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  • 济南 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供吃



    • 五险一金
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    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
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    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 14:36
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    岗位职责 1、负责健身中心各项目的经营策划,完成销售任务; 2、根据公司需要对员工进行各种培训以提高工作水平,保护员工热情及动力; 3、周边市场拓展、合作及外销工作; 4、处理重大宾客投诉,维护酒店利益。 岗位要求 1、大专以上学历,有相同岗位工作经验2年以上; 2、有拓展市场,发展业务的能力; 3、掌握酒店基础管理知识,懂得成本管理与核算,熟悉健身设施管理,了解市场营销学和公关知识。
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    西安 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供吃



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 节日礼物
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-21
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    岗位职责: 1.确保自己的服饰、发型整洁、淡妆等方面全部符合规定的要求; 2.查看交班记录,了解上一班的移交事项,并负责处理; 3.熟悉预订资料,了解客情,尤其要记住即将来店的贵宾、常客的姓名,了解酒店的所有活动; 4.熟悉酒店有关客房销售的各项政策,向来店宾客推销客房,努力争取最好的经济效益; 5.熟练总台各项专业业务和技能,搞好对客服务; 6.熟练掌握店内外信息,提供准确的问讯服务; 7.负责为下榻酒店的宾客办理入住登记手续; 8.负责客房钥匙的管理和发放工作并严格遵守验证制度; 9.制作有关报表,为其它部门提供准确的接待信息。 任职资格: 1.大专以上文化程度,良好的英语沟通能力; 2.性格开朗、头脑灵活、工作踏实,具有较强的服务意识、推销意识和责任感; 3.通晓酒店各项对客政策、设施设备及服务种类以及总台工作程度和规范; 4.相貌端正,身体健康。
  • 西安 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供吃



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-03
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    • 投递简历
    1. Completes the registration process by inputting and retrieving information from a computer system , confirming pertinent information including number of guests and room rate . Makes appropriate selection of rooms based on guest needs . Codes electronic keys . Non –verbally confirms the room number and rate . Promotes and administers Hilton Marketing programs such as Hilton Honors , for arriving guests . Ensures guests knows location of room , containing room keys , tokens of our appreciation ,gifts , etc ,to guest . 根据预订优质快速的为客人办理入住手续,确认相关信息,如:房价,人数等,依客人喜好予以排房。向客人介绍酒店各种宣传促销活动及推销希尔顿荣誉客会给非会员,吸引新会员的加入。指引去房间的方向并解释房卡的使用方法,向客人分发礼物等。 2. Ensures rooms and services are correctly accounted for within guest statement Properly accounts for service provided by the hotel . Assists guests with check out payments or charges . Accepts and records vouchers , credit, traveler’s checks , and other forms of payment , converts foreign currency at current posted rates . 确保入住期间的各项需求能有效满足,帮助客人办理外币兑换及结帐手续。接收现金,信用卡,旅行支票,公司或第三方付费等付款方式。 3. Greets customers immediately with a friendly and sincere welcome . Uses a positive and clear speaking voice , listens to understands requests , responds with appropriate action and provide accurate information such on outlet hours , special VIP programs , events , etc . 热情友好的问候客人,对客人的合理需求予以积极恰当的回应。准确提供各种信息如:酒店营业场所的营业时间及VIP促销计划等。 4. Receives special requests from guests , and responds appropriately or forwards requests to appropriate team members for decisions and actions. 对自己权限范围内不能予以解决的问题和需求,及时反馈给相应部门和人员予以解决。 5. Promptly answers the telephone and email inquires . inputs messages into the computer and advises other team members of special guest needs . retrieves messages and communicates the content to the guest . Retrieves mail , packages and facsimiles or other special items for customers as requested . 礼貌的接听所有来电,及时恰当的应客人要求处理各种邮件、传真及转交物品。 6. Fields guest complaints , conducting thorough research to develop the most effective solutions and negotiate results . Listens and extends assistance in order to resolve problems such as price conflicts , insufficient heating or air conditioning , etc . Remains calm and alert especially during emergency situations and heavy hotel activity . Plans and implements detailed steps by using experienced judgment and discretion . 成着冷静的应对和处理各类客人投诉,如:客人对价格不满,空调或供暖系统的不足等。 7. Takes an active role in the team by being kind, cooperative, helpful and never forgetting the person behind the guest. 积极的工作,友好的为客人提供服务。 8 . Promotes HHonours and its associated benefits to guests who are not already enrolled in the program. Ensures that existing HHonours members receive personal and professional service that recognizes them as important guests and that their benefits are received.   引入新的荣誉客会会员,确保会员应得利益,为会员提供优质专业的服务。 9 . Ensures a prompt and efficient departure, by settling guests accounts as per billing and reservation instructions and ensuring that all guests folios are correct. 确保所有帐单消费的精准性,为客人提供高效快捷的结帐服务。
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