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  • 北京 | 10年以上 | 大专



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    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 06-07
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    岗位职责: 1、根据集团战略发展需要,制定年度运营工作计划; 2、牵头组织运营战略规划的实施,审定各酒店年度运营计划及日常重要营销报告; 3、协助酒店集团完成各酒店公司经营预算指标的核定; 4、制定和完善酒店集团各项运营管理制度、运营标准、服务操作流程,并推进实施; 5、协助完成对各酒店公司运营管理人员的考核、评估; 6、协助酒店集团完成年度各酒店公司的经营管理考核与评估工作; 7、负责建设和发展运营团队,组织和开展员工队伍培养,满足集团业务拓展需求; 8、采取有效的措施推动酒店销售业绩达成及利润贡献,分解工作目标与绩效指标,部署监控运营各条线负责人工作成果,考核直属下级的业务能力、管理能力、工作能力; 9、主持部门人员例会,确定重点工作事项并给与部署和指导; 10、查阅每日营业报表,进行营业分析,及时对出现的问题作出必要的调整和解决,定期组织酒店召开运营管理会议; 11、对酒店进行定期或不定期的运营检查,全方位的了解酒店在日常运作中存在的运营管控问题并敦促采取措施及时予以整改和完善。确保各酒店符合世纪金源酒店品牌运营标准; 12、监控各酒店网评舆情,就服务质量出现的问题给予指导意见; 13、推动运营各条线负责人积极分析酒店客人满意度指标,提出改进客人意见的措施和提升客人满意度的方法; 14、根据集团发展规划,监督运营工程条线负责人制定有效的系统管理发展方向和管理模式,提高酒店集团工程管理水平; 15、组织和安排工程负责人员对各酒店及新开项目的工程系统安全工作进行指导和落实,提高酒店工程管理水平; 16、参与酒店集团新项目的市场调研,开业前期策划,开业筹备及后续运营协调与督察工作; 17、为酒店集团重大投资决策提供建设性、可行性方案共决策层参考。 任职要求: 1、大专以上学历,酒店行业从业二十年以上; 2、具备丰富的现代化企业运营管理能力、协调沟通能力、分析决策能力、开拓创新能力; 3、具备较强的数据分析能力、文字表达能力及逻辑思维能力; 4、熟悉酒店行业情况和趋势,深入了解酒店行业特点,熟悉酒店各项运营管理流程; 5、具备管理团队的领导力; 6、良好的团队协作意识和能力,并具有资源整合能力; 7、具备大学本科及以上学历; 8、具有十年以上知名国际酒店管理集团旗下高端品牌酒店行政管理层以上级别工作经验; 9、知名酒店管理集团工作经历者优先。
  • 南京 | 10年以上 | 本科



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 06-25
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    Position Statement: The Senior Manager, Finance Project, FSSC is the key Business Partner for GCM FSSC. This person is expected to manage and deliver the enrollment/transition in accordance with Finance Shared Service Center project plan. This position will be collaborating across Corporate Operations Finance, Pre-opening, and Hotel team to ensure deliverables are met. Position Summary: FSSC Enrollment Project Management Closely working with Project Director, Operations Finance team, Pre-opening team and Hotel teams to successfully enroll hotels into FSSC. Be responsible for Focused and Full-Service hotels Shared Service enrollment full cycle of processes. i.e.: Solution, Implementation and Stabilization. · Solution: Communicate with owners and hotels for their better understanding of Hilton FSSC. Provide and guide the hotel of their specific FSSC solution. ·  Implementation: Lead the hotel enrollment projects make sure the systems (DocMX, RPA, E-voucher, Ticketing systems) are deployed per schedule. Enrollment process are setup and trainings are delivered. ·  Stabilization: Keep monitoring on process stabilization and hand over to FSSC operations team when it’s stabilized. Lead on project charter alignment, develop the transition plan, manage to get sufficient resources per agreed the goal and timing. Ensuring transparent/timely reporting on the progress, success and risks/issues of the project status to leadership and seek their support to ensure project moving forward smoothly. Manage program reporting to various stakeholders, driving governance set-up and effective. FSSC Continuous Improvement Project Continuously improve the enrollment/transition Process, Methodology and Toolkit, actively manage risks and issues by collaborating across work streams, ensuring lessons learned and driving consistent and optimized enrollment/transition. Be responsible to lead the operations process Continous Improvement initiatives. Identify the opportunities and deliver the expected efficiency savings. Change Request and Project Budget control Manage change requests/scope changes based on business/project needs if any. Control the project budget, evaluates all project initiatives as to feasibility, costs/benefits and value-at-risk, and takes corrective actions when necessary. Communication and Relationship Management ·  Relationship management of internal and external stakeholders. Builds supportive, productive, and trusted working relationships with Owners, Operations Finance Team, Hotel teams, FSSC teams and Corporate team. People Management Lead the team and guide on Team Members’ Project Management skillset and knowledge buildup. Be responsible for Team Members’ career development. Other Ad hoc Corporate projects. Qualifications Strong Financial Analytical skill, number sensitive. Strong Project Management skills. More than 10 years of related experience. More than 4 years of management or supervisory experience. 20-40% travel request
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