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  • 销售部经理

    南京 | 5年以上 | 本科



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 06-25
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    Brief Introduction 职位简介 • Grasp the opportunities to maximize sales revenue for Ascott. 把握机遇为雅诗阁创造最大销售收益。 Major Responsibility 主要工作职责 • Responsible for market development to increase and retain customers. 负责市场开发,增加并保留客源。 • Establish and maintain good customer relationships to increase sales revenue. 建立并维护良好的客户关系以增加销售额。 • Complete the entire sales process, including sales tracking, scene investigation, price negotiations, contract preparation and signing. 完成全程的销售流程,包括销售跟踪,现场勘查,价格谈判,合约准备与签订。 • Serve customers, understand their needs and try to satisfy their requirements. 服务客户,了解需求并尽量满足客户的要求。 • Create and participate in various sales events to enhance customer relationships. 设计并参与各项销售活动来增强客户的关系。 • Prepare and analyze sales reports. 准备,分析销售报表。 - 按时完成公司要求的销售相关系统的更新 . Requirements 资质需求 • Bachelor degree or above, fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing English abilities 大学本科以上学历,流利的英文听、说、读、写能力。 • More than 5 years hotel / service apartment sales experience. 5 年以上酒店 / 服务公寓销售工作经验。 • Good interpersonal communication skills to effectively carry out internal / external communications. 良好的人际沟通能力,能有效地进行
  • 南京 | 5年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 团队支持
    • 发展空间
    服务式公寓 | 2000人以上
    发布于 06-25
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    • 投递简历
    Job Description职位简介  Take in charge of all works related to security department, Responsible for all matters that related to the property, employee and safety of the residents. 全面管理保安部工作,负责与保卫公寓的财产、员工和宾客安全有关的一切事务。 Major Responsibility主要工作职责  Ensure that the policies and procedures of the Security Department and "crisis management" developed by the Ascott Group are fully implemented. Update according to the situation. 确保雅诗阁集团所制定的保安部及《危机管理》的政策及程序完全落实,并结合本物业的实际情况进行必要的补充及完善。  Responsible for the safety matters, including property security, lost and found, key distribution, fire safety, and to ensure the implementation of various safety measures. 全面负责公寓的安全工作,包括物业安全、财务丢失、钥匙分配、消防安全等,确保各项安全措施的执行。  Conduct the formulation and implementation of the company's management system, working procedures, as well as various aspects of security matters and emergency plan on fire control. 负责制定和落实公司的各项管理制度、工作程序以及各项安全﹑消防方面的应急预案。  Conduct formulating the annually security and fire control plan, and the budget of the department. 负责制定治安﹑消防的年度工作计划,及部门各项费用的年度预算。  Responsible for the security of VIP guests and security work for important events. 负责重要宾客或重要的活动及重点部位的安全保卫工作。  Establish a good relationship with the guests, handle the complaints properly. 与宾客建立良好的关系,妥善处理投诉。  Conduct investigation for the activities which related to fire control, accident, injury, damage, intimidation, traffic accidents and other incidents. Identify the suspect object in a timely manner, prevent accidents. 负责对发生在物业内的涉及到消防、意外事故、受伤、损害、恐吓、交通事故等事件进行调查,及时找出嫌疑对象或提早预防可能出现的意外事故。  When the accidents occur, assist senior management to investigate and take actions promptly, report to the management authorities of the investigation results and process. 当公司发生火灾或各类案件时,协助高层管理人员积极展开调查,及时采取措施,并及时向管理当局报告调查和处理的情况。  Conduct the training the information of "fire, theft, anti-sabotage, explosion-proof, anti-burst accident," responsible for the safety of all department employees. 负责组织开展以“防火、防盗、防破坏、防爆、防突发事故”的“五防”为内容的安全、法制知识的培训,及负责所有部门员工的各项安全管理工作。  Assist and supervise the safety management of the relevant departments of the company, work together with the person in charge of the security work of various departments. 协助和督促公司相关部门的各项安全管理工作,与各部门负责人就安全防护工作保持联络,使物业和谐运转。  Learn from the opinions and suggestions of all aspects of security for property, and make improvements. 及时汲取各方面对于物业安全的意见和建议,并积极改进。  Collect all the information about fire safety equipment and the information of devices protection. 关注搜集所有关于消防的安全设备、保护装置的信息。  Maintain good relationship with local police, fire control department, and the relevant government departments and to establish good reputation of the property. 与物业所在社区的公安、消防和政府有关部门保持良好的联系,建立物业的良好声誉。  Know well of the staff in a timely manner, to identify and solve problems. 及时了解员工动态,发现并解决问题。  Selection and training of potential employees. 选拔和培养有潜质的员工。  Take shifts on MODS. 定期担任物业值班经理。  In compliance with the Ascott Group's Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines and policies, pay attention to energy conservation and the safe operation in daily work. 遵守集团的环境健康安全方针政策,日常工作中注意节能和安全操作。  Other tasks assigned. 领导交办的其他工作。 Requirements资质需求  College degree above or equivalent degrees is essential; 大专或同等以上学历;  Minimum of 5 years management experience at service apartment/ branding hotels, security training experience is preferred; 有5年以上服务公寓/星级酒店相关管理工作经验,接受过酒店保安培训者优先考虑;  Certain English language ability is preferred; 有一定的英文听/说/读/写能力者优先考虑;  Know well of the job-related knowledge such as security, guard, and some legal knowledge; 掌握并熟悉有关安全、保卫、侦破、消防等职务知识,有一定的法律知识;  Good language organization skills, communication skills, and management capabilities, and can deal with emergencies; 具有良好的语言组织能力、沟通能力和管理能力,且具有处理突发事件的能力;  Great sense of responsibility, honest, positive attitude; 富有工作责任心,诚实可靠,态度积极;  Clear-headed; Efficient; Good appearance; Energetic; 头脑清醒,办事敏捷,品貌端正,精力充沛;  Familiar with EXCEL, WORD, PowerPoint、Outlook; 熟练使用电脑,熟悉Microsoft Office软件(例如:Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook等);  Be able to work under pressure. 能承受工作压力。
  • 财务经理

    南京 | 5年以上 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 团队支持
    • 发展空间
    服务式公寓 | 2000人以上
    发布于 06-25
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    职位简介 •           负责物业的财务部的整体事务。 主要工作职责 •           负责物业的年度预算工作,财务收支计划、资金运作。 •           负责与税务局、工商局、统计局等相关部门的协调与沟通,完成各项年检工作。 •           负责所管辖物业的年度审计工作。 •           审核并及时报送集团和业主方的各种会计报表、年度结算报告、季度预测报表和财务情况分析说明书,并报告公寓财务状况和经营成果,提交有关预算执行情况、成本控制和现金流量的分析,及时汇报重大经营问题;组织制定财务方面的内部操作制度并监督执行。 •                  协助驻店总经理对日常运营费用进行监控。 •           对部门人员进行业务技能监督培训考核,并培养有潜力员工。 •           协助其他部门完成相关的工作及领导交办的任务。 资质需求 •         大学本科以上学历。 •         良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,能带领2-3人的团队。 •         5年以上财务管理经验,有酒店或服务式公寓工作经验者优先; •         财务管理能力较强,对于会计帐务处理,税收方面分析判断能力较强。 •         与税务局保持经常的沟通,从而获知最新的财税政策。 良好的英文口语及书写沟通能力。
  • 销售总监

    南京 | 5年以上 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 团队支持
    • 发展空间
    服务式公寓 | 2000人以上
    发布于 06-25
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    • 投递简历
    Brief Introduction 职位简介 • Most effective development and management of sales and marketing team to achieve the desired goals. 最有效的发展和管理市场销售团队并达到预期目标。 • Grasp the opportunities to maximize sales revenue for Ascott. 把握机遇为雅诗阁创造最大销售收益。 Major Responsibility 主要工作职责 • Lead and establish a unity and effective sales team, as well as implement sales plans. 领导和建立团结有效的销售队伍,执行销售计划。 • Establish different marketing policies and develop appropriate sales market according to the company sales strategy. 根据公司销售策略,制定不同的销售政策,开发相应销售市场。 • Keep in track of customers, maintain existing sales channels and develop new markets. 跟踪客户,维持原有的销售渠道,开拓新的市场。 • Control the marketing budget, balance the sales scope and objectives . 控制销售预算、销售范围和销售目标的平衡发展。 • Good communication with sales staff, timely resolve internal and external customer complaints. 与销售人员保持良好的沟通,及时解决内外部客户投诉。 • Establish and maintain sales database and update progress information. Supervise sales team to update information in required sales system in a timely manner. 建立并维护销售数据库,并及时更新进度信息。监督销售队伍按时更新公司要求的相关系统。 • Establish and maintain good customer relationships to increase sales revenue. 建立并维护良好的客户关系以增加销售额。 • Serve customers, understand their needs and try to satisfy their requirements. 服务客户,了解需求并尽量满足客户的要求。 • Create and participate in various sales events to enhance customer relationships. 设计并参与各项销售活动来增强客户的关系。 • Prepare and analyze sales reports. 准备、分析销售报表。 • Establish good cooperative relationship and reasonable sales strategy and price with other properties in the city. 与同城兄弟物业建立良好合作关系 , 建立物业间的合理销售策略和价格。 Requirements 资质要求 • Bachelor degree or above, fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing English abilities. 大学本科以上学历,流利的英文听、说、读、写能力。 • More than 10 years relevant sales experience and 3-5 years experience in hotel sales management. 10 年以上相关销售经验, 3-5 年酒店销售管理工作经验。 • Outstanding leadership and management skills as well as good business vision. 出众的领导管理才能和良好的商业理念。 • Strong observation and reacting abilities, as well as strong logical thinking ability. 较强的观察力和应变能力,较强
  • 工程部经理

    南京 | 5年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 团队支持
    • 发展空间
    服务式公寓 | 2000人以上
    发布于 06-25
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    Brief Introduction 职位简介 ·         Be responsible for the daily management of the engineering department in the property. 主要负责物业工程部的日常管理工作。 Major Responsibility 主要工作职责 ·         To ensure the "crisis management" policies and procedures created by Ascott Limited Engineering division are fully implemented and be improved and combined with the actual situation of the property. 确保雅诗阁集团所制定的工程部及《危机管理》的政策及程序完全落实并结合本物业的实际情况进行 必要的补充及完善。 ·         To establish and improve the sound engineering equipment running and operating procedures, to arrange for the regular maintenance of the various types of work, to ensure the normal operation of the equipment for the entire work. 建立健全工程设备的运行和操作程序,合理安排各工种的定期保养维修,确保整个工作设备的正常运 行。 ·         Organize and implement for the equipment renovation projects, focusing on maintenance programs, purchasing plans for the spare parts. 组织并实施制定设备更新、改造工程计划,重点大维修保养计划、备件购进计划。 ·         Management and control of the project's progress, quality and cost. 管理控制公司各工程项目的进展、质量、成本。 ·         Handle the Sudden failure of the equipment to ensure that the equipment is back to normal operation in a timely manner. 组织处理设备的突发性故障,确保设备及时恢复正常运转。 ·         To maintain effective communication with supervisors and various departments to ensure timely and accurate information to be delivered. 与上级领导,各部门保持有效的沟通,确保信息及时准确的得以传达。 ·         Lead and manage the project team, validation the subsidiaries’ work plan, co-ordinate the organization of work, to check the implementation of the working schedule. 领导管理工程团队,审定下属班组工作计划,统筹安排工作,检查执行情况。 ·         Regularly provide training to the staff of department. 定期给部门员工进行各相关知识培训。 ·         In compliance with the Ascott Group's Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines and policies, pay attention to energy conservation and the safe operation in daily work. 遵守集团的环境健康安全方针政策,日常工作中注意节能和安全操作。 ·         Any other tasks assigned by the supervisors. 领导交办的其他工作。 Requirements 资质要求 ·         Have college degree and above with good English reading ability, more than 5 years’ relevant working experience; 大专以上学历,有较好的英语阅读能力,五年以上相关工作经验; ·         Good team organization skills and interpersonal communication skills, be able to communicate effectively with the company's internal and external departments; 良好的团队组织能力和人际沟通技能,能够和公司内部和外部的部门进行有效的沟通; ·         Excellent leadership and management skills with good business sense; 出众的领导管理才能和良好的商业理念; ·         Have strong teamwork spirit, organization and planning skills and good communication skills; 具有很强的团队协作精神、组织及策划能力和良好的沟通技巧; ·         Not colour-blind; 非色盲; ·         Be able to work under pressure. 能承受工作压力。
  • 南京 | 10年以上 | 本科



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 06-25
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    Position Statement: The Senior Manager, Finance Project, FSSC is the key Business Partner for GCM FSSC. This person is expected to manage and deliver the enrollment/transition in accordance with Finance Shared Service Center project plan. This position will be collaborating across Corporate Operations Finance, Pre-opening, and Hotel team to ensure deliverables are met. Position Summary: FSSC Enrollment Project Management Closely working with Project Director, Operations Finance team, Pre-opening team and Hotel teams to successfully enroll hotels into FSSC. Be responsible for Focused and Full-Service hotels Shared Service enrollment full cycle of processes. i.e.: Solution, Implementation and Stabilization. · Solution: Communicate with owners and hotels for their better understanding of Hilton FSSC. Provide and guide the hotel of their specific FSSC solution. ·  Implementation: Lead the hotel enrollment projects make sure the systems (DocMX, RPA, E-voucher, Ticketing systems) are deployed per schedule. Enrollment process are setup and trainings are delivered. ·  Stabilization: Keep monitoring on process stabilization and hand over to FSSC operations team when it’s stabilized. Lead on project charter alignment, develop the transition plan, manage to get sufficient resources per agreed the goal and timing. Ensuring transparent/timely reporting on the progress, success and risks/issues of the project status to leadership and seek their support to ensure project moving forward smoothly. Manage program reporting to various stakeholders, driving governance set-up and effective. FSSC Continuous Improvement Project Continuously improve the enrollment/transition Process, Methodology and Toolkit, actively manage risks and issues by collaborating across work streams, ensuring lessons learned and driving consistent and optimized enrollment/transition. Be responsible to lead the operations process Continous Improvement initiatives. Identify the opportunities and deliver the expected efficiency savings. Change Request and Project Budget control Manage change requests/scope changes based on business/project needs if any. Control the project budget, evaluates all project initiatives as to feasibility, costs/benefits and value-at-risk, and takes corrective actions when necessary. Communication and Relationship Management ·  Relationship management of internal and external stakeholders. Builds supportive, productive, and trusted working relationships with Owners, Operations Finance Team, Hotel teams, FSSC teams and Corporate team. People Management Lead the team and guide on Team Members’ Project Management skillset and knowledge buildup. Be responsible for Team Members’ career development. Other Ad hoc Corporate projects. Qualifications Strong Financial Analytical skill, number sensitive. Strong Project Management skills. More than 10 years of related experience. More than 4 years of management or supervisory experience. 20-40% travel request
  • 南京 | 5年以上 | 本科



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 06-25
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    What your day-to-day will be like: ·   Support a fluid portfolio of IAM projects within the China and APAC markets that includes but is not limited to: Access provisioning centralization & automation Access requirements analysis, design & segregation of duties Access role standardization and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Access support platform adoption Centralized access reporting and access review automation Application integration with Identity Management & Single Sign-On Application onboarding to standardized processes ·   Manage and contribute to project efforts, including: Meeting coordination Business, data and financial analysis Access requirements analysis and design Business requirements documentation Quality assurance and user acceptance testing ·  Support further development of the team’s access management policies, procedures and standards. ·  Assist with the enforcement of said policies and procedures by providing guidance to China stakeholders and reporting challenges & opportunities to the Americas-based IAM team. How you will collaborate with others: ·  Conduct management status reporting and creation of presentation materials. ·  Coordinate access support activities amongst end-users, hiring managers, other business stakeholders, and responsible technology support teams. ·  Liaise between regional and Americas-based technology team members on cross-regional activities and compliance efforts. What projects you will take ownership of: ·  The deployment of IAM tools, technology and processes to financial shared services organizations servicing the greater China Market. Qualifications Bachelor’s Degree, or associate degree plus 6+ years of Technology related experience, or High School Degree plus 12+ years of Technology related experience  Four (4) years of work experience in Information Security, IAM, IT Audit or related field Three (3) + years of experience managing or leading projects. Solid grasp of general access management and information security concepts, including the Principal of Least Privilege, access appropriate to role, and segregation of duties Data analytics experience using tools such as MS Excel, SQL Server, etc. Ability to manage task-load independently with minimal supervision. Disciplined alignment to established information security policies & procedures and the ability to adapt where guidance is not present. Proficient project management skills, including the ability to drive tasks to completion among a variety of responsible parties. Travel up to 10% of the time
  • 南京 | 5年以上 | 本科



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 06-25
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    As the FSSC corporate Sr Accountant, you will be responsible for performing the following tasks to the highest standards: • Transactional Accounting: Perform the GL accounting activities timely and accurately in accordance with US GAAP & PRC GAAP for FSSC. Verify and process the Affiliated (Inter-Company) statements settlement and reconciliation Analyzing complex financial reports and records work with US & APAC team for local accounting treatment, variance analysis, etc. • Month/Quarter/Year end closing: Responsible for PSoft submission and File Exchange Reconciliation for HHMS and FSSC subsidiary and follow up on the outstanding items. Responsible for Balance Sheet Pack comments, forecast planning as well as cash flow analysis for two branches and FSSC subsidiary. Monitor & Manage Bad Debt Provision for FSSC receivables on monthly basis. • Tax Management: Produce monthly tax filing for VAT and quarterly corporate income tax, ensure accurate accounting/tax reconciliation and tax claim within schedule for two branches and FSSC subsidiary. Ensure compliance to various local laws and regulations, financial policies and procedures of HQs Collaborate with Global/Local Tax team to response audit/inspection from Local Authority. • Treasury: Front treasury team for local legislation (E.g., bank certificate, bank account opening, bank audit) for FSSC. • Local Statutory Filings and Compliance: Co-operate with Internal and External Audit. Ensuring that FSSC’s booking complies with the company Standard Practice Instructions and meets Sarbanes Oxley requirements. • Reporting: Produce AR reporting & PL reporting for FSSC by monthly. Take the ownership of credit control on FSSC receivables. • Other: Supporting management and wider finance team on any ad-hoc duties or projects. Support manager in all financial, treasury and taxation matters, assist on providing the information/data of budgeting and forecasting Qualifications Minimum Education: bachelor’s degree and major in accounting or other related major. Minimum Years of Experience: 5 years of related work experience Self-motivated and proactive, fast learning Willingness to learn and develop. Fluent in written and spoken English. Good communication skills and presentation skills (both in Chinese and English)
  • 南京 | 10年以上 | 本科



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 06-25
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    What will I be doing?  -          The Senior Finance Training Manager works with FSSC management team to identify and address team members and organizational training needs, to promote a supportive work environment for systematic and continuous learning. -          Motivate and support talent development with tailored in-depth programs as enrichment to skills and knowledge in line with learning and development strategy from GCM Finance Learning & Talent Development Team and FSSC HR team. -          Drive operational excellence through ongoing measurement of training effectiveness and specific performance improvement programs based on analysis of performance gaps and identified training needs. Training Delivery ·       Prepare and maintain standard training manual for every tower team member. ·       Support, engage and inspire team members through effective training programs which are properly planned and prioritized. ·       Conduct training needs analysis on a regular basis and develop customized programs and initiatives to support shared services platform and drive operational excellence.  ·       Demonstrate strong experience in a wide range of learning delivery methods while implement innovative approaches (including facilitator-led workshops, eLearning, webinars, interactive tools / games, and coaching / mentoring sessions) and solutions to enhance learning content, experience, and impact. Talent Development ·       Deliver viable talent development strategy and action plans based on analysis and understanding of FSSC business and talent challenges. ·       Partner with Regional Specialists, FSSC HR team to assess priorities for learning, development, and talent management activities. ·       Develop the framework and deliver the talent development programs to ensure opportunities for all team members reflect personal development plans and support FSSC overall business plan. ·       Maximize individuals’ talent with leadership building and sharpening programs in place, track internal high potential talents with talent review, career, and succession development. Quality Improvement ·       Measure and monitor the effectiveness of training with specific goal setting, assessment, and reflection on a regular basis etc. ·       Monitor the implementation of FSSC policies and SOPs.  ·       Perform monthly dashboard data analysis to identify the root causes to performance gaps and to drive improvement with specific training programs or initiatives ·       Leverage best practices and knowledge sharing among FSSC team members including developing and rolling-out tools, templates, and methodologies. ·       Other duties as assigned What are we looking for? ·       Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experience. ·       Minimum Years of Experience: 10 years hospitality finance working experience and minimum of 5 years as hotel Senior Finance Manager (AFC/FM and above), ideally with Hilton experience. ·       People-oriented, willing to foster a positive work environment for all team members. Lead by example, able to inspire and motivate team members. ·       Familiar with Hilton Policies, Procedures and Compliance requirements. ·       Solid knowledge of SUN, OnQ, SCMCheck, HRLink, proficient in Microsoft Office applications. ·       Good presentation and teaching skills. With departmental learning coach experience and TTT certification is a plus. ·       Excellent communication, coordination, and organization ability.
  • 南京 | 5年以上 | 本科



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 06-25
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    主要职责: 从事财务共享服务应收岗位(建立信用账户、银行对账、信贷会议等),同时带领8-10人的会计团队 确保月结/年结能够在截至日期前圆满完成工作,并准确及时的上报,调查与解决不规范及异常账务 负责解决日常运营问题并制定改进计划 确保所有流程合规、符合集团政策和内部控制要求,协助内部、外部审计 负责团队培训,确保高效工作 负责推广合作文化并与其他流程经理跨团队分享最佳实践经验和知识以推进流程的持续改善 确保财务信息的保密性 负责系统安全控制,确保用户权利仅限指定人员使用 其他临时性任务   资质要求: 本科财务或会计学学士学位或同等经验 5年以上财务、控制管理、运营经验 有较强的管理经验和会计背景,注册会计师优先; 1-2年管理中型团队的经验; 良好的中英文沟通能力; 能够在多维汇报线矩阵型组织中进行管理 公司信息: 积极、融洽的团队氛围,提供多元化员工培训(入职培训,在岗技能培训,职业发展对话、高管零距离分享等)。 办公地址:江苏省南京市秦淮区红花街道汇景北路1号保利中心 希尔顿是全球领先的酒店管理公司,业务范围从豪华的全方位服务酒店和度假村到长住套房和中等价位酒店。近一个世纪以来,希尔顿一直为商务和休闲旅客提供最好的住宿、服务、设施和价值。希尔顿致力于延续其传统,在其全球品牌中提供卓越的宾客体验。我们的愿景是让世界充满阳光,让大家都感受到热情的温暖,提供与众不同的卓越体验,让每位宾客在每家酒店的每次住宿都倍感满意。而且,我们出色的团队成员是这一切的核心!希尔顿集目前在全球122个国家和地区拥有和管理7000多家品牌酒店,客房数量超过100万间,以及2730家筹建酒店。 希尔顿集团连续七年被评为“全球最佳职场”,持续不断打造杰出职场文化,坚定致力于创造包容并以企业宗旨为导向的职场环境,为团队成员提供职业发展机会,进而使团队成员能够在工作中实现优秀而真实的自我。   希尔顿积极拥抱行业未来与变革趋势,为实现创新、数字化管理与运营、流程标准化,成立大中华区财务共享服务中心,为大中华区管理酒店提供集成财务管理服务。
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