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  • 宁波 | 8年以上 | 本科



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    • 员工活动
    服务式公寓 | 2000人以上
    发布于 06-13
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    • 投递简历
    Brief Introduction 职位简介  -Manage the team and ensure the long-term operation of the establishment through the quality and development of the services that make up the senior living offer to residents.  -管理团队,为养老公寓住客提供符合公司标准的养老服务来确保机构的长期运营。  -Organize and coordinate resources to achieve the goals set by the company, according to company standards and relevant laws and regulations.  -根据公司的标准及相应的法律法规,组织和协调各种资源,以达到公司所设定目标。  -Complete the operational work.  -完成各项运营工作。  Major Responsibility 主要工作职责  Management 管理  -Take charge of the organization of staff planning, recruitment, training, motivation and evaluation with the help of the Human Resources Department  -在人力资源部的帮助下负责整个团队的人力计划、招聘、培训、激励和评估。  -Lead teams by ensuring that a stable social climate is maintained.  -领导团队,确保维持稳定和谐的团队氛围。  -Implement daily management of senior living residences to achieve all operational KPI targets. -对养老公寓进行日常管理,以达到各类运营KPI指标。  Customer Relationship/Operation 客户关系/运营  -Internal and external relationship management and communication: Represents the Ascott Limited in a professional manner in all contexts, ensuring positive relationships are developed and maintained with all relevant external parties, including government, unions, industry and regulatory bodies, suppliers, owners and residents, etc. Collaborate with various departments to meet owner’s, guests’ and company‘s expectations.  -对内和对外关系的管理和沟通:在各个场合代表公司的职业形象,确保和外部各方面的积极关系的建立和维护,包括和政府、团体、行业间、供应商、业主、住客等的关系维护。和各部门合作以达到业主、客户和公司的期望。  -Responsible for implementing and carrying out a commercial and entertainment action plan to develop the volume of sales of services to both residents and external customers by leading the team of Sales, Network Coordinators, Animators and etc.  -负责带领销售、渠道、康乐服务部门实施和开展商业和住客活动,以增加对住客和外部客户的服务销售营收。  -Responsible for the proper organization of the annual customer satisfaction survey. And conduct follow-up interviews with clients and analyzing questionnaires.  -负责组织年度客户满意度调查,并与客户进行后续访谈并分析调查问卷。   Daily Operation / Administration 日常运营 / 行政事务管理  -For each of the establishment‘s activities, proposing at all times a range of products and services in line with the quality requirements of the company brand.  -对于公司的每一项活动,需提供符合公司品牌质量要求的产品和服务。  -Lead and manage all teams to deliver good quality service to the residents.  -带领并管理所有团队为住客提供优质服务。  -Responsible for the handling of severe complaints and customer suggestions and monitor the team to set up corrective action plan and implement within timeline.  -负责处理重大投诉和客户建议,监督团队制定应改进计划,并确保在规定时间内实施并完成计划。  -Cooperate with HQ in annual Service and Product Review (SPR), and lead the team to set up relevant follow-up action plans and ensure the implementation.  -配合总部对公寓质进行服务和产品的年审(SPR),并确定改善方案及相应实施。  -Compliance with information and reporting procedures as well as social procedures in force within the Group. -遵守公司集团内部各项汇报流程及程序。  -Draw up annual budgets and keep updating and ensuring that the budget is monitored and that the set ratios are respected.  -制定年度预算并进行适时更新,监督并确保预算合理合规使用。  -Responsible for full compliance with the regulations in force such as social regulations, including health and safety rules and working conditions.  -遵守现行法规,如社会法规,包括环境,健康和安全规则。  -Privilege interlocutor of the property management and of the ownership.  -负责管理方和业主方之间的沟通。  -Chair and attend each briefing meetings to do daily check and ensure important information is smoothly communicated.  -组织并参加例会,进行日常检查,确保重要信息顺利沟通。  -Responsible for training and information of the team on the operational provisions, ensures that the resources are adequate to meet the company operational standard.   -对团队进行关于运营体系规定的培训,确保符合公司运营标准。  -Define employee training needs according to the objectives and transmission of training requests to the Human Resources Department.   -根据重要岗位员工的培训目标确定其培训需求,并向人力资源部传达培训需求。  -In case of need, intervention or request for intervention of the emergency services with the residents (for example when the surveillance alarm goes off), in accordance with the quality procedure.  -在需要的情况下,根据流程对住客进行紧急服务帮助或其他需求帮助 (例如,当监视警报响起时)。  Requirements 资质要求  -Major in hotel, tourism or economic management, major in elderly care, medical care, nursing, social work management is preferred.  -酒店、旅游或经济管理类专业毕业;专业为养老,医疗,护理,社会工作管理的优先。  -Over 5 years practical management experience in senior living residences. Familiar with the management and service process of senior living residences.  -5 年以上养老公寓管理工作经验;熟悉养老公寓的管理模式,服务流程。  -Experience in preopening, sales and marketing in well-known CCRC communities is preferred.  -有高端养老公寓或大型CCRC社区筹备及销售经验优先。  -Extensive operational management expertise and financial knowledge; Have knowledge of geriatric nursing, medical care, elder care, social work, etc.  -丰富的运营管理知识和财务知识;具备老年护理、医疗、养老、社会工作等管理知识。 -Familiar with the laws and regulations of the senior living industry.  -熟悉养老公寓行业的法律法规。  -Clear thinking, able to act mature and steady; Good emergency handling ability.  -工作思路清晰,行事稳重干练;并有良好的紧急事件处理能力。  -Strong interest in senior living industry, enthusiastic working attitude and a strong sense of responsibility.  -对养老行业有浓厚的兴趣,高度的工作热情,极强的工作责任心。  -Good teamwork and communication skills, able to withstand strong pressure.  -良好的团队合作精神和沟通协调能力,能承受较强的工作压力。
  • 全国 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    • 年底双薪
    服务式公寓 | 2000人以上
    发布于 06-11
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    • 投递简历
    该岗位需要服从全国调配 岗位职责 1、负责酒店人力资源部的管理工作。 2、负责制定酒店人力资源政策、制度。 3、建立酒店的招聘管理体系,有效控制员工流动率。 4、制定酒店人力资源规划,并组织实施。 5、组织完成年度培训计划,针对核心员工进行职业规划。 6、建立和谐的劳资关系。 7、建立绩效管理与考核体系。 岗位要求 1、从事酒店人力资源工作5年以上,其中2年以上管理经验。 2、熟知国家、地区劳动法律法规及相关政策。 3、熟练掌握招聘技巧,拥有良好个性与魅力的授课风格,培训技能娴熟。 4、具备英语听说读写能力。 5、管理类专业,接受过系统的人力资源管理理论培训。 请注意:你的简历信息将会被我们转发到我们的第三方招聘系统进行流程使用。我们会采用合理的安全措施来保护您的个人数据安全,如您继续申请该职位,即表示您已知晓并认可我们的操作。
  • 无锡 | 10年以上 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 技能培训
    服务式公寓 | 1-49 人
    发布于 05-21
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    1、根据市场实际情况及酒店、公寓经营状况制定相对应的业务规划和经营方针; 2、负责完成集团下达的营业收入和利润等指标; 3、负责酒店、公寓年度预算与决策的编制,严格控制经营成本和开支,检查分析每月营业情况; 4、负责酒店、公寓机构设置、人员编制及人员的录用、考核、奖惩、晋升等工作; 5、负责酒店、公寓的团队建设,指导相关的培训工作,培养和建设酒店、公寓员工队伍,提高服务质量和员工素质; 6、建立健全酒店、公寓的组织管理系统、规章制度和服务操作规范,使之合理化、精简化、效率化; 7、协调内、外部关系,推动品牌和价值宣传措施,不断提高酒店品牌知名度及美誉度; 8、负责做好酒店、公寓与各界人士的公共关系,树立酒店良好形象 9、负责酒店、公寓安全管理工作,掌握控制及处理各种紧急情况的方法及步骤,妥善处理各种突发性事件。 任职资格: 1、35-45岁,本科及以上学历,相关管理专业背景; 2、10年以上酒店相关工作经历,从事国际四星级及以上酒店5年以上相关高层管理工作经验,有知名涉外酒店总经理/副总经理工作经验者优先; 3、善于管理和经营团队,较强的责任心、运营意识、较强的服务意识和成本意识; 4、具有较强的沟通表达、业务处理和市场应变等能力。
  • 东莞 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 食宿面议



    • 购买社保
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    • 年度旅游
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    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    服务式公寓 | 100-499人
    发布于 05-14
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    岗位要求: 1、全面负责东莞南城新项目(高端服务式公寓)的筹开、日常运行和管理,有针对性的对工程进度及预开业时间制定筹备倒计时计划并执行,保障顺利营业。 2、负责建立健全服务公寓内部的组织系统、运行机制及各项规章制度并落实执行。  3、负责研究并掌握市场变化及其发展趋势,制定价格体系,适时提出阶段性工作重点,并组织实施。 4、提交服务公寓的年度预算、决算等相关方案,供集团总部决策参考。 5、指导制定筹备期及运营后日常培训计划,提高员工素质和服务质量。 6、经营好服务公寓品牌形象及对外形象,与社会各界保持良好的公共关系。 7、确定服务公寓合理的市场营销方案,带领团队不断开拓市场,完成业绩。 任职资格: 1、35-45岁,男女不限,商务形象良好,全日制本科以上学历,酒店管理相关管理类专业; 2、会商务英语,具有5年以上四星级以上酒店或服务式公寓管理经验,3年以上同岗位管理经验; 3、具有酒店或服务式公寓项目评估、筹建、经营相关工作经验,熟悉服务公寓经营与管理; 4、具有较强的沟通应变能力、协调社交能力、管理培训能力以及出色的团队领导能力; 5、具有较好的成本意识,有较强的责任心及奉献精神; 6、有高端服务式公寓筹备开业经验者优先。
  • 总经理

    扬州 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
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    • 包吃包住
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 午餐补贴
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    服务式公寓 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-24
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    • 投递简历
    OAKWOOD WORLDWIDE (ASIA) PTE LTD is the preferred provider of world-class accommodation for global mobile users, managing five products- Oakwood Premier, Oakwood Hotel and Apartments, Oakwood Residence, Oakwood Studio and Oakwood Suites provided different lifestyles to meet the long-term and short-term accommodations of business and leisure travelers.   Role – General Manager With our rapid expansion and growth in China, we are looking for an energetic, experienced and well-connected leader to serve as the general manager. Your main roles and responsibilities will include but are not limited to: 1、 Responsible for the hotel's strategic and business planning, performance management and financial management, and provide leadership to the team, including guiding internal operations to achieve budget results and other financial indicators to ensure that the organization achieves its short-term, mid-term and long-term profitability and maximum return change; 2、Ensure compliance with Oakwood's management, implement operations and maintain efficient operation service standards consistent with the group's brand; 3、 Establish a harmonious relationship with our owners, make them feel aware of the situation and highly trust our management skills; 4、 Through the development and motivation of employees, assist in creating a positive, team-oriented environment, with customers as the center; 5、 Participate in business, industry and community activities to establish connections and promote the development of Oakwood; 6、Comply with laws and regulations and ensure employee health and work safety; 7、  Any other duties as requested by Director Of Operations (China) or the CEO/Managing Director and Global Vice President Operations. About you You will have the following conditions: 1、Actively participate in society, passionate, clear communicator, convincing and representative attitude; 2、 Have 10 years of rich experience in senior positions in high-end hotels, and have a good record in operating hotels and/or serviced apartments; 3、Welcome to apply from local Chinese candidates who have experience in operating serviced apartments in China; 4、  Excellent interpersonal skills, including communication, listening and guidance, will ensure that you succeed in your role and build trust; 5、  Able to establish strong relationships with employees and guests at all levels in a careful, friendly, courteous and service-oriented manner and conduct effective oral and written communication; 6、 Calmness in situations, with a solid business acumen, management reporting and problem-solving skills; 7、 It is best to have a certain international hotel chain/hotel organization work experience (before opening). If you are the person we are looking for, please apply online and provide complete information including your resume in Chinese and English. Please also include your current and expected salary. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified of further interviews. 职位描述: 1、 负责酒店的战略和业务规划、绩效管理和财务管理,为团队提供领导力,包括指导内部运营以实现预算结果和其他财务指标,以确保组织实现其短期、中期和长期盈利能力和回报的最大化; 2、  确保遵守奥克伍德公司管理,实施运营并保持与集团品牌一致的高效运营服务标准; 3、  与我们的业主建立融洽的关系,让他们感觉了解情况并高度信任我们的管理技能; 4、  通过员工的发展和激励,协助创造一个积极的、以团队为导向的环境,以客人为中心; 5、  参加商业、行业和社区活动,以建立联系并促进奥克伍德的发展; 6、  遵守法律法规、确保员工健康和工作安全; 7、  运营总监(中国)或首席执行官/总经理和全球运营副总裁要求的任何其他职责。 任职要求: 1. 积极参与社会、充满激情、清晰的沟通者、令人信服和具有代表性的态度; 2、 拥有 10 年高端酒店高级职位的丰富经验,在经营酒店和/或服务式公寓方面有着良好的记录; 3、  欢迎具有在中国从事经营服务式公寓经验的中国本土候选人申请; 4、  出色的人际交往能力,包括沟通、倾听和指导,将确保您在自己的角色中取得成功,并建立信任; 5、  能够以细心、友好、礼貌和以服务为导向的方式与各级员工和客人建立牢固的关系并进行有效的口头和书面沟通; 6、  遇事冷静,具有扎实的商业头脑、管理报告和解决问题的能力; 7、  最好具有一定的国际连锁酒店/酒店组织工作经验(开业前)。
  • 上海 | 5年以上 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 午餐补贴
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    服务式公寓 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-01
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    • 投递简历
    Actively source for business development deals, choose and select compatible partners for collaboration and to establish relationship with them. 积极寻找商业发展机会,选择合适的合作伙伴并与之建立合作关系。 To engage in active discussion with potential partners on suitable projects and to provide accurate and appropriate cooperation proposa. 积极与潜在的合作伙伴商讨合适的项目,并提供准确和恰当的合作建议。 Follow closely and constantly progress of project, establish strong relationship with partners and to be responsible for eventual signing of contracts. 密切跟踪项目的进展,与合作伙伴建立稳固的合作关系,并负责最终的合同签订。 Work as representative of Frasers Hospitality to maintain brand image in the market, to build and develop relations with potential clients. 作为辉盛国际的代表,维护品牌在市场上的形象,建立和发展与潜在客户的关系。
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