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  • 苏州 | 8年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 午餐补贴
    健身中心/运动场馆/瑜伽 | 50-99人
    发布于 09-19
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    岗位职责:上6休1 (景区、乐园、酒店、体育相关工作经验优先),常住地:苏州优先;外籍也可 1、负责场馆的经营管理、日常领导和监管培训职责; 2、建议并实施顾客服务战略,带领团队热情友好地提供对客服务,达到且超越宾客的期望; 3、对于场馆的发展和营业额的提高提出可行性操作的建议,提高营收和品牌的推广; 4、通过各个分销渠道和技术平台,提升营收,扩大市场份额; 5、负责外联事务,分析市场趋势和本地行情变化及业务开发; 6、参与准备年度预算与财务计划,监控预算并控制费用,达到最高投资回报率; 7、优秀的沟通能力,具备管理复杂关系的能力; 8、OTA分数,如携程点评≥4.8优先; 9、完成领导安排的其他工作内容。 Job responsibilities: work 6 days off 1 day (scenic spot, paradise, hotel, sports related work experience is preferred), permanent residence: Suzhou is preferred; Foreigners can also 1. Responsible for the operation and management of the venue, daily leadership and supervision and training responsibilities; 2. Suggest and implement customer service strategy, lead the team to provide customer service warmly and friendly, and meet and exceed the expectations of guests; 3. Put forward feasible operation suggestions for the development of venues and the improvement of turnover, and improve revenue and brand promotion; 4. Increase revenue and expand market share through various distribution channels and technology platforms; 5. Responsible for external affairs, analysis of market trends and local market changes and business development; 6. Participate in the preparation of annual budget and financial plan, monitor budget and control expenses to achieve the highest return on investment; 7. Excellent communication skills, with the ability to manage complex relationships; 8. OTA score, such as Ctrip review ≥4.8 priority; 9. Complete other work content arranged by the leader.
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