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  • 温州 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:46
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    我的具体职责是什么? 作为高级销售经理,您将应以最高标准完成以下任务: · 按时完成希尔顿大学相关课程学习,并确保通过测试。 · 熟悉了解酒店产品知识,以及相关活动。 · 负责酒店所有产品的宣传与销售工作,包括但不限于客房,餐饮,宴会,等。 · 完成酒店设定的销售目标及相关任务。 · 制定销售计划并得到销售总监或商务总监的批准,按照计划 实施对所负责的地区或行业的客户进行维护及开发,通过电话销售,当面拜访等形式了解客户需求并最终达成销售。 · 高效地制作完成报价,合同并发送给客户并及时跟进。带领客户进行酒店参观。 · 操作酒店预订系统对房间及宴会场地等进行预定。 · 及时发送团队工作单,宴会工作单 同时确保相关部门接收到相关信息 · 与所负责的客户建立良好关系,维持客户资料的更新并及时将客户需求与反馈反映给酒店。 · 向客户推荐集团内其他连锁酒店。 · 主动收集市场及行业信息与销售团队其他成员分享,抓住商机并最终转换为生意确认下来。 · 了解并熟悉竞争对手的所有产品信息,包括主要客户及其产量、酒店客房、餐饮、会务相关促销信息等,并及时反馈信息给商务发展总监/销售部总监/高级销售经理。 · 在主要客户、团队负责人及贵宾到店时欢迎其光临或入住酒店。 · 通过定期的会议,确保销售团队与酒店运作团队有效的沟通,并协助宴会销售部或运营部跟进宴会或会议中发生的事件。 · 处理客人的反馈或投诉。 · 无论何时,最大化增加销售额,并对团队及宴会收入进行有效的预测。 · 根据需要在销售经理或销售主任制定团队报价或合同时进行必要的监督和指导。 · 积极参与市场计划的制定并协作达到预算。 · 根据销售团队架构来协助销售总监分配对日常工作进行有效分配。 · 指导销售团队,总是确保将高质量的服务和产品提供给客户。 · 领导销售团队达到部门目标。 · 在需要时主持并参加会议。 · 协助销售总监招募,选择,培训员工保持团队的活力与稳定。 · 认真履行所分配的工作和特殊任务。 · 如有必要,该部门有权更改或补充该职位描述。
  • 苏州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:37
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    监督洗衣房各项标准和工作程序的执行 ,就这些标准和培训需求提供持续性的改进建议。 对洗衣系统有最新和全面的知识。 负责管理接班和交班工作,以确保交接班过程的有效进行 。 分发和收集钥匙。 管理洗衣部门所有的呼入和呼出电话。 解决员工受到的不公正待遇问题。 依据工作量和高峰期等因素对工作进行分配及变更。 进行质量检查。 优先服务贵宾或难应付的客人。 配合客房部满足酒店和客人的要求。 确保及时为客人提供洗衣服务并送还。 协调特别项目(如设备常规检修;存储用品)。 处理客人所有的特殊要求。 确保部门内工作的一致性。 确保具有客房类型,设计,设施和位置的全面知识。 监管洗衣房存储区。 保持足够的库存水平。 按要求完成库存盘点工作。 维持存货水平 进行交接班说明,确保了解酒店的工作和运营需求。 与上级领导和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 与上级领导和财务总监一起编制和管理部门预算。 技能要求  拥有在与他人交往时大多数时间所使用的沟通技能;完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。 具有说,读和写英语的能力。 熟练使用微软办公软件。 具有组织和培训能力。
  • 青岛 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:32
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    【岗位职责】 1、全面负责管理酒店的所有项目财务运作业务。 2、对资金结算,业务的资金划拨,进行审核监督。 3、协调与代销机构、托管银行、资金结算银行等外部机构以及酒店其他部门的业务往来。 4、负责酒店的资本运作,融资管理,完善酒店治理并加以推行实施。 5、配合高层工作,以及开展IPO工作。 【岗位要求】 1、大专学历。 2、2年以上项目运作管理工作经验。 3、熟练使用电脑等相关办公软件。 4、有一定的文字组织与表达能力。 5、敬业、责任心强。 6、有多业态项目管理经验。
  • 内江 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 提供食宿
    • 集团员工价
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:24
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    岗位职责 1.拟定酒店促销活动,完成团队和散客销售目标。 2.监督销售量、调整销售活动,完成计划目标。 3.与会议相关部门的沟通,取得销售方面的信息和支持。 4.在部门年度预算内,推行销售计划。 5.保存以前、现在有潜力客户的资料。 6.制定临时时间表,记录上月的销售活动,收集每天的销售拜访记录并存档。 7.以周销售计划为基础,向市场销售总监提交销售拜访概况,和月销售拜访计划。 岗位要求 1.大专以上文化程度;2年以上同岗位工作经验。 2.有强烈的事业心,责任感和勇于开拓的精神,拥有良好的沟通协调能力。 3.精通市场开发,公共关系,经营策划,贵宾接待及形象推广等。 4.有独立组织项目营销工作能力,兼备项目策划和市场分析能力。
  • 内江 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 提供食宿
    • 集团员工价
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:24
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    岗位职责: 1.完成团队和散客销售目标。 2.监督销售量、调整销售活动,完成计划目标。 3.与会议相关部门的沟通,取得销售方面的信息和支持。 4.在部门年度预算内,推行销售计划。 5.保存以前、现在有潜力客户的资料。 6.制定临时时间表,记录上月的销售活动,收集每天的销售拜访记录并存档。 7.以销售计划为基础,向市场销售总监提交销售拜访概况 岗位要求: 1.端庄大方,形象气质佳 2.善于与人交际,有亲和力,待人热情、友善,有礼貌,性格外向、机警灵活、工作勤奋。 3.熟练掌握销售的方法和推销技巧,并能在工作中灵活运用 4.熟悉酒店各个部门的运作程序,沟通协调能力强
  • 北京 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 出国旅游
    • 人性化管理
    • 年终奖金
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 10:33
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    岗位职责 1.负责店内制度的建立、修订等行政工作。 2.敏锐的商业触觉,和合作伙伴建立长期稳定的合作关系。 3.负责SPA团队的管理,建设团队文化。 4.主要负责营运的服务和管理事务,如企业文化,员工人事管理、客服、行政、培训、销售。 5.负责店内各部门以及与外部的协调和管理。 6.达成部门经营目标,制定行业拓展策略。 岗位要求 1.大专及以上学历,3年以上SPA行业的经营管理工作经验。 2.熟悉美容或相关产业业务,运营流程。 3.有相关工作成功案例。 4.对市场及产品有着丰富的知识。 5.极强的团队领导技巧和管理才能,良好的职业道德和敬业精神。
  • 北京 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 出国旅游
    • 人性化管理
    • 年终奖金
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 10:33
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    岗位职责 1.熟练掌握酒吧设备的操作,并能迅速解决突发问题 2.严格执行酒吧各项标准,确保出品符合酒店标准和集团要求 3.高效完成上级安排的工作 4.严格管理酒吧员工及领班 岗位要求 1.大学专科以上或同等学历毕业; 2.必须具备2年以上相关工作经验; 3.具有良好的外表、和开朗的性格; 4.良好的英语水平; 5.具有较强的管理能力、及良好的人际关系。
  • 楼层经理

    万宁 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 节日礼物
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 10:22
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    —负责每日楼层的工作及交接情况的安排和督查。 —及时了解预定资料,了解客情,特别是酒店贵宾及常客的姓名。 —熟知酒店内外信息,为客人提供准确的问询服务。 —1.5年以上高星级酒店工作经验,2年以上五星级酒店楼层主管经验。 —熟知客房管理专业知识。 —性格开朗、工作踏实,有较强的服务意识和责任感。 —有国际五星级酒店工作经验者优先。
  • 苏州 | 3年以上 | 高中 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 做五休二
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:56
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    岗位概述: The Landscaping Maintenance Supervisor is responsible for managing and coordinating the daily operations of the landscaping team. This includes planning, organizing, and directing all landscaping activities to ensure the grounds are well-maintained, attractive, and safe for guests and employees. 园艺维护主管负责管理和协调园艺团队的日常工作。这包括规划、组织和指导所有园林绿化活动,以确保场地维护良好、具有吸引力,并确保客人和员工的安全。 岗位职责: Supervise and train a team of landscapers and gardeners. Schedule and assign tasks to team members. Monitor team performance and provide feedback and coaching. 监督和培训园艺师和园丁团队。为团队成员安排和分配任务。监控团队表现,提供反馈和指导。 Develop and implement a comprehensive maintenance program for the resort grounds, such as weeding, pruning, fertilizing and pest control, to ensure that all maintenance activities are carried out in accordance with the resort's standards and environmental regulations. 制定并实施度假村地面的综合维护计划,如除草、修剪、施肥和病虫害防治,确保所有维护活动都按照度假村的标准和环境法规进行。 Inspect the grounds regularly to ensure high-quality maintenance standards are met. Address any issues promptly to maintain the resort's aesthetic appeal. Work with the Engineering Manager and Duty Engineer to resolve any landscaping-related guest complaints. 定期检查场地,确保达到高质量的维护标准。及时处理任何问题,保持度假村的美观。与工程经理和值班工程师合作,解决任何与景观相关的客人投诉。 Oversee the maintenance and repair of landscaping equipment. Purchase and manage inventory of landscaping supplies and materials. Ensure that all equipment is in good working order and safely stored. 监督园艺设备的维护和修理。购和管理园艺用品和材料的库存。确保所有设备处于良好工作状态并安全存放。 Ensure that all landscaping activities are conducted safely and in compliance with health and safety regulations. Train team members on safety procedures and ensure they are followed. Maintain records of safety training and equipment inspections. 确保所有景观美化活动安全进行,并符合健康和安全规定。对团队成员进行安全程序培训,并确保他们遵守这些程序。保存安全培训和设备检查记录。 Coordinate with other departments to ensure landscaping projects align with hotel operations. 与其他部门协调,确保景观美化项目与酒店运营保持一致。 Promote sustainable landscaping practices and environmental conservation. Implement water conservation measures and use of native plants where appropriate. 推广可持续的景观设计做法和环境保护。实施节水措施,并酌情使用本地植物。 岗位要求:  Education: High school diploma or equivalent; college degree in horticulture or related field preferred. 教育: 高中文凭或同等学历;园艺或相关专业大专学历优先。 Experience: Minimum of 3-5 years of experience in landscaping or grounds maintenance. 经验: 至少 3-5 年园林绿化或地面维护经验 Skills and Abilities 技能和能力: Knowledge of landscaping techniques, plant care, and horticulture. 了解园艺技术、植物养护和园艺知识。 Familiarity with landscaping equipment and tools. 熟悉园艺设备和工具。 Ability to read and interpret blueprints and landscape plans. 能够阅读和解释蓝图和景观规划。 Excellent communication and organizational skills. 出色的沟通和组织能力。 Good vision and color perception for plant identification and landscape design. 良好的视力和色彩感知能力,以便识别植物和进行景观设计。
  • 苏州 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 做五休二
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:56
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    About the role  The Guest Services Manager forms part of the Rooms Management team and manages the hotel lobby and arrival/departure experience of the respective hotels/resorts. What you will do Trains and schedules the Guest Service Team. Supervises day-to-day performance of the staff. Coaches staff to achieve Benchmark standards. Handles all guest interactions with the highest level of hospitality and professionalism, accommodating special requests whenever possible; resolves customer complaints; assists customers in all inquiries in connection with hotel services, hours of operations, key hotel personnel, in-house events, directions, etc. Responds to all guest requests in an accurate and timely manner making recommendations based on local knowledge and hotel practices. Ensure all chauffeur services and boat experiences are well-arranged, driver and boatman is well- groomed. Support AFOM to make sure all team members know what activities are available in the city (theatres, sports, concerts, shows, special exhibits, and sightseeing) and establishes close contacts with vendors in these areas in order to provide information, ticketing, and reservations for guests. Assures that desk collateral and information for restaurants, museums, attractions, maps, and other local attractions are updated and current. Processes packages, faxes, messages, and mail which may be either outgoing or incoming in an accurate and timely manner. Works harmoniously and professionally with co-workers and supervisors. Works closely with Front Desk, Reservations, and Security (ground and underground parking space) to assure smooth handling of guest arrivals and departures. Stores and retrieves guest luggage and packages. Utilizes a variety of software programs (Key, Opera, and Golden) to accurately input special arrangements the guest has made and to assure proper billing. Delegates appropriately, duties and responsibilities to equipped and resourced employees, nurturing and developing them whilst ensuring standards of operation and safety are maintained. Embraces and supports the Training initiatives and philosophies of the company and works closely with the Training Manager and Departmental Trainers in the training and development of employees. Ensures employees have a complete understanding of Rules and Regulations, and that behavior complies. Proceed all other Essential Functions required to Guest Service Agent & Guest Service Captain. Assists with the development of Guest Services Agents to work following the operational, financial, administrative philosophies ensuring employees are multi skilled and perform multi tasks. Through hands on management, supervises closely all GSAs in the performance of their duties in accordance with policies & procedures and applicable laws. Ensures employees have a complete understanding of Rules and Regulations, and that behavior complies. Monitors employee morale and provides mechanism for performance feedback and development. Conducts annual Performance Appraisals providing honest and appropriate feedback. Effectively communicates guiding principles and core values to all levels of employees. What you bring We are looking for individuals who are strategic, have strong business acumen, good communication, and interpersonal skills. At least 2~3 years of relevant work experience in a similar position and in the International Luxury Hotel. Self-driven and a strategic resourcing professional. Able to work independently and under pressure in a fast pace working environment. Good team spirit, multi-tasking, cooperative with good communication and interpersonal skills. Good command of both written and spoken Chinese and English. Mandarin Speaking and Work authorization in China is a must. What we offer:  Competitive Salary, wages, and a comprehensive benefits package Excellent Training and Development opportunities Complimentary Accommodation at other Four Seasons Hotels and Resort Complimentary Dry Cleaning for Employee Uniforms Complimentary Employee Meals Employee service awards Annual employee party/ social and sporting events An opportunity to build a life-long career with global potential and a real sense of pride in work well done Schedule & Hours: This is a full time position shifts may vary and are arranged upon operation needs Kindly noted that this is a locally hired position and the relocation benefits will not be provided by the hotel. Work authorization in China is a must.
  • 苏州 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 做五休二
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:56
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    About the role The Assistant Accountant is responsible for assisting the Staff Accountant/ Chief Accountant in maintaining the general ledger and balance sheet reconciliations, local reports from the Ownership. Additionally, the Assistant Accountant is responsible for supervising other areas within the Finance Department under the direction of the Staff Accountant/ Chief Accountant, including cost, accounts payable, and general cashiering in accordance with all related local and corporate policies and procedures. The Accounting office structure may vary and responsibilities will be adapted as required. What you will do Maintain harmonious and professional relationship with all departments, Home Office and Owner Office. Comply with and enforce Four Seasons’ Category One and Category Two Work Rules and Standards of Conduct as set forth in EmPact. Direct and supervise the efforts, quality, and timeliness of all aspects of cost, accounts payable, and general cashiering or other areas as directed by the Assistant Director of Finance and Director of Finance Assist in other areas of the accounting office as needed.  Understand and possess a working knowledge of the Accounting & Finance Manual Good understanding of Month-End Process, including but not limited to preparation of financial statements, accruals and journal entries, maintain reconciliations for all balance sheet accounts in established corporate formats and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals. Assist the Staff Accountant/ Chief Accountant in preparation of all local reports. Understand the current Edition of USALI. Prepare and coordinate the monthly reconciliations for all balance sheet accounts and all bank reconciliations, ensuring all outstanding reconciling items are investigated and resolved satisfactorily. Perform all daily, monthly, and other periodic accounting and financial reporting in an accurate and timely nature. Participate in the physical inventory counts and the subsequent accuracy of count, price, and valuation. Safeguard the cash assets through monthly bank reconciliations, cash counts of all issued Banks, including general cashier, and reporting any discrepancies to the Assistant DOF. Assist with month end adjustment journal entries and balance sheet reconciliations. Prepare periodic vacation and medical deduction audits. Have a working knowledge of all areas in Finance to ensure that coverage can be provided for employees on vacation or leave. Be familiar with the program of records control, security, retention and disposal in accordance with hotel policy and procedures. Perform with accuracy and timeliness all accounting and financial reporting, books and records, including month end reporting, as well as ad hoc owner’s reporting. Perform any additional duties as assigned by the Director of Finance or Assistant Director of Finance. Ensure that income is properly recorded and an accurate and timely Daily Business Report is generated. Have the ability to direct the efforts, quality and timeliness of all aspects of the cost, general ledger, accounts payable and general cashiering. Assist Department Heads and Division Heads in researching any discrepancies or problems highlighted by the daily, weekly and monthly reports. What you bring College education or equivalent experience Two (2) to five (5) years experience with a Finance Department, preferably within a hotel. Require a working technical knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles and all corporate policies and procedures. Require knowledge of and the ability to operate computer equipment and excellent Excel and Computer Skills.  SUN,  Opera, Birch Street, On-track, SmartView Systems knowledge would be ideal and greatly valued. Strategic, analytical and have solid business acumen. Ability to read, write and speak English.   What we offer:  Competitive Salary, wages, and a comprehensive benefits package Excellent Training and Development opportunities Complimentary Accommodation at other Four Seasons Hotels and Resort Complimentary Dry Cleaning for Employee Uniforms Complimentary Employee Meals Employee service awards Annual employee party/ social and sporting events An opportunity to build a life-long career with global potential and a real sense of pride in work well done Schedule & Hours: This is a full time position shifts may vary and are arranged upon operation needs Kindly noted that this is a locally hired position and the relocation benefits will not be provided by the hotel. Work authorization in China is a must.
  • 苏州 | 1年以上 | 本科 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 做五休二
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:56
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    • 投递简历
    About Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts At Four Seasons, we believe in recognizing a familiar face, welcoming a new one and treating everyone we meet the way we would want to be treated ourselves. Whether you work with us, stay with us, live with us or discover with us, we believe our purpose is to create impressions that will stay with you for a lifetime. It comes from our belief that life is richer when we truly connect to the people and the world around us. About Four Seasons Hotel Suzhou Four Seasons Hotel Suzhou is a luxury island retreat fully commanding a 30 acre (12 hectare) private island on the scenic Jinji Lake. Just opened in the Q4 2023, the Hotel has over 200 well-appointed rooms, suites and private villas, lush gardens, indoor and outdoor pools offering a lifestyle that is uniquely Suzhou and uncompromising service that is uniquely Four Seasons. SUMMARY 岗位概述 Cooperate with the relevant departments to ensure the promotion material is displayed properly and on time. 与相关部门同事协调合作,确保酒店宣传资讯及时上传并展示。 ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS核心职责 •Manage all Visual assets, maintain brand consistency throughout all marketing projects 负责管理所有视觉艺术资产, 确保所有市场营销项目中视觉展示符合品牌要求并保持品牌风格一致性 •Conceptualize ideas and execute concepts for marketing campaign visual production 构思及执行市场营销活动视觉画面 •Proposes new and creative ideas/concepts to improve overall collateral standards. 提交具有创意的新理念以提高宣传印刷品的整体标准 •Design original collateral pieces, including print artwork, illustrations and infographics and streamline the entire process from request, approval to deliver in order to ensure accuracy, time line as well as quality of each piece of design artwork. 负责设计酒店原创视觉内容,包括但不限于印刷品,使用指南、信息导引等。管理设计、审批及制作流程,确保视觉内容出品上信息的准确性,出品时间节点,以及品质符合品牌要求。 •Produce visual content for all e-commerce and social marketing platforms – proprietary and third party, including WeChat posts layout and other owned media (Instagram, TikTok, Little Redbook is required) and Dianping and OTA visual refinement 负责设计所有线上平台的视觉内容,包括酒店自营平台以及第三方平台,包括微信推文排版,以及其他有需要的酒店自营平台(例如Instagram, 抖音、小红书等),大众点评及线上预订平台的页面美化。 •Supervise and ensure execution of photography and videography of hotel activities, liaise with photographer and videographer to style photoshoots or video-shoots and oversee all details related to production of content, including editing to ensure brand standard. Capable to conduct basic photo shooting when necessary. 监督并执行酒店推广及活动照片及视频拍摄项目。与摄影或摄像师保持密切沟通,为拍摄工作场景设计造型或画面节奏提供建议,并协调执行及监督后期制作,确保视觉出品酒店品牌标准。必要时需可进行简单拍摄工作。 •Stay up-to-date with industry developments and tools 了解市场上最新的行业动态及工具 •Liaise with marketing and relevant departments and production vendors to ensure deadlines are met 与包括市场部的相关部门以及相关供应印刷制作商沟通以确保工作在规定期限内完成 •Maintains active communication with and builds team work with other marketing departments i.e. events management, communications, revenue and reservations 建立并保持团队与其他营销部门之间积极沟通,即活动管理、沟通、收益及预订 •Demonstrate co-operation and trust with colleagues, supervisors, teams and across departments to deliver positive results. 合作并信任同事、上级、团队及其他部门同事并带来积极结果 •Assist with Sales & Marketing ad hoc visual projects as assigned by Director of PR and Communications and Hotel’s Management. 协助公关总监及酒店管理层布置的销售及市场推广等相关工作 NON-ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS 非核心职责 • Keep well relationship with ownership, management property. 与业主,物业相关部门保持良好关系。 • Run well relationship with all hotel departments. 与酒店各相关部门保持良好关系。 • Cooperate with relevant departments to keep well running of the whole department to offer support to hotel operation. 与相关部门同事协调合作 以全力支持酒店运营。 • All information should be in confidential. 所有信息须保密 OTHER其他 To perform other tasks or responsibilities assigned by superiors. 完成上级分配的其他任务和职责。 REQUIREMENT 职位要求 Education 教育水平: •BSc degree in Design, Visual Arts or relevant field. 本科学历要求,设计/视觉艺术或其他相关专业优先。 Experience 工作经验: •Proven work experience as a Senior Designer, Graphic Designer in luxury hotel sector or similar role. 奢华酒店品牌担任资深设计师/美工或相关职位的经历。 •Strong portfolio of completed design projects showing the breadth of design capabilities. 经手完成的设计项目作品集需展示其广泛的设计类才能。 Skills and Abilities 技能及能力: •Proficient in design software (e.g., Adobe Suite) 精通设计类软件,如Adobe Suite •Strong aesthetic skills with the ability to combine various colors, fonts and layouts. attention to visual details 良好的审美技巧,以及整合多种色彩、字体、排版的技巧,对视觉细节的注重 •Ability to meet deadlines and collaborate with a team 与团队协作,以及在规定期限前完成工作的能力 •Good organization skill, communication and understanding skill, professional and sense of team work.有较好的组织协调能力、语言表达能力及理解能力。有敬业精神及团队意识。 •Chinese native with strong knowledge of e-commerce and social media visual landscape in China 精通中文,并通晓国内线上商业及社交平台模式 Join us and Enjoy… • An opportunity to build a life-long career with global potential and a real sense of pride in work well done • Best-in-industry training • Complimentary stays at Four Seasons properties (based on availability) with discounted meals • Incentive bonus/ competitive salaries • Employee service awards • Annual employee party/ social and sporting events Learn more about what it is like to work at Four Seasons – Visit us: Official Website: http://www.fourseasons.com/careers/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/four-seasons-hotels-and-resorts
  • 厦门 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:35
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    We are looking for a Service Manager-BBQ 我们正在寻找一位烧腊厨师长 As a Service Manager-BBQ, we rely on you to 作为一名烧腊厨师长,你的主要工作职责为: 1. Maintains the branding and the quality of meal 2. Ensuring a high level of staff engagement in order to increase profitability of the hotel 3. Enforces the implementation of food safety programs throughout the entire division 4. Supervises the daily operation of the kitchen about BBQ 1、维持与品牌相符的高质量的食品 2、确保酒店客人获得最佳宾客体验 3、落实食品卫生安全制度 4、监督厨房关于烧腊方面的日常操作   We are looking for someone who: 我们正在寻找一位具备以下条件的候选人: 1. Has a passion for F&B 2. Better have experience in either a luxury restaurant or a 5* hotel environment 3. Enjoys interacting with people and is detail-minded 4. Displays curiosity and takes time to learn and understand new culinary trends 1、对餐饮有很高的热情 2、最好有豪华餐厅或5星级酒店的工作经验 3、喜欢与人交流,注重细节 4、好奇心强,乐于花时间学习和了解新的烹饪趋势   If you are the right person, what are you waiting for? Click the apply button now! 如果您觉得您适合以上条件,那还等什么呢?请点击下面的申请按键吧!
  • 合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:34
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    岗位职责 1.根据本组市场开发计划,制定个人销售活动计划。 2.通过开发新客户,稳定老客户,以力争达到所确定的销售收入目标。 3.向销售部经理汇报市场信息,包括本市场状况、竞争对手情况、客户反馈意见等。 4.以外出销售、电话联络和信函等方式与所辖区客户保持高度联系。 5.处理客户的来电、来函。 6.协调安排自己所辖客户在酒店的大型活动及VIP的接待工作。 7.熟悉自己客户分类情况及各客户的需求特点和主要的竞争对手。 岗位要求 1.大专以上学历。有从事酒店前台、销售、公关等部门的工作经历。 2.具备酒店销售学、酒店管理学、旅游经济学、旅游心理学、公共关系学等知识的储备。 3.了解合同法、企业法、旅游法以及有关涉外法规。 4.具有市场调查和预测能力,能及是掌握市场动态,并能综合分析,及时地提出相应的措施和合理的建议。 5.有较强的语言表达能力,能撰写市场调研报告,具有起草工作计划、总结及业务汇报的能力。
  • 合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:34
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1.根据本组市场开发计划,制定个人销售活动计划。 2.通过开发新客户,稳定老客户,以力争达到所确定的销售收入目标。 3.向销售部经理汇报市场信息,包括本市场状况、竞争对手情况、客户反馈意见等。 4.以外出销售、电话联络和信函等方式与所辖区客户保持高度联系。 5.处理客户的来电、来函。 6.协调安排自己所辖客户在酒店的大型活动及VIP的接待工作。 7.熟悉自己客户分类情况及各客户的需求特点和主要的竞争对手。 岗位要求 1.大专以上学历。有从事酒店前台、销售、公关等部门的工作经历。 2.具备酒店销售学、酒店管理学、旅游经济学、旅游心理学、公共关系学等知识的储备。 3.了解合同法、企业法、旅游法以及有关涉外法规。 4.具有市场调查和预测能力,能及是掌握市场动态,并能综合分析,及时地提出相应的措施和合理的建议。 5.有较强的语言表达能力,能撰写市场调研报告,具有起草工作计划、总结及业务汇报的能力。
  • 广州 | 5年以上 | 中技 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 竞争力
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09:22
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    - 确保厨务部的各项活动与酒店的战略保持一致,同时充分落实酒店的指示。 - 确保厨务部所有员工时刻提供给客人如酒店承诺的服务。 - 通过对菜谱的创新,提高餐厅的营业额。 - 制定并严格执行厨房的食品营养和卫生标准。 - 给部门的员工安排适当的技能培训,提高生产效率。 所有广州富力君悦大酒店的职位用以下应聘方式:  请将个人简历及一寸彩色照片电邮至: GUAGH-Careers@hyatt.com 亦或寄信至:广州市天河区珠江新城珠江西路12号 邮政编码:510623 酒店星期一至星期五9:00 – 15:00 公开面试时间,可直接携带个人一寸彩照到酒店应聘。 请在简历中注明应征部门与职位,并请清晰完整地写出你正确的电子邮件地址及联系电话。所有人选简历均会存入集团人才库,恕不退还 同时您可以登陆凯悦招聘网站:http://www.explorehyatt.jobs
  • 北京-朝阳区 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 净化的空气
    • 关爱的氛围
    • 更多带薪年假
    • 舒适的宿舍
    • 健康营养美食
    • 五险一金
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 培训与成长
    • 城市调动机会
    • 集团内调动
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:22
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    岗位职责 1.关注宴会时间, 日期, 地点, 客人人数的改变, 安排员工服务。 2.负责所有座位安排表, 保证餐前准备的充分, 提前检查管事部的准备工作。 3.协助其助手或员工摆台,清洁。 4.负责重要人物的宴会, 密切注意他们的任何需要。 5.负责宴会厅厨房的正常运作, 与行政总厨联系以确保出品。 6.在宴会后确认所有的宴会帐单已经结清并显示在帐目上。 岗位要求 1.具有事业心和责任感,高尚的职业道德,良好的纪律修养. 2.有3年以上餐厅管理经验,具有餐饮管理、市场营销学等方面知识,中级英语水平。 3.掌握餐厅服务的标准和要求,了解宴会、会议服务程序,善于处理各类客人的实际问题。 4.具有很强的语言表达能力,善于评估员工、培训员工并激励下属员工工作。
  • 广州 | 5年以上 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 年终奖
    • 人性化管理
    • 技能培训
    • 员工活动
    • 做五休二
    • 六险一金
    • 年度旅游
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:15
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1.全面负责宴会和会议,展示会等的推销、预订工作; 2.制定宴会销售的市场推销计划、简历并完善宴会销售部工作程序和标准,制定宴会销售部规章制度并指挥实施; 3.参加酒店管理人员会议、完成上传下达工作; 4.安排布置并督导下属人员的正常工作; 5.建立改善宴会日记、客户合同存档、宴会订单和预报单的存档记录,使之成为有效的工作程序和管理手段; 6.与餐饮部总监和行政总厨沟通协调,共同议定宴会菜单及价格; 7.与其他部门沟通、协调、密切配合; 8.定期对下属进行绩效评估,按奖惩制度实施奖惩,并加强对员工的培训工作、提高员工素质。 岗位要求 1.具有酒店宴会销售岗位工作经验,特别是包厢宴会的销售,能结合行业特点开展整体市场营销工作,有一定的客户积累,团队合作精神; 2.对高档宴会的组织及执行有丰富的经验; 3.具有较强的管理能力、判断和决策能力、人际沟通协调能力、计划与执行能力; 4.工作细致、严谨,并具有战略前瞻性思维。
  • 南京 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:03
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    • 投递简历
    工作职责: 1.完成公司下达经营管理目标,保证各部门计划任务的顺利完成; 2.制定酒吧的发展规划、经营策略、市场定位、经营方针等各种方案及工作计划; 3.完善客户管理制度,接待重要客人,处理重要投诉,提升服务品质; 4.关注营业现场气氛,对各部门的工作提出指导性意见。 5.处理各项外联工作,掌握店内各项经营动态。有解决突发事件的能力; 6.了解同行业市场竞争情况及同行的新趋势、新潮流; 7.制定酒吧的经营策略,市场策略及营销方案。挖掘新的经济增长点,提升酒吧市场占有率; 8.督促各部门工作的顺利进行,考核各部门工作指标完成情况; 9.定期向公司汇报工作,执行总部的各项决议。 岗位要求: 1. 个人形象气质佳,工作责任心强,品行端正。 2.能熟练运用英语与客人交流。 3. 精通团队管理、客户管理、易耗品管理、陈列管理;熟悉店务的各项流程的制定、执行。善于处理人际关系和团队建设。
  • 武汉 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 08:52
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    【岗位职责】 1、负责通过公关和促销活动实现集团和酒店在本地和国际上的定位目标。 2、协助市场销售总监开发公关促销计划及制作预算。 3、与媒体、本地社区、客户及酒店总部保持密切联系,代表、宣传酒店形象。 4、保证所有的宣传资料和广告都达到集团的标准,维护酒店的良好形象和定位。 5、开拓并实施公关活动,负责制作促销资料、对媒体宣传资料及安排在媒体对饭店的报道。 6、开发并跟进酒店的各项市场活动。 【岗位要求】 1、在本地市场内,通过参加各种营销活动,树立饭店的形象。 2、发现并组织有关赞助活动去提高酒店在市场的形象。 3、积极地与主流媒体交流去提高酒店在市场的曝光率或撰写文章。 4、主动承担发展,执行酒店年度公关计划和广告活动。
  • 合肥 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 08:51
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    PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 ·Be fully familiar with the room facilities and provide concise information about it to the guest during the rooming process.  要非常了解房间的设施,并在为客人介绍房间设施时可提供简明的信息。 ·Build positive and productive working relationships with customers, subordinates, peers, superiors, business partners, and the community; encourage this behavior in others. 与宾客、下级、同级、上级、合作伙伴及社区建立正面及有效的工作关系,并鼓励其他同事也依照此行为准则。 ·Ensure VIP rooms are in good condition and being set-up according to Brand standard and guest’s special requirements prior the VIP's arrival. 确保所有VIP房间可以正常使用,并按照集团的标准和客人的特殊要求在客人到店前准备完好。 ·Work closely with colleagues to ensure service experience that meets the brand's requirements. 与对客同事紧密合作确保向宾客提供符合品牌要求的服务体验。 ·Review all VIP/Brilliant by Langham members’ arrival to ensure they receive their preferred room and amenity.  要核查所有VIP和卓逸会会员的到店,确保他们优先得到舒适的房间和设施。 ·Be familiar with Opera knowledge and must be in the lobby and front office areas during their shift. 熟练掌握Opera技能,需在工作班次中服务于酒店大堂和前厅区域。 ·Have a clear general knowledge of the hotel product to allow up sell and cross sell of hotel rooms and facilities. This should include room types, food and beverage facilities, spa and health club, daily catering events and local neighbourhood information. 拥有清晰的酒店产品知识从而推销酒店更好的房型及其他酒店产品,其中包括酒店房态、餐饮设施、水疗中心、健身中心、每日宴会以及相关周边信息。 ·Welcome and farewell guests from the lobby, and greet and acknowledge guests that are waiting in the lobby. 在酒店大堂欢迎及欢送宾客,与在大堂等候的客人打招呼并作出相应反应。 ·Anticipate guest needs and handle guest inquiries in a helpful and attentive manner. 预先估计宾客的需要并用殷切有理的态度处理宾客的需求。 ·Ensure a smooth coordination between the individual sections of Front Office and Rooms Division. 确保与其他前厅各分部门及房务部建立良好的合作关系。 ·Liaise and work closely with other departments to resolve any operational issues. 与其他部门保持紧密联系和工作从而解决日常营运遇到的问题。 ·Recognize return guests and VIPs in the hotel. 认识酒店的再次入住宾客和VIP客人。 ·Attend daily shift briefing and be fully aware of hotel operation situation. 参加每日例会并清楚了解当日酒店运营的情况。 ·Be knowledgeable on the Brilliant by Langham program,and make training plan for Brilliant by Langham program. 熟知卓逸会内容,并制定卓逸会会员知识的培训计划。 ·Be aware of their responsibilities in the event of an emergency situation. 清楚知道在紧急事件中所应承担的职责。 ·Make the training plan for the Guest Relation Staff in all facets and responsibilities. 承担起宾客关系部门所有培训责任,并组织员工在各方面的培训。 ·Control the costs effectively and achieve the targets. 制定本部门的成本控制计划,完成相应的工作指标。 ·Enforce standard of personal grooming and hygiene of the team according to hotel requirement. 确保员工的个人仪容仪表和团队的卫生安全按照酒店的规定标准执行。 ·Identify the strengths and weaknesses of respective colleagues and develop their full potential to achieve company goals. 能确认同事的优点和缺点,发展他们的潜能,以达成公司的目标。 ·Motivate, train and develop potential staff. Make developing plan for staff as necessary. 激励、培训和发展有潜力的员工。必要时,为员工指定职业发展规划。 ·Handle dissatisfied guests to resolve complaints, to all emergency situations, to medical consultation and treatment requests, to colleague accidents or conflicts take remedial actions immediately and follow up as necessary. Ensure all guest concerns are promptly logged and report to the management in the Duty Manager log. 处理对于宾客不满意而导致投诉,对于紧急情况,处理医疗咨询和诊治要求,同事意外或者冲突,采取立即补救行动在必要时进行跟进。确保所有事件都被真实地记录在值班经理日志中以便查阅。 ·Know and carry out the Duty Manager daily job accurately. 准确并熟知值班经理的工作内容。 ·Fully understand the hotel PMS, Vingcard Systems. 理解酒店PMS和 Vingcard系统。 ·Administrative and correspondence work including responding to guests complaints or requests with 24 hours. 在24小时内处理行政和相关信件处理的工作,包括回复宾客的投诉或要求。 ·Release ‘locked’ in-room safes. 为已锁客房保险箱的解锁。 ·Provide guidance for all duty colleagues in case of any service shortfalls. 对值班同事提供引导和指导以避免服务缺失。 ·Provide a management presence in the lobby and hotel back and front of house areas for colleagues. 在酒店大堂、前区和后区,为同事们起到管理层作用。 ·Perform any duties that Management deems necessary. 必要时需执行任何工作。 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求 Education 教育学历 ·Hotel Management Education. ·酒店管理相关专业毕业。 Experience 经验 ·Minimum of three years Front Office Operation. 三年以上酒店前厅部工作经验 Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 ·Knowledge of MS office software. 相关办公自动化知识。 ·Opera 酒店Opera系统。 Language Proficiency 语言能力 ·Good command of English and Mandarin, other languages would be beneficial. 良好的英语及普通话掌握能力,掌握其他语言者优先考虑。
  • 合肥 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 08:51
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    PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES主要职责 1. Plan and manage sales calls and telemarketing to all government and sub-bureaus, Consulates, Embassies and Chambers of Commerce according to account management procedures on quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily basis. 根据客户管理程序,按季度,月度,周和日常时间计划和管理所有政府和分局,领事馆,大使馆及商会的销售拜访和电话拜访。 2. Maintain good relationships with key government accounts and solicit daily room night production of individuals, groups and conference business from the existing and new government related bureaus in order to achieve sales targets and maximize revenue. 与主要政府客户群保持良好关系,在已有和新的政府相关部门客户中争取个人,团队和商务会议生意。从而达到销售目标并使收入最大化。 3. Handles inquiries from government related bureaus that may involve meeting, site inspection, negotiation and contract writing. 处理来自政府及相关分局的要求,包括会议,现场参观,协商和合同撰写。 4. Follow-up on all enquiries and leads involving government sectors until business is secured. 跟进所有在政府市场范围内的询问和线索,直到生意确定。 5. Conduct Hotel inspections for Government or Official functions coordinators. 为政府或政府活动协助人开展酒店参观活动。 6. Entertain key Government officials regularly to obtain updated market intelligence and maintain relationship. 经常与政府官员交际以获得最新市场动向并保持关系。 7. Represent the Hotel in Government invited functions. 代表酒店应邀参加政府活动。 8. Monitor competitors’ activities pertaining the Government segments. 关注竞争酒店的活动以洞悉政府市场。   9. Organise VIP’s arrivals, welcome and provide them with assistance during their stay upon needs according to the Hotel standards, in order to meet guest satisfaction. 安排贵宾到店,欢迎事宜并在他们在店期间根据酒店标准提供卓越服务,从而令客户满意而归。 10. Keep two-way communications between government bureaus and hotel, ensuring clients are kept updated with latest development in hotel, and senior managements are kept updated on changes in government sectors, the related events, market trends, customers feedback and competitor activities. 保持政府分局和酒店两者的紧密联系,保证不断为客户酒店的发展信息,并为高级管理层更新相关信息,包括政府部门、相关的事件,市场趋势、顾客反馈和竞争对手的活动。 11. Keeps the Senior Management updated on sales efforts progress and bookings, conferring closely on matters of special handlings or unusual developments, recommending necessary sales actions to better compete in the market place. 保持高级管理层更新销售进步和预订的信息,密切讨论特殊的事件或非正常的发展,建议有必要的销售策略,增加市场竞争力。   12. Account Management客户管理 Develops and maintains Langham Best Practice to ensure customer account objectives are defined and appropriate sales activities implemented. 发展和保持朗廷最优实践策略来保证目标明确和执行合适的销售活动。 Assists the sales associates in developing account development plans, detailing objectives, timescales and sales methods to support the defined account strategies. 帮助销售团队发展客户,包括发展计划,细化目标,时间规划和销售方法以支持客户销售策略的制定。 Liaises with LHG and GSO/GSAs specifying the accounts contribution to the business, revenue targets and agree activities. 与LHG和GSO/GSAs紧密联系,具体说明客户在商业,收入目标和达成活动上的比例划分。 Accurately identifies the level of influence and decision making power of contacts in the customer organisation and uses these to secure business. 准确识别客户联系人的影响力和决策力,并利用这些来巩固业务。 Develop customer accounts to increase market / customer share- all revenue streams-locally, nationally and globally. 发展客户数据库,增加市场/客户份额-所有的收入来源-本地,国际,全球。   13. Market Intelligence市场分析能力 Monitors and maintains competitor set activity including Financial Performance, SWOT Analysis, Key accounts/Market Share and Marketing Programs. 关注和持续了解竞争酒店的活动,包括财政表现,SWOT分析,主要客户/市场份额和市场活动。   14. Customer Relationships客户关系 Establishes, enhances and maintains productive quality working relationships with key internal and external customers. 与主要的内部和外部客户开展,加强和保持有效的工作关系。 Keeps Hotel information relating to customer requirements, interests and market activities up to date. 保持与客户要求,兴趣,和市场活动相关的酒店信息及时更新。 Reviews customer base to determine new opportunities for account penetration. 浏览客户数据库,发展新客户。 Contributes ideas to improve the products and services offered. 提供想法来提高产品和服务。   15. Team Leadership团队领导 Direct, monitors and evaluates sales performance of account teams and self to ensure sales revenue targets are being met. 指导,监督和评价团队和自身的表现,保证销售收入达标。 Agrees, clarifies and implements Best Practice selling methods and procedures at all levels in the team to ensure business objectives are met. 同意,阐明和执行各级团队的最佳销售实践方法和程序以确保业务目标的实现。 Discusses and agrees departmental and individual objectives with team, reviewing and updating in light of changes in the business, implementing corrective action where necessary. 与团队讨论并同意制定部门和个人目标,浏览和更新业务中的变化,必要时调整执行方法。 Communicates regularly and on time verbally and non-verbally, providing individuals with prompt and specific feedback on performance. 经常并及时进行口头或非口头的沟通,为员工个人表现提供及时和具体的反馈。 Creates an atmosphere which motivates and encourages people to perform to the best of their ability, minimizing conflict where it occurs. 创造能推动和鼓励员工发挥自己最佳能力的氛围,将冲突最小化。   REQUIREMENTS 职位要求 1. Education教育学历 Diploma or University degree is preferred. 大专或本科文凭优先。 2. Experience经验 Minimum 3 years relevant experience and managerial responsibilities in a 5 star hotel, previous experience in a similar position would be a plus. 最少3年相关工作和五星级酒店管理经验,之前担任过相似职位者优先。 3. Job Skills/Knowledge工作技能/知识 Excellent communication, interpersonal and co-ordination skills. Independent & ability to work under pressure. Well organized and a good planner with an enquiring mind. 具备极佳的沟通,交际和合作技巧。能独立工作和承受压力。具钻研精神,善于计划和组织。 4. Computer Skills电脑技能 Familiar with MS Office and Delphi Sales & Catering system. 熟悉微软办公软件和Delphi Sales & Catering系统。 5. Language Skills语言能力 Excellent written and verbal in Mandarin, good command in English. 具备优秀的普通话口语和书面沟通技巧,英语读写流利。
  • 大堂副理

    合肥 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 08:51
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    SCOPE 范围 •Plan, organize and coordinate the daily activities of the Front Office which includes Front Desk, The Langham Club, Concierge, business centre. Ensure an efficient and profitable operation. Maintain guest satisfaction level to the standard of the hotel. 计划,组织和协调好前厅部的日常运行,包括前台、贵宾会、礼宾部、总机和商务中心。确保有效的日常运营,维持客人对酒店的满意度。 PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 •Assume full responsibility for the guest arrival experience and satisfaction with room product. 对客人的到店体验和对房间产品的满意度,要担负全部责任。 •Ensure that guest’s reservation is accurately honored. 确保客人的预订是真实正确的。 •Monitor closely guest recognition to ensure guest satisfaction and generate return business. 密切关注客人的动向,确保客人的满意度以提高酒店回头生意。 •Maintain the highest standard of services and responsible for maximizing the room revenue with highest occupancy and average room rate. 保持最高标准的服务,负责住房率和平均房价以达到客房收入的最大化。 •Coach and counsel underperforming colleagues whenever necessary. 必要时培训和忠告表现不佳的同事。 •Conduct training to the Front Office Staff in all facets and responsibilities. 承担起前厅部所有培训责任,组织前厅部员工在各方面的培训。 •Ensure communication with other Langham hotel colleagues. 确保与其它朗廷酒店同事的沟通。 •Motivate, train and develop potential staff. 激励、培训和发展有潜力的员工。 •Enforce standard of personal grooming and hygiene of the team according to hotel requirement. 确保员工的个人仪容仪表和团队的卫生安全按照酒店的规定标准执行。 •Identify the strengths and weaknesses of respective colleagues and develop their full potential to achieve company goals. 能确认同事的优点和缺点,发展他们的潜能,以达成公司的目标。 •Ensure that optimum occupancy and maximum revenue are achieved while at the same time maintaining maximum guest satisfaction. 确保在达到最高入住率和最大房间收益的同时,保持客人的最高满意度。 •Ensure sufficient credit is obtained and maintained during the length of the guest’s stay. 确保有很好的信用,以保持客人住店的时间长度。 •Directs day-to-day operations of the Front Office. 指导前厅部的日常运作。 •Ensure that the procedures for guest check-in, credit establishment, room allocation and relationship building are maintained. 建立和维护确保客人的手续、信用卡、房间的分配。 •Control of all guest room allocations. 负责所有客房的分配。 •Responsible for room availability and have a thorough understanding of the occupancy forecast and its impact on the operation. 在了解酒店的入住率的基础上对房间可用性有透彻的了解与操作。 •Set up and maintain a close liaison and communication with the Housekeeping Department to ensure that the availability meets the demands of guest rooms at all times. 与客房部保持密切的沟通和联系,以确保任何入住率情况下,满足客人对豪华客房的要求。 •Ensure that VIP process is adhered to.  确保坚持VIP客人程序。 •Ensures that all VIP/ Long Staying guests are met on arrival and when appropriate, General Manager/ Resident Manager, Director of Rooms or Front Office Manager, are informed. 确保每一个贵宾及长住客在抵店时得到接待,在可能的情况下通知到酒店的总经理、驻店经理、房务部总监及前厅部经理。 •Ensure that an efficient system of communication between the Front Office and other departments is maintained, with regard to guest arrival and departure information. 对于客人的到达和离店信息确保与其它各部门保持有效的沟通。 •Ensure all staff is well informed of events happening locally and in the hotel premises. 确保所有员工充分了解酒店发生的事件。 •Supervise and control the performance, attitudes, appearance and conduct of the Front Office Staff.  监督和管理前厅员工的表现、态度和仪容仪表。 •Maintain and enforce the highest levels of service and process for the guest arrival experience. (GSS and LQA standards). 对客人的到店体验维持并执行最高水平的服务(按照GSS和LQA的标准)。 •Seek constant improvement processes and procedures in order to improve staff performance and guest satisfaction. 为提高员工的表现和客人的满意度,要做好对程序的持续改进。 •Provide leadership and direction to all colleagues whilst maximizing revenue. 领导和指导所有同事达到我们的最大收益。 •Ensure the compliance of day-to-day operation of the from office with the standard of the Quality League. 确保办公室日常的运行符合酒店的标准和质量。 •Motivate and develop subordinates and carry out appraisals as required by The Langham Hospitality Group.  按照朗廷酒店集团的要求,要激励下属,并做好员工的评估。 •Cooperate with Sales Office to ensure that the representational rooms are shown to the potential clients as required.  与销售部密切合作,以确保展示房符合客户的要求。 •Work closely with the IT Manager to ensure that the computer software is used wisely. 与电脑房经理紧密合作,确保电脑办公软件可很好的使用。 •Attend and run weekly Rooms Meeting.  出席并参与每周的房务部会议。 •Organize monthly meetings for the Front Office. 组织前厅部月会。 •Prepare different reports for internal hotel use.  准备好酒店内部要用的不同的报表。 •Be thoroughly familiar with the emergency procedures. 要十分了解紧急程序。 •Perform any duties that Management deems necessary. 必要时需执行任何工作。
  • 西安 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-24
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    工作职责: 1、全面管理全日餐厅和送餐部的日常经营工作. 2、确保符合服务的规范和运营的程序。 3、遵守当地的卫生和安全法规,或其它适用的规定,以及品牌规范和当地的规章制度。 4、提升餐厅收入,并达到预期。 5、保证宾客满意度,建立和维护本地客户群体。 6、培养及发展人才。 任职要求: 1、酒店管理,餐饮或相关专业的大专学历。 2、2年以上同岗位工作经验。 3、良好的英文沟通能力。 4、具有解决问题,组织和培训能力。
  • 杭州 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 津贴补贴
    • 带薪年假
    • 集团免费房
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 部门团建
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-24
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    【岗位职责】 1、计划、管理、控制及指导餐厅员工,以确保客人的满意度。 2、通过计划、预算、采购、存货及现金管理控制人员及运营成本。 3、运用甄选、培训、评估、引导、激励、指导及规范等形式,确保达到文化及核心标准。 4、制定餐厅日常活动及计划。 【岗位要求】 1、酒店或餐饮管理相关大专或以上学历及相关工作经验。 2、1到2年相关餐饮部门副经理工作经验。 3、熟练的英语口语、书写及阅读能力。
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