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  • 上海 | 5年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 商业医疗保险
    • 带薪病假
    • 额外福利假期
    • 节日礼物
    • 提供免费咖啡
    • 周五休闲酒会
    • 工作周年福利
    • 岗位晋升
    • 国际化氛围
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    招聘地区: 上海、苏州、郑州、浙江、武汉 Responsibilities: 岗位职责 了解整个市场,包括竞争对手的优势和劣势,供应和需求等,并确定业务,以实现个人收入目标; Understand the overall market including competitors' strengths and weaknesses, supply and demand etc. and identify business to achieve personal revenue goals.   帮助确定促销价格和策略,以最大化度假村的销售结果,同时使用谈判技巧和创造性销售能力来完成业务和谈判合同; Help to determine promotional price and strategy to maximize sales outcome for naked Retreats, also using negotiating skills and creative selling abilities to close on business and negotiate contracts. 通过不同渠道提高裸心集团旗下度假村的市场知名度; Increase market awareness through different channels for naked Retreats. 负责发送公司团体的通用报价和定制行程。执行并支持已预定业务的操作(例如,生成提案,撰写合同,客户通信); Responsible for sending generic quotations and tailor-made itineraries for corporate groups. Execute and support the operational aspects of business booked (e.g., generating proposal, writing contract, customer correspondence). 代表裸心度假参加演示,会议和社交活动,增加曝光度和行业领导力,以扩大业务发展,并负责每月更新公司数据库; Attend presentation, meeting and networking events to represent naked Retreats and generate exposure and leads in order to expand business development portfolio and responsible for monthly updating of the corporate database. 通过积极主动的销售行动,如销售计划和电话推销等,积极为公司活动创造并建立、维护和管理与公司客人的关系; Actively generate leads for corporate events through proactive and aggressive sales actions such as sales plans and cold calls etc as well as build, maintain and manage relationships with corporate guests. 支持公司的服务和关系策略,通过在每个客户体验中提供卓越的服务来提高客户忠诚度。提供符合裸心标准的优质客户服务; Support the company's service and relationship strategy, driving customer loyalty by delivering service excellence throughout each customer experience. Provide excellent customer service consistent with the daily service basics of naked standard. 与客人沟通,获取对产品质量和服务水平的反馈; Interacts with guests to obtain feedback on product quality and service levels. 通过了解客户的需求,推荐最能满足他们需求、超越他们期望的适当功能和服务,为客户服务,同时建立与公司的关系和忠诚度; Serve the customer by understanding their needs and recommending the appropriate features and services that best meet their needs and exceed their expectations, while building a relationship and loyalty to the company. 建立并加强与现有客户和新客户的关系,以实现未来的预订。管理和发展与内部和外部主要利益相关者的关系; Build and strengthen relationships with existing and new customers to enable future bookings. Manage and develop relationships with key internal and external stakeholders. Requirements: 资质要求 大学本科学历,商务或酒店管理专业; University degree major in business or hotel management. 优秀的英语和普通话的口头和书面沟通和谈判能力; Excellent communication and negotiation skills in both oral and written English & Mandarin. 解决问题的态度和前瞻性思维; Problem solving attitude and forward thinking.  认真细致; Committed and detailed-oriented.  能够独立工作,有“愿意做”的态度; Able to work independently and have a “can do” attitude. 致力于自然保护、生态旅游和可持续发展,加分项; Devoted to nature preservation, ecotourism and sustainability is highly desirable.  精通计算机技能; Proficient in computer skills.  至少5年酒店业或销售相关工作经验; Minimum 5 years working experience in hospitality industry or sales related.
  • 苏州 | 5年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 商业医疗保险
    • 带薪病假
    • 额外福利假期
    • 节日礼物
    • 提供免费咖啡
    • 周五休闲酒会
    • 工作周年福利
    • 岗位晋升
    • 国际化氛围
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Responsibilities: 岗位职责 了解整个市场,包括竞争对手的优势和劣势,供应和需求等,并确定业务,以实现个人收入目标; Understand the overall market including competitors' strengths and weaknesses, supply and demand etc. and identify business to achieve personal revenue goals.   帮助确定促销价格和策略,以最大化度假村的销售结果,同时使用谈判技巧和创造性销售能力来完成业务和谈判合同; Help to determine promotional price and strategy to maximize sales outcome for naked Retreats, also using negotiating skills and creative selling abilities to close on business and negotiate contracts. 通过不同渠道提高裸心集团旗下度假村的市场知名度; Increase market awareness through different channels for naked Retreats. 负责发送公司团体的通用报价和定制行程。执行并支持已预定业务的操作(例如,生成提案,撰写合同,客户通信); Responsible for sending generic quotations and tailor-made itineraries for corporate groups. Execute and support the operational aspects of business booked (e.g., generating proposal, writing contract, customer correspondence). 代表裸心度假参加演示,会议和社交活动,增加曝光度和行业领导力,以扩大业务发展,并负责每月更新公司数据库; Attend presentation, meeting and networking events to represent naked Retreats and generate exposure and leads in order to expand business development portfolio and responsible for monthly updating of the corporate database. 通过积极主动的销售行动,如销售计划和电话推销等,积极为公司活动创造并建立、维护和管理与公司客人的关系; Actively generate leads for corporate events through proactive and aggressive sales actions such as sales plans and cold calls etc as well as build, maintain and manage relationships with corporate guests. 支持公司的服务和关系策略,通过在每个客户体验中提供卓越的服务来提高客户忠诚度。提供符合裸心标准的优质客户服务; Support the company's service and relationship strategy, driving customer loyalty by delivering service excellence throughout each customer experience. Provide excellent customer service consistent with the daily service basics of naked standard. 与客人沟通,获取对产品质量和服务水平的反馈; Interacts with guests to obtain feedback on product quality and service levels. 通过了解客户的需求,推荐最能满足他们需求、超越他们期望的适当功能和服务,为客户服务,同时建立与公司的关系和忠诚度; Serve the customer by understanding their needs and recommending the appropriate features and services that best meet their needs and exceed their expectations, while building a relationship and loyalty to the company. 建立并加强与现有客户和新客户的关系,以实现未来的预订。管理和发展与内部和外部主要利益相关者的关系; Build and strengthen relationships with existing and new customers to enable future bookings. Manage and develop relationships with key internal and external stakeholders. Requirements: 资质要求 大学本科学历,商务或酒店管理专业; University degree major in business or hotel management. 优秀的英语和普通话的口头和书面沟通和谈判能力; Excellent communication and negotiation skills in both oral and written English & Mandarin. 解决问题的态度和前瞻性思维; Problem solving attitude and forward thinking.  认真细致; Committed and detailed-oriented.  能够独立工作,有“愿意做”的态度; Able to work independently and have a “can do” attitude. 致力于自然保护、生态旅游和可持续发展,加分项; Devoted to nature preservation, ecotourism and sustainability is highly desirable.  精通计算机技能; Proficient in computer skills.  至少5年酒店业或销售相关工作经验; Minimum 5 years working experience in hospitality industry or sales related.
  • 成都 | 5年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 奖励机制
    • 晋升空间
    • 职业发展
    有限服务中档酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-25
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.熟悉并掌握一整套开发拓展经验经验。 2.丰富的酒店行业投资商资源,熟悉西北五省的经济情况及全国各省品牌规划及店面情况。 3.拥有广泛开发圈市场资源和社会关系。 4.抗压及适应能力出色,逻辑思维能力强,对组织和个人均有良好的敏感度,管理风格干练,推动力强。 5.沟通技巧优秀,具有较强的说服力和影响力。
  • 高级会计

    上海-浦东新区 | 5年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 提供工作餐
    • 提供住宿津贴
    精品酒店 | 50-99人
    发布于 09-24
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责/职位描述: 1、负责酒店日常财务管理工作。 2、完善内部控制体系,检查财务运行情况。 3、监督检查酒店财务运作和资金收支情况。 4、负责与财政、税务等有关部门保持良好的关系。 5、对资金结算,业务的资金划拨,进行审核监督。 6、审核各类记账凭证和编制会计凭证。 7、审查和清理账户,账簿摘要内容要求完整和精炼。 8、组织资金回收:定期进行财产、物资和材料的盘点工作。 9、协助财务经理出具月度,年度报表,预测及预算等财务工作。 岗位要求 1、有财务相关工作经验或财务相关专业毕业; 2、会使用财务软件和office办公软件; 3、严谨踏实,有良好职业操守,责任心强,做事有条理; 4、有良好的学习能力,善于处理流程性事务,执行能力强; 5、有国际连号酒店财务工作经验2年及以上; 6、有丰富的酒店会计及运营经验;
  • 重庆-南岸区 | 5年以上 | 大专



    有限服务中档酒店 | 50-99人
    发布于 09-18
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Major Responsibility主要工作职责  Involve in making and implementing Housekeeping policies and standards. 参与制定并执行客房部的相关政策及规定。  Supervise staff to comply with rules and regulations, ensure operation procedures and service standards are met. 督导客房部的员工遵守规章制度,严格按规定的操作流程和服务标准工作。.  Monitor the status of apartments every day, guide supervisors to manage attendants, and guarantee the implantation of work plan. 掌握每日客房情况,指导客房领班层管理人员,落实全面的工作计划。  Inspect the Residence Facilities, Public Areas and the Back of the House (including all storerooms, luggage rooms and offices) are kept clean and well maintained. 监督住客设施、公共区域及后勤(包括仓库、行李室及办公室)的干净及维护保养良好。  Coordinate with Sales Department, guarantee best occupancy rate, ensure that apartments and equipments are clean. 配合销售部门,保证客房最大出租率和客房设备设施清洁方面的完好。  Work closely with other department managers to contribute to the operation of the property. 及时与其他部门经理做好沟通协调工作,确保物业的正常运营。  Strengthen connection with other Ascott properties, make sure the information sharing requested by guest service. 加强与雅诗阁旗下其他服务公寓之间的联络,确保客人服务要求的信息共享。  Assist residence manager to meet and provide a fond farewell to important/group guests, provide service for important activities/events. 协助重要客人和团体客人的迎送工作及重要活动场面的服务工作。  Check and confirm readiness of apartments for VIP/VVIP, visit guests on special occasions, eg. ill guests, long-stay guests. 检查贵宾房、探望患病的客人, 尤其是长住客。  Ask guests their opinion of housekeeping work, deal with complains properly, improve housekeeping service. 主动征询宾客意见,妥善处理宾客投诉,努力改进服务工作。  Monitor and control items consumption and the usage of cleaning equipments, manage regular stock inventory. 监督、控制客房各种物品的消耗以及清洁设备的使用;定期做好部门的盘点工作。  Control Lost & Found, report management and file storage, conduct expenditure estimates. 监督客人遗留物品的处理;监督报表的管理和档案资料的储存;做好本部门的开支预算。  Improve staff quality, inspire initiative, encourage staff to attend training programs. 提高部门员工的素质,鼓励下属发挥工作积极性,积极参加培训。  Communicate with staff on a timely basis, find out and solve problems. 及时了解员工动态,发现并解决问题。  Promote and train high-potentials. 选拔和培养有潜质的员工。  Take the Manager-on-duty job regularly. 定期担任物业值班经理工作。  In compliance with the Ascott Group's Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines and policies, pay attention to energy conservation and the safe operation in daily work. 遵守集团的环境健康安全方针政策,日常工作中注意节能和安全操作。  Other duties assigned by superiors. 完成上级交办的其他任务。 Requirements资质需求  College degree or equivalent; 大专或同等以上学历;  Minimum three years supervisory working experience in hotel or serviced residence, pre-opening experience preferred; 有3年以上的服务公寓/星级酒店客房管理工作经验,有酒店筹备工作经验者优先考虑;  English listening/speaking/reading/writing skills preferred; 有一定的英文听/说/读/写能力者优先考虑;  Familiar with relative professional knowledge, housekeeping management, service procedure and quality standards; 熟悉并掌握客房部专业知识、客房管理、服务流程和质量标准;  Sense of initiative, ability to obey, team spirit, enthusiasm of serviced residence/hotel; 具有主动性和服从精神,有良好的团队精神,并热忠于服务式公寓/酒店的服务事业;  Strong ability to organize and coordinate, flexibility, ability to execute, good language expression capability, and information management skills; 具有组织协调能力、应变能力、执行能力,以及良好的文字表达能力和信息管理能力;  Strict compliance with procedure, good communication skills, ability to answer questions and deal with emergency; 严格按照程序做事且具有良好的沟通能力,能解决宾客提出的问题,处理突发事件的能力;  Excellent computer skills including proficiency in Microsoft Office software (e.g. Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook, etc.); 熟练使用电脑,熟悉Microsoft Office软件(例如:Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook等);  Ability to work under pressure. 能承受工作压力。
  • 成都 | 5年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 午餐补贴
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    • 带薪年假
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    民宿客栈 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-03
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    该岗位出差频率高,介意者慎投。 工作职责:  1.协助高级运营筹开经理,按照集团标准,对于公司旗下不同级别的酒店予以指导、协调、统筹工作;  2.参与筹建项目在设计方案阶段,提出技术和运营意见;  3.负责运营项目日常工作的指导和支持;达成各项目标管理;建立规范、高效的运营管理体系并优化完善;  4.协助高级运营筹开经理,负责筹开阶段酒店在关键时间节点前完成重要事项;  5.参与可研阶段的项目方案编排、可行性讨论、方案汇报等工作;  6.负责重要宾客的接待任务;  7.统筹协调平台、模块间各项资源;积极协调外部关系;  8.完成集团、项目、设计交办的其他工作事项。   任职资格:  1.大专学历及以上;  2.前厅经理或者餐饮经理背景为佳,至少1年以上的管理公司总部相关工作经验,有奢华酒店或者高端非标度假酒店同等职位经验者优先;  3.拥有较强的合作、协调、创新和沟通能力,优秀的人际交往能力;谦卑务实,以结果为导向。
  • 乌鲁木齐 | 5年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    民宿客栈 | 100-499人
    发布于 07-25
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.负责各大OTA平台(如携程、美团、飞猪等)的日常管理和运营工作。包括与业务线进 行沟通,评审并确认产品需求及项目规划,以确保平台的稳定运营和持续发展。 2.结合各项目产品特色,根据公司的发展战略,制定相应的线上产品营销活动计划并组织 实施,以吸引和留住用户,提高平台的市场占有率。 3.负责OTA产品的推广和包装工作,整合公司各方面的运营资源,达成推广目标。 4.负责用户的维护及意见收集工作,为产品优化收集用户建议。 5.对平台数据(如搜索量、成交量、转化率等)进行深入分析,并根据分析结果调整和优 化运营策略。 6.负责推动参与促销活动,并协助客服解决客诉。并能结合实际情况提出合理化建议。 任职资格: 1、本科或以上学历 2、具有酒店管理、市场营销、电子商务等相关专业背景。 3、拥有酒店行业或OTA平台工作经验。了解酒店运营流程、OTA平台规则以及市场动态, 4、熟悉并掌握OTA平台的操作和管理,包括但不限于平台规则、产品发布、价格策略、数 据分析等。同时,应具备出色的市场分析和判断能力,能够根据市场变化及时调整运营策略。 4.具备良好的沟通能力和团队协作精神 5.具备数据驱动的思维,能够运用数据分析工具和方法,对运营数据进行深入挖掘和分析, 以指导业务决策和优化运营效果。
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