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  • 宁波 | 经验不限 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06:41
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    ·           按要求协调所有宣传活动和现场考察事宜。 ·           Attend monthly sales meetings. ·           参加每月的销售会议。 ·           Attend to all sales department mail and maintain a correspondence data base. ·           处理所有销售部的邮件并维护通信数据库。 ·           Assist with direct mail campaigns. ·           协助直邮广告工作。 ·           Statistical collation on behalf of state (weekly). ·           代表国家进行数据统计(每周)。 ·           Maintain filing systems (manual and electronic). ·           维护档案系统(手写版及电子版)。 ·           Maintenance and management of data base. ·           维护和管理数据库。 ·           Assist with promotions and familiarizations where requested. ·           按要求协助促销和宣传活动。 ·           Organize Trade shows, functions and exhibitions where applicable and advised by Superiors. ·           可视情况在上级的建议下组织商展、活动和展览。 ·           Assist with compilation of annual budgets, business plan and regular action plans. ·           协助编订年度预算、业务计划和日常工作计划。 ·           Assist with tender submissions. ·           协助投标事宜。 ·           Work with other IHG properties and assist superiors including regional sales personnel to sell their properties. ·           与洲际酒店集团的其它酒店合作,并对上级提供协助,包括对地区销售人员的销售工作提供协助。 ·           Liaison with advertising agency. ·           与广告机构联系。 ·           Stock control of collateral. ·           负责对宣传品的库存管理。 ·           Execute advertising/creative briefs in a timely manner. ·           及时进行广告创意说明。 ·           Create artwork and have collateral input for flyers for direct mail purposes & assist with promotional activities for rooms & conference. ·           制作礼品和用于直邮的宣传单,以及协助客房和会议室的促销活动。 ·           Maintain and update promotional flyers. ·           保持并更新促销宣传单。 ·           Maintain stock of printed material. ·           保管印刷品的库存。 ·           Co-ordinate and maintain supply of corporate gifts and promotional items. ·           协调并保持企业礼品和促销用品的供应。 ·           Assist with the preparation of new products and services. ·           协助对新产品和新服务的准备工作。 ·           Assist with the planning and development of promotional strategies and marketing plans for the hotel. ·           协助酒店促销策略和市场计划的策划。 ·           Distributes sales leads. ·           分派销售线索。 ·           Work in line with business needs. ·           依照业务需求开展工作。
  • 宁波 | 经验不限 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06:41
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    1.熟悉酒店各部门、餐厅、推广优惠等情况,以及所有内线号码、紧急号码和酒店管理人员姓名、联系电话的资料 2.熟练掌握电话房内各种设备的使用方法和技巧 3.确保为外线来电人员提供有礼、迅速、准确、满意的电话转接服务
  • 宁波 | 经验不限 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06:41
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    1.在贵宾接待主管的督导下负责与会的重要宾客的接待工作,保证迎来送往以及会议全程的顺利进行,使贵宾有良好的与会体验。 2.熟知并记录贵宾的喜好,在服务中注重细节,营造良好的与会氛围。 3.熟知贵宾动线,贵宾休息室环境,并确保接待过程中贵宾的基本需要得到满足,有任何贵宾反馈,及时上报。 4.有初步处置紧急事件的能力,能在 灵活处理或协调贵宾遇到的问题,无法处置的问题及时,上报。 5.接受贵宾接待经理/主管的监管与督导,积极参加日常培训,不段提升贵宾接待服务技能及服务口碑。 6.与各部门齐心协作,确保各个活动圆满完成。
  • 宁波 | 1年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06:41
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    1.确保自己的服饰、发型整洁、淡妆等方面全部符合规定的要求。 2.查看交班记录,了 解上一班的移交事项,并负责处理。 3.熟悉预订资料,了 解客情,尤其要记住即将来店的贵宾、常客的姓名,了解酒店的所有活动。4.负责接待酒店贵宾客人。 5.熟练总台各项专业业务和技能,搞好对客服务。 6.保证随时都为VIP客人提供帮助,使其入住愉快并享有难以忘却的经历。
  • 迎宾司仪

    宁波 | 经验不限 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06:41
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    • 投递简历
    ·       Welcomes and warm greeting to guest who arriving at the hotel   ·       热情问候酒店的宾客,对其到店表示欢迎 ·       Prepare daily arrival reports and remember VIP or frequent stay guests name. Try to address each guest by their name. ·       准备好当天工作报表并熟记VIP客人和经常入住宾客的姓名。尽可能在对客时能称呼客人的名字。 ·       Taking care of revolving door at entrance, especially when children go through it, conduct efficient action when children stuck in and call for further emergency first-aid service to Guest Service Manager ·       关注酒店的旋转门,在有儿童通过时需小心,在发生问题和有紧急事件发生时做出快速反应并及时通知酒店的宾客服务经理。 ·       Remain current-in all hotel information: events, promotion etc. Answer guests inquiries on Hotel facility and city information. ·       熟知当天酒店的所有活动为宾客提供必要的信息。 ·       Attend daily briefing ·       参加日常部门例会 ·       During break, assist VIP Reception Lounge colleague to process check in. Meets and greets VIPs, return guests to provide warm welcome and fond see-offs. ·       在休息轮换时,协助贵宾接待厅同事一起帮助客人办理入住,问候贵宾,回头客 ·       Assumes other duties as assigned by the Front Office Manager / Director of Rooms / Executive Assistant Manager. ·        执行可能由前厅部经理/房务总监/行政助理经理安排的任务
  • 宁波 | 经验不限 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06:41
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    岗位职责 1、编制收入报告,然后分发给餐厅经理和管理层。 2、管理餐厅使用的收据,确保收据号的连贯性,登记收据,被取消的收据均记录在案。 3、核对餐厅总销售额与总收入是否相符。 4、确保所有折扣和杂费项目均附有相关单据列明具体收费项目。所有折扣应遵循财务制度。折扣,杂费及垫付款项应备有总结清单,每天提交给财务经理和总经理审批。 5、对所有涉及优惠券,证书和凭单的活动均应妥善管理,施行安全措施。 岗位要求 形象:形象良好,大方得体 学历:大专或以上学历,财会、税务等专业,应届毕业生亦可 语言:英语听说读写良好 经验:有相关工作经验或实习经验 技能:电脑办公软件熟练
  • 礼宾员

    宁波 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06:41
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    【岗位职责】 1、服从上级的工作安排; 2、按照行李服务流程和要求,为抵离客人提供行李搬运服务,并将每次运送情况做好记录; 3、协助做好大堂寻人服务和在大堂放置各类告示牌,及时撤换过期的告示牌并搬至指定的存放地点; 4、做好行李服务设备的清洁工作; 5、按照服务流程迎送客人,提供拉门服务; 6、维护出入车辆秩序,保证上下客车位和车道畅通; 7、准确回答客人的询问,主动做好服务工作; 8、保持岗位周围的环境整洁,发现果皮、纸屑、烟蒂等杂物及时捡掉; 9、下雨天,为上下车客人撑伞,并为客提供雨具存放及保管,并提供借伞服务; 10、熟悉酒店各种服务项目和营业时间,向客人推销酒店的各项服务,介绍酒店客房设施。了解本市交通、商业、旅游等方面资料; 11、随时听从接待员的召唤,迅速接受带房任务及为客提供物品转接服务; 12、为客人指路,认真回答客人的询问,尽量满足客人的需求; 13、负责分送邮件、报刊、报表、留言单及前厅通知等,并按规定登记和办理签收手续; 14、受理客人行李寄存及领取,并做好详细的存取记录; 15、协助大堂副理维持大堂秩序,控制好大堂内外的灯光; 16、积极参与酒店和部门组织的各项活动,完成上级交予的各项工作。 【岗位要求】 1、大专以上学历,具有1年以上从事前厅服务工作经历; 2、工作认真、作风细致、吃苦耐劳、反应灵活; 3、能进行英语日常会话,开展对客服务。
  • 预订文员

    宁波 | 1年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06:41
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    • 投递简历
    ·           Sell the InterContinental Hotels Group products and services using up-selling and suggestive selling techniques. ·           运用销售技巧和房间销售升级推广洲际酒店集团的产品和服务。 ·           Promote the Hotel’s (and ICHG generally) products and services. ·           推销酒店(以及整个洲际酒店集团)的产品和服务。 ·           Maintain a high level of product and service knowledge about all ICHG Hotels in your region. ·           充分了解所在地区的洲际酒店集团成员的产品和服务。 ·           Develop and maintain a regular pattern of sales calls. ·           发展和保持定期进行销售拜访的模式。 ·           Prepare and execute action plans which increase reservation sales and associated business. ·           准备和执行增加预订销售和相关业务的工作计划。 ·           Record and process reservations made by phone/fax/email. ·           记录和处理通过电话,传真,电子邮件进行的预订。 ·           Accept wait list reservations ·           接受等候单上的客人预订。 ·           Process amendments to reservations such as extensions, early departures, etc. ·           修改延期和提前离店等特殊情况的预订记录。 ·           Manage “no show” reservations by investigation and recording of same. ·           调查和记录未按预订抵店的预订情况。 ·           Record special billing arrangements for groups and conventions. ·           对团组或会议的特别账单安排进行记录。 ·           Liaise with Front Office Manager or Finance Manager for all reservations requiring credit approval. ·           与前厅部经理或财务经理联系要求信用审批的预订事宜。 ·           Maintain knowledge of special rates/ offers/ promotions. ·           掌握关于特价,酬宾,促销活动的信息。 ·           Monitor reservation levels and inform Managers of current and future occupancy rates. ·           监测预订情况,并向经理通报目前和将来的入住率。 ·           Prepare reports as requested (eg to travel agents, business houses etc). ·           按照要求准备报告(如给旅行代理人和商业机构的报告等)。 ·           Prepare reservation sales reports. ·           准备预订销售报告。
  • 宁波 | 经验不限 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06:41
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    • 投递简历
    ·         Greets all guests at all times in a friendly and helpful manner and attempts to learn and use guest’s name at every opportunity  ·         每时每刻都友好热情的欢迎和接待所有客人,努力自我学习并利用每个机会称呼客人的名字。 ·           ·         Registers and rooms all arrivals according to established procedures ·         根据相关程序登记并引领所有的入住客人。 ·         Maintains intimate knowledge of departmental standards and procedures ·         熟知部门的标准和程序。 ·         Greet the guests upon their arrival and escort them to the Executive Lounge for check-in if the reception desk if occupied by other guests. ·         如在前台繁忙的情况下主动的欢迎和护送客人到行政酒廊办理登记入住手续。 ·         Performs check in, check out and room change procedures and ensures all data are entered completely into the hotel systems in accordance with reservation if there is a need of assist. Co-ordinate with other departments or sections for all requires from guests. ·         准确操作入住,退房和换房的电脑系统,确保输入酒店系统里的数据和预定保持一致,和其他部门紧密协作以满足客人要求。 ·         Keeps abreast of all modifications to accounting policies and procedures ·         与同事一起共同遵循和保证所有财务政策和程序的更新。 ·         Ensure the breakfast, afternoon tea and evening cocktails are set up accordingly. ·         确保相应的准备早餐,下午茶,鸡尾酒会。 ·         Delivers newspaper and magazine in the Club rooms ·         发放报纸和杂志给行政楼层客人。 ·         Ensure the cleanliness of the Club Floor and lounge at all times ·         每时每刻口确保行政酒廊和楼层的清洁。 ·         Knowledgeable in the F&B lounge menu and cocktail drinks ·         熟悉餐饮菜单和所提供的鸡尾酒会酒水服务。 ·         Knowledgeable of all special promotion procedures, for programs such as; Seasonal Packages, Frequent Flyers Programs, and also HUALUXE Hotels Group Loyalty programs. ·         熟悉所有推广的程序,比如,季度推广,航空会员计划,酒店集团的忠诚计划。 ·         Attends to guest’s complaints, inquiries and requests, referees problems to supervisor/ Executive Club Manager if he/she unable to assist ·         关注客人的投诉,询问和需求,在不能解决的情况下立即汇报主管或行政楼经理。 ·         Does everything possible to ensure that the guests depart the hotel with a positive impression of hotel service ·         为给客人离店之前留下美好的印象做出一切努力。 ·         Maintains comprehensive knowledge of standard reservation procedures including correct forms to use, how to read telex, e-mail, messages, and how to interpret availability sources within the reservation systems ·         确保充分了解酒店预定部的标准程序,包括正确的填写表格,怎样读取电传文字,邮件,留言,怎样在预定系统里解释来源的有效性。 ·         Maintains exemplary deportment standards of behavior and appearance and attitude as expected in a ICHG Brand ·         确保自己的举止,行为,外表和态度和洲际酒店集团品牌保持一致。 ·         Daily to check through IHG Rewards Club members and VIPs list and arrival reports, to check rooms of expected arrival guests and ensure that amenities are prepared and ordered. Upon arrival, greet and welcome them. ·         每日检查和确保所有当日达到优悦会会员的房间和欢迎物品是否齐全,在客人入住的时候亲切的欢迎他们。 ·         Maintain files on Hotels facilities, airline schedules, transportation schedules / routes and course, map and other relevant tourist information. ·         保留所有酒店设施,航班时间表,交通线路和地图相关旅游信息的存档。 ·         Be conversant with all hotels’ activities by reading event order, Public Relations materials and also promotion of competitor advertisement in the media for details on special promotion. ·         通过阅读宴会订单,公关部的相关材料,熟悉所有酒店的活动安排,同时了解竞争对手通过各种媒介进行的广告宣传和推广。 ·         Attends to all guests’ queries / complaints and channel feedback to the relevant Department Heads for appropriate actions.  All such queries and complaints must be given immediate attention.  If necessary, to pacify while investigate is being carried on and also it must be recorded it the logbook. ·         留意客人的要求和投诉,及时反馈给相关的部门领导,所有的要求和投诉必须立即得到解决,在有的情况下, 先安抚客人同时在交接本上做好记录。 ·         Distributes VIP release to department concerned after having obtained room members. Check additional VIP report for delivery of special amenities and prepares additional requisition for VIP Walk In for distribution. ·         和相关部门紧密沟通贵宾客人的相关信息,同时检查更新的贵宾到达报表,同时保证相应的欢迎物品要齐全,包括准备无预定贵宾的欢迎物品。 ·         Accepting reservations for the next destination hotel bookings ·         为客人预定下一站酒店。 ·         Providing assistance with specific queries or problems ·         根据客人具体要求和疑问提供帮助。 ·         Checks long staying guest list for sending weekly fruits and flowers. ·         每周检查长住客人报表并发水果和鲜花。 ·         Bid farewell to VIP checking out guests. ·         在退房时热情欢送贵宾。 ·         To arrange a birthday gift to Resident guest especially Long Staying Guests or Returning Guests, ·         为现住客人特别是为长住客人和回头客人安排生日礼物。 ·         Endeavors to maintain the high standards of the hotel with particular regard to the importance of IHG Rewards Club member and other VIP’s and with reference to hotel and to be a health or safety hazard ·         努力为优悦会会员和贵宾创造一个安全,优雅,高品质服务。 ·         Assist in any other duties as assigned ·         完成其他分配的任务。
  • 宁波 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06:41
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    ·         Greets all guests at all times in a friendly and helpful manner and attempts to learn and use guest’s name at every opportunity  ·         随时以友好和乐于协助的态度迎接客人,并尽量了解和称呼客人的名字 ·         Registers and rooms all arrivals according to established procedures ·         按照既定工作程序为所有来客登记并安排房间 ·         Maintains intimate knowledge of departmental standards and procedures ·         熟知部门标准工作程序 ·         Performs check in, check out and room change procedures and ensures all data are entered completely into the hotel systems in accordance with reservation ·         履行入住、退房和换房手续,并确保所有资料都按照预订情况完整的输入酒店电脑系统 ·         Maintains cashier float and ensures accurate daily report of all money received ·         保持库存现金限额并保证每日对所收现金进行准确报告 ·         Cashes hotel guest’s personal and travellers checks and assists with currency exchange ·         为酒店客人的个人支票及旅行支票兑换现金,并协助进行外汇兑换 ·         Keeps abreast of all modifications to accounting policies and procedures ·         随时留意会计政策和工作程序的变化 ·         Responsible and attends to guest’s request of using the service of safety box at all times ·         随时负责回应客人关于使用保险箱服务的要求 ·         Knowledgeable of all special promotion procedures, for programs such as; Seasonal Packages, Frequent Flyers Programs, and also Intercontinental Hotels Group Loyalty programs ·         熟知所有特别促销活动,如:季节性套餐计划、常客优惠计划以及洲际酒店集团忠实方案 ·         Attends to guest’s complaints, inquiries and requests, referees problems to supervisor/Assistant Manager if he/she unable to assist ·         处理客人的投诉、问询和请求,如果自己无法提供协助,则将问题转给主管和经理助理 ·         Is familiar with other Intercontinental Hotels and Resorts so that guest indicating any next destination on the registration card can be “sold” an onward booking to another InterContinental Hotels ·         熟悉洲际酒店和度假村集团的其它成员酒店,以便当客人在登记卡上写出以后要去的目的地时可以游说其在另一家洲际酒店集团成员酒店进行提前预订 ·         Does everything possible to ensure that the guests depart the hotel with a positive impression of hotel service ·         尽一切努力确保客人在离店时会对酒店的服务有很好的印象 ·         Performs the audit balances and prepares all works for audit in an orderly fashion ·         执行审计结余,并为审计工作进行各项有序的准备 ·         When on night shift, checks night report, prepare the morning report and prepare all necessary forms for the guest arrival ·         在值班时检查夜班报告,准备早班报告,并为客人的到来准备各种必要的表格 ·         Maintains comprehensive knowledge of standard reservation procedures including correct forms to use, how to read telex, e-mail, messages, and how to interpret availability sources within the reservation systems ·         全面了解标准的预订工作程序,包括如何正确使用表格,如何读电传、电子邮件和留言,以及如何在预订系统内对房源情况进行解读 ·         Maintains exemplary deportment standards of behaviour and appearance and attitude as expected in an HUALUXE Brand ·         按照酒店集团品牌的预期保持自己行为、外表和态度的高标准 ·         Takes personal interest and pride to ensure that the front desk work area is kept clean and in an orderly state at all times ·         随时保持前台工作区域的整洁和有序,并以此作为自己的个人兴趣和骄傲 ·         Endeavours to maintain the high standards of the hotel with particular regard to the importance of IHG Rewards Club Programme member and other VIP’s and with reference to hotel and to be a health or safety hazard ·         力争保持酒店的高标准,特别注意优悦会会员及其它贵宾的重要性,并重视酒店的健康和安全隐患等问题
  • 保安员

    宜宾 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 每周工作五天
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Maintain Security department assets and insist periodic inventory 维护保安部的部门资产并定期盘点。 Report to Manager all hotel property deficiencies and safety or security hazards. 向经理汇报酒店所有的财产损坏和安全危险问题。 Implement procedures for security and emergency incidents. 执行安全和紧急事件处理程序。 In the event of fire, be thoroughly familiar with and guided by the hotel’s emergency plan. 发生火灾时,应熟知并按照酒店应急事件处理要求进行工作。Be familiar with location of fire alarms and fire fighting equipment. 熟悉消防报警及灭火器材的位置。 Maintain a good knowledge of the liquor act and criminal code. 掌握有关酗酒及犯罪管理条理。 Maintain a regular presence in public area or your assigned post. 保持定期的在公共区域或所负责的岗位值勤。 Prevent gambling on hotel premises. 禁止在酒店内赌博行为。 Prevent Sabotage of hotel premises. 禁止毁坏酒店设施的行为。 Patrol all areas including employee locker rooms, kitchens, food and beverage storage areas, car parking and remote areas. 巡视酒店的所有区域,包括员工更衣室、厨房、餐饮库房、停车场及其他偏僻区域。 Assist and maintain crowd control as required. 按照要求协助维持人群的正常秩序。 Ensure all outlets, fridges, cupboards etc are fully secured when not in use or unattended. 确保所有未被使用的电源插座、冰箱、厨柜等的安全。 Act on reports delivered by the Security Manager regarding any unusual incidents identified by closed circuit television. 根据保安管理员通过闭路监视系统发现的异常情况采取相应行动。 Ensure there is no obstruction to the loading dock and that unauthorized vehicles are removed. 确保裝卸区无障碍,未经批准的车辆不得入内。 Coordinate functions with other security staff or Police and other government Securities and promote good will with them. 协调与其它保安人员、公安人员及政府其它安全部门的职能关系,并与他们发展良好的关系。 Implement the hotel policies and procedures and advise Superiors and Human Resources of action taken. 执行酒店的各项规章制度并向上级领导和人事部通报执行情况。 Report directly and explain with details if any problem arising or malfunctioning property or equipment to superior or log book. 直接向上级领导汇报并详细解释发现的问题或损坏财产设备的情况或在工作日志中记录相关事宜。 Be correct, secure and courteous in handling any disciplinary or criminal case. 正确、安全、礼貌地处理各类违规及犯罪案件。 Establish and maintain the effective employee relations. 建立并保持良好的员工关系。
  • 预订员

    宜宾 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 每周工作五天
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Sell the InterContinental Hotels Group products and services using up-selling and suggestive selling techniques 运用销售技巧和房间销售升级推广洲际酒店集团的产品和服务 Promote the Hotel’s (and ICHG generally) products and services 推销酒店(以及整个洲际酒店集团)的产品和服务 Maintain a high level of product and service knowledge about all ICHG Hotels in your region 充分了解所在地区的洲际酒店集团成员的产品和服务 Develop and maintain a regular pattern of sales calls 发展和保持定期进行销售拜访的模式 Prepare and execute action plans which increase reservation sales and associated business 准备和执行增加预订销售和相关业务的工作计划 Maintain knowledge of special rates/ offers/ promotions 掌握关于特价,酬宾,促销活动的信息 Prepare reservation sales reports 准备预订销售报告Liaise with Front Office Manager or Finance Manager for all reservations requiring credit approval 与前厅部经理或财务经理联系要求信用审批的预订事宜 Monitor reservation levels and inform Managers of current and future occupancy rates 监测预订情况,并向经理通报目前和将来的入住率 Record and process reservations made by phone/fax/email 记录和处理通过电话,传真,电子邮件进行的预订 Accept wait list reservations 接受等候单上的客人预订 Process amendments to reservations such as extensions, early departures, etc 修改延期和提前离店等特殊情况的预订记录 Manage “no show” reservations by investigation and recording of same 调查和记录未按预订抵店的预订情况 Record special billing arrangements for groups and conventions 对团组或会议的特别账单安排进行记录Prepare reports as requested (eg to travel agents, business houses etc) 按照要求准备报告(如给旅行代理人和商业机构的报告等)
  • 三亚 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 做五休二
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    ·        为客人准备并服务食物 ·        协助做好食品原料的接收和储存 ·        清洁并保持设备和餐厅内的卫生 ·        坚持遵守卫生标准要求及执行相应的操作程序,按照食品安全标准服务食物 ·         餐厅及会议室的各项工作及服务的准备 ·        向客人提供周到专业的服务并保证热食和冷食的在相应标准温度下。 ·        准备餐厅的各项服务,包括: ·        设备的清洁 ·        分类摆放设备 ·        清洁并保持瓷器、玻璃器皿及餐具的卫生 ·        做好服务台准备工作 ·        准备好服务所需的设备和用品,提供自助餐服务,并根据需要添加食品 ·        准备餐台并做好清洁维护工作 ·        建立并保持高效的员工工作关系 ·        根据安排参加每日例会及其他相关会议 ·        按照要求参加各类业务培训 ·        接受其他分配的职责和培训,团队成员在工作中须周密思考、积极促成自我成为有价值的酒店成员
  • 北京 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 优秀员工评选
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.Responsible for arrangeand notice interview and record it. 负责协助招聘经理安排、通知应聘者面试,并做好登记。 2.Handles new staff checkin procedure including making and distributing staff ID cards and name tags. 办理新员工的报到手续,包括员工工作证、名牌的制作和发放。 3.Conduct reference checkfor confirmed candidates. 拟录用人员的背景调查。 4.Distribution andmanagement of staff locker. 员工更衣柜的发放和管理。 5.Internal staff filessetting up, updating and management. 员工档案的建立、更新和管理。 6.Check monthly attendancerecord of each department and complete HR monthly attendance record. 负责本部门的月度考勤。 7.Control and follow-up employee medical certificates. 员工健康证的管理和跟进。 8.Manage the entry and exit of outsourcing personnel, and make registration 管理外包人员入离职,并做好登记。 9.HR internal fairs, including purchasing items and stationaryreceiving and distribution. 人力资源部内勤工作,包括打采购申请和文具的申领等。 10.Assist in Training Manager handling some routine work. 协助培训经理做培训方面的事务性工作。 11.Assist in staff activities organization. 协助组织员工活动。 12.Other work assigned to her. 完成领导其他交办的工作。 我们希望您: 1.College degree or above. 大专以上学历。 2.The duration of internship is at least half a year. Preference is given to senior citizens. 实习时间至少半年,实习期长者优先考虑。 3.Good skill for computer,very familiar with Word and Excel. 良好的电脑技能,熟练使用Word和Excel。 4.Work earnestly andresponsibly, with team work spirit. 工作认真负责,有上进心,有团队精神。
  • 北京 | 经验不限 | 大专



    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 优秀员工评选
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.The Guest Service Center is responsible and accountable for all operations in relation to the Switchboard and guest message delivery whilst on duty. All duties and tasks performed are to be procedurally correct, timely and of a consistently high quality. The Guest Service Center must also ensure that through personal presentation, telephone manner, effective and efficient work practices and guest service standards, that guests and callers "first" impression of hotel is a lasting one of genuine warmth and friendliness and of high standards. 宾客服务中心员工在当班时对所有有关的接线操作和客人留言的分送负责。要正确地、及时地和始终如一的高质量履行职责和任务。宾客服务中心员工也要确保通过个人的介绍、电话礼仪、有效率的工作以及标准对客服务来给客人和致电者留下一个真正温暖、友善和高标准的酒店的第一印象。 2. Responsible for ensuring that clear and constant communication lines are kept with all staff, areas and Hotel departments. 负责确保所有员工,区域和饭店各个部门的电话线通畅清晰。 3. services and facilities provided by Pullman Beijing South. 确保向客人和打电话的人简要介绍酒店的所能提供的有关服务和设施。 4. Responsible for the ongoing communication of pertinent information using the Telephone logbook provided to other shifts. 负责将发生中的事情的相关信息记录在交班本上,以便其他班次的员工知道。 5. To ensure you have a complete and thorough knowledge of the outlets of hotel, their operating hours and the scope of services that they provide. 确认已经完全了解酒店的餐厅以及他们的营业时间和经营范围。 6. To ensure that all telephone calls are attended to in a helpful and professional, yet warm and friendly manner. 确保所有电话的转接是按专业标准,并且有礼貌、热情友好的态度。 7. To ensure all guests are provided with an efficient Guest Service Center service as required. 确保客人得到了所要求的高效率的宾客服务中心服务。
  • 北京-大兴区 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 优秀员工评选
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    College education, majorin Hospitality or Tourism management or other related majors.大专以上学历,服务专业或旅游管理专业。 Front Office experiencesor 1year and above Front Desk experiences.有前厅工作经验或从事前台1年以上的工作经验。
  • 重庆-九龙坡区 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Ensures forwarding and receiving of all information pertaining to the department in order to maintain set standards and achieve guest satisfaction. 确保 接听和转达所有与部门相关的信息,以保持既定标准并取得客户的满意。 Receives, records, and distributes various reports. 接收 、记录并分发各种报告。 Receives, records, and transmits guest requests accurately. 准确接听 、记录并传达客人的请求。 Responsible for entering accurate room status into computer daily and investigate discrepancies. 负责每天将客房情况准确的输入电脑并调查各种异常情况。 Maintains and update administrative data. 保持和更新管理数据。 Maintains working area and equipment in a proper state of cleanliness and repair. 确保工作区域和设备得到良好的清洁和修缮。 Report guest complaints to Executive Housekeeper or delegate immediately.  及时向行政管家或其代理人汇报客人的投诉情况。 Complies with hotel’s health, safety and hygiene policies and adheres to conduct personnel grooming and hygiene standards. 遵守酒店的健康、安全和卫生政策,并遵守个人仪容和卫生标准。 Attends meetings and training sessions as required. 按要求参加会议和培训活动。 Is multi-skilled as a Room Attendant as well as other areas of Housekeeping. 成为掌握客房服务员和客房部其它业务领域工作技能的复合型人才。 Adheres to Housekeeping standards and procedures and enforces same. 遵守并执行客房部的各项标准和工作程序。
  • 重庆-九龙坡区 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    ·In the absence of a Manager, conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known   在经理缺席时主持交接班说明会,确保员工了解酒店的活动和运营的要求。 ·Endeavor to resolve all complaints during shift and logs all complaints in log book for further follow up  在自己当班期间尽可能解决所有的投诉,并在工作日志中记录所有投诉以便进一步跟进的工作。 ·Supervise cash handling and banking procedures  监督现金的处理和存放程序。 ·Prepare daily banking and cash flow reports  编制每日存款和流动资金报告。 ·Establish and instruct staff in cash security procedures  制定并指导员工执行现金安全制度。 ·Deal with irregular payments  处理异常的付款情况。 ·Supervise the maintenance of service equipment  监督服务设备的维护保养。 ·Monitor standards of guest facilities and services  监督客用设施和服务的标准。 ·Control stock and monitor security procedures  控制存货和监督保安成序。 ·Assist with menu and wine list creation  协助菜单和酒水单的设计工作。 ·Supervise functions  监督各项职能。 ·Supervise outlet service  监督餐厅的服务。 ·Works with Superior on manpower planning and management needs  和上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 ·Works with Superior in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget  和上级领导一起编制和管理部门预算。
  • 重庆-九龙坡区 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    ·Review and correct daily revenue journal  每天审查并更正收入帐目。 ·Controls all balance sheet accounts by preparation of monthly account reconciliations and actions accordingly  通过编制月度对帐单并进行相应的帐目调整,控制资产负债表的所有科目 ·Specifically reviews the accounts payable balance to ensure accuracy and proposes action and follow up to be taken to ensure a clear balance with limited over 90/120 day amounts   特别审查应付帐款余额以确保其准确性,采取措施保证在90或120天内结清相应款项 ·Monitor house banks   监控酒店的现金 ·Analyze and investigate cashiers’ over’s and shorts  分析研究出纳的帐目出入 ·Code and input manual cheques  按明细帐目编号将支票录入系统 ·Investigate and input bank statement data  分析并录入银行对帐单信息 ·Prepare bank reconciliations such as agency imp rest and replacement reserve  编制诸如周转金及换置备用金等银行往来调节表 ·Review accounts payable monthly inventory reconciliations  审查月度存货应付帐款对账单 ·Review accounts payable purchase journal  审查采购应付帐目 ·Review travel agency commission payments  审查旅行社提成支付款项 ·Maintain replacement reserve cash book  保管换置备用金的现金帐目 ·Review and prepare input in the general ledge from various sources  审查不同来源的帐目,然后准备将其录入总帐 ·Review food and beverage control reconciliations and journal  审查餐饮类帐目及对帐表 ·Review accounts payable/ inventory interface  审查存货类应付帐款 ·Prepare month end journals  编制月末各类帐目 ·Prepare balance sheet record and identify and reconcile all items therein  编制资产负债表,并进行必要的对帐工作 ·Audit payroll  对工资进行审计 ·Prepares monthly invoices for other IHG hotels, General Manager, Store and Shop rentals  为洲际酒店集团的其它酒店,总经理,商店商铺租金编制月度账单 ·Prepares all journal vouchers for month-end closing  整理准备月末结帐的各类会计凭证 ·Prepares monthly Financial Statements for distribution to Department Heads and Executives, as directed by Finance Manager  在财务经理的领导下,编制月度财务报告,并向酒店高层及相关部门主管分发 ·Responsible for month-end back-office computer closing  负责月末进行办公室计算机系统结帐工作 ·Approves various city ledger transactions before posting   在登帐前验证各种挂帐交易 ·Assists Manager of in budget preparation and input, forecast reports and monthly reporting to corporate finance  协助财务经理编制财务预算及经营预测报告,每月向酒店集团财务部进行相关汇报 ·Supervises Accounts department in the absence of the  Finance Manager  在财务经理缺勤的情况下负责监督财务部日常工作 ·Reports directly to and communicates with the Finance Manager on all matters pertaining to accounting and financial controls  直接财务经理汇报交流有关财务控制方面的事宜 ·Cooperates, coordinates and communicates with other departments in matters concerning accounting related matters and internal control  与酒店其他部门就财会及内部控制事宜进行充分地合作、协调与沟通 ·Interacts, as required, with individuals outside the hotel including hotel’s bank, tax auditors and other hotels and IHG corporate offices  按照要求与包括酒店往来银行、税务监察人员、洲际酒店集团办公室和其他酒店的相关人士进行沟通接洽
  • 重庆-九龙坡区 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    ·In the absence of a Manager, conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known   在经理缺席时主持交接班说明会,确保员工了解酒店的活动和运营的要求。 ·Endeavour to resolve all complaints during shift and logs all complaints in log book for further follow up  在自己当班期间尽可能解决所有的投诉,并在工作日志中记录所有投诉以便进一步跟进的工作。 ·Supervise cash handling and banking procedures  监督现金的处理和存放程序。 ·Prepare daily banking and cash flow reports  编制每日存款和流动资金报告。 ·Establish and instruct staff in cash security procedures  制定并指导员工执行现金安全制度。 ·Deal with irregular payments  处理异常的付款情况。 ·Supervise the maintenance of service equipment  监督服务设备的维护保养。 ·Monitor standards of guest facilities and services 监督客用设施和服务的标准。 ·Control stock and monitor security procedures 控制存货和监督保安成序。 ·Assist with menu and wine list creation  协助菜单和酒水单的设计工作。 ·Supervise functions 监督各项职能。 ·Supervise outlet service  监督餐厅的服务。 ·Works with Superior on manpower planning and management needs  和上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 ·Works with Superior in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget  和上级领导一起编制和管理部门预算。
  • 重庆-九龙坡区 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
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    Monitor guest relations’ personnel to ensure maximum guest satisfaction through personal recognition and prompt cordial attention from arrival through departure 监督客户关系部工作人员,以确保来宾始终得到礼貌接待及充分的注意和重视,由此实现最 大的客人满意度 Monitor guest relations personnel to ensure Priority Club members consistently receive all benefits, repeat guests and other VIP’s receive special recognition and service 监督客户关系部人员的工作,以确保优悦会会员始终得到全部优惠,常客和其它贵宾也得到 特别关照 Inspects all VIP rooms prior to arrival 在贵宾到达前对贵宾房进行检查 Greet VIP guests personally 亲自迎接贵宾 Liaise with other departments and necessary outside contracts to ensure excellent service delivery 与其它部门和必要的外部承包商联系,以确保提供高质量的服务 Oversee maintenance of efficient repeat guest history system 对高效的常客客史档案系统维护实施监管 Promote Inter-Hotel sales and in-house facilities 促进店际销售及完善内部设施 Perform such functions as to include but not be limited to: 行使下列功能,包括但不仅限于: Priority Club and regular guest welcome letters 向优悦会会员和常客致欢迎信 Solicitation of Priority Club applications 发展优悦会会员 Attending to special requests by guests 回应客人提出的特别要求 Develop and implement guest telephone contact systems 开发和应用客人电话联系系统 Schedule and attend regular Priority Club and VIP guest cocktail parties and social engagements in an effort to further improve on service delivery 计划并参加优悦会和贵宾的定期鸡尾酒会和社会活动,以便进一步提高服务质量 Review arrival lists for all arrivals and VIPs to check room allocations, amenities, and special requests 查阅来客单,检查对客人和贵宾的房间分配情况、各类设施情况以及特别申请 Prepare requisitions for amenities on a timely basis 及时准备设备使用申请 Overall responsible for ensuring and maintaining the entire range of services offered for the Club Floor and Club Lounge with the aim to maximum guest satisfaction 确保向行政楼层和行政俱乐部提供全方位的服务,最大程度的获得宾客满意度 Appraise appearance, discipline and efficiency of all staff under direct supervision andinitiate immediate remedial action if necessary 评估所有员工的外在形象、守纪情况和工作效率并进行直接监管,如有必要,可采取直接的纠正措施 Organize and conduct regular meeting for all Guest Relation’s staff to facilitate communications and smooth operations 组织和召开客户关系部全体人员参加的会议,以加强交流和保证业务的顺利进行 Prepare efficient work schedule for Guest Relations Staff, arranging holidays and vacation, taking into consideration project occupancy and forecasts and any large group movements, especially those with early or late arrivals or departures 在考虑酒店入住情况和预测以及大规模的团组活动,特别是关于提前或延迟到达及离店的情 况的前提下,为客户关系部员工准备高效的工作计划,安排节日和假日 Familiar with relevant works of epidemic prevention and control. 熟悉疫情防控相关工作 Assist Executive Manager to handle guest complaint . 协助行政酒廊经理处理客诉
  • 重庆-九龙坡区 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    Assist guests with all inquiries, both hotel and non-hotel related 协助客人各种与酒店相关或无关的问询 Conduct effective shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known 进行有效的交接班说明工作,以明确酒店活动和运营要求 Maintain detailed knowledge of the activities of the day and alert to any potential problems 详细了解当日活动情况并留意各种潜在问题 Maintain detailed knowledge of key occurrences in your city/location including directions to key points of interests, restaurants, theaters, shopping, cinemas, sporting and recreational facilities, banks, consulates, transport systems and special events 详细了解所在城市和地区的情况,包括去往主要地点的路线、以及关于餐馆、剧场、商场、 电影院、体育场馆、娱乐设施、银行、领事馆、交通系统和特殊活动的信息 Maintain adequate supplies of forms, brochures and ensure they are presented in line with hotel standards 保证供应足够的表格和手册,并确保其质量达到酒店标准 Consult Log Book for information/request left by outgoing shift 查阅交班人员的工作日志,寻找相关信息和要求 Manage all incoming guest mail, messages, telexes, facsimiles and special deliveries, in accordance with policy 按照相关政策,对发给客人的信件、留言、电传、传真和特快专递进行管理 Manage outgoing guest mail, courier services, postage of parcels and freighting as directed by guests 按照客人的要求,对客人寄出的邮件、通过信使服务寄送的信件、 包裹的邮资和货运进行管理 Maintain order and security of guest keys and other selected keys kept in Front Office, ensuring key issue policy is followed 遵守钥匙管理政策,保证客人的钥匙及其它存放在前厅部的的钥匙的安全与有序管理 Receive telephone calls and take messages for guests who are out, in accordance with hotel policy 依照酒店政策,替外出的客人接听电话和留言 Record incoming registered mail, telegram, parcel, telex in appropriate file 在相应的档案上对寄给客人的挂号信、电报、包裹和电传进行记录 Night staff check mail, message of expected guests against the system/computer and expected arrivals 夜岗人员按照电脑系统和预抵房记录对预抵客人的邮件和留言进行查收 Prepare efficient work schedule for Bell staff, arranging holidays and vacations, taking into consideration projected occupancy and forecasts and any large group movements, especially those with early or late arrivals and departures 在考虑入住情况预测以及大规模的团组活动,特别是关于提前或延迟到达及离店的情况的前 提下,为行李服务部员工准备高效的工作计划,安排节日和假日 Works with Superior and Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs 与上级领导和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 Works with Superior and Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget. 与上级领导和财务总监一起编制和管理部门预算。 Familiar with relevant works of epidemic prevention and control. 熟悉疫情防控相关工作。 Assist Front Desk to check in & check out for guests. 协助前台为客人办理入住以及退房。
  • 重庆-九龙坡区 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    Conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known 进行有效的交接班简报工作,以明确酒店活动和运营要求 Supervise front office operations during assigned shift including: 在当班期间监督前厅部运营情况,包括: Maintenance of guest information 维护客户信息 Maintenance of information about local events 维护当地活动的信息 Compile occupancy statistics 统计入住情况 Supervise the use of he public address system 监督公共广播系统的使用 Supervise group bookings 监督团组预订情况 Assisting with serious complaints 协助解决严重投诉问题 Supervise cashiering activities during shift including: 在当班期间监督收银活动,包括: Cash handling and banking procedure 现金处理和银行业务程序 Dealing with irregular payments 处理非法支付情况 Instructing staff in credit policies and facilities 就信用政策和设备对员工进行指导 Instructing staff in cash security procedures 就现金安全程序对员工进行指导 Carry out debtor control 实施应收帐款控制 Prepare reports 准备财务报告 Supervise the cashiering system 对收银系统实施监管 Familiar with relevant works of epidemic prevention and control 熟悉疫情防控相关工作 Assist Guest Service Manager to handle guest complaint  协助宾客服务经理处理客诉
  • 南京 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 年底双薪
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
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    【职位描述】 1、Creating a warm and welcoming arrival for guests staying on the Executive Floor and VIP’s, ensuring an effective and efficient check-in. 为行政楼层的顾客和VIP顾客提供热情周到的接待,有效的登记入住。 2、Ensuring a memorable guest stay by giving caring and courteous guest services, providing information, responding to problems, and dealing with guests in a friendly and ever-hospitable manner. 为客人提供热情周到的服务,回答客人的问题,提供信息。 3、Facilitate a quick and efficient departure by ensuring that all guests leave happy with their stay. 快速有效的退房手续,确保顾客满意的离开。 4、Leading the Executive Lounge monitoring performance, providing guidance and make decisions. 负责领导和作出决定,并管理行政楼层。 5、Ensuring consistency of standards throughout the operation by adhering to Hilton brand standards. 遵循希尔顿品牌标准。 【任职要求】 1.1-2years experience in similar capacity with international chain hotels. 1-2年同级别国际连锁酒店的工作经验。 2.Excellent command of written and spoken in English and Chinese language. 良好的中英文读写能力。
  • 南京 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 年底双薪
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【职位描述】 Position Summary职位概述 1. The Room Controller provides guest service as well as handles the set-up of daily reservations and check-in and check-out of guest according to standards established by Hilton Hotels Corporation. 主管根据希尔顿酒店管理集团的标准为客人提供服务,处理每日预定以及办理登记 及结账手续。 2. Assist the Duty Manager to monitor all aspects of daily operation 协助值班经理监管前台日常工作。 3. Corporate with other sections and departments to maintain standards both in service and function. 与其他部门保持良好的合作,确保服务及所行使职责符合集团标准。 4. Uses creative management skills to solve guest and team member problems. Ensures compliance with company standards to ensure consistent high quality guest relation. 在遵循酒店规章制度,维持优质高效服务的基础上设法解决所有宾客及员工遇到的困难和问题。 5. Allocates rooms in accordance to the guests reservation, preference and remarks, maintaining a systemized and sales focused approach to room inventory management. 按照客人的预定或喜好安排房间,并做详细目录管理。 6. Is up to date with information on facilities, attractions, places of interest, sights and activities in and around hotel. 了解酒店周边地区的最新信息、名胜、风景地等,为顾客提供方便。 7. Creating a warm and welcoming arrival for guests, ensuring that they feel expected and immediately “at-home” when they arrive. 为顾客提供热情周到的服务,有宾至如归感。 8. Checking-in guests in accordance with their reservation details, ensuring that the registration card is completed, reservation information confirmed, HHonours and Frequent Flyer Number enquired about, and method of payment secured. 依照预订为客人办理入住,核对预订信息,希尔顿荣誉客会号及航空公司会员号,确保入住登记表的完整性及付款方式安全有效。 9. Ensuring that guests are escorted to their room that the hotel facilities and room features are explained, and that luggage is delivered in a prompt manner 将客人送至客房,介绍客房布局,确保行李及时送达。 10. Handles complaints promptly and efficiently, taking the necessary action, and informing the Guest Service Manager for follow up, where appropriate. Follow up with all guests to ensure satisfaction with problem resolution. 采取必要行动,及时有效的处理顾客的不满,适当的时候告知宾客服务经理。回访客人,确保客人对解决方法满意。 11. Maintains awareness of guest’s profile and specific preferences, ensuring that they are acted upon for each reservation. 维护顾客档案和信息,确保预订的有效性和准确性。 12. Acts as the first point of contact and liaison for Hilton Honors guests and VIP guests, ensuring that they are treated personally and recognized as an individual. 作为希尔顿荣誉会会员和VIP客人最先联系到的部门,要确保他们的个性化服务。 13. Liaises with Sales, Reservations and the Business Development team to handle corporate. 协助销售,预定和商业发展团队共同为客人提供服务。 14. Promotes HHonours and its associated benefits to guests who are not already enrolled in the program. Ensures that existing HHonours members receive personal and professional service that recognizes them as important guests and that their benefits are received. 引入新的荣誉客会会员,确保会员应得利益,为会员提供优质专业的服务。 15. Ensures communication, coordination and cooperation between the front desk and other operating departments, specifically Housekeeping, F&B and Accounts. 确保前台和其他部门间的沟通交流,特别是客房部、餐饮部、财务部等。 16. Maintain the hotel systems to ensure accuracy of information and data, and that it is easy to use and operated in an organized and systemized way. Also Ensures that the Front Desk equipment and systems are functioning at all times, and that the area is maintained in a clean, tidy and organized way. 维护酒店电脑系统信息数据的准确性,便于系统操作,确保前台运营设备的正常运转以及工作区域的整洁清洁。 17. Passé on information effectively, ensuring that all necessary details are communicated to the intended person and that any pending action is completed and guest satisfaction confirmed. Conducts daily briefings, shift handovers, attends meetings and effectively communicates information to team members. 确保信息的有效传递,尚未完成的事情逐一移交至有关人员,让宾客满意。参加日常例会及其他会议。 18. Ensures that the Assistant Front Office Manager and Duty Managers are kept aware and up to date of operational issues. 汇报最新的工作进展,确保前厅副经理和值班经理对部门营运状况的了解。 19. Ensures that the day-to-day functions of the front desk are completed. Including but not limited to Guest Services Manager’s checklist, trace reports, credit limit checks, online back-up, allocation of rooms, Lost Interface, Pay-Masters, Discount and rate discrepancies, and registration cards. 确保前台的日常管理,包括但不局限于工作的监督,房间分配,报告,信用额度核对,电脑数据备份及主帐的核对等。 20. Checks Registration cards, meeting and function information, billing instructions, financial records and reservation backup to ensure that all information received is acted upon. 核对入住登记表、会议及活动信息、预订备份等。 21. Completes reports where and when requested, ensuring that they are complete and delivered on time to the respected party. 如有要求,提供完整的报告,并及时送至所需部门。 22. Complies with Health & Safety, Emergency Management, disaster Manual, and Fire procedures and regulations. In the absence of the Guest Relations Manager, is a part of the Fire Team ands takes action accordingly 按照健康安全、危机管理、灾难处理方法、救火程序执行。在宾客关系经理不在场的情况下,参与救助行动。 23. Adheres strictly to standard cash handling procedures amongst team members, ensuring that all team members balance their float and drop the required amount. 严格遵守现金收付手续,确保备用金收支平衡和相应金额的投款。准确地管理现金、信用卡、挂帐、代金券及其他付账方式等。 24. Adheres to the company credit policy at all times when handling cash, credit card transactions, city ledger, providing currency exchange services, LPO and third party payments for rooms, meetings, F&B and any other charges that may be incurred by guests. 收取现金、信用卡、挂账、提供外币兑换、公司或第三方付费等服务时要严格遵守酒店信贷制度。 25. Maintains the efficiency of departure by checking all guest folios to ensure accuracy of charges. 确保所有帐单消费的精准性,为客人提供高效快捷的结帐服务。 26. Handles guest relocations as required. 帮助客人解决换房间事宜。 【任职要求】 1. Demonstrated excellent People Management, Communication skill, selection and counselling skill 优秀的人员管理,沟通,甄选和协调能力。 2. Training skills certified by educational or training organisation 具有培训技能的资格认证。 3. Knowledgeable of Reception and Cashiering 完全了解前厅接待和收银的工作及相关知识。 4. Good at English, especially oral and written English. 良好的英语口语及书写能力。 5. Demonstrated strong leadership and supervisory skill. 较强的领导和督导能力。
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