据HACCP的指示,一贯正确使用砧板。 16.  Attends the daily Briefing/Showtime training session. 参加每天的例会。 17.  Set up working station properly and on time before each service period. 每次营业前,妥善地设置好制作台。 18.  Make sure all food is prepared according to recipes prepared by the department head. 严格按照厨房主厨开出的食谱制作食品。 19.  Inform supervisor of any problems or complaints when they arise. 遇有问题或投诉,立即告知主管。 20.  Be able to work in another area when needed and take part in cross-training when directed. 按要求,参加岗位交叉培训,需要时能调至其他部门协助工作。 21.  Attend training sessions as required. 根据需要参加培训。 22.  All meetings to be attended as required. 根据需要,参加所有的会议。 23.  Help whenever necessary in all day dining stations set up. 必要时,参与帮助任何时刻自助餐的布置工作。 24.  Follow hotel policy as laid out in colleagues hand book. 根据员工手册贯彻酒店政策。 25.  Perform any duties assigned by the Management deemed necessary. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



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    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    Work alongside guest contact colleagues      ensuring the delivery of on brand guest service with poise. 与对客同事紧密合作确保向宾客提供符合品牌要求的服务体验. Ensure appropriate manning levels for the      anticipated daily work flow in all managed sections. 确保所管理部门根据日常运作预先安排适当的人手。 Supervise the work and operation of the      Concierge Counter, Ensure colleagues are executing their      respective job tasks according to the pre-defined standards &      procedures and in compliance with the company employment handbook. 监督礼宾柜台的工作和日常营运。确保同事们根据拟定的规定条例以及公司同事手册执行其职责范围内的工作。 Handle dissatisfied guests during their stay      or after they have departed to resolve complaints and identify and rectify      any processes which lead to the service shortfall. 处理入住期间宾客所遇的不满意之处和解决他们离店后的投诉并确认及改进服务中的不足之处。 Conduct inspections of front entrance areas      and ensure all operation areas are up to standard and all operating      equipment is well-maintained. 视察酒店正门公共区域并确保所查区域符合标准以及所有设备运作正常。 Be familiar with the 1865 program. 熟悉1865尊贵会内容。 Be able to perform all subordinates’ duties. 熟悉并能承担部门所有班次工作。 Demonstrate honesty, reliability, ethics, and      professionalism; demonstrate consistency between words & behaviour. 展现诚实,可靠,规范及专业的工作礼仪。 Gather and analyse relevant facts and data to      establish the root cause of reoccurring problems; make timely and sound      decisions with regard to appropriate course of action. 汇总和分析相关事实及资料从而确定发生问题的根源。 根据所需采取的行动做出及时并合理的决定。 Build positive and productive working      relationships with customers, subordinates, peers, superiors, business      partners, and the community; encourage this behaviour in others. 与宾客,下级,同级,上级,合作伙伴及社区建立正面及有效的工作关系。并鼓励其他同事也依照此行为准则。 Accept personal responsibility and      accountability for achieving results within targeted timelines; ensure      clear authority and accountability for results by others. 在规定的时限内承担相应的责任及义务从而完成任务。并清晰其他职务的权限及责任。 Foster a common vision; lead others by setting      the proper example; demonstrate consistency between actions and words. 以身作则,并以正确和正面的事例引导其他同事。 Collect and analyse data to make customer      focused business decisions; ensure colleagues understand and exceed      customer expectations. 收集并分析资料使客源更接近商业目标;确保同事们理解并超越宾客的期望。 Responsible for keeping standards and      procedures up to date, developing and executing training plans, coaching      and motivation of all Concierge team colleagues. 遵守条例及规定,及时制定培训计划和职业发展规划,向其他同事展示专业的领导力。 Ensure a smooth co-ordination between the      individual sections of Front Office and Rooms Division. 确保与其他前厅各部门及房务部建立良好的合作关系。 Liaise and work closely with other departments      to resolve any operational issues. 与其他部门保持紧密联系和工作从而解决日常营运遇到的问题。 Promote the free flow of information;      encourage the open expression of ideas and opinions. 促进信息的流通,鼓励开放的思想和看法。 Work collaboratively with others to achieve      common goals and objectives; serve effectively in both team member and team      leader roles; promote collaboration & teamwork in others. 共同协作以达到共同的目标和目的。为团队成员和主管展现有效的领导作用,促进协作。 Encourage and empower the success of others;      create enthusiasm, investment, and a desire to excel; gain support and      commitment from others; promote a healthy life balance. 通过沟通,鼓励和授权他人在工作中体现价值,并创造平衡,和谐的工作环境。 Align plans with business strategy; understand      short- and long-term impact of business decisions; demonstrate knowledge      of and educate others about how one's work aligns with the overall      business/brand strategy, and ultimately shareholder value. 制定与商业策略一致的计划;理解短期和长期商业决策的影响力。指导其他同事如何工作从而与整体业务与品牌战略保持一致,最终体现股东价值。 Add value through revenue growth and      operational efficiency through process improvement; understand and focus      on the key drivers of sales, colleague and customer satisfaction,      profitability, and quality. 通过收入的增长和有效的运作提升价值;理解并关注销售,同事和宾客的满意度,收益和质量的关键。 Manage and redesign processes for optimal      value by encouraging and actively participating in process improvement      methods while measuring results. 当评估结果时,通过鼓励和积极参与过程的改进方法实现对于生产价值的管理和计划。 Understand hotel PMS – Opera and FCS to ensure      efficient handling of work duties. 理解酒店PMS-Opera和FCS以确保有效地处理工作事务。 Be familiar with hotel emergency procedures      e.g. fire alarm and take charge during emergency situations. 熟悉酒店对于紧急情况的程序,例如:遇火警时,并能负责紧急情况的处理。 Respond to guest correspondence or feedback      within 24 hours. 在24小时内回复宾客的信件及反馈意见 Actively participate in department head, daily      crossover, KPI, Mice, section head and Rooms Division meetings as      requested and any other relevant meetings as required. Attendance must      always be on time. 积极参加房务部门交叉会议,KPI,MICE等会议,以及根据需要参加其他相关会议并必须准时出席. Perform other duties assigned by the      management. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



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    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    Work alongside guest contact colleagues      ensuring the delivery of on brand guest service with poise. 与对客同事紧密合作确保向宾客提供符合品牌要求的服务体验. Execute job tasks according to the pre-defined      standards & procedures and in compliance with the company employment      handbook. 根据拟定的规定条例以及公司同事手册执行其职责范围内的工作。 Ensure all areas in the concierge lounge are      up to standard and all operating equipment is well-maintained. 确保礼宾部区域符合标准以及所有设备运作正常。 Be familiar with the 1865 program. 熟悉1865尊贵会内容. Demonstrate honesty, reliability, ethics, and      professionalism; demonstrate consistency between words & behaviour. 展现诚实,可靠,规范及专业的工作礼仪。       Handle dissatisfied guests during their stay      or after they have departed to resolve complaints and identify and rectify      any processes which lead to the service shortfall. 处理入住期间宾客所遇的不满意之处和解决他们离店后的投诉并确认及改进服务中的不足之处。 Build positive and productive working      relationships with customers, subordinates, peers, superiors, business      partners, and the community; encourage this behavior in others. 与宾客,下级,同级,上级,合作伙伴及社区建立正面及有效的工作关系。并鼓励其他同事也依照此行为准则。 Accept personal responsibility and      accountability for achieving results within targeted timelines; ensure      clear authority and accountability for results by others. 在规定的时限内承担相应的责任及义务从而完成任务。并清晰其他职务的权限及责任。 Collect and analyse data to make customer focused      business decisions; ensure colleagues understand and exceed customer      expectations. 收集并分析数据从而使顾客群集中商业决策; 确保同事理解并超越顾客的期望. Ensure relevant information is circulated      through the hotel to enhance colleague effectiveness and the guest      experience. 确保酒店内部相关信息的流通从而增加同事的效率和宾客的体验. Responsible for keeping standards and      procedures and information folders and brochures up to date. 遵守酒店标准和程序以及信息资料和宣传册的更新。 Ensure a smooth co-ordination between the      individual sections of Front Office and Rooms Division. 确保与其他前厅各部门及房务部建立良好的合作关系。 Liaise and work closely with other departments      to resolve any operational issues. 与其他部门保持紧密联系和工作从而解决日常营运遇到的问题。 Promote the free flow of information;      encourage the open expression of ideas and opinions. 促进信息的流通,鼓励开放的思想和看法。 Knowledge of and educate others about how      one's work aligns with the overall business/brand strategy, and ultimately      shareholder value. 指导其他同事如何工作从而与整体业务与品牌战略保持一致,最终体现股东价值。 Understand the meaning and implications of key      internal and external financial indicators; manage overall financial      performance; use sound financial analysis to evaluate strategic and      investment options. 理解内部和外部财务指标的意义及影响; 运用合理的财务分析去评价战略及投资选择。 Add value through revenue growth and      operational efficiency through process improvement; understand and focus      on the key drivers of sales, colleague and customer satisfaction,      profitability, and quality. 通过收入的增长和有效的运作提升价值;理解并关注销售,同事和宾客的满意度,收益和质量的关键。 Understand hotel PMS – Opera and FCS to ensure      efficient handling of work duties. 理解酒店PMS-Opera和FCS以确保有效地处理工作事务。 Be familiar with hotel emergency procedures      e.g. fire alarm. 熟悉酒店对于紧急情况的程序,例如:遇火警时。 Respond to guest correspondence or feedback      ASAP before departing your shift. 在离岗前尽可能快地回复宾客的需求. Actively participate in meetings as requested.      Attendance must always be on time. 按照要求积极参与会议,并保持准时出席. Perform other duties assigned by the      management. 履行管理层安排的其他工作职责.
  • 上海 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    The F&BHostess’s main function is to promote andensure guest satisfaction achieved through her ability to develop and maintaina strong team environment, placing emphasis on colleague satisfaction anddelivery of prompt, courteous service. Perform from an impeccable reservationsystem followed by guest satisfaction checks and maintaining data base systemfor the Area she is in charge for. 餐饮部咨客的主要职能是提升和确保客户满意度,通过他/她的能力来建立和维护一个强大的团队,重视提升同事的满意度,提供积极、礼貌的服务。操作能使顾客满意的完美的预定系统,并且能够维护其所在区域的数据库系统。 PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 To ensure the three steps of service are adhered to at all times 确保服务的三个步骤贯彻始终。 ·        To ensure awarm and sincere greetings at all times and use the guest name if known and using  The Langham language when interacting with the guest 在任何时候,确保温暖而真诚的问候,称呼客人的姓名如果知道的话,并且与顾客交流时使用标准的朗廷用语。 ·        Anticipateguest’s needs and comply with guest requests 预期客人的需求,并且尽量满足客人的要求。 ·        LHI standardgreeting conduct in using the 10/5 rule at all times 始终遵循朗廷酒店10/5规定来迎接客人。 ·        Colleague tofollow “5 step rule” with the guest offering direction with a open armgesture walking towards the destination the guest is looking for, no pointingfinger at any time 在为客人指引方向的时候,应遵循“五步”规定即陪同客人向目的地方向至少步行五步,同时伸出手臂指引方向。绝不使用手指指示方向。 ·        To seatguests in a manner that every guest will receive the fastest and most courteousservice at all times.  以是客人始终能得到快速而有礼貌的服务为准则来安排客人入座。 ·        To deliverservice with Poise self-confidence, well balanced, sincere and diplomatic.Service with eloquence and discretion, gracious, professional. Using acourteous approach, impeccable sense of hospitality with a display of friendlyenthusiasm that will continue all through the restaurant during the entire mealperiod from receiving the guest to walking them out of the restaurant. 从客人进入餐厅直到他们离开的整个用餐过程中,始终传递沉稳自信、平衡、真诚并且有社交技巧的服务,让客人感觉心悦诚服、严谨、亲切,非常敬业。使用礼貌的方法,以及对服务业完美的触觉展示自身热情友好的一面。 ·        To superviseand control seating in the restaurant and ensure that guests are seated asguest preference first also distributing them so no server is overloaded withguests at any given time, and in order to seat guests in a manner that is fairto all the servers. 监督控制餐厅内餐位数量的安排情况,确保尽量以客人的喜好安排座位,避免造成因客人较多员工较少,同时也要注意安排座位时要对所有的服务人员公平。 ·        Activelysupport the TQM Total Quality Management. 积极支持全面质量管理系统。 ·        Managecomment cards by category and share information in a systematic manner in orderto improve 按类别管理反馈表,并能系统化地分享信息,从而做出改善。 ·        Assist inworking toward positive financial results. 积极协助上级,完成良好的收益。 ·        Assist inensuring that scheduling functions are performed accurately and on a timelybasis. 协助确保每个工作职能能够及时和准确的发挥。 ·        Assist inmaintaining a highly motivated and well-trained working team. 协助上级维护一个具有高度热情和训练有素的工作团队。   Operations营运   ·        Follow opening & closing checklist thoroughly.  完全遵循开档及收档的检查表。 ·        Maintain guest flow charts to track number of guests to each station andin order to track volume per hour.  运用客人流量观测表来观测每小时餐厅各个区域的客流量。 ·        Initiate aggressive guest interaction through seeking and solicitingfeedback from guests. 与客人进行积极的互动和交流,征求他/她们的反馈意见从而提高服务质量。 ·        Train, maintain and enforce all Langham service standards in the outlet. 在餐厅中培训、维持和执行所有朗廷酒店的服务标准。 ·        Handle daily colleague relations (i.e. scheduling, time adjustments). 处理日常同事的协作关系。(例如,班次调整) ·        Maintain a safe & sanitary work environment for all colleague &guests. 为所有的同事和客人,建立一个安全及卫生的工作环境。 ·        Operate with accuracy and manage the table reservation system in amanner that allows maximum capacity at all times and maximization of covers inpick hours in developing a very detailed strategy 精确操作和运用餐桌预定系统,始终保持最大的座位容量。建立一个具体的策略来应对繁忙时段,使上座率最大化。 ·        Find solutions for problems such as call outs, last minute bookings, orany other daily problems that may arise. 找到解决问题的方法。如电话服务,最后一分钟的预定,或其他每天可能发生的问题 ·        Be on the floor during the shift and assist servers to ensure guests aresatisfied. 在上班时间确保自己在餐厅的岗位上,并协助服务员使客人满意。 ·        Ensure all side work is done on a daily basis. 确保每天基本的工作都完成。 ·        Maintain proper colleague uniform standards. 保持同事制服达到标准。 ·        Manage an effective data base program on daily basis. 建立一个有效的日数据库程序。 Perform any duties assigned by the Managementdeemed necessary. 执行任何管理层委派的工作。 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求 Education 教育学历 ·        Minimum VocationalSchool 毕业于专业学校。 Experience 经验 ·        Minimum 3 yearsrestaurant operations experience, at least 1 year F&B Guest Relationexperience. 三年餐厅工作经验和至少有一年以上的从事餐饮部客户关系的经验。 Job Skill / Knowledge 工作技能 / 知识 ·        Demonstratedleadership qualities. 能体现领导者的素质。 ·        Demonstrated goodtechnical knowledge of restaurant operations. 具备优秀的专业的餐厅运营知识。 ·        Demonstrated stronghospitality and communication skills. 有较好的服务精神和沟通技巧。 ·        Demonstrated strongwork ethic. 有较强的敬业精神。 ·        Demonstrated greathospitality skills and sensitivity to guest needs. 良好的服务待客技巧和能够敏感地预知客人的需求。 ·        Demonstrated a goodunderstanding of food production. 对食物产品知识的充分了解。 Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 ·        Knowledge of MS office software 能够使用日常的办公室软件。 Language Proficiency 语言能力 ·        Demonstratedexcellent communication skills in English and Mandarin. 具备优秀的英语和普通话表达能力。
  • 上海 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    • 投递简历
    The cachet supervisor’s main function is to promote andensure guest satisfaction, achieved through his/her ability to develop andmaintain a strong team environment, placing emphasis on colleague satisfactionand delivery of prompt, courteous service. The supervisor is accountable forsales and profit in his/her area. In the absence of the manager and Assistant Manager, play the role of departmentleader, fully assume the responsibilities of the manager and Assistant Manager 凯旋主管的主要职能是通过他/她的能力来建立和维护一个强大的团队,重视提升同事的满意度,提供积极、礼貌的服务等来提升和确保客户满意度。同时,主管须负责自己管理区域内的销售和利润。在经理与副经理不在的情况下,起到部门领导作用,全面担起经理副经理职责。 PRINCIPALRESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 ·          Assume responsibility of daily operations inassigned outlet to ensure a smooth running, profitable operation within theframework of the hotel. 负责餐厅日常的营运,保证餐厅营运顺畅,使酒店的运营处在一个收益的框架上。 ·          Actively support the Quality Improvement Process. 积极改进服务质量。 ·          Assist in working toward positive financialresults. 积极协助上级,完成良好的收益。 ·          Assist in ensuring that scheduling functions areperformed accurately and on a timely basis. 协助确保每个时间段的工作准确地完成。 ·          Assist in maintaining a highly motivated andwell-trained staff. 协助上级培训一个高度热情和训练有素的同事。 OPERATIONS运营   ·          Open and close shift in accordance with themanager checklist. 遵照上级的安排表来开始和结束一天的营运。 ·          Initiate aggressive guest interaction throughseeking and soliciting feedback from guests. 与客人进行积极的互动和交流,征求他/她们的反馈意见。 ·          Train, maintain and enforce all Langham servicestandards in the outlet. 在餐厅中,培训、维持和执行所有朗廷酒店的服务标准。 ·          Enforce the Langham standardized drink recipe andpresentation guidelines to ensure consistent quality beverage to our guests inaccordance with the Bar Guide. 执行朗廷酒店规范的饮料配方,以确保给客人提供的饮料具有一贯的品质。 ·          Properly execute revenue and check controlprocedures on shift. 严格执行收入和账单的操作程序。 ·          Handle daily colleague relations (i.e. scheduling,time adjustments). 处理日常同事的协作关系(例如,班次调整) ·          Maintain a safe & sanitary work environmentfor all colleague & guests. 为所有的同事和客人,建立一个安全及卫生的工作环境。 ·          Gather and implement all proper tools for runningshifts (i.e. schedules, rotation plans, reservations, and checks). 为餐厅营运提供尽可能的帮助(例如,工作时间表,工作安排,预定) ·          Find solutions for problems such as call outs,last minute bookings, or any other daily problems that may arise. 找到可能发生的问题的解决方法。(如电话服务,最后一分钟的预定,或其他每天可能发生的问题) ·          Be on the floor during the shift and assistservers or hostess to ensure guests are satisfied. 在餐厅营运时,确保在各自的岗位上,协助服务员或领位员,使客人满意。 ·          Ensure that only a quality product is served. 确保所提供的食品和饮料有质量保证。 ·          Ensure all side work is done on a daily basis. 确保完成每天的工作。 ·          Maintain proper colleague uniform standards. 保持同事按标准穿着制服。 ·          Manage an effective repair and maintenance programthrough the use of work orders, inspections, etc. 通过工作分配和突击检查,建立起一个有效的工程维护及保养程序。 ·          Understand & teach empowerment principles toensure guest satisfaction. 理解和指导授权原则,以确保客人的满意度。 ·          Exercise station rotation to ensure stations aredistributed fairly. 运用岗位的轮换制,来确保工作安排的合理性。 ·          Above all, to lead by example through a “hands on”approach to motivate our colleagues to excel. 综上所述,要以身作则,为同事树立起良好的榜样,激励同事的工作热情。 HUMAN RESOURCES人力资源 ·          Implement an effective training program for newand current colleagues using use records, menus, and appropriate referencemanuals. 通过使用记录,菜单以及适当的参考手册对新加入及现有的同事实施有效率的培训课程。 ·          Encourage problem solving by colleagues throughproper training and empowerment. 通过所有可能的培训和授权来激励同事解决问题。 ·          Establish effective communication with colleaguesto gain their trust and respect. 和同事建立有效的沟通,以争取他们的信任和尊重。 ·          Maintain fair and consistent counselling and/ordisciplinary procedures. 建立公平和一致的辅导及纪律处罚程序。 ·          All details regulatory framework refer tocolleague Handbook. 所有规章制度请参照员工手册。 ADMINISTRATIVE行政管理   ·          Communicate directly and/or through the use of thelogbook to next shift supervisor or manager. 直接或通过日志本与下一班次的主管或经理进行沟通。 ·          Identify and recommend incentive programs, newideas, and methods of operation. 确定并推荐奖励项目、新主意和方法进行运作。 ·          Promote positive inter-department relations. 积极推动部门与部门之间的关系。 ·          Be aware of accident prevention and help enforcesafe working conditions. Zero accidents are our goal. 了解事故预防并加强工作安全,目标是零事故 ·          Perform any duties assigned by the Managementdeemed necessary. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求 Education 教育学历 ·          Minimum Vocational School 至少为专业学校毕业。 Experience 经验 ·          Minimum 3 years restaurant operations experience,at least 1 year supervisors experience. 三年餐厅工作经验和至少有一年以上的餐厅主管经验。 Job Skill / Knowledge 工作技能 / 知识 ·          Demonstrated leadership qualities. 能体现领导者的素质。 ·          Demonstrated good technical knowledge ofrestaurant operations. 具备优秀的专业的餐厅运营知识。 ·          Demonstrated strong hospitality and communicationskills. 有较好的服务精神和沟通技巧。 ·          Demonstrated strong work ethic. 有较强的工作敬业精神。 ·          Demonstrated great hospitality skills and sensitivityto guest needs. 良好的服务待客技巧预知客人的需求。 ·          Demonstrated a good understanding of foodproduction. 对食物产品知识的充分了解。 Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 ·          Knowledge of MS office software 能够使用日常的办公室软件。 Language Proficiency 语言能力 ·          Demonstrated excellent communication skills inEnglish and Mandarin. 具备优秀的英语和普通话表达能力。
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
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    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    • 投递简历
    SCOPE 范围 Greet and serve the guest by Langham standards of food andbeverage quality, presentation and sanitation, and in a gracious andprofessional manner. Display aggressive hospitality through positivepersonality with both guest and fellow colleague. Take pride in all facets ofservice with a clean professional appearance and keep a sparkling clean diningroom at all times. 遵照朗廷酒店的标准去欢迎和服务客人,提供给客人高质量、摆盘漂亮又卫生的食物和酒水,做个亲切有礼的主人。在客人和同事面前都要展示热情,有上进心的一面。在任何时候要以自己的服务为荣,保持干净的专业仪容和整洁的用餐环境。 PRINCIPALRESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 Follow all Langham policies and procedures. 遵守所有朗廷酒店的规章制度和程序。 Comply with the “clean as you go” policy. 完成“所到之处无脏物”的原则。 Report to work on scheduled days at the scheduled time. 按照工作时间表按时上班。 Report to work in uniform following all appearance standards. 根据所有的仪容仪表标准穿制服上班。 Work as a Team. 工作中保持团队精神。 Follow all safety policies to ensure a safe work area. 遵守所有安全制度,塑造一个安全的工作环境。 Honour all reasonable work-related requests made by a manager or supervisor, which may be outside your normal job activities, to achieve complete guest satisfaction and service throughout the Hotel. 尊重所有的来自经理和主管的合理工作相关请求,即使超出你的工作范围,也要为整个酒店服务,使客人满意。 Check out with your supervisor before leaving your station or the floor for any reason. 因为任何理由需要离开你的工作岗位之前先汇报你的主管。   Specific Duties 具体工作任務 : Check your station, prior to opening, for cleanliness of tables and chairs, proper set-up of salt and pepper, sugar, ashtrays, flowers, lamp, clean cutlery and glassware. 检查你的工作区域,清洁桌子椅子,准备好盐,胡椒,糖,烟灰缸,花瓶,餐具和杯子。 Do all necessary opening and closing side work according to the side work schedule. 做好所有必要的开档和关档的工作记录表。 Have all necessary tools ready: tray, pen, bus towel, corkscrew, etc. 准备好所有必要的工具:托盘,笔,纸巾,酒刀。等等。 Develop a complete knowledge of menu items, their garnish, contents and preparation methods. Be ready to answer any guest questions about the menu in a positive and concise way. Know the use records. 熟悉菜单上的各项菜以及它们的配菜,内容和调制品。准确地回答客人提出关于菜单上的任何问题。 Operate the Point of Sale terminal correctly and follow all Langham check-closing procedures. 正确运行销售终端的要点并且遵守所有朗廷的开、收档程序。 Practice aggressive hospitality and use Suggestive Selling techniques when taking guest’s order. 当接受客人点单时,用积极的亲切的销售技巧向客人推荐特色菜和饮料。 Develop a good knowledge of beverages, liquors, and wine service. 增进饮料,酒品类的知识,熟悉葡萄酒的服务流程。 Pick up and present food and beverages according to standard service procedures. Properly bus the table throughout the meal. By dessert, all condiments, dirty dishes and silverware should be cleared, except sugar and appropriate silverware and beverage glasses that are not empty. Pay special attention to finer points of service, i.e., replacing ashtrays, water glasses filled, checking back just after serving entrée, keeping proper posture and being personable, but limiting conversation. 根据服务程序的标准跑菜和上菜。在整个用餐过程中适当摆放餐桌。上甜品前,所有调味品,脏盘子和餐具必须换干净的,除了糖和适当的餐具还饮料杯不能为空。特别注意服务的要点,比如,放回烟缸,上茶,上完主菜后再检查,保持适当的仪态,不要闲谈。 Bus, clean and reset the table according to standard procedures. 根据服务流程的标准清洁并重新摆台。 Chewing gum or smoking is not allowed while on duty. 上班时间不能吃口香糖和抽烟。 Attend all meetings or training seminars as required. 参加所有必要的会议和培训讨论。 Study and follow the colleague Training Manual. 学习并遵守同事手册。 Be aware of accident prevention and help enforce safe working conditions. Zero accidents are our goal. 了解事故预防并加强工作安全,目标是零事故 All details regulatory framework refer to colleague Handbook. 所有规章制度请参照员工手册。 Perform any duties assigned by the Management deemed necessary. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求 Education 教育学历 Minimum Vocational School 至少为专业学校毕业。 Job Skill / Knowledge 工作技能 / 知识 ·        Demonstratedstrong hospitality and communication skills. 有较好的服务精神和沟通技巧。 Demonstrated strong work ethic. 有较强的工作敬业精神。 Demonstrated great hospitality skills and sensitivity to guest needs. 良好的服务待客技巧预知客人的需求。 Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 Knowledge of MS office software 能够使用日常的办公室软件。 Language Proficiency 语言能力 Demonstrated good communication skills in English and Mandarin. 具备良好的英语和普通话表达能力。
  • 上海 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 13:56
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    • 投递简历
    SCOPE 范围 To lead, guide and operate on a daily basis the entire F&B Operation excluding. Driving through KPI’s the goals for the whole F&B department in relation to the areas clearly laid out as part of LHG operating system. This is order to specifically maximize: revenue, control cost in operating % and not $ value, guest satisfaction, colleague welfare, and profit margins. 管理所有餐厅每天的运营, 关注客人,提升顾客满意度,保障同事福利,尽可能在控制成本的基础上实现利润最大化。   PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 1.            Directly responsible for day to day operation of the F&B department, in line with LHG brand standard as well as The Leading Hotels of the World stretch goals as well as the colleague handbook. 直接全面负责管理整个餐饮部的运营,按照朗廷品牌标准,国际领先酒店的目标和员工手册条例保证其营运顺畅,实现利润最大化。 2.            Work very close with Director of Food & Beverage to report and brief of daily operation and take a sign of for any change of direction. 协助餐饮总监,汇报及传达每日运营情况并对任何情况做出及时有效的回应。 3.            To ensure optimum guest satisfaction at all times in keeping with policies. 遵照酒店规章制度,提升客户满意度 4.            To drive a breakage program for the front of the house colleagues, working together with all parties, stewarding, kitchen and whoever is involved, in order to maintain breakage % level under the KPI agreed number. 领导前线同事按照损耗程序,并与管事部,厨房及相关部门一起,以将损耗率降至最低。 5.            To ensure that any procedures set by Finance, HR or other operating departments are on line and implemented according. 确保严格按照财务部,人力资源部及其他营运部门制定的程序 6.            Responsible for carry out or directly monitor any project agreed prior. 负责执行或直接监测事先商定的任何项目 7.            Be responsible for control of security related issues like floor master keys, cashier procedures and others. 负责控制并确保相关的安全问题,例如万能钥匙,收银程序等。 8.            Ensure that fire, health, safety and hygiene standards are maintained for the whole department. 保证消防,健康,安全及清洁的各项指标达到酒店标准并时刻保持。 9.            Perform any duties assigned by the Management deemed necessary. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。   OPERATIONS   1.            To ensure OE (Operation Equipment) used in each department is adequate and in perfect conditions. 确保各部门营运设备的合理使用及维护,使其保持理想状态 2.            Be aware of special cashiering procedures, executive checks, etc. and ensure they are properly accounted for. 熟知收银相关程序,包括内部转账程序,账单程序以及确保其正确入账。 3.            Be aware of all Langham’s guest programmes, discounts, etc. 知晓所有朗廷的对客程序,相关折扣等。 4.            Know the LHG brands, snap shot, F&B concept briefs and any other operating information’s by heart and make sure it is driven down the line through senior managers and all colleagues on the floor 了解朗廷品牌,传达并确保经理主管和所有同事理解酒店餐饮理念和任何营运信息。 5.            Be aware and be present if necessary for any special events or requests. 知晓并尽可能参与特殊的宴会或任何有需求的场合 6.            Be part and drive F&B promotions along side with F&B Sales Manager from organization to delivery of the same 同餐饮销售经理一起自始至终参与餐饮推广 7.            Be aware of guest complaints and personally get involved if necessary. 了解客人的投诉,如有必要能亲自解决 8.            During operating hours be on the floor to improve service level as well attend and solve on the spot guest complains as well as review procedures. 营运时间需在前线提高服务水平,解决客人投诉,检查服务流程 9.            Above all, lead by example through a “hands-on” approach to motivate colleagues to excel. 综上所述,要以身作则,为同事树立起良好的榜样,激励同事的工作热情。 HUMAN RESOURCES 1.            Monitor and make sure colleagues are well dressed and groomed according to standards at all time. Guest contact servers or attendants must maintain a sharp look—proper uniform clean, pressed; shoes shined; hair at correct length and clean; hands well-manicured. 监督同事仪容仪表。无论对客或非对客同事都必须严格遵守仪容仪表的规定:制服要干净平整并按照要求穿戴,鞋子要擦亮,头发按照要求长短修剪并保持干净,手指甲要修剪整齐 2.            Train senior managers and key colleagues to the latest detail in order to provide the highest level of service to our customers. 为给客人提供最高水平的服务,培训经理主管及邻班最新的业务知识。 3.            Enforce colleague discipline, coach and counsel, as necessary. Participate with management in all salary & manning reviews. 在必要时,严格执行同事处罚和口头及书面警告处分。参预管理同事薪酬复查调整。 4.            To conduct a daily Manager meeting using the “show time (briefing)” module, also make        sure each department carries out a monthly meeting and be present to share key points. 参考每日培训模式,建立每日经理会议制度,确保各部门建立每月部门会议并参与和分享重要信息。 5.            Be responsible to the performance review of all F&B colleagues. 除明阁以外,负责餐饮部所有同事的工作表现评估。 ADMINISTRATIVE 1.            Create an electronic daily log book by department to key in important information such as: daily revenue, covers divided by in house, walk-in, beverage sales, etc and any important information to be shared. 建立各部门每日交接簿,记录并分享重要信息诸如:每日营业额,包括驻店客人,来店散客,酒水销售等 2.            Make sure that SOP (Standards Operating Procedures) are written to the last detail and used on a daily basis to train managers and colleagues. 确保时时更新SOP(标准操作流程)用以每天培训经理及同事 3.            Be involved in the F&B budget and strategic departmental decision 参与决定餐饮预算及部门营业策略 4.            Communicate daily with management all operational and personnel problems, complaints and comments and develop solutions to such. 每日与上级进行交流沟通,汇报所有营运和人事相关问题,客人的意见和投诉,发展完善解决方针。 5.            Attend the following meetings, if & when necessary: Sales strategy, BEO, colleagues gathering and F & B related. 必要时参加下列会议:销售策略会议,宴会会议,同事会议和餐饮部会议。 6.            Supervise inventory counts, as required. 监督库存计数。 7.            Honour all reasonable requests made by a manager, which is may be outside your normal job activities to achieve complete guest satisfaction and service throughout the hotel. 为最大地满足客人的需求以达到酒店服务的高标准,接受并履行经理委派的可能超正常工作范畴的所有合理的要求。 8.            Administers the performance appraisal process for direct report managers. Develops business goals and creates appropriate development plans. Assists colleagues based on their individual strengths, development needs, career aspirations and abilities. 执行表现评估的步骤。发展业务目标,并制定适当的发展计划。根据同事的长处,帮助其进行发展职业抱负和能力。     MARKETING 1.            Assist in the development and execution of marketing plans for the outlet. 协助所有餐厅制订的市场推广计划的发展及实施。 2.            Be a sales person through, be a Langham ambassador at all times 始终将自己定位于销售人员及朗廷大使 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求 1.         Education 教育学历 Minimum vocational school. 至少为专业学校毕业。 2.         Experience 经验 Minimum 10 years operations experience, at least 3 years management experience. 10年以上相关经验,具备至少3年以上管理经验 3.         Job Skill / Knowledge 工作技能 / 知识 Demonstrated leadership qualities. 能体现领导者的素质。 Demonstrated good technical knowledge of restaurant operations. 具备优秀的专业的餐厅运营知识。 Demonstrated strong hospitality and communication skills. 能体现良好的服务精神和沟通技巧。 Demonstrated strong work ethic. 具备和实现优秀的职业道德。 Demonstrated great hospitality skills and sensitivity to guest needs. 良好的服务待客技巧预知客人的需求。 Demonstrated a good understanding of food production. 对食物产品知识的充分了解。 4.         Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 Knowledge of MS office software, worked with Micros, Opera, MC, and major operating systems 会使用微软办公软件,Micros, Opera, MC及主要营运系统 5.         Language Proficiency 语言能力 Demonstrated excellent communication skills in English and Mandarin. 具备优秀的英语和普通话表达能力。
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