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  • 深圳 | 8年以上 | 本科 | 食宿面议



    • 管理规范
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 绩效奖金
    • 包吃包住
    • 节日礼物
    • 生日礼物
    • 团建活动
    团膳 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09-06
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    一、岗位职责: 1.根据公司战略目标及品牌定位,全面统筹管理集团运营管理中心; 2.推进及组织协调公司重大运营计划、及时跟进经营情况并做出相应的部署与调整; 3.按照公司年度/季度/月度战略指标及时做好下辖各部门/团队的指标分解及任务分工,以确保公司营业额及利润指标的按时达成; 4.把控各项经营指标,指导各项目营运工作,不断提高顾客满意度; 5.不断优化公司现有运营体系,包括但不限于运营制度、流程优化、食品安全体系、出品标准体系优化等; 6.及时把控餐饮行业市场风向并作出相应的市场分析与预测,为公司战略决策提供依据; 7.维护好重点/优质客户关系,提升续签率; 8.统筹团队建设,做好人才梯队的建设及高潜人才培养。 二、任职要求: 1.全日制本科及以上学历; 2.具有5年以上现代连锁餐饮企业中高层运营管理经验,具有麦肯系高管任职经验或国内1000人以上餐饮连锁高管任职经验者优先; 3.熟悉现代大型连锁餐饮企业运营管理模式,能够统筹建立并完善餐饮标准化营运体系; 4.对行业发展及企业经营数据具有高度敏感性,能够高效地进行经营数据分析; 5.沟通协调能力强,擅于与政府机关、企事业单位打交道; 6.优秀的领导力、卓越的执行力、良好的应变力。
  • 深圳 | 8年以上 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 行业标杆
    • 提供工作餐
    • 出色的团队
    • 雇主责任险
    西式餐饮 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
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    岗位职责: 1. According to the General Manager's work policy, formulate the department's annual revenue budget and operation plan, organize and arrange the specific implementation plan and achieve the budget; 依据总经理的工作方针制定部门的年度收入预算与运营计划,并组织安排具体实施计划并达成预算。 2. Responsible for the establishment and improvement of operation-related systems and work standards, as well as the implementation of various management systems. Ensure a good cooperative relationship between the various departments of the outlet, find conflicts and problems in a timely manner and coordinate and deal with them; 负责建立与完善运营相关的系统与工作标准,及各项管理制度的贯彻执行。确保餐厅各部门之间良好合作关系,发现矛盾与问题及时协调与处理。 3. Responsible for building and developing the operation team, organizing the recruitment, training and assessment of planners to meet the needs of operation and business development; 负责建设与发展运营团队,组织计划人员的招聘、培训、考核从而满足运营与业务拓展的需要。 4. Responsible for the cost control of the entire outlet (management and control of various financial expenses), adjust and implement new measures in a timely manner when problems are found. 负责整个餐厅的成本控制(各项财务费用的管理与控制),发现问题及时调整并执行新的措施。 5.Grasp the market situation, and be responsible for the formulation, deployment, supervision and implementation of the regional annual market plan. (Foreign cooperation, channel management, media cooperation, promotion planning and other related work implementation). 把握市场行情,负责区域的年度市场计划的制定,部署及监督与实施。(对外合作、渠道管理、媒体合作、推广策划等相关工作的落实)。 6. Responsible for outlet public safety, food safety, fire protection, etc., and regularly check the implementation of various safety conditions. In particular, grasp the national guidelines and policies related to food hygiene, and make corresponding summaries; 负责餐厅公共安全、食品安全、消防等,定期检查各项安全的执行状况。特别把握国家有关食品卫生方面的方针、政策,作相应的总结; 7. Participate in related meetings, conduct daily work check. 参与相关会议,进行每日检查。 岗位要求: 1. Fully understand the jobs and contents of each department before and after the outlet, and be familiar with the overall operation process and system of the outlet; 餐厅前后各部门的工作职职与内容充分了解,并熟悉餐厅整体运营流程与制度; 2. In-depth understanding and experience of western food and drinks; 对西餐食品与酒水有深入的了解与经验; 3. In-depth understanding and experience of western food service; 对西餐服务有深入的了解与经验; 4. Good oral and written communication skills, social activities and organizational coordination skills; 良好的口头与书面沟通能力,社交活动能力及组织协调能力; 5. Have basic market planning, sales and financial management capabilities. 具备基本市场策划,销售与财务管理能力。
  • 总经理

    福州 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险
    • 包吃
    • 工龄补贴
    • 年终奖
    中式餐饮 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09-04
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    1.统筹餐饮婚庆会所的经营管理工作,制定经营目标及策略; 2.负责会所的成本控制,会所收益化,完成会所的销售计划; 3.负责会所服务品质的优化及监督管理,对外展示良好形象,提升宾客满意度; 4.掌握行业发展动态、先进的经营管理模式及管理经验,提高会所硬件设备、卫生、服务质量、团队管理等方面的市场竞争力; 5.负责建立会所的高素质管理团队; 岗位要求: 1.大专含以上学历,酒店、旅游管理相关专业。 2.五年以上宴会型酒店或餐饮会所管理经验(侧重餐饮管理)。 3.丰富的经营管理和财务知识。 4.具有大局意识,良好的市场开拓、人际沟通、协调能力、公关能力,抗压能力。 5.有“婚礼宫/艺术中心”或者高端会所经验优先,有福州婚宴、宴会市场资源优先。
  • 杭州 | 10年以上 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 高额绩效奖金
    • 夜班打车报销
    西式餐饮 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-19
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    • 投递简历
    餐厅筹备中,该岗位最快入职日期为2024年9月 工作职责: 1、向集团行政总厨负责,并能不断向餐饮部指出新的餐饮主向的工作计划。 2、保证所有的厨房正常工作。 3、检查厨师的仪容仪表及个人卫生。 4、确保所有采购食品的质量。 5、建立各种控制体系(卫生、成本等)正常运作、 6、配合集团行政总厨积极研发菜品,制订餐厅的常规菜单、特殊节日菜单。   岗位要求: 1、8年以上高端西餐/日餐工作经验,Omakase模式优先。 2、有从事高端餐饮厨师长/副厨师长工作经验,能够独当一面。 3、有丰富的技术、品控及管理经验。 4、懂得成本核算,食物原料及食品营养知识。 5、形象良好,擅于表达,能够从容对客交流 6、擅长厨房管理,具有行业人脉资源,能快速搭建自己的厨房团队。   品牌介绍: Pairedd配德 是BLS集团主打餐配酒文化的体验型餐厅。 餐厅由集团研发总厨钟兴建 Toto 主理,以味觉为载体,以岁时为启发,应用主厨的个人风格进行深化提升,重新演绎以北欧风格为主基调的创意融合料理,搭配带来充满惊喜的食与饮的旅程。 门店地址: 浙江省杭州市拱墅区武林广场周边(筹建中)
  • 北京 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    西式餐饮 | 100-499人
    发布于 08-29
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    • 投递简历
    ImplementCorporate Human Resources strategy, policy and instruction to develop employeeas an organization. Update Company employee handbook and contract. ImproveChina HR service provision in line with global HR strategy, implemented theglobal initiatives. 完善公司人力资源政策、制度,使公司员工发展更有组织性。更新公司员工手册及合 同的内容。改善人力资源现状,使福楼人力资源服务更完善及国际化。 Workwith the Leadership Team to understand what the talent needs are and ensure wehave the competitive intelligence internally and externally, provide PPR planfor FLO and ensure the structure supporting company growth. 了解成为公司管理层员工所需标准及流程,提供福楼人才储备及培养计划,为公司发展提供人才保障。 Liaisingdirectly with the FLO China Deputy General Manager and being accountable forthe performance of the HR function and the departments within, as well as a providingstrategy counsel on people matters in China. Assists in resolving labordisputes and grievances. Negotiates and resolves sensitive and controversialissues. 负责福楼人力资源相关的所有工作,向集团副总经理和常务董事汇报。解决人力资源相关的劳资纠纷或劳动争议等问题。 I– People人员: Theideal candidate will act as an employee champion and a leader of change. Youwill plan develop, organize, implement, direct and evaluate the organization’shuman resource function and performance. 理想的候选人应该是员工的捍卫者和变革的领导者。您将计划、发展、组织、实施、 指导和评估人力资源的职能和绩效。 Makesure all outlet payroll schedule current and pay on time. 确保各部门考勤及薪资的准时和准确发放。 Promote induction and integration aswell as working conditions that guarantee the legal and employment security ofemployees and the company. 改善员工入职和融入团队的工作条件,保障员工在公司的安全性及合法性。 Implement evaluation standards andprocedures for employee promotion and salary increase. 完善员工升职加薪的评估标准及流程。 Submit HR weekly and monthly reportson a regular basis. Including staff turnover rate, HR expenses, etc. 定期提交人力资源工作相关的周报及月报。包含员工流失率、相关财务费用等。 Background investigation formanagement onboarding, orientation training for new employees. 管理层入职的背景调查工作,新员工入职的入职培训工作。 Staff dormitory management. 员工宿舍管理工作。 Formulate the responsibilities of alldepartment. 制定各部门工作职责。 Understand the work arrangements ofemployees in all outlets and formulate a reasonable employment system. Developcross-training plan for all outlets. 了解各门店员工工作安排情况,制定合理的用人制度。制定人员交叉培训计划。 Study and improve the work climatedeveloping company wellbeing policies. Benefits include health check, birthdaybenefits, etc. 研究和改善工作氛围,制定公司福利等政策。员工福利包含健康体检、生日福利等。 Leadrecruitment activity by ensuring vacancies are defined, graded and hiredDevelop staffing strategies and implementation plans to identify talent withinand outside for positions of responsibility. Support the development of astrong talent pipeline thru supporting OPS hiring and build up strong campuscooperation and ensure all potential management interns in the structure. 根据人员配置策略,实施公司内部及外部招聘计划。拓展人才招聘渠道,建立强有力的校园合作关系,并确保实习生就业后的管理及培养。 Defineand implement recruitment, selection, development and evaluation plans with theaim of attracting talent, as well as internal promotions and company departures. 制定和实施能够吸引人才的招聘、选拔、发展和评估计划,以及内部晋升和离职相关制度。 Ensurecompetitive business capabilities for the future, while sustaining a lean andcost competitive organization structure through talent management, peopledevelopment and succession planning. 通过人才管理、人员发展和人才培养计划,确保未来的业务能力更有竞争力。 Definethe communication plan as well all the cultural and recognition events. 制定能体现企业文化和企业认知的有价值的交流活动。 Ensuresthat the culture and values of FLO are known by our external partners(suppliers, vendors and franchises) and that the relationships are maintainedwithin the compliance of our standards and ethical code. 确保我们的合作伙伴(供应商、供货商、特许经营商)了解福楼的文化和价值观,并在符 合公司标准和道德规范的情况下维持关系。 Detectthe potential of the employees to develop them and stablish a bench for successionplans and to keep the A players as wells as develop the B players andfacilitate the exit for the C players. 发掘员工的潜力并培养他们,建立接班人计划。 Manageall processes and procedures to assure Work Security and Labor Law compliancein China. Support business with Groupe FLO management by delivering all neededHR data. 核查所有流程和程序以确保遵守中国的劳动和安全相关法规。为福楼集团业务发展提供人力资源数据支持。 Directsstaff in the areas of: organizational structure, employment, compensation,employee database maintenance, payroll, benefits administration, employeerelations, orientation/training/development, and policy/procedure development. 在以下领域指导员工:组织结构、员工招聘、薪酬、员工数据维护、工资单、福利管理、员工关系、入职培训/发展和政策/程序制定。 Ensurecompliance with legal regulations on labor and occupational risk prevention,being the maximum representing of the company in legal proceedings. 确保遵守劳动和职业风险预防方面的法律法规,在法律诉讼中最大限度的代表公司。 Responsiblefor conducting wage surveys within labor markets to determine competitive wagerates. Analyzes wage and salary reports and data to determine competitivecompensation. 负责在劳动力市场内进行工资调查,以确定有竞争力的工资水平。分析工资和工资报告和数据,以确定有竞争力的薪酬。 II – Internal / Administration / Communication:内部、行政管理及沟通 EnsureAdmin routine supporting employees to have the great working environment. Manage office supplier, office purchasing,equipment maintenance, property management. 确保行政日常工作,为员工提供良好的工作环境。办公室供应商管理,办公室采购,设备维护,物业管理。 Responsibleand lead team for FLO Team building and company events as planner and facilitator. 负责并带领团队进行团队建设和公司活动的策划和协调。
  • 北京 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    西式餐饮 | 100-499人
    发布于 08-29
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    • 投递简历
    Responsible to the Managing Director, fully responsible for the outlet's management and daily operation, to ensure the successful realization of various business objectives. 对执行董事负责,全面负责餐厅的经营管理和日常运转工作,确保各营业目标的圆满实现。 According to the Managing Director's work policy, formulate the department's annual revenue budget and operation plan, and organize and arrange the specific implementation plan and achieve the budget. 依据执行董事的工作方针制定部门的年度收入预算与运营计划,并组织安排具体实施计划并达成预算。 Responsible for building and developing the operation team, organizing the recruitment, training and assessment of planners to meet the needs of operation and business development. 负责建设与发展运营团队,组织计划人员的招聘 培训 考核从而满足运营与业务拓展的需要。 Responsible for the establishment and improvement of operation-related systems and work standards, as well as the implementation of various management systems. Ensure a good cooperative relationship between the various departments of the outlet (F&B Service, Culinary, Administration, Finance, etc.), find conflicts and problems in a timely manner and coordinate and deal with them. 负责建立与完善运营相关的系统与工作标准,及各项管理制度的贯彻执行。确保餐厅各部门(前厅、后厨、行政、财务等)之间良好合作关系,发现矛盾与问题及时协调与处理。 Grasp the market situation, and be responsible for the formulation, deployment, supervision and implementation of the regional annual market plan. (Foreign cooperation, channel management, media cooperation, promotion planning and other related work implementation). 把握市场行情,负责区域的年度市场计划的制定,部署及监督与实施。(对外合作、渠道管理、媒体合作、推广策划等相关工作的落实)。 Develop annual sales plans for internal and external banquets, deploy, supervise, and implement them. 制定年度内宴及外宴等销售计划,部署及监督与实施。 Responsible for the cost control of the entire outlet (management and control of various financial expenses), adjust and implement new measures in a timely manner when problems are found. 负责整个餐厅的成本控制(各项财务费用的管理与控制),发现问题及时调整并执行新的措施。 Responsible for coordinating and handling the external public relations of the outlet. 负责协调处理餐厅外部公共关系。 Responsible for outlet public safety, food safety, fire protection, etc., and regularly check the implementation of various safety conditions. In particular, grasp the national guidelines and policies related to food hygiene, and make corresponding summaries; 负责餐厅公共安全、食品安全、消防等,定期检查各项安全的执行状况。特别把握国家有关食品卫生方面的方针、政策,作相应的总结
  • 深圳 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 行业标杆
    • 提供工作餐
    • 出色的团队
    • 雇主责任险
    西式餐饮 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    Responsibilities: -Establish and implement the delivery of the restaurant brand standard, sequence of service procedure and provide a high-quality guest service at all times. -Facilitate the implementation of business strategies and conduct regular strategy update meetings with management team.  -Contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance operational/environmental procedures for the restaurant. Check with the Restaurant reservations team/hostesses to review updates on reservation levels and arrivals.  -Maintain safety and hygiene standards in the restaurant at all times. Offer recommendations for corrections and take action for maintenance project and improvements as needed. -Take ownership and initiative to resolve issues, interact with various department in a professional and positive manner to foster, motivate and develop team members as our company assets by overseeing training and leading to a clear understanding by the team of expectations. -Ensure effective control over food and beverage sales. Manages and controls overall expenses of the restaurant focusing on higher revenue and profit. -Ensure guest requests and feedback, both verbal and written are responded to promptly and efficiently, and communicate to assigned team members on a daily basis to achieve and exceed our guest needs and expectations via social media channels. -Recruit and train new hires on business practices. Qualifications: -Reading, writing and oral proficiency in the Chinese and English language, prefer at least 2 years' experience of independent Fine Dining or Michelin Star restaurant environment. -Work a flexible schedule to accomplish all major responsibilities and tasks. Result driven orientation. -Have the ability to relate to all levels of guests and management, handle multiple tasks at one time. -Comfort working with budgets, payroll, revenue and forecasting, strong communications and administrative skills. 餐厅概况 Savor Group旗下首家餐厅Ensue位于深圳福田香格里拉酒店40层,连续第四年入选亚洲五十佳餐厅: 2024年度50-100餐厅榜单排名为第86名,位列中国大陆第6位,集团的目标是将旗下品牌打造成为世界顶级餐厅之一。
  • 深圳 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 行业标杆
    • 提供工作餐
    • 出色的团队
    • 雇主责任险
    西式餐饮 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-26
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    • 投递简历
    L'Avenue of Savor Group in Shenzhen is currently looking for Executive Chef. Responsibilities: 1. Be in charge of leading the culinary division to ensure full operational efficiency, driving of quality standards, while providing a high level of staff engagement and personal management. 2. Create and develop menus and recipes. 3. Build collaborative relationships with suppliers to provide/ achieve the best price and quality when purchasing foods and products. 4. Maintain the highest standard of food quality and sanitation standards. 5. Ensure the ultimate guest experience. 6. Drive high standards with food preparation to increase the profitability of the restaurant, reduce waste and maximize sustainable sources. Requirements: 1. Has a natural passion for Food & Beverage. 2. Ability to think outside of the box. 3. Excellent track record of high-performance culinary management and organizational skills. 4. A strong communicator able to activate plans and lead a team to success. 5. A minimum of 2 years' experience in a similar role an international Michelin starred restaurant experience. 6. Detail-minded, a strong level of creativity, able to both drive and lead change, ability to think on their feet. 7. Must be a friendly, helpful and trustworthy leader with a caring approach to developing talent.
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