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    长沙 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供吃



    西式餐饮 | 50-99人
    发布于 08-05
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    岗位职责: 1.负责日常收支的管理和核对; 2.办公室基本账务的核对; 3.负责收集和审核原始凭证,保证报销手续及原始单据的合法性.准确性; 4.保存.归档财务相关资料; 5.负责开具各项票据; 6.负责仓库物资的盘点.对账等工作 〖任职要求〗 1.会计相关专业, 2年餐饮行业工作经验; 2.熟悉国家财务法律规范.财务核算.财务管理.财务分析.财务预测等财务制度和业务 3.熟悉国家会计法规,了解税务法规和相关税收政策 4.熟悉各类财务软件,工作认真,踏实负责,具有良好的团队精神〖工作时间〗8小时工作制,月休4天〖福利待遇〗提供住宿。
  • 杭州 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供吃



    • 五险一金
    • 补充医疗
    • 双休
    • 带薪年假
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 工作氛围好
    • 海外培训
    西式餐饮 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:16
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    1.Passionate supervisors are respected for their expertise, guidance, and fairness. Be respected by colleagues and open up to all colleagues. 富有激情的主管秉持着可以做到的态度,通过专业知识,指导和公平公正收到尊重。受到同事的尊敬并对所有的同事都敞开心扉。 2.Ensures that all colleagues are assigned to service stations, have sufficient equipment and supplies and that tables in the restaurant are clean, well maintained and properly set up according to the meal period set up at all times. 确保给所有同事分配好服务区域,有足够设备和物品使用,始终保持餐厅餐桌干净整洁并根据相应餐段进行摆台。 3.Supports and coaches service attendants in serving food and beverage to guest according to prescribed service standards and procedures of restaurant service with emphasis on quality, speed, accuracy and attention. 根据既定的服务标准,支持和训练服务人员如何服务食物和酒水以及餐厅服务流程,重点强调质量,速度,准确性及将所有细节精益求精。 4.Is fully proficient on the Auphan system, Restaurant Reservation procedures. 精通使用Auphan系统和餐厅预订系统。 5.Checks the cleanliness and maintenance of equipment, fixtures, storage and service area and menus in the restaurant assigned and acts if rectification is necessary. 检查及维护所分配区域餐厅设备,固定装置,仓库,服务区域及菜单的是否整洁,如有需要应及时修正。 6.Knowledgeable on all food and beverage menus of the restaurant. 熟悉所有餐厅的菜单及酒水单。 7.Initiates guest interaction through seeking feedback in order to personalize service. 与客人互动,寻求客人反馈从而为客人制定个性化服务。 8.Takes accurate orders for all guests according to the given standard and practices suggestive selling to boost restaurant sales and checks the status of all orders and ensures that they are delivered within designated timelines. 根据既定标准为客人准确的点单,练习进阶销售来增加餐厅收入,检查所有点单的状态,确保所有点单都按时上菜。 9.Performs the other tasks assigned by the Manager whenever necessary. 完成经理分配的其他任务。 10.Reports any unusual incidents, feedback, lost and found, breakage and losses, equipment and fixture break down to the Manager. 及时向餐厅经理汇报异常事件,宾客反馈,失物招领,破损及丢失,设施设备损坏。 11.Maintains order and cleanliness of the service area, menus and service station. 负责接收点单及维护服务区域,菜单及服务台卫生 12.Is attentive and takes note of anniversaries, birthdays and special dates discussed by guests in order to surprise guests and create a wow-effect. 留意并记录宾客谈论到的生日、纪念日及特殊日期,为宾客准备惊喜,让宾客留下终身难忘的美好回忆。 13.Follow and maintain established par levels for supplies and equipment. Complete requisitions to replenish shortages or additional items needed for the anticipated business and informs the Manager about it. 遵循和维持物品和设备的既定最低库存。完成补充短缺申请或为可预见生意增减新项目的申请表并告知经理。 14.Assign work and side duties to colleague in accordance with departmental procedures.  Communicate additions or changes to the assignments as they arise throughout the shift. Identify situations, which compromise the restaurant standard and delegate these tasks. 根据部门运作流程分配工作给同事。在当班过程中增加或更改的工作任务及时告知同事,识别情况。 15.Inspect grooming and attire of colleagues; coaches and helps to rectify any deficiencies. 检查同事的仪容仪表和着装,如有不合适的帮助他们改正。 16.Monitor and handle feedback and informs restaurant management immediately and takes responsibility that further actions are taken to ensure guest satisfaction. 监控及处理客人反馈并及时告知餐厅管理层,负责后续行动以确保客人满意度。 17.Ensure all closing duties for colleagues are completed before colleague signs out. 确保同事在离开前完成所有收档工作。 18.Provide feedback to colleague on their performance. Informs restaurant management on a regular basis. 对同事的工作给予反馈,并定期汇报给餐厅管理层。 Perfessional skill 专业技能: 1.Highly effective interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills 良好的人际交往能力和书面口头沟通表达的能力 2.Highly organized and able to prioritize and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment 在快节奏工作环境中良好的组织,顾全大局及吃苦耐劳的能力 3.Computer literacy a must, with a highly proficient knowledge of Word, Excel, Word, Outlook and PowerPoint. 精通使用办公软件,如Word, Excel, Word, Outlook and PowerPoint. 4.Qualifications and relevant certifications 资格认证及相关资质证书 5.Self-confident, creative and proactive, able to prioritize and make effective decisions 自信,有创造力,积极主动,能够顾全大局并做出有效的决策
  • 广州 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供吃



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 午餐补贴
    西式餐饮 | 1-49 人
    发布于 09-20
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    Responsibilities : •      Responsible for pantry organization •      Prepares food in the kitchen •      Cleans, cuts, stores, and otherwise prepares food for cooking •      Receives directions from chef, cook Requirements : •      Culinary college school or above education background •      Working experience in kitchen for 2 year •      Basic food handling and culinary skills •      Faster learner and passionate about cuisine and hospitality •      Able to closely follow direction •      A good team player and able to perform well under pressure
  • 杭州 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供吃



    • 五险一金
    • 补充医疗
    • 双休
    • 带薪年假
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 工作氛围好
    • 海外培训
    西式餐饮 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:16
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    岗位职责: 根据餐厅的标准和定位提供周到细致的接待服务; 时刻保持前台区域干净整洁; 接听电话,接受客人的预订信息并使用礼貌用语; 适用礼貌语问候迎接客人,为客人领位,并保持微笑; 送走客人并提醒客人带好随身物品; 为客人递送账单和结账,营业结束后负责收银结算; 完成上级交代各项事宜和每日工作计划。 任职资格: 身体健康,热爱餐饮工作; 良好的沟通能力和团队合作能力; 具有认真、仔细、端正的工作态度; 五星级酒店工作经验优先。
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