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  • 销售总监

    深圳 | 5年以上 | 大专



    短租公寓 | 50-99人
    发布于 09-22
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    Brief Introduction 职位简介 • Most effective development and management of sales and marketing team to achieve the desired goals. 最有效的发展和管理市场销售团队并达到预期目标。 • Grasp the opportunities to maximize sales revenue for Ascott. 把握机遇为雅诗阁创造最大销售收益。 Major Responsibility 主要工作职责 • Lead and establish a unity and effective sales team, as well as implement sales plans. 领导和建立团结有效的销售队伍,执行销售计划。 • Establish different marketing policies and develop appropriate sales market according to the company sales strategy. 根据公司销售策略,制定不同的销售政策,开发相应销售市场。 • Keep in track of customers, maintain existing sales channels and develop new markets. 跟踪客户,维持原有的销售渠道,开拓新的市场。 • Control the marketing budget, balance the sales scope and objectives . 控制销售预算、销售范围和销售目标的平衡发展。 • Good communication with sales staff, timely resolve internal and external customer complaints. 与销售人员保持良好的沟通,及时解决内外部客户投诉。 • Establish and maintain sales database and update progress information. Supervise sales team to update information in required sales system in a timely manner. 建立并维护销售数据库,并及时更新进度信息。监督销售队伍按时更新公司要求的相关系统。 • Establish and maintain good customer relationships to increase sales revenue. 建立并维护良好的客户关系以增加销售额。 • Serve customers, understand their needs and try to satisfy their requirements. 服务客户,了解需求并尽量满足客户的要求。 • Create and participate in various sales events to enhance customer relationships. 设计并参与各项销售活动来增强客户的关系。 • Prepare and analyze sales reports. 准备、分析销售报表。 • Establish good cooperative relationship and reasonable sales strategy and price with other properties in the city. 与同城兄弟物业建立良好合作关系 , 建立物业间的合理销售策略和价格。 Requirements 资质要求 • Bachelor degree or above, fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing English abilities. 大学本科以上学历,流利的英文听、说、读、写能力。 • More than 10 years relevant sales experience and 3-5 years experience in hotel sales management. 10 年以上相关销售经验, 3-5 年酒店销售管理工作经验。 • Outstanding leadership and management skills as well as good business vision. 出众的领导管理才能和良好的商业理念。 • Strong observation and reacting abilities, as well as strong logical thinking ability. 较强的观察力和应变能力,较强的逻辑思维能
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