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  • 海口 | 2年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    有限服务中档酒店 | 1-49 人
    发布于 03-26
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    岗位职责 1、 负责酒店内所有的弱电设备及网络布线系统的正常运行,并对发生的事故及时做出判断,指导各领班并组织专业人员进行及时维修,保证设备的完好。 2、 落实设备操作安全规程,确保各种设备正常运行。 3、 督促员工作好交接班工作、认真准确填写工作报表。 4、 督促员工协助宴会销售部等部门做好各类会议的音响、灯光配合工作保证会议顺利进行。 5、 执行国家有关广播电视播放安全的有关法律及规定。 岗位要求 1、 中专以上文化程度;2年以上同岗位工作经验。 2、 达到计算机操作中级水平。 3、具有较强酒店弱电方面的专业知识和管理知识,有丰富的酒店广电机房管理经验,能独立承担广播、电视、通讯、消防、监控等系统及设备的管理、指导工作,并能承担对外联络、协调、组织工作。
  • 海口 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    有限服务中档酒店 | 1-49 人
    发布于 03-26
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    岗位职责 1、负责客房部的整体经营和运作;分配督导员工工作,制定工作计划。 2、确保部门成本及各项费用,得以良好的控制。 3、根据酒店的运营标准,随时对房间和设施设备及各项物品进行检查。 4、制定部门的年度预算,并确保部门的经营费用控制在预算之内。 5、检查客房部的设施和管理,抽查及提升本部门整体工作质量及工作效率。 6、组织编制部门工作程序及工作考评。 岗位要求 1、XXXXX毕业学历或同等以上。 2、有X年以上同星级客房管理工作经验。 3、熟悉客房部专业知识,熟练使用电脑,持有客房部经理上岗证或资格证书。 4、掌握熟悉客房管理、服务流程和质量标准。 5、具有组织协调能力、应变能力、经营能力以及文字表达能力和信息管理能力。
  • 海口 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    有限服务中档酒店 | 1-49 人
    发布于 03-26
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    岗位职责 1、熟悉各种材料的性能、使用的方法、施工技巧。 2、爱护工具,节约材料,做好材料的领用、保管、耗材登记及汇报工作。 3、保持场地卫生,材料物品堆放整齐。 4、做好安全防火工作,做到不返工,保质保量完成任务。 岗位要求 1、中专以上文化程度;一年以上同岗位工作经验,有上岗证。 2、身体健康,能吃耐劳。 3、综合维修能力强者优先。 4、沟通协调能力强,具备良好的团队素质,工作细心认真。
  • 海口 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    有限服务中档酒店 | 1-49 人
    发布于 03-26
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    岗位职责 1、确保自己的服饰、发型整洁、淡妆等方面全部符合规定的要求。 2、查看交班记录,了解上一班的移交事项,并负责处理。 3、熟悉预订资料,了解客情,尤其要记住即将来店的贵宾、常客的姓名,了解酒店的所有活动。 4、熟悉酒店有关客房销售的各项政策,向来店宾客推销客房,努力争取最好的经济效益。 5、熟练总台各项专业业务和技能,搞好对客服务。 6、熟练掌握店内外信息,提供准确的问讯服务。 7、负责为下榻酒店的宾客办理入住登记手续。 8、负责客房钥匙的管理和发放工作并严格遵守验证制度。 9、制作有关报表,为其它部门提供准确的接待信息。 岗位要求 1、中专以上文化程度。 2、性格开朗、头脑灵活、工作踏实,具有较强的服务意识、推销意识和责任感。 3、通晓酒店各项对客政策、设施设备及服务种类以及总台工作程度和规范。 4、相貌端正,身体健康。
  • 海口 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    有限服务中档酒店 | 1-49 人
    发布于 03-26
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    岗位职责 1、掌握所负责楼层的住客状况,提供对客服务。 2、管理好楼层定额物品,严格控制客用品消耗,做好废品回收。 3、负责对结帐房间的查房工作。 4、负责查收宾客洗衣、酒水的送回和补充工作。 5、负责楼层公共区域卫生的清洁工作和部分房间的清洁工作。 6、负责杯具的清洁与消毒工作。 7、负责脏布草的收集、更换与新布草的折叠、摆放工作。 8、完成易耗品的每期盘点工作。 岗位要求 1、不限学历。 2、有1年以上客房工作经验。 3、身体健康,相貌端正。 4、接受过正规客房服务工作培训。
  • 采购经理

    海口 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 午餐补贴
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-25
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    新国宾馆采购经理,简历投递:guan_shuang@hnaport.com 【岗位职责】 1.负责采购工作的制度建设、流程与体系建设; 2.负责部门的内部管理,包括采购组织和团队的建设、人员的发展、工作容流程的设计与优化,开展部门与员工的绩效考核等; 3.实施供应商评审,负责采购物资供应的及时性和准确性;确保采购物资的采购质量,数量和及时运输的平衡性; 4.控制采购成本,监督并确保采购过程符合公司规定; 5.确保有恰当的采购程序,在管理层批准后只有采购部才能下达采购订单; 6.确保根据政策获得的有竞争力的报价、审查经下属提交的所有采购请求和采购订单、与成本经理和行政总厨定期协作进行市场价格调查、确保定期与其他酒店进行价格对比、确保以最大努力获得最佳报价、与所有酒店部门和供应商保持良好关系、确保所有不匹配的/未收货的采购定单被审查并定期采取合理行动; 7.熟练使用Excel、Word等办公软件,以及和酒店库存/采购相关软件。 8.协助准备月末报告和其他可能需要的特殊报告、确保熟悉并遵循一切当地的或全球采购协议、必要时对计划书进行分析,并为财务总监提供建议、确保所有月末关账程序的严格遵循且按时完成、协助行政总厨确认食品成本保持最小化; 9.熟悉所有紧急采购程序;熟悉集中采购流程,熟悉供应商情况,建立合理的供应链; 10.完成上级安排的其他工作; 11、对采购部人员实行廉洁检查和管理;严格遵守道德准则。 【岗位要求】 1.本科及以上学历,酒店管理、供应链管理、财务管理、采购管理等相关专业; 2. 3年及以上五星级酒店采购管理岗位经验;有国企酒店采购或集中采购执行及管理经验优先; 3. 熟练使用各种办公软件,熟悉酒店采购管理系统及运营模式; 4. 廉洁公正、工作细致认真,责任心强,抗压能力强; 5. 具备良好的职业道德和职业素质。 6.较强的文书写作及报告撰写能力。
  • 海口 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-25
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    Primary Responsibilities主要职责 ·Responsible for rendering secretarial and clerical services for the Engineering Office. ·Set up and systematic bin card system for all items in engineering store, including tools. ·Prepare purchase request, check quotations, suppliers and contractor if Necessary, and follow up progress of purchase ·To keep a record of daily material consumption for compiling monthly report. ·Issuing of tools and spare parts from engineering store and update daily store stock by computer. ·Must be able to handle high volume of work sometimes under pressure and meet deadlines. ·Must be neat and poised in appearance. ·负责工程部办公室的秘书翻译工作和文员服务。 ·为工程部所有库存物包括工具在内,建立一个完善的仓库记录卡片系统。     ·           ·在需要时填写采购单,核对报价、供应商、承包商等工作, 并且跟进采购的进程。 ·把每天实用的耗费记录汇总,以便每月报告的制作。 ·从工程部仓库发出工具及备用件,并每日核对库存。 ·能够处理繁重的工作,即使是在很大压力或临近限期时。 ·保持整洁、沉稳的形象。 Knowledge and Experience知识和经验 ·understanding of hotel engineering operation ·Knowledge of PC and office application software ·Ability to communicate in both oral & written English ·Good administrative skill ·Diploma in engineering background prefers ·Min 2 years working experience in hospitality industry, preferably with engineering background ·了解酒店工程部运作 ·熟练使用电脑和相关软件 ·具备英语听说和书写能力 ·良好的行政管理技能 ·最好具有工程教育背景 ·至少2年服务行业工作经验,最好有工程技术方面的工作经验
  • 消防主管

    海口 | 3年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 午餐补贴
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-25
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    【新国招聘】,简历投递:罗女士  yf-luo@hnaport.com 【岗位职责】 1、根据本岗位的特点完善和建立各项规章制度,根据实际情况和实际操作,制定消防预案,每周不少于一次检查制度及预案的执行和落实情况,对相应的不实际内容进行调整和补充。 2、每天对消防中心工作实行检查,杜绝违规操作。 3、每天对火灾报警情况进行检查,查看报警记录,了解处理结果。 4、每周组织一次对消防隐患的检查,检查包括:灭火器材、安全疏散通道、安全指示标志、动用明火情况、公共区域的物品存放情况。并将检查中存在的隐患报告部门经理。 5、每月对要害部门进行一次的检查,检查的岗位的包括:配电室、热力机房、电梯机房、电话总机、消防水泵房。检查的内容:灭火器的配备使用情况,防火制度的落实及执行情况。 6、协作经理作好培训工作,使酒店上岗员工知防火常识、知灭火常识、会报警、会协助救援、会逃生自救。 7、向安保部经理汇报每次检查情况和主管消防部门的工作布置情况,向部门经理汇报消防隐患的排查和整改措施的落实情况。
  • 吧员

    海口 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 午餐补贴
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-25
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    【岗位职责】 1、着装整洁、守时,礼貌、参加班组例会,服从上级指挥。 2、依照餐厅制定的标准程序和方法为宾客提供优质的酒水服务。 3、熟悉餐厅制定的标准程序和方法为宾客提供各类优质的酒水饮料的原料、制作、价格和所配相应的杯具,积极向客人推销。 4、负责吧台酒水的申领,补充和日常保管工作。 5、负责吧台的日常和月盘点工作,并填写销售盘点表。 6、做好吧台设备、用品的保养使其正常运转。 【岗位要求】 1、有从事吧员工作经历优先考虑。 2、热爱本职工作,有责任心,能吃苦耐劳。 3、身体健康,仪表端庄。
  • 全国 | 5年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工旅游
    • 节日福利
    • 岗位晋升
    • 年底双薪
    • 年度旅游
    • 节日礼物
    有限服务中档酒店 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 03-22
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    招聘人数:18人 1.执行公司的各项管理决议和制度,全面主持酒店工作,落实酒店各部门工作; 2.负责酒店资产和服务的安全管理,保证酒店标准化.程序化.制度化管理的贯彻实施; 3.负责提升酒店的收益能力,及时.足额地完成公司下达的收入和利润指标; 4.负责处理和协调酒店的外围关系; 5.策划.落实酒店经营计划.营销活动及成本控制等工作; 6.宣传和维护公司品牌形象,扩大品牌影响力; 7.统筹酒店培训工作,贯彻落实好公司对于酒店的人才培养计划,为公司快速发展储备有生力量; 8.负责酒店人员的录用.任免.考核.奖惩.晋升晋级工作,保证酒店人员的稳定与发展; 9.建立酒店与客户、供应商、合作伙伴、上级主管、政府机构、金融机构、媒体等部门间顺畅的渠道
  • 海口 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工班车
    • 工龄奖
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-22
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    岗位职责 1、遵守酒店员工手册及酒店酒店的规章制度。 2、完成岗位工作任务,保障酒店、员工、客人的安全。 3、值守消防和监控设备,及时发现和处理各种报警。 4、发生火情时执行饭店的消防应急程序。 5、准确操作中控室的各种设备处置发生在饭店的紧急情况。 6、确保在规定的时限内完成工作。 7、负责总机的接听电话、转接电话,要求声音甜美。 8、负责维修工单的接收、发放工作。 岗位要求 1、在指定岗位上,完成安全保障和安全服务任务。 2、记录设备的报警信息,通知保安人员去确认。 3、发生火情时执行酒店的消防应急预案。 4、利用监控设备发现可疑情况和可疑人。 5、确认中控室的设备和其辅助设备处于良好工作状态。 6、妥善保管各部门寄存的钥匙,钥匙借领手续齐全。
  • 礼宾员

    海口 | 1年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工班车
    • 工龄奖
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-22
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    工作职责: 1、负责对抵店和离店宾客迎接和欢送; 2、负责带宾客参观和介绍房间服务设施; 3、负责为抵、离店宾客运送行李; 4、负责电瓶车接送酒店入住客人; 5、负责电瓶车的车况交接、卫生与简单保养; 6、负责车辆钥匙发放与保管; 7、负责维护前厅环境和秩序; 8、负责为宾客传递函件服务; 9、完成领导交办的任务。 要求: 1、要求是男性,男生身高170M以上,形象好。
  • 运营经理

    海口 | 3年以上 | 本科



    教育/院校 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    Health & Safety 1. To formulate, monitor, implement and review the school’s Health & Safety policy including the introduction of all Risk Assessment procedures. 2. To advise all staff as appropriate. 3. To report to Governors on Health & Safety. 4. In co-operation with the Fire Service, the installation and maintenance of equipment for protection against and escape from fire. Keeping records and initiating regular fire practices. 5. Arranging annual health and safety inspections of all areas of the school 6. Chair the Health and Safety Committee 7. Ensuring an adequate risk assessment for school trips/activities is formulated and implemented 8. Reporting on a regular basis to the Head and Governors on Health & Safety matters 9. Prepare and maintain a contingency and business continuity plan in cooperation with the Head and Chinese Principal 10. Ensuring the School has an appropriate insurance programme covering all key risks in respect of which insurance is required and liaising with the Director of Finance in this regard where necessary Premises The Operations Manager will be responsible for the overall management and maintenance of the buildings, facilities, grounds, fabric, and furnishings of the school, working with the Head, and Chinese Principal. Specific responsibilities include: 1. Through regular contact with the premises staff ensuring the proper maintenance and repair of the school is carried out, and progress is monitored. 2. Advising on all Health & Safety matters, including measures in the event of emergencies. 3. Appraise projects for the development of the school. 4. To be responsible to the Head, and Chinese Principal for the security, maintenance, heating, cleaning, and other general site services within the premises. 5. To be responsible for letting of the school premises to outside organizations and school staff, the development of all school facilities for out of school use. 6. Purchase, repair and maintenance of all furniture, equipment, and fittings. 7. To monitor the work of on-site contractors and arrange for estimates of work. 8. To ensure that the best use is made of premises personnel and to be responsible for their allocation of hours and pay claims. 9. To monitor and oversee the quality of work by contractors, caretakers and cleaning staff, reporting to the Head, Chinese Principal and Head Office’s Operations Department as appropriate. 10. To oversee the maintenance and furnishing of the residential area and the allocation of teaching staff to appropriate properties. To develop and implement a repair and maintenance service plan for the residential areas. 11. To liaise with the Head Office’s Operations Department with regards to group policies and practices. 12. Ensuring the School complies with the Education Bureau, Fire Services Department and Building Department’s Ordinance and Regulations Administration and Procurement 1. Preparation of an annual budget for all areas of his/her responsibility including revenue and capital spending 2. Delivery of activities and objectives within budget 3. Liaising as required with the Director of Finance to ensure financial aspects of control and reporting meet with the School’s requirements and to identify where the School can make economies from bulk or forward buying of materials and commodities 4. Ensuring all purchases and tenders are prepared and awarded in accordance with the School procurement guidelines. 5. Manage and monitor contracts with the external service providers such as Facilities Management, Security, Catering, School Bus, Health Care Centre, and any other service providers ensuring all service providers are appointed in accordance with the School’s Procurement Procedures and Policies 6. Oversee school shop operations where applicable, implementing and maintaining effective systems for controlling the inventories 7. Safeguard fixed assets of the school ensuring all fixed assets are tagged, recorded, and counting in accordance with the Fixed Asset Management Policy 8. In cooperation with the Director of Finance, prepare and implement internal financial and administrative controls and systems 9. To ensure functional, financial, and legal review of all contracts and agreements is carried out before these contracts/agreements are signed by the School Compliance 1. To ensure compliance with all legal, statutory, and administrative requirements and procedures related to health and safety, fire regulations, other licenses, buildings, education 2. Understand and know well the job-related rules and regulations. Keep the School Senior leadership Team updated on new rules and regulations and updates to existing ones, in an accurate and timely manner. 3. Communicate and negotiate with related government departments and/or authorities and get their support when there are any issues or problems. 4. In charge of the renewal and annual check of all school licenses’ 5. Safe keeping of all school licenses.
  • 采购专员

    海口 | 1年以上 | 本科



    教育/院校 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    岗位职责: 1. 根据采购主管安排或其他用户部门的需求,货比三家找寻优质供应商。 2. 制作采购订单,采购合同。 3. 跟进采购订单确保订单如期保质保量交付。 4. 处理订单不良品,退换货,退款等售后问题。 5. 收集、整理及统计各种采购单据。 6. 认真执行集团采购管理规定,协助采购主管处理日常采购订单。 7. 学校领导安排的其他任务。 任职要求: 1. 英语口语作为工作语言。 2. 具有良好的商务谈判能力,协调沟通能力。 3. 为人踏实,做事认真负责,具有抗压能力。 4. 会使用excel,word等简单的办公软件
  • 海口 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    KTV | 50-99人
    发布于 03-21
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    岗位要求:年龄满十八以上,形象气质佳,无不良嗜好 岗位职责:点歌,倒酒,清理台面卫生
  • 全国 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工体检
    • 年终奖金
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 03-20
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
  • 全国 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 年底双薪
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    有限服务中档酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-20
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    岗位职责: 1 全面负责集团旗下分店的经营管理,领导各部门员工完成酒店的各项计划目标; 2 围绕公司下达的利润指标和各项工作,编制酒店的预算和决算,严格控制经营成本和各种费用开支; 3 负责酒店团队的建立、培养和管理提高整个酒店的服务质量和员工素质; 4 根据市场变化和发展,制定切实可行的市场营销工作策略,并组织实施和有效控制; 5 全面负责安全管理,抓好食品卫生,治安安全等工作,确保客人和员工的人身、财产安全; 6 与公司、加盟业主进行日常的沟通协调工作,确保信息畅通、有效; 7 负责做好酒店与各界人士的公共关系,抓好重要客人的接待工作,塑造良好的内、外部形象; 8 关心员工思想和生活,不断改善员工的工作条件; 9 完成公司交办的其他工作。 任职要求: 1 大专及以上学历,条件优秀者可放宽; 2 有酒店总经理助理至少三年以上的任职经验、部门经理2年及以上的管理经验(前厅/客房/销售至少管理过两个部门),25-40岁,连锁酒店或高星级酒店经验者优先; 3 责任心强,服务意识高,大胆创新; 4 原则性强,执行力较好;有良好的抗压能力,能出色完成公司下达的各项指标; 5 认同企业文化核心价值观,有很强的服务意识、学习能力和工作责任心。 公司包食宿、社保、节日福利、免费参加机构外训
  • 全国 | 8年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工体检
    • 年终奖金
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 03-20
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
  • 全国 | 10年以上 | 本科



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 03-19
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    • 投递简历
    With thousands of hotels in over 100 countries and territories, Hilton offers countless opportunities to delight. From an open door to a welcoming smile and an exceptional experience, we offer the millions of travelers who stay with us every year a welcome they will never forget. In addition to our flagship brand, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, the family of brands includes Waldorf Astoria, LXR, Conrad, Canopy, Curio Collection, DoubleTree, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton, and many others. If you appreciate the impact global travel can have on the world, you may be just the person we are looking for to work as a Hilton Team Member. Because it’s with Hilton where we never forget the reason we're here: to delight our guests, Team Members, and owners alike. The Director of Operations is responsible for the effective operational management of the hotel in order for Head of Departments to achieve and exceed their revenue and guest satisfaction targets. What will I be doing? As the Director of Operations, you will be responsible for performing the following tasks to the highest standards: Work in conjunction with the General Manager / Area General Manager to actively manage key property issues (including capital projects; customer service; refurbishment). Assist the development of meaningful, achievable hotel budgets and other short-term and long-term hotel strategic goals. Provide effective leadership to the hotel management team and team members to ensure targets are met and exceeded. Respond to audits that are completed by the company to ensure continual improvement is achieved. Plan, direct and coordinate the service delivery of all operational departments to meet and exceed guest expectations. Comply and exceed hotel and company service standards. Ensure that costs are controlled throughout the operational departments and the results are analyzed regularly to highlight problem areas and take appropriate action. Manage and develop the Head of Departments (HODs) to ensure career progression and effective succession planning within the hotel and company. Seek and respond to guest feedback to achieve positive outcomes and high levels of customer satisfaction. Hold regular briefings and communication meetings with the HOD team. #LI-VG2 Qualifications - External What are we looking for? A Director of Operations serving Hilton brands is always working on behalf of our Guests and working with other Team Members. To successfully fill this role, you must possess the following qualifications, attitude, behaviors, skills, and values that follow: A degree or diploma in Hotel Management or equivalent Strong commercial acumen, preferably with experience in Food & Beverage or Rooms Management Experience in managing budgets, revenue proposals and forecasting results In-depth knowledge of the hotel / leisure / service sector Strong leadership skills to effectively manage and motivate the team to achieve high level performance and exceed targets Accountable and resilient Able to work under pressure It would be advantageous in this position for you to demonstrate the following capabilities and distinctions: Knowledgeable of hotel property management systems Previous experience in the same or similar role What will it be like to work for Hilton? Hilton is the leading global hospitality company, spanning the lodging sector from luxurious full-service hotels and resorts to extended-stay suites and mid-priced hotels. For nearly a century, Hilton has offered business and leisure travelers the finest in accommodations, service, amenities, and value. Hilton is dedicated to continuing its tradition of providing exceptional guest experiences across its global brands.  Our vision “to fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality” unites us as a team to create remarkable hospitality experiences around the world every day.  And, our amazing Team Members are at the heart of it all!
  • 全国 | 8年以上 | 本科



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 03-19
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    A Director of Human Resources will manage Human Resource related activities including succession planning, talent management, recruitment, learning and development and training, performance management, compensation and benefits, and employee relations initiatives. What will I be doing?   As a Director of Human Resources, you will be responsible for the effective management and performance of all Human Resources related activities. This includes talent management, succession planning, learning and development and training, performance management, compensation and benefits, employee relations, and health and safety initiatives. Specifically, a Director of Human Resources will perform the following tasks to the highest standards:     Plan and forecast the short and long-term talent requirements for the hotel to support its business plans Maintain a best practice recruitment approach, including the Company's vacancy management system, to attract the best applicants Build a strong career and succession planning system to retain and develop talent Implement training and development strategies to continuously improve performance and customer service Oversee the hotel's human resources database and payroll system Provide a framework for counseling, coaching, and welfare services Manage the Opinion Survey and the calendar of Team Member social events Manage and resolve, promptly and completely, all employee relations issues Maintain an awareness of competitor human resources activities and best practices #LI-VG2 Qualifications - External What are we looking for? A Director of Human Resources serving Hilton brands is always working on behalf of our Guests and working with other Team Members. To successfully fill this role, you should maintain the attitude, behaviours, skills, and values that follow: Tertiary qualifications, or other collegiate-level degree, in Human Resources or related field, required Previous human resources management experience in the hotel, leisure, and/or retail sector Excellent leadership skills and exceptional communication skills Strong commercial/business acumen A passion for leadership and the vision to create a winning team What will it be like to work for Hilton? Hilton is the leading global hospitality company, spanning the lodging sector from luxurious full-service hotels and resorts to extended-stay suites and mid-priced hotels. For nearly a century, Hilton has offered business and leisure travelers the finest in accommodations, service, amenities and value. Hilton is dedicated to continuing its tradition of providing exceptional guest experiences across its global brands.  Our vision “to fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality” unites us as a team to create remarkable hospitality experiences around the world every day.  And, our amazing Team Members are at the heart of it all!
  • 全国 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 03-19
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【职位描述】 A Director of Human Resources will manage Human Resource related activities including succession planning, talent management, recruitment, learning and development and training, performance management, compensation and benefits, and employee relations initiatives. What will I be doing? As a Director of Human Resources, you will be responsible for the effective management and performance of all Human Resources related activities. This includes talent management, succession planning, learning and development and training, performance management, compensation and benefits, employee relations, and health and safety initiatives. Specifically, a Director of Human Resources will perform the following tasks to the highest standards: -Plan and forecast the short and long-term talent requirements for the hotel to support its business plans -Maintain a best practice recruitment approach, including the Company's vacancy management system, to attract the best applicants -Build a strong career and succession planning system to retain and develop talent -Implement training and development strategies to continuously improve performance and customer service -Oversee the hotel's human resources database and payroll system -Provide a framework for counseling, coaching, and welfare services -Manage the Opinion Survey and the calendar of Team Member social events -Manage and resolve, promptly and completely, all employee relations issues -Maintain an awareness of competitor human resources activities and best practices #LI-VG2 【任职要求】 What are we looking for? A Director of Human Resources serving Hilton brands is always working on behalf of our Guests and working with other Team Members. To successfully fill this role, you should maintain the attitude, behaviours, skills, and values that follow: -Tertiary qualifications, or other collegiate-level degree, in Human Resources or related field, required -Previous human resources management experience in the hotel, leisure, and/or retail sector -Excellent leadership skills and exceptional communication skills -Strong commercial/business acumen -A passion for leadership and the vision to create a winning team What will it be like to work for Hilton? Hilton is the leading global hospitality company, spanning the lodging sector from luxurious full-service hotels and resorts to extended-stay suites and mid-priced hotels. For nearly a century, Hilton has offered business and leisure travelers the finest in accommodations, service, amenities and value. Hilton is dedicated to continuing its tradition of providing exceptional guest experiences across its global brands. Our vision “to fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality” unites us as a team to create remarkable hospitality experiences around the world every day. And, our amazing Team Members are at the heart of it all!
  • 全国 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    其他 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-19
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    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、负责酒店人力资源部的全面管理工作,制定和实施人力资源规划。 2、负责建立和健全人事、劳资、考核、聘任、晋升、奖惩等各项规章制度。 3、负责酒店高层管理人事的招聘和储备人才库的建设。 4、执行酒店关于人事调配、工资奖励、劳保福利、安全生产的方针、政策和规定。 5、组织编制工资、人事、考勤、考核等报表。 6、制定和完善酒店组织架构、薪酬体系、绩效管理体系。 7、负责各类行政公文编写和各部门文件的审核工作。 8、其他行政相关工作及总经理工作安排。 【岗位要求】 1、大专以上学历,有相同岗位工作经验8年以上。 2、在酒店招聘、合同管理、薪酬制度、员工培训、绩效考核、事故预防、政府关系等方面具有丰富经验。 3、熟知国家、地区劳动法律法规及相关政策。 4、管理类专业,接受过系统的人力资源管理理论培训。 5、熟知各类公文编写和处理,具有一定的文字功底能力。
  • 酒店总经理

    全国 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工旅游
    • 节日福利
    • 岗位晋升
    • 年底双薪
    • 年度旅游
    • 节日礼物
    有限服务中档酒店 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 03-19
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1、按照公司标准,全面提高酒店的管理水平及服务质量,创造良好的经济效益和社会效益; 2、监督贯彻执行酒店经营方向和管理目标; 3、关注市场动向,确保酒店营业收入稳定增长; 4、详细阅读和分析报表,检查营业计划的完成情况,并采取对策,保证本店营业顺利进行; 5、严格控制成本费用,保证利润最大化; 6、对酒店进行日常的管理工作,协调酒店各部门的配合,促进各部门的沟通,保持高效率完成工作,建设团结、合作、与创新的企业团队和敬业爱店不断进取的企业文化等。   岗位要求: 1、年龄24-39岁; 2、3年以上中高端连锁酒店店长/总经理工作经验; 3、熟悉酒店运营管理及地方相关政策法规,认同珀林企业文化和企业价值观。 其他要求 年龄要求:24-39岁
  • 海口 | 经验不限 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 美女多
    • 帅哥多
    • 节日礼物
    • 管理规范
    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-19
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位要求: 1、男女不限,年满16周岁以上的在校学生。 2、具备良好的学习能力以及需求理解能力,熟悉会使用电脑常规办公软件。 3、具备良好的沟通能力和团队协作能力,配合完成日常工作。 4、具备良好的语言组织能力,有责任心。
  • 海口 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 提供食宿
    • 节日礼物
    • 年终奖
    • 包吃包住
    • 五险一金
    • 领导好
    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-18
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1、掌握所负责楼层的住客状况,提供对客服务。 2、管理好楼层定额物品,严格控制客用品消耗,做好废品回收。 3、负责对结帐房间的查房工作。 4、负责查收宾客洗衣、酒水的送回和补充工作。 5、负责楼层公共区域卫生的清洁工作和部分房间的清洁工作。 6、负责杯具的清洁与消毒工作。 7、负责脏布草的收集、更换与新布草的折叠、摆放工作。 8、完成易耗品的每期盘点工作。 岗位要求 1、有1年以上客房工作经验。 2、能可合理的为解决客人问题。 3、身体健康,相貌端正。 4、接受过正规客房服务工作培训。
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